Given a column of dates, this will count the number of records in each month
samp <- tbl_df(seq.Date(as.Date("2017-01-01"), as.Date("2017-12-01"), by="day"))
freq <- samp %>%
filter(! %>%
transmute(month = floor_date(value, "month")) %>%
group_by(month) %>% summarise(adds = n())
# A tibble: 12 x 2
month adds
<date> <int>
1 2017-01-01 31
2 2017-02-01 28
3 2017-03-01 31
4 2017-04-01 30
5 2017-05-01 31
6 2017-06-01 30
7 2017-07-01 31
8 2017-08-01 31
9 2017-09-01 30
10 2017-10-01 31
11 2017-11-01 30
12 2017-12-01 1
I would like to convert this to a function, so that I can perform the operation on a number of variables. Have read the vignette on dplyr programming, but continue to have issues.
My attempt;
count_x_month <- function(df, var, name){
var <- enquo(var)
name <- enquo(name)
df %>%
filter(!!!var)) %>%
transmute(month := floor_date(!!var, "month")) %>%
group_by(month) %>% summarise(!!name := n())
freq2 <- samp %>% count_x_month(value, out)
Error message;
Error: invalid argument type
Making this version of the function work will be a big help. More broadly, other ways to achieve the objective would be welcome.
One way to state the problem; given a dataframe of customers and first purchase dates, count the number of customers purchasing for the first time in each month.
update: The selected answer works in dplyr 0.7.4, but the rstudio environment I have access to has dplyr 0.5.0. What modifications are required to 'backport' this function?
You forgot to quo_name it
count_x_month <- function(df, var, name){
var <- enquo(var)
name <- enquo(name)
name <- quo_name(name)
df %>%
filter(!!!var)) %>%
transmute(month := floor_date(!!var, "month")) %>%
group_by(month) %>%
summarise(!!name := n())
freq2 <- samp %>% count_x_month(value, out)
# A tibble: 12 x 2
month out
<date> <int>
1 2017-01-01 31
2 2017-02-01 28
3 2017-03-01 31
4 2017-04-01 30
5 2017-05-01 31
6 2017-06-01 30
7 2017-07-01 31
8 2017-08-01 31
9 2017-09-01 30
10 2017-10-01 31
11 2017-11-01 30
12 2017-12-01 1
See "Different input and output variable" section of "Programming with dplyr":
We create the new names by pasting together strings, so we need
quo_name() to convert the input expression to a string.
The error is caused by summarise(df, !!name := n()) and is solved by replacing the second line of the function with
name <- substitute(name)
The reason, as far as I understand it is, that a quosure is not only its name, but it carries with it the environment from where it came. This makes sense when specifying column names in functions. The function must know from which data frame (=environment in this case) the column comes to replace the name with the values.
However, name shall take a new name, specified by the user. There is nothing to replace it with. I suspect if using name <- enquo(name), R wants to replace !!name by values instead of just putting in the new name. Therefore it complains that on the LHS there is no name (because R replaced it by values(?))
Not sure though if substitute is the ideomatic "programming with dplyr" way though. Comments are welcome.
Create a dataframe showing customer IDs and first purchase dates:
dates <- seq.Date(as.Date("2017-01-01"), as.Date("2017-12-01"), by="day")
dates_rep <- c(dates,dates,dates)
cust_ids <- paste('id_', floor(runif(length(dates_rep), min=0, max=100000)))
cust_frame <- data.frame(ID=cust_ids, FP_DATE=dates_rep)
Use the plyr package to aggregate by FP_DATE:
count(cust_frame, c('FP_DATE'))
Therefore, given a dataframe of customers and first purchase dates, we get a count of the number of customers purchasing for the first time in each month.
You can extend this to aggregate across any number of features in your dataset:
count(cust_frame, c('FP_DATE', 'feature_b', 'feature_c', 'feature_d', 'feature_e'))
I have two data frames containing row entries with respective dates. Data frame 1 contains observations collected from 2010 to 2017.
dates A
2010-01-01 21
2010-01-02 27
2010-01-03 34
2017-12-29 22
2017-12-30 32
2017-12-31 25
Data frame 2 contains observations collected from 2015 to 2020.
dates A
2015-01-01 20
2015-01-02 29
2015-01-03 34
2020-12-29 22
2020-12-30 27
2020-12-31 32
Both the data frames have missing observations for some days. I wish to combine both data frames to fill out missing data and obtain complete time series upto 2020 without any repeated entries. Like the following data frame:
dates A
2010-01-01 21
2010-01-02 27
2010-01-03 34
2020-12-29 22
2020-12-30 27
2020-12-31 32
Using merge(df1, df2, by = 'dates') or full_join(df1, df2, by = 'dates') creates duplicate entries or two columns A.x and A.y which is not expected.
Try the code below
dfout <- unique(rbind(df1,df2))
dfout <- dfout[order(dfout$dates),]
Combine df1 and df2, if there are duplicate dates which are available in both the dataframes mean the A value and use complete to fill the missing dates.
df1 %>%
bind_rows(df2) %>%
mutate(dates = as.Date(dates)) %>%
group_by(dates) %>%
summarise(A = mean(A)) %>%
complete(dates = seq(min(date), max(date), by = 'day'))
If your df is really just two columns, you should be able to bind_rows, group_by, and distinct to remove duplicates.
df <- bind_rows(df1, df2) %>%
group_by(dates, A) %>%
Edit: This will not work if you have data that doesn't agree between the dataframes on a single date. If you have two records for 1/1/15 and they have different A values, those will both be retained.
I have a data set with values every minute and I want to calculate the average value for every hour. I have tried by using the group_by(), filter() and summarise() from dplyr package to reduce the data every hour. When I use only these functions I am able to get the mean value for every hour but only every month and I want it for each day.
> head(DF)
datetime pw cu year m d hr min
1 2017-08-18 14:56:00 0.0630341 1.94065 2017 8 18 14 53
2 2017-08-18 14:57:00 0.0604653 1.86771 2017 8 18 14 57
3 2017-08-18 14:58:00 0.0601318 1.86596 2017 8 18 14 58
4 2017-08-18 14:59:00 0.0599276 1.83761 2017 8 18 14 59
5 2017-08-18 15:00:00 0.0598998 1.84177 2017 8 18 15 0
I had to use a for loop to reduce my table, I wrote the following to do it:
datetime <- c()
eg_bf <-c ()
for(i in 1:8760){
hour= start + 3600
DF= DF %>%
filter(datetime >= start & datetime < hour) %>%
summarise(eg= mean(pw))
datetime= append(datetime, start)
eg_bf= append(eg_bf, DF$eg)
start= hour
new_DF= data.frame(datetime, eg_bf)
So. I was able to get my new data set with the mean value for every hour of the year.
datetime eg_bf
1 2018-01-01 00:00:00 0.025
2 2018-01-01 01:00:00 0.003
3 2018-01-01 02:00:00 0.002
4 2018-01-01 03:00:00 0.010
5 2018-01-01 04:00:00 0.015
The problem I'm facing is that It takes a lot of time to do it. The idea is to add this calculation to a shiny UI, so every time I make a change it must make the changes faster. Any idea how to improve this calculation?
you can try this. use make_date from the lubridate package to make a new date_time column using the year , month, day and hour columns of your dataset. Then group and summarise on the new column
df %>%
mutate(date_time = make_datetime(year, m, d, hr)) %>%
group_by(date_time) %>%
summarise(eg_bf = mean(pw))
#Adam Gruer's answer provides a nice solution for the date variable that should solve your question. The calculation of the mean per hour does work with just dplyr, though:
df %>%
group_by(year, m, d, hr) %>%
summarise(test = mean(pw))
# A tibble: 2 x 5
# Groups: year, m, d [?]
year m d hr test
<int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
1 2017 8 18 14 0.0609
2 2017 8 18 15 0.0599
You said in your question:
When I use only these functions I am able to get the mean value for every hour but only every month and I want it for each day.
What did you do differently?
Even if you've found your answer, I believe this is worth mentioning:
If you're working with a lot of data and speed is an issue, then you might want ot see if you can use data.table instead of dplyr
You can see with a simple benchmarking how much faster data.table is:
# dummy data, one year, one entry per minute
# first as data frame
DF <- data.frame(datetime = seq(as.POSIXct("2018-01-01 00:00:00"),
as.POSIXct("2019-01-02 00:00:00"), 60),
pw = runif(527041)) %>%
mutate(year = year(datetime), m=month(datetime),
d=day(datetime), hour = hour(datetime))
# save it as a data.table
dt <-
# transformation with dplyr
f_dplyr <- function(){
DF %>%
group_by(year, m, d, hour) %>%
summarize(eg_bf = mean(pw))
# transformation with data.table
f_datatable <- function() {
dt[, mean(pw), by=.(year, m, d, hour)]
# benchmarking
microbenchmark(f_dplyr(), f_datatable())
# Unit: milliseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
# f_dplyr() 41.240235 44.075019 46.85497 45.64998 47.95968 76.73714 100 b
# f_datatable() 9.081295 9.712694 12.53998 10.55697 11.33933 41.85217 100 a
check out this post it tells a lot data.table vs dplyr: can one do something well the other can't or does poorly?
As I understood you have a data frame of 365 * 24 * 60 rows. The code below returns the result instantly. The outcome is mean(pw) grouped by every hour of the year.
remove(list = ls())
date_time <- seq.POSIXt(
by = "1 min"
n <- length(date_time)
data <- tibble(
date_time = date_time,
pw = runif(n),
cu = runif(n),
ye = year(date_time),
mo = month(date_time),
da = day(date_time),
hr = hour(date_time)
grouped <- data %>%
ye, mo, da, hr
) %>%
mean_pw = mean(pw)
I have a csv file that is written like this
Date Data
1/5/1980 25
1/7/1980 30
2/13/1980 44
4/13/1980 50
I'd like R to produce something like this
Date Date
1/5/1980 25
1/7/1980 30
Then I would like R to bring the last observation forward like this
Date Date
1/5/1980 25
1/6/1980 25
1/7/1980 30
I'd like two separate data.tables created one with just the actual data, then another with the last observation brought forward.
Thanks for all the help!
Edit: I also will need any NA's that are populated to changed to 0
You could also use tidyverse:
df %>%
mutate(Date = as.Date(Date, "%m/%d/%Y")) %>%
complete(Date = seq(as.Date(format(min(Date), "%Y-%m-01")), max(Date), by = "day")) %>%
fill(Data) %>%
replace(.,, 0)
First 10 rows:
# A tibble: 104 x 2
Date Data
<date> <dbl>
1 1980-01-01 0
2 1980-01-02 0
3 1980-01-03 0
4 1980-01-04 0
5 1980-01-05 25
6 1980-01-06 25
7 1980-01-07 30
8 1980-01-08 30
9 1980-01-09 30
10 1980-01-10 30
I've used as a starting point the 1st day of the month and year of minimum date, and maximum the maximum date; this can be of course adjusted as needed.
EDIT: #Sotos has an even better suggestion for a more concise approach (by better usage of format argument):
df %>%
mutate(Date = as.Date(Date, "%m/%d/%Y")) %>%
complete(Date = seq(as.Date(format(min(Date), "%Y-%m-01")), max(Date), by = "day")) %>%
The solution is:
create a data.frame with successive date
merge it with your original data.frame
use na.locf function from zoo to carry forward your data
Here is the code. I use lubridate to work with date.
df$Date <- mdy(df$Date)
successive <-data.frame(Date = seq( as.Date(as.yearmon(df$Date[1])), df$Date[length(df$Date)], by="days"))
successive is the vector of successive dates. Now the merging:
result <- merge(df,successive,all.y = T,on = "Date")
And the forward propagation:
result$Data <- na.locf(result$Data,na.rm = F)
Date Data
1 1980-01-05 25
2 1980-01-06 25
3 1980-01-07 30
4 1980-01-08 30
5 1980-01-09 30
6 1980-01-10 30
7 1980-01-11 30
8 1980-01-12 30
9 1980-01-13 30
10 1980-01-14 30
11 1980-01-15 30
12 1980-01-16 30
13 1980-01-17 30
14 1980-01-18 30
15 1980-01-19 30
16 1980-01-20 30
17 1980-01-21 30
18 1980-01-22 30
19 1980-01-23 30
20 1980-01-24 30
21 1980-01-25 30
The data:
df <- read.table(text = "Date Data
1/5/1980 25
1/7/1980 30
2/13/1980 44
4/13/1980 50", header = T)
Assuming that the result should start at the first of the month of the first date and end at the last date and that the input data frame is DF shown reproducibly in the Note at the end, convert DF to a zoo object z, create a grid of dates g merge them to give zoo objects z0 (with zero filling) and zz (with na.locf filling) and optionally convert back to data frames or else just leave it as is so you can use zoo for further processing.
z <- read.zoo(DF, header = TRUE, format = "%m/%d/%Y")
g <- seq(as.Date(as.yearmon(start(z))), end(z), "day")
z0 <- merge(z, zoo(, g), fill = 0) # zero filled
zz <- na.locf0(merge(z, zoo(, g))) # na.locf filled
# optional
DF0 <- fortify.zoo(z0) # zero filled
DF2 <- fortify.zoo(zz) # na.locf filled
The question mentions data tables and if that refers to the data.table package then add:
DT0 <- data.table(DF0) # zero filled
DT2 <- data.table(DF2) # na.locf filled
I wasn't clear on whether the question was asking for a zero filled answer and an na.locf filled answer or just an na.locf filled answer whose remaining NA values are 0 filled but assumed the former case. If you want to fill the NAs that are left in the na.locf filled answer then add:
zz[] <- 0
If you want to end at the end of the last month rather than at the last date replace end(z) with as.Date(as.yearmon(end(z)), frac = 1) .
If you want to start at the first date rather than the first of the month of the first date replace as.Date(as.yearmon(start(z))) with start(z)
As an alternative to (3), to start at the first date and end at the last date we could simply convert to ts and back. Note that we need to restore Date class on the second line below since ts class cannot handle Date class directly. <- as.zoo(as.ts(z))
time( <- as.Date(time(
zz20 <- replace(,, 0) # zero filled
zz2 <- na.locf0( # na.locf filled
Lines <- "
Date Data
1/5/1980 25
1/7/1980 30
2/13/1980 44
4/13/1980 50"
DF <- read.table(text = Lines, header = TRUE)
I have a big data frame with dates and i need to check for the first date in a continuous way, as follows:
1 55 2017-06-30 2016-01-01
1 55 2015-12-31 2015-11-12 --> Gap (required date)
1 88 2008-07-26 2003-02-24
2 19 2014-09-30 2013-05-01
2 33 2013-04-30 2011-01-01 --> Not Gap (overlapping)
2 19 2012-12-31 2011-01-01
2 33 2010-12-31 2008-01-01
2 19 2007-12-31 2006-01-01
2 19 2005-12-31 1980-10-20 --> No actual Gap(required date)
As shown, not all the dates have overlapping and i need to return by ID (not ID_2) the date when the first gap (going backwards in time) appears. I've tried using for but it's extremely slow (dataframe has 150k rows). I've been messing around with dplyr and mutate as follows:
df <- df%>%
mutate(END_lead = lead(END))
df$FLAG <- df$BEG - days(1) == df$END_lead
df <- df%>%
filter(cumsum(cumsum(FLAG == FALSE))<=1)
But this set of instructions stops at the first overlapping, filtering the wrong date. I've tried anything i could think of, ordering in decreasing or ascending order, and using min and max but could not figure out a solution.
The actual result wanted would be:
1 55 2015-12-31 2015-11-12
2 19 2008-07-26 1980-10-20
Is there a way of doing this using dplyr,tidyr and lubridate?
A possible solution using dplyr:
df %>%
mutate_at(vars(END, BEG), funs(as.Date)) %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
slice(which.max(BEG > ( lead(END) + 1 ) | > ( lead(END) + 1 ))))
With your last data, it gives:
# A tibble: 2 x 4
# Groups: ID [2]
<int> <int> <date> <date>
1 1 55 2015-12-31 2015-11-12
2 2 19 2005-12-31 1980-10-20
What the solution does is basically:
Changes the dates to Date format (no need for lubridate);
Groups by ID;
Selects the highest row that satisfies your criteria, i.e. the highest row which is either a gap (TRUE), or if there is no gap it is the first row (meaning it has a missing value when checking for a gap, this is why > ( lead(END) + 1 ))).
I would use xts package, first creating xts objects for each ID you have, than use first() and last() function on each objects.
My goal is simply to count the number of records in each hour of each day. I thought a simple solution could be found with the dplyr or data.table packages:
My data set is extremely simple:
> head(test)
id date hour
1 14869663 2018-01-24 17
2 14869664 2018-01-24 17
3 14869665 2018-01-24 17
4 14869666 2018-01-24 17
5 14869667 2018-01-24 17
6 14869668 2018-01-24 17
I only need to group by two variables (date and hour) and count. The id doesn't matter. However, these two methods in dplyr do not seem to produce the desired result (a data frame of the same length of the input data, which includes millions of records, is the output). What am I doing wrong here?
test %>% group_by(date, hour) %>% mutate(count = n())
test %>% add_count(date, hour)
The output would look something like this
> head(output)
n_records date hour
1 700 2018-01-24 0
2 750 2018-01-24 1
3 730 2018-01-24 2
4 700 2018-01-24 3
5 721 2018-01-24 4
6 753 2018-01-24 5
and so on
any suggestions?
This seems to do the trick:
starwars %>%
group_by(gender, species) %>%
It appears (h/t to Frank) that the count function can take the grouping fields directly:
starwars %>% count(gender, species)
using data.table,
test[, .N, by=.(date, hour)]
aggregate(name ~ gender + species, data = starwars, length)
If we want to treat NAs as a group:
species1 <- factor(starwars$species, exclude = "")
gender1 <- factor(starwars$gender, exclude = "")
aggregate(name ~ gender1 + species1, data = starwars, length)