How to find Libpng library used in android project - android-security

When I upload my project to google play store I am getting Libpng library error and app getting rejected. I am not sure where it been used. I been used many library might be among those. How can I find it out exactly where this been used.
Is there any way to force fully by pass this like (Just an example)-
resolutionStrategy {
force ''

To get the list of dependency you can run this from Gradle -> Dependencies
Then you can find out which library causing issue and you can exclude it like this
compile ''
compile ("")
exclude group: 'junit', module: 'junit'


ERROR: Project with path ':#react-native-firebase_app' could not be found in project ':#react-native-firebase_auth'

After install react-native-firebase and add module auth, showed this erro in Android Studio:
ERROR: Project with path ':#react-native-firebase_app' could not be
found in project ':#react-native-firebase_auth'.
What does this mean?
I have also faced the same issue.
After I install npm i #react-native-firebase/app the problem is solved.
You can try the following:
-Checking if firebase app was referenced in an incorrect way in
-Remove the modules and re-installing them may fix the problem sometimes.
I think you have different versions of firebase/app and firebase/auth.
Just go in 'node module/#react-native-firebase' directory and check package json of both firebase/app and firebase/auth you will see different version.
This problem can also happen if you are using #react-native-firebase#6.2.0
if you check the build.gradle of firebase/auth in version 6.2.0
dependencies {
api project(':#react-native-firebase_app')
implementation platform("${ReactNative.ext.getVersion("firebase", "bom")}")
implementation ""
So here is a problem that it is not able to find #firebase/app
and #firebase/auth depends on #firebase/app
And in #6.3.4 which is working fine for me have build.gradle of #firebase/auth like below
so it is able to find #firebase/app
if (findProject(':#react-native-firebase_app')) {
api project(':#react-native-firebase_app')
} else if (findProject(':react-native-firebase_app')) {
api project(':react-native-firebase_app')
} else {
throw new GradleException('Could not find the react-native-firebase/app package, have you installed it?')
implementation platform("${ReactNative.ext.getVersion("firebase", "bom")}")
implementation ""
run npm uni #react-native-firebase/auth
then run this simple command #react-native-firebase/auth#10.4.1
I was using "#react-native-firebase/auth": "15.1.1", and having the same problem , then i downgrade it to "#react-native-firebase/auth": "^10.4.1", and it worked.
if you have any problem installing make sure to use --legacy-peer-deps at the end , like this:
npm i #react-native-firebase/auth#10.4.1 --legacy-peer-deps

Gradle implementation vs compile in jar task

I can successfully use Gradle to compile a fat JAR, but having trouble running the JAR after recently switching from the "compile" dependency specification to the "implementation/api" specification. I have isolated that the problem occurs in only one of the two following cases. The application runs in either case inside IntelliJ.
dependencies {implementation 'no.tornado:tornadofx:1.7.18'}
dependencies {compile'no.tornado:tornadofx:1.7.18'}
The JAR compiles in both cases. The problem appears when I attempt to start the first case JAR on the command line and it throws the following error.
C:\aaa_eric\code\testr\mic\build\libs>java -jar mic-1.0-snapshot.jar
Error: Could not find or load main class app.MyApp
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: tornadofx/App
Here is the JAR task in build.gradle. Is it possible that the tornadofx dependency is available at compile time, but not at run time? Thanks for any help.
jar {
manifest {
attributes 'Main-Class': 'app.MyApp'
from { configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) } }
Changing configurations.compile.collect to configurations.compileClasspath.collect fixed the problem for me.
I was having the same problem and stumbled across this in
An example showing how to refer to a given configuration by name in
order to get hold of all dependencies (e.g. jars, but only)
apply plugin: 'java' //so that I can use 'implementation', 'compileClasspath' configuration
dependencies {
implementation 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.26'
//copying all dependencies attached to 'compileClasspath' into a specific folder
task copyAllDependencies(type: Copy) {
//referring to the 'compileClasspath' configuration
from configurations.compileClasspath
into 'allLibs'
One thing to note is that configurations.compileClasspath.collect worked for me even when I was using the compile specification instead of implement.

Qt, Qbs: generate moc_Filename.cpp automatically

So I have a Q_OBJECT tagged class, which requires pregenerated .moc to be usable.
In my .qbs file, I have a CppApplication item; this seems to be the wrong type of project, as qbs does not call moc ClassName.cpp to generate moc's for me. What should be used instead/tweaked?
So I knew about Qt.core dependency, but it wasn't working on my crippled install of Qt; while I was trying to fix it, these facts came up:
It was required to detect Qt toolchain (qbs-setup-qt) and call qbs-config-ui
Qbs indeed stores the build rules in core.qbs, linked in via Qt/core dependency.
it's possible to copy/paste the build rules into my own .qbs file and avoid external dependencies; I'm considering this as a dirty hack for deploying the code on really crippled build systems (now I have a word for Qt support on Gentoo).
I think you might be missing the dependency of the application on the Qt-modules.
The rule for generation of the moc files is part of the Qt.core module.
You might add this dependency with:
CppApplication {
name: "MyApp"
files: "path_to_source/**"
Depends { name: "Qt.core" } // Optional
Depends { name: "Qt.widgets" }
As all other Qt modules have an implicit dependency on Qt.core the explicit dependency could on Qt.core could be skipped if there is a dependency on a different Qt-module (Qt.widgets in this example).
More details could be found at

meteorite local packages, having trouble setting the global namespace?

My current project is at
I am trying to get this code to work:
console.log("You pressed the button, " + MyName);
where MyName comes from a package called simple, that is JUST LOCAL. Per 6.5, am exporting via
Package.on_use(function (api, where) {
api.add_files(['constant.js'], 'client');
//below added per possible suggestion from Nathan, had no effect.
api.use('constant.js', 'client');
if (api.export)
Am trying to factor my code out to local packages. This is not about publishing packages, but about using local ones, which is referred to in many places. My package is simply trying to publish a string, MyName. But the project wants none of it. "MyName is not defined."
I copy the technique in 'Discover Meteor,' but it doesn't work for me, and I try other things. Have had a lot of success in Meteor in general.
This spec seems to be changing. I get the 6.5 export requirement, but easily find contradictory advise about the base project's need to add that project in smart.json (not the one in the package). Most references don't list that as a requirement at all.
I've tried
"packages": {
"simple" : {
"path": "packages/simple"
and putting it into git and trying from a different project:
"packages": {
"simple" : {
"git": ""
For the latter, pleasingly, the installer was smart enough to burrow down and extract the package itself, ignoring the project wrapping it in the git project. Nice! So, I have the same problem when I install the package directly from git, still not published to the world.
Ubuntu 13.04
Meteorite version 0.6.11
Meteor Release
I had the same issue after migrating to 0.6.5 -
You only get 'exported' variables from packages you explicitly "use"; Packages "use" other packages by calling .use inside Package.on_use, projects "use" packages by adding them to .meteor/packages
Additionally, it seems to be quite picky about exporting variables, and wont currently export ones preceded with this.

grunt-coverjs is not working

I am using grunt version "0.4.1" and grunt-coverjs version "0.1.0". I am writing the task as below:
cover: {
compile: {
files: {
'instrumented/testCoverage.js': ['src/file1.js'],
'instrumented/testDir/*.js': ['src/file2.js', 'src/file3.js']
When i run the above task i am getting error as: Object # has no method 'expandFiles'.
I am not sure what is causing the error.
Also, once the task is done, i think it is generated only the instrumented files, how can i generate the coverage report.
That error means the task isn't compatible with Grunt 0.4.x as grunt.file.expandFiles was deprecated. The author of that module can use grunt.file.expand({filter: 'isFile'}, file.src) instead. Although there is likely more updates that need to be done.
I'm sure the author would appreciate a pull request upgrading the module:
Here is the Grunt migration guide:
