Unable to install sbt 0.13.16 using SDK Manager - sbt

I'm trying to install sbt 0.13.16 using SDK Manager.
$ sdk install sbt 0.13.16
Stop! sbt 0.13.16 is not available. Possible causes:
* 0.13.16 is an invalid version
* sbt binaries are incompatible with Darwin
Below is the SDK details -
$ sdk version
SDKMAN 5.5.13+272
Any reason, why I'm not able to install sbt 0.13.16 using sdk manager.

You are not able to install this version because it is not available.
To find out all the SBT candidate versions available for installation run the command:
sdk list sbt


Missing `Microsoft.AspNetCore.App` of version `2.2.8` on `Ubuntu 20.04` after clean installation

Having issues with Ubuntu 20.04. I followed official instruction and installed both SDK & runtime. If can be confirmed from the terminal:
dotnet --list-sdks
3.1.403 [/usr/share/dotnet/sdk]
and runtime:
dotnet --list-runtimes
Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 3.1.9 [/usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.AspNetCore.App]
Microsoft.NETCore.App 3.1.9 [/usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App]
...yet the project I am trying to dotnet run requires the Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 2.2.8 as can be seen from the log:
It was not possible to find any compatible framework version
The framework 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.App', version '2.2.8' was not found.
- The following frameworks were found:
3.1.9 at [/usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.AspNetCore.App]
You can resolve the problem by installing the specified framework and/or SDK.
The specified framework can be found at:
- https://aka.ms/dotnet-core-applaunch?framework=Microsoft.AspNetCore.App&framework_version=2.2.8&arch=x64&rid=ubuntu.20.04-x64
What's the correct way to install missing SDKs and runtimes?
So it comes out that Ubuntu 20.04 is not supported for above-mentioned runtime and one have to install them manually.
In my particular case it was enough to download binaries and run them as usual.

Error: The deployment target requir Qt libs, but init qmake is failed. (CQtDeployer)

i am try to use CQtDeployer.
I am using ubuntu 18.04 and QT 5.9.5.
I want to run this on terminal:
cqtdeployer -bin MY_APP_NAME_IN_RELEASE_FOLDER -qmake /usr/lib/qt5/bin/qmake
/usr/lib/qt5/bin/qmake -> FROM QT CREATOR -> options -> qt versions -> autodetected qt 5.9.5 -> qmake locations
Info: Deploy ...
Info: flag targetDir not used. use default target dir :/root/Masaüstü/RELEASE/DistributionKit
Error: The deployment target requir Qt libs, but init qmake is failed.
Error: deploy is failed!
root#ubuntu-pc:~/DEPLOY_TEST_1# qmake --version
QMake version 3.1
Using Qt version 5.9.5 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
What's the problem?
And the solution:
Solution 1
As a workaround, uninstall the snap version of cqtdeployer and install cqtdeployer from the installer.
Solution 2
Install Qt from an official source in user space.
If you are unable to use the GUI, use the console utility to install Qt
Solution from : https://github.com/QuasarApp/CQtDeployer/issues/373#issuecomment-637762214

Cannot install or uninstall SBT

Using Windows 10. Trying to install SBT 1.2.1 but cannot because SBT already installed. Trying to uninstall SBT 1.0.2 but it fails.
How do I uninstall SBT 1.0.2 on Windows 10?
I am pretty sure it's going to be there in the control panel under Add/remove programs . If you can't find it with the name SBT it's probably going to be under Simple Build Tool .

How to connect SQLite3 with Electron (Win10)

I'm trying to connect my Electron project with SQLite3 but I'm encountering an error that say's
An unhandled error occurred inside electron-rebuild
Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the "/m" switch.
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V140\Platforms\x64\PlatformToolsets\v140\Toolset.targets(36,5): error MSB8036: The Windows SDK version 8.1 was not found. Install the required version of Windows SDK or change the SDK version in the project property pages or by right-clicking the solution and selecting "Retarget solution". [E:\Personal_Projects\myquiz\node_modules\sqlite3\build\deps\action_before_build.vcxproj]
I've followed these steps:
1. install electron-rebuild (npm install --save-dev electron-rebuild)
2. install sqlite3 using npm (npm install --save sqlite3)
I've already found the solution just download and install the SDK 8.1 version.

sbt-1.1.1 sbtVersion showing 1.1.0

I invoke:
brew install sbt
I get:
/usr/local/Cellar/sbt/1.1.1: 491 files, 48.3MB, built in 7 seconds
I invoke:
sbt sbtVersion
I get:
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/name/project
[info] Set current project to name (in build file:/Users/name/)
[info] 1.1.0
I'm expecting to see
[info] 1.1.1
Why don't the version values match?
Thank you.
Most likely, because you have a file project/build.properties with line
So one thing is the version of the launcher that you installed with Homebrew and another is the version of the sbt you launch in particular project. If you don't set it explicitly in project/build.properties, sbt will try to run its own version (launcher's, i.e. 1.1.1 in your case).
Another possible reason is that Homebrew could install the formula, but not link the binaries (assuming you upgraded from sbt 1.1.0). You can run several commands to verify which versions you have
$ brew info sbt
$ brew list --versions sbt
sbt 0.13.16 0.13.11 1.0.0 1.0.1 1.1.0 0.13.12 0.13.15 1.1.1 0.13.13 1.0.4 1.0.3 1.0.2
$ brew list sbt
/usr/local/Cellar/sbt/1.1.1/libexec/bin/ (5 files)
/usr/local/Cellar/sbt/1.1.1/libexec/lib/ (483 files)
You can see here that I have many old versions installed, but the one linked is 1.1.1. In case I need to switch to an older launcher, I can run brew switch sbt 1.0.4, for example.
