Hold current value until non-null value occurs [duplicate] - r

This question already has answers here:
Replacing NAs with latest non-NA value
(21 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Hi I come from a background in SAS and I am relatively new to R. I am attempting to convert an existing SAS program into equivalent R code
I am unsure how to achieve the equivalent of SAS's "retain" and "by" Behavior in R
I have a dataframe with two columns first column is a date column and the second column is a numeric value.
The numeric column represents a result from lab test. The test is conducted semi-regularly so on some days there will be Null values in the data. The data is ordered by date and the dates are sequential.
i.e example data looks like this
Date Result
2017/01/01 15
2017/01/02 NA
2017/01/03 NA
2017/01/04 12
2017/01/05 NA
2017/01/06 13
2017/01/07 11
2017/01/08 NA
I would like to create a third column which would contain the most recent result.
If Result column is Null it should be set to most recent previously non Null Result otherwise it should contain the Result value
My desired output would look like this:
Date Result My_var
2017/01/01 15 15
2017/01/02 NA 15
2017/01/03 NA 15
2017/01/04 12 12
2017/01/05 NA 12
2017/01/06 13 13
2017/01/07 11 11
2017/01/08 NA 11
In SAS I can achieve this with something like following code snippet:
data my_data;
retain My_var;
set input_data;
by date;
if Result not = . then
my_var = result;
I am stumped as to how to do this in R I do not think R supports By group processing as in SAS - or at least I don't know how to set that as option.
I have naively tried:
my_data <- mutate(input_data, my_var = if(is.na(Result)) {lag(Result)} else {Result})
But I do not think that syntax is correct.

We can use na.locf function from the zoo package to fill in the missing values.
dt$My_var <- na.locf(dt$Result)
# Date Result My_var
# 1 2017/01/01 15 15
# 2 2017/01/02 NA 15
# 3 2017/01/03 NA 15
# 4 2017/01/04 12 12
# 5 2017/01/05 NA 12
# 6 2017/01/06 13 13
# 7 2017/01/07 11 11
# 8 2017/01/08 NA 11
Or the fill function from the tidyr package.
dt <- dt %>%
mutate(My_var = Result) %>%
# Date Result My_var
# 1 2017/01/01 15 15
# 2 2017/01/02 NA 15
# 3 2017/01/03 NA 15
# 4 2017/01/04 12 12
# 5 2017/01/05 NA 12
# 6 2017/01/06 13 13
# 7 2017/01/07 11 11
# 8 2017/01/08 NA 11
dt <- read.table(text = "Date Result
2017/01/01 15
2017/01/02 NA
2017/01/03 NA
2017/01/04 12
2017/01/05 NA
2017/01/06 13
2017/01/07 11
2017/01/08 NA",
header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


To apply mutate with an other line

I have a table and I would like to add a column that calculates the percentage compared to the previous line.
You have to do as calculation takes the line 1 divided by line 2 and on the line 2, you indicate the result
month <- c(10,11,12,13,14,15)
sell <-c(258356,278958,287928,312254,316287,318999)
df <- data.frame(month, sell)
df %>% mutate(augmentation = sell[month]/sell[month+1])
month sell resultat
1 10 258356 NA
2 11 278958 0.9261466
3 12 287928 0.9688464
4 13 312254 0.9220955
5 14 316287 0.9872489
6 15 318999 0.9914984
You can just use lag like this:
df %>%
mutate(resultat = lag(sell)/sell)
month sell resultat
1 10 258356 NA
2 11 278958 0.9261466
3 12 287928 0.9688464
4 13 312254 0.9220955
5 14 316287 0.9872489
6 15 318999 0.9914984
Another option is using shift:
setDT(df)[, resultat:= shift(sell)/sell][]
month sell resultat
1: 10 258356 NA
2: 11 278958 0.9261466
3: 12 287928 0.9688464
4: 13 312254 0.9220955
5: 14 316287 0.9872489
6: 15 318999 0.9914984

Paste date in new column if condition is true in another R [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Replace value using index [R]
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
I want to extract the date from a variable if the condition in another variable is true.
Example: if comorbidity1==10, extract the date from smr_01, otherwise NA
I also need to do this for if if comorbidity1==11 OR comorbidity1==12, extract the date from smr_01, otherwise NA
This is what I want my data to look like
comorbidity1 smr_01 NewDate
1 20120607 NA
10 20120607 20120607
10 20120613 20120613
3 20121103 NA
6 20150607 NA
12 20140509 NA
11 20120405 NA
I have tried this
fulldata$NewDate<-ifelse(fulldata$comorbidity1==10, fulldata$smr_01, NA)
but it is not pasting the date in the correct format.
what I am getting looks like this
comorbidity1 smr_01 NewDate
1 20120607 NA
10 20120607 4675
10 20120613 17856
3 20121103 NA
6 20150607 NA
12 20140509 NA
11 20120405 NA
smr_01 is classed as a date
Thank you
Try :
df$NewDate <- as.Date(NA)
inds <- df$comorbidity1 == 10
#For more than 1 value use %in%
#inds <- df$comorbidity1 %in% 10:12
df$NewDate[inds] <- df$smr_01[inds]

dcast - concatenate column values with column names [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
how to spread or cast multiple values in r [duplicate]
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I would like to concatenate column values with column names to create new columns. I am experimenting with library(reshape2), dcast however I can't get the required output.
Is there a method that doesn't involve performing dcast multiple times then merging the resulting sets back together?
Current data frame:
Required data frame:
event1_value1 =c(1,4,7)
event2_value1 =c(2,5,8)
event3_value1 =c(3,6,9)
event1_value2 =c(11,14,17)
event2_value2 =c(12,15,18)
event3_value2 =c(13,16,19)
The method below works but I feel there must be a quicker way!
value1 <- dcast(current,observation~event,value.var ="value1")
value2 <- dcast(current,observation~event,value.var ="value2")
merge(value1,value2,by="observation",suffixes = c("_value1","_value2"))
This is an extension of reshape from long to wide
You can use the devel version of data.table i.e. v1.9.5 which can take multiple value.var columns. Instructions to install the devel version are here
dcast(setDT(current), observation~event, value.var=c('value1', 'value2'))
# observation event1_value1 event2_value1 event3_value1 event1_value2
#1: 1 1 2 3 11
#2: 2 4 5 6 14
#3: 3 7 8 9 17
# event2_value2 event3_value2
#1: 12 13
#2: 15 16
#3: 18 19
Or reshape from base R
reshape(current, idvar='observation', timevar='event', direction='wide')
# observation value1.event1 value2.event1 value1.event2 value2.event2
#1 1 1 11 2 12
#4 2 4 14 5 15
#7 3 7 17 8 18
# value1.event3 value2.event3
#1 3 13
#4 6 16
#7 9 19
I'm not sure of the efficiency but you could try this -
> dcast(melt(current,id.vars = c('observation','event')),observation~event+variable)
observation event1_value1 event1_value2 event2_value1 event2_value2 event3_value1 event3_value2
1 1 1 11 2 12 3 13
2 2 4 14 5 15 6 16
3 3 7 17 8 18 9 19

R: Insert and fill missing periods in panel data

I'm trying to learn R coming from Stata, but have run into the following two problems which I cannot seem to find elegant solutions for in R:
1) I have a panel dataset with gaps in my time variable. I would like to expand my time variable to include the gaps despite having no observed data for these rows.
In Stata I would usually go about this by setting my ID and time variables with xtset and then expanding the dataset based on this with tsfill. Is there an equivalently elegant way in R?
2) I would like to fill some of the new, blank cells with data for constant variables.
In Stata I would do this by copying data from previous (relative to my time variable) observations using the l.-prefix; for example using replace Con = l.Con.
In other words I'm asking how to go from something like this:
ID Time Num Con
1 Jan 10 A
1 Feb 15 A
1 May 20 A
2 Feb 12 B
2 Mar 14 B
2 Jun 15 B
To something like this:
ID Time Num Con
1 Jan 10 A
1 Feb 15 A
1 Mar A
1 Apr A
1 May 20 A
2 Feb 12 B
2 Mar 14 B
2 Apr B
2 May B
2 Jun 15 B
Hopefully that makes sense. Thanks in advance.
You can try merge from base R or the data.table join
DT2 <- setDT(df1)[, {tmp <- match(Time, month.abb)
list(Time=month.abb[min(tmp):max(tmp)])}, .(ID,Con)]
setkey(df1[, c(1,4,2,3), with=FALSE], ID, Con, Time)[DT2]
# ID Con Time Num
# 1: 1 A Jan 10
# 2: 1 A Feb 15
# 3: 1 A Mar NA
# 4: 1 A Apr NA
# 5: 1 A May 20
# 6: 2 B Feb 12
# 7: 2 B Mar 14
# 8: 2 B Apr NA
# 9: 2 B May NA
#10: 2 B Jun 15
NOTE: It may be better to keep missing value as NA

cross sectional sub-sets in data.table

I have a data.table which contains multiple columns, which is well represented by the following:
DT <- data.table(date = as.IDate(rep(c("2012-10-17", "2012-10-18", "2012-10-19"), each=10)),
session = c(1,2,3), price = c(10, 11, 12,13,14),
volume = runif(30, min=10, max=1000))
I would like to extract a multiple column table which shows the volume traded at each price in a particular type of session -- with each column representing a date.
At present, i extract this data one date at a time using the following:
DT[session==1,][date=="2012-10-17", sum(volume), by=price]
and then bind the columns.
Is there a way of obtaining the end product (a table with each column referring to a particular date) without sticking all the single queries together -- as i'm currently doing?
Does the following do what you want.
A combination of reshape2 and data.table
.DT <- DT[,sum(volume),by = list(price,date,session)][, DATE := as.character(date)]
# reshape2 for casting to wide -- it doesn't seem to like IDate columns, hence
# the character DATE co
dcast(.DT, session + price ~ DATE, value.var = 'V1')
session price 2012-10-17 2012-10-18 2012-10-19
1 1 10 308.9528 592.7259 NA
2 1 11 649.7541 NA 816.3317
3 1 12 NA 502.2700 766.3128
4 1 13 424.8113 163.7651 NA
5 1 14 682.5043 NA 147.1439
6 2 10 NA 755.2650 998.7646
7 2 11 251.3691 695.0153 NA
8 2 12 791.6882 NA 275.4777
9 2 13 NA 111.7700 240.3329
10 2 14 230.6461 817.9438 NA
11 3 10 902.9220 NA 870.3641
12 3 11 NA 719.8441 963.1768
13 3 12 361.8612 563.9518 NA
14 3 13 393.6963 NA 718.7878
15 3 14 NA 871.4986 582.6158
If you just wanted session 1
dcast(.DT[session == 1L], session + price ~ DATE)
session price 2012-10-17 2012-10-18 2012-10-19
1 1 10 308.9528 592.7259 NA
2 1 11 649.7541 NA 816.3317
3 1 12 NA 502.2700 766.3128
4 1 13 424.8113 163.7651 NA
5 1 14 682.5043 NA 147.1439
