Asynchronous input in MASM assembly language - asynchronous

I have a project of making a stop watch in assembly language using masm. The stop watch starts on program startup and continues on. I want to implement feature like stop,pause and play. I can't ask user to input any value when the stopwatch is running as it is a loop and on each iteration the text on console updates every passing millisecond. I was thinking that it would be nice that before each iteration of the loop, I could check keyboard buffer or something like that which indicates that a certain key was pressed and use that value to detect and stop,puase or play the stop watch. I know its not true asynchronous solution but I can't find anything descriptive regarding my issue over the Internet.
My Code for stop watch: I want to do what I asked before doing call clrscr
milisec dword 0
sec dword 0
min dword 0
milidiv dword 100
secdiv dword 60
colon byte " : " , 0
main proc
PR :
call clrscr
mov eax, min
call WriteDec
mov edx, offset colon
call WriteString
mov eax , sec
call WriteDec
mov edx, offset colon
call WriteString
mov eax , milisec
call WriteDec
;mili= mili+1
mov eax, milisec
add eax,1
mov milisec , eax
mov edx , 0 ;storing value 0 to remove the garbadge value
div milidiv ;divide eax by 100 and getting the quotionet from edx
mov ebx , sec ;move the value of second in ebx
add eax, ebx ;now adding the previous value of second and the next quotiont value
mov edx , 0 ;storing value 0 to remove the garbadge value
div secdiv ;dividing the ebx by 60
mov sec, edx ;moving the quotiont from edx to second
mov eax, milisec ;moving milisec to eax
mov edx , 0
div milidiv ;dividde by mili
mov milisec, edx
mov eax,sec
mov edx , 0
div secdiv
add eax, min
mov min, eax
mov eax , 100
call Delay
jmp PR
main endp
end main


Recursion in Assembly x86: Fibonacci

I am trying to code a recursive fibonacci sequence in assembly, but it is not working for some reason.
It does not give an error, but the output number is always wrong.
section .bss
; store max iterations
max_iterations resb 4
section .text
global _start
; initialise the function variables
mov dword [max_iterations], 11
mov edx, 0
push 0
push 1
jmp fib
; clear registers
mov eax, 0
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, 0
; handle fibonacci math
pop ebx
pop eax
add ecx, eax
add ecx, ebx
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
; incriment counter / exit contitions
inc edx
cmp edx, [max_iterations]
je print
; recursive step
call fib
mov eax, 1
pop ebx
int 0x80
For instance, the above code prints a value of 79 rather than 144 (11th fibonacci number).
Alternatively, if I make
mov dword [max_iterations], 4
Then the above code prints 178 rather than 5 (5th fibonacci number).
Any one have an idea?
As an approach, you should try to debug it with the smallest possible input, like 1 iteration.  That will be most revealing as you can watch it do the wrong thing in great detail without worrying about multiple recursing's.  When that works, go to 2 iterations.
When you use complex addressing modes, it is harder to debug as we cannot see what the processor is doing.  So, when an instruction using a complex addressing mode doesn't work, and you want to debug it, then split that instruction into 2 instructions as follows:
mov dword [fibonacci_seq + edx + 4], ecx
lea esi, [fibonacci_seq + edx + 4]
mov [esi], ecx
With the alternate code sequence, you can observe the value of the addressing mode computation, which will provide you with additional debugging insight.
As another example:
cmp edx, [max_iterations]
mov edi, [max_iterations]
cmp edx, edi
Using the 2 instruction version, you will be able to see what value the processor is comparing edx with.
Or better, do that that mov load once before the loop, so you're keeping the loop bound in a register all the time. That's what you should normally do when you have enough registers, only using memory when you run out.
You are jmping to fib from one place in the code and calling it from another.  Though your logic should work because when you've reached the limit, you don't return to the main, this is really bad form: to mix main code with function.  More on that below...
mov dword [fibonacci_seq + edx + 4], ecx
Is this working for you? You're only incrementing edx by 1.  Perhaps you wanted:
mov dword [fibonacci_seq + edx * 4], ecx
I would argue that your code is not really recursive.
call fib ; jumps to fib, pushes a return address
ret ; never, ever reached, so, pointless
jmp fib ; iterate w/o pushing unwanted return address onto the stack
The 1-instruction jmp will be superior to the call as a mechanism to iterate, in part b/c it doesn't push an unnecessary return address onto the stack.
When you debug with 2 iterations, you'll probably see that the unused return address pushed by the call messes up your "parameter" passing, pops.
To expand on the "recursion", when the iteration stops and control transfers to print, there will be some 11 (depending on iteration count) unused return addresses on the stack (modulo the interference by the pop's and pushes).
The recursive call is only used for iteration, the recursion never unwinds.  Thus, I would argue it's not recursive (not even tail recursive) — it just erroneously pushes some unused return addresses onto the stack — that's not recursion.
This line is your main problem:
mov dword [fibonacci_seq + edx + 4], ecx
Because of the +4, you never write to the first entry of the "array". And because you only increment EDX by 1, each write to the array overwrites 3 bytes of the previous entry. Try this instead:
mov dword [fibonacci_seq + edx * 4], ecx
A bit of redesign, as I did not realise that the call instruction used the stack in this way, and the solution is here
section .bss
; store max iterations and current iteration
max_iterations resb 4
iteration resb 4
; store arguments
n_0 resb 4
n_1 resb 4
section .text
global _start
; initialise the function variables
mov dword [max_iterations], 11
mov dword [iteration], 0
mov dword [n_0], 0
mov dword [n_1], 1
jmp fib
mov ecx, 0
mov edx, 0
mov eax, [n_0]
mov ebx, [n_1]
add ecx, eax
add ecx, ebx
mov edx, [n_1]
mov dword [n_0], edx
mov dword [n_1], ecx
mov edx, [iteration]
inc edx
mov dword [iteration], edx
cmp edx, [max_iterations]
je print
call fib
mov eax, 1
mov ebx, [n_1]
int 0x80

How to print LOCAL byte with WinApi's WriteConsole

It's hard for me to clarify my question, but I'll try. I'm trying to learn MASM32 and I have a task to print some text in console without using .data or .const. The problem is that LOCAL puts variable on stack, but not in static memory. So i cant get their address (offset), and WriteConsole uses a pointer to text's address in memory. Any thoughts on how to deal with this problem? Thanks!
I have this:
string db 10 'somestring'
WriteToConsole PROC
invoke GetStdHandle, -11
mov handle, eax
mov edx, offset string
invoke WriteConsoleA, handle, edx, 10, 0, 0
xor eax, eax
WriteToConsole ENDP
And I want something like that:
WriteToConsole PROC
LOCAL string[10] :SBYTE
invoke GetStdHandle, -11
mov handle, eax
mov edx, offset string ;impossible because of stack
invoke WriteConsoleA, handle, edx, 10, 0, 0 ;can't call without a pointer
xor eax, eax
WriteToConsole ENDP```
Well, I found an answer:
LOCAL string[10] :DWORD
lea edx, string
invoke WriteConsoleA, handle, edx, stringlength, 0, 0
Loading effective address instead of an offset helps!

Nasm - access struct elements by value and by address

I started to code in NASM assembly lately and my problem is that I don't know how I access struct elements the right way. I already searched for solutions on this site and on google but everywhere I look people say different things. My program is crashing and I have the feeling the problem lies in accessing the structs.
When looking at the example code:
.normalValue RESD 1
.address RESD 1
istruc Test
at Test.normalValue dd ffff0000h
at Test.address dd 01234567h
mov eax, TestStruct ; moves pointer to first element to eax
mov eax, [TestStruct] ; moves content of the dereferenced pointer to eax (same as mov eax, ffff0000h)
mov eax, TestStruct
add eax, 4
mov ebx, eax ; moves pointer to the second element (4 because RESD 1)
mov eax, [TestStruct+4] ; moves content of the dereferenced pointer to eax (same as mov eax, 01234567h)
mov ebx, [eax] ; moves content at the address 01234567h to ebx
Is that right?
Help is appreciated
I dont know if you figured out but here is our code with some little modification that works. All instructions are correct except the last one mov ebx, [eax] which is expected caus you are trying to access content at address 0x1234567 resulting in SIGSEGV
section .bss
struc Test
normalValue RESD 1
address RESD 1
section .data
istruc Test
at normalValue, dd 0xffff0000
at address, dd 0x01234567
section .text
global _start
mov eax, TestStruct ; moves pointer to first element to eax
mov eax, [TestStruct] ; moves content of the dereferenced pointer to eax same as mov eax, ffff0000h
mov eax, TestStruct
add eax, 4
mov ebx, eax ; moves pointer to the second element 4 because RESD 1
mov eax, [TestStruct+4] ; moves content of the dereferenced pointer to eax same as mov eax, 01234567h
mov ebx, [eax] ; moves content at the address 01234567h to ebx
Compile, link and run step by step with nasm -f elf64 main.nasm -o main.o; ld main.o -o main; gdb main

Issue with strchr() function implementation

I've recently started looking into assembly code and I'm trying to recode some basic system functions to get a grip on it, I'm currently stuck on a segmentation fault at 0x0 on my strchr.
section .text
global strchr
xor rax, rax
cmp BYTE [rdi + rax], 0
jz end
cmp sil, 0
jz end
cmp BYTE [rdi + rax], sil
jz good
inc rax
jmp loop
mov rax, [rdi + rcx]
mov rax, 0
I can't figure out how to debug it using GDB, also the documentation I've came across is pretty limited or hard to understand.
I'm using the following main in C to test
extern char *strchr(const char *s, int c);
int main () {
const char str[] = "random.string";
const char ch = '.';
char *ret;
ret = strchr(str, ch);
printf("%s\n", ret);
printf("String after |%c| is - |%s|\n", ch, ret);
The Problem
The instruction immediately following the good label:
mov rax, [rdi + rcx]
should actually be:
lea rax, [rdi + rax]
You weren't using rcx at all, but rax and, what you need is the address of that position, not the value at that position (i.e. lea instead of mov).
Some Advice
Note that the typical idiom for comparing sil against zero is actually test sil, sil instead of cmp sil, 0. It would be then:
test sil, sil
jz end
However, if we look at the strchr(3) man page, we can find the following:
char *strchr(const char *s, int c);
The terminating
null byte is considered part of the string, so that if c is specified as '\0', these functions return a pointer to the terminator.
So, if we want this strchr() implementation to behave as described in the man page, the following code must be removed:
cmp sil, 0
jz end
The typical zeroing idiom for the rax register is neither mov rax, 0 nor xor rax, rax, but rather xor eax, eax, since it doesn't have the encode the immediate zero and saves one byte respect to the latter.
With the correction and the advice above, the code would look like the following:
section .text
global strchr
xor eax, eax
; Is end of string?
cmp BYTE [rdi + rax], 0
jz end
; Is matched?
cmp BYTE [rdi + rax], sil
jz good
inc rax
jmp loop
lea rax, [rdi + rax]
xor eax, eax

print a negative number in NASM

I have a problem with my function in assembly language (NASM).
I want to know why, when I enter a negative number, my function prints an unsigned int.
I'm currently working on mac OSX.
I wonder if someone could explain the error to me.
My prototype :
;void ft_putnbr(int n);
When I enter a negative value in my function :
-1 my function print 4294954951.
section .text
global _ft_putnbr
_ft_putnbr :
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
xor rbx, rbx
mov rbx, rdi
cmp rbx, 0x0
jge _printnb
neg rbx
mov rax, SYS_WRITE
mov rdi, 1
mov [rsi], byte 45
mov rdx, 1
_printnb :
cmp rbx, 0x9
jg _recursion
mov [rsi], byte 48
add [rsi], rbx
mov rdi, 1
mov rax, SYS_WRITE
mov rdx, 1
jmp _return
_recursion :
xor rdx, rdx
xor rax, rax
mov rcx, 10
mov rax, rbx
div rcx
push rdx
mov rdi, rax
call _ft_putnbr
pop rdi
call _ft_putnbr
jmp _return
_return :
int is 32 bits, but you use 64 bit arithmetic. A simple but ugly fix is to sign extend it to 64 bits so you don't have to change the rest of the code: instead of mov rbx, rdi do movsx rbx, edi. Alternatively, change the function prototype to use a 64 bit type, probably long.
Also note that you use rsi without initialization, and that's very bad.
PS: learn to use a debugger.
