I would like use KW "Set test documentation" with multiline with RobotFW
The return to the line (\n) does not work with this KW
Someone have solution?
Setting multiline documentation is tricky because robot has some odd rules about its documentation. From the user guide section titled Documentation Formatting:
Starting from Robot Framework 2.7.2, all regular text in the formatted HTML documentation is represented as paragraphs. In practice, lines separated by a single newline will be combined in a paragraph regardless whether the newline is added manually or automatically. Multiple paragraphs can be separated with an empty line (i.e. two newlines) and also tables, lists, and other specially formatted blocks discussed in subsequent sections end a paragraph.
In a nutshell, that means that each line needs to end with two newlines.
*** Variables ***
${var1} this is var1
${var2} this is var2
*** Test Cases ***
Example of setting multiline test documentation
set test documentation
... var1: ${var1}\n\nvar2: ${var2}
The above will appear in log.html like this:
If your goal is to document the values of variables, robot also supports a simple markup for creating tables. The following example shows how to create a table. In this example I use the ability to append to the documentation rather than replace it:
*** Variables ***
${var1} this is var1
${var2} this is var2
*** Test Cases ***
Example 2: documentation with embedded table
set test documentation
... | var1 | ${var1} | \n
set test documentation
... | var2 | ${var2} | \n append=True
The above will appear in log.html like this:
I am not sure if we can do that directly, i found a workaround after taking reference from Bryan's reply on this thread.
Testcase level variables in [Documentation] for robot framework
Here multi lines are first mentioned in [Documentation] section and then this section can be used by Set test documentation kw.
*** Variables***
${SystemUnderTest} Staging
*** Test cases***
Device Test
Set Test Variable ${device} iPhone
[Documentation] Device is:
... System is: ${SystemUnderTest}
Substitute vars in documentation
*** Keywords ***
Substitute vars in documentation
${doc}= replace variables ${test documentation} # This will substitute the variables in documentation with their values , ${test documentation} is an inbuilt keyword which actually parse the content of [Documentation]
set test documentation ${doc} append=True #now the set test docuemntation will take the multi line input from documentation section
refer below link for further details http://robotframework.org/robotframework/latest/libraries/BuiltIn.html#Set%20Test%20Documentation
I want to Define variable having dynamic name.
For example
${${FILE}{VAR}} Create List // ${FILE} = TEST, ${VAR} = VAR
Then I want to get variable named '${TESTVAR}'.
Here is my Summarized code...
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
Library ExcelLibrary
Library Collections
*** Variables ***
*** Keywords ***
Open Document And Assign Variable
[Arguments] ${FILE}
Open Excel Document filename=${FILE} doc_id=doc_var
${${FILE}${VAR}} Create List # It doesn't work ..
The previous answer is not really accurate.
This can be achieved exactly with robot's "Variables inside variables" feature like so:
FOR ${idx} IN RANGE 3
${var_name} = Catenate SEPARATOR=_ var ${idx}
Set Suite Variable ${${var_name}} ${idx}
you get:
Please note that variables resolution is happening only for keywords arguments (at least for robot version 3.1.2 that I am using), therefore either one of 'Set test variable', 'Set Suite Variable' or 'Set Global Variable' keywords must be used. The following won't work:
FOR ${idx} IN RANGE 3
${var_name} = Catenate SEPARATOR=_ var ${idx}
${${var_name}} = ${idx}
results in:
No keyword with name '${${var_name}} =' found.
For your list case you just need to create a list variable and reassign it to dynamically named variable using the above mentioned keywords
This is currently not possible with Robot Framework. You can use "variables inside variables" to resolve the values of variables (see the documentation on this topic) but not to resolve/set the name of the variable itself.
Though I am afraid that would be confusing anyway. Maybe you can explain your motivations and people can come up with another solution for your problem.
Library REST ${base_url}
*** Keywords ***
Get Requests
GET ${rest_of_the_url}
Output response body
*** Test Cases ***
Do some searching
Get Requests
*** Variables ***
${base_url} https://business.com
${rest_of_the_url} /api/${department}/${person_name}
How can I assign values to ${department} and ${person_name}? I don't want to set those inside Variables because then I cannot write multiple scenarios inside one .robot file. Is it possible to do the assignment as arguments?
i do not think there is a way to pass arguments within the variables,
The below section is straight from the documentation of Robotframework,
where you can create Variables inside variables
Variables inside variables
Variables are allowed also inside variables, and when this syntax is used, variables are resolved from the inside out. For example, if you have a variable ${var${x}}, then ${x} is resolved first. If it has the value name, the final value is then the value of the variable ${varname}. There can be several nested variables, but resolving the outermost fails, if any of them does not exist.
In the example below, Do X gets the value ${JOHN HOME} or ${JANE HOME}, depending on if Get Name returns john or jane. If it returns something else, resolving ${${name} HOME} fails.
*** Variables ***
${JOHN HOME} /home/john
${JANE HOME} /home/jane
*** Test Cases ***
${name} = Get Name
Do X ${${name} HOME}
${person_name}= Set Variable Matt
${department}= Set Variable R&D
# then your code continues
${rest_of_the_url} /api/${department}/${person_name}
Set Variable documentation.
Try to see this using the Set Test / Suite / Global Variable keywords here:
Use "Set Suite Variable" keyword then enter the variables $ {person_name} e
$ {department} inside * Variables * then you should read the value inside the test.
I have 3 test cases which will test the same functionality. It will use same keywords as shown below.
Instead of writing three different test cases "test-1151,test-2125,test-2126", I want to write one test case separated with colons as shown below. But robot should treat this as three seperate test case and it should show pass/fail test case count accordingly.
*** Settings ***
Library lib.test
*** Variables ***
*** Keywords ***
*** Test Cases ***
[Documentation] test_sample
[Tags] sanity
Install Adobe software
Launch the app
If I run the above robot file, robot is taking "test-1151:test-2125:test-2126" as one test case. How to tell robot to treat this as three different test cases (separated with colon)?
Why don't you turn the detail of the test case into a keyword? Then write three test cases that call the keyword?
This might be an alternative option for you:
Basically have one test template which would be the same, maybe have some arguments for parameters that will change based on test cases. You can then have many test cases doing exactly the same or slightly different things in a short and concise notation.
It's unclear what your real goals are. It seems that you want to see three items in the report, "test-1151", "test-2125", and "test-2126", but that you actually only want to run that test once.
I'm guessing that those names correspond to either a test plan or an item in a ticketing system of some sort.
My recommendation is to use tags to tag your test. You can give the test any name you want, and then give it tags for the names you want to see in the report. Once the test runs, the report can give you statistics based on tag.
For example:
[Documentation] test_sample
[Tags] sanity test-1151 test-2125 test-2126
Install Adobe software
Launch the app
To answer your specific question of whether you can have this one test reported three times, the answer is "no". It will show up in the logs and report as a single test. However, the report also includes test status by tag, so you will see one item in the report for each tag.
I'm trying to create a setup phase for a test case in which I assign variables. I know in order to do multiple keywords I need to use Run Keywords, but is it possible to set variables when doing this? For example:
*** Test Cases ***
[Setup] Run Keywords
... ${var1}= Keyword1
... AND ${var2}= Keyword2
obviously the above doesn't work because ${var1} and ${var2} are just treated as arguments to Run Keywords. Since they haven't been defined yet, setup fails.
No, you cannot. Even though you added "using Run Keywords", this question has the same answer as Is possible to create new variable in suite/test set up - Robot Framework?
You can use the Set Suite Variable keywork to do that.
set suite variable ${var1} Hello World
You might need to escape the variable...
set suite variable \${var1} Hello World
From the builtin library documentation:
If a variable already exists within the new scope, its value will be overwritten. Otherwise a new variable is created. If a variable already exists within the current scope, the value can be left empty and the variable within the new scope gets the value within the current scope.
The question here why are you trying to do this?
The way I do it, if I want to call keywords and set their outputs in variables
to reuse them in my test suite, I do the following:
*** Settings ***
Library BuiltIn
Suite Setup Initialize Variables
*** Keywords ***
Initialize Variables
${Argument1} = Set Variable some_value
${output1} = Keyword1 ${Argument1}
${output2} = Keyword2
${output3} = Keyword3 ${Argument1} other_value
*** Test Cases ***
Test Case 1
# Here you can use the variables that you initialized in the Suite Setup.
Log ${output1}
Log ${output2}
Log ${output3}
Test Case 2
# Also here you can use the same variables.
No Operation
Note: If you want to setup the variables for each test case, you can do it either in the settings section like this:
*** Settings ***
Test Setup Initialize Variables
Or you can use the setting in the test case itself (same as what you did in your question)
Test Case 1
[Setup] Initialize Variables
Note that "Initialize Variables" can take arguments as well if you need.
In a robot framework test case I set a variable and then do a process.
Because the setting of the variable is not a very interesting bit of information, I don't want to include that in my report.
| Verifying STUFF |
| | ${endpoint}= | set variable | STUFF
| | Verify
My report contains this:
KEYWORD: ${endpoint} = BuiltIn.Set Variable STUFF
But I would rather not have it there. How can I tell Robot Framework to just not log that line?
It looks like this should do it:
pybot --removekeywords NAME:SetVariable testcase.txt
But the Set Variable keywords are still there.
(And yes, I upgraded my robot framework to 2.8.3 to take advantage of this function.)
The best you can do is to use
Set Log Level NONE
but it will still log all the keyword calls, just not anything inside those.
Or if you call a python function which calls another function, then the call to the second function is not logged.
Like this:
*** Settings ***
Library lib.py
*** Test Cases ***
Set Log Level NONE
${a} foo
*** Keywords ***
No Operation
Log 123
and lib.py being like this:
def foo():
abc = bar()
return abc
def bar():
c = 1
print c
return c
The problem is that when you assign a variable like ${var} = Keyword, the name of the keyword in Robot Framework outputs is ${var} = Keyword, not Keyword as you would expect. If your keyword is from a library or a resource file, its name will also be included like ${var} = MyLibrary.Keyword. The latter is a feature but the former is a bug that is hopefully fixed in RF 2.9.
An easy workaround for the keyword name, for now, including the variable name is using wildcards. Something like this ought to work for you:
--RemoveKeywords 'name:* = BuiltIn.Set Variable'
You can use --removekeywords or --flattenkeywords option on pybot to remove the content of keyword So if you have e.g. keyword "foo" that contains lot's of logging keywords, you can set "--flattenkeywords name:foo" option to pybot, and In the log you'll only see the primary keyword, but no keywords inside it.
If you use a python library, the following monkey-patching works for me:
from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
from robot.output.logger import LOGGER
import types
def _nothing(*args, **kwargs):
def disable_keyword_logging(self):
self._logging_methods = (LOGGER.start_keyword, LOGGER.end_keyword)
LOGGER.start_keyword = types.MethodType(_nothing,LOGGER)
LOGGER.end_keyword = types.MethodType(_nothing,LOGGER)
def enable_keyword_logging(self):
LOGGER.start_keyword, LOGGER.end_keyword = self._logging_methods
Then when this script is run:
Disable keyword logging
Log Hello world
Enable keyword logging
the "Log" keyword is not logged to the output but the output is.
If you really want nothing (also no debug/info/warn information logged by the called keywords), you will still have to set the log level to "NONE".
Robot Framework doesn't log "global" variables as part of a variable table. Global is in quotation marks because Set Global Variable actually is logged, but if you initialize your variable like so...
*** Variables ***
${endpoint} stuff
*** Keywords ***
...then it will not be in the Log. Additionally, if you don't want anyone to see the variable at all if they're just looking at the front end of your testing suite, you can bury it in a Resource file and the call the Resource file.
Robot Framework logs your Set Variable keywords and results because Set Variable implies that you're setting a variable dynamically and might be setting it based on the result of a keyword, in which case you'd probably want to know what the result of the keyword is. If you're just creating a static variable, then no extra work beyond the table is required. Is a dynamic variable a required part of your code?