Google analytics setup for Facebook account? - google-analytics

but don't have a website. I want use Google Analytics for Facebook. Can we use Google Analytics only for Facebook?

No, to use Google Analytics you have to be able to alter the code of the app you want to analyze. Since you can't alter the code of a Facebook page, you can't apply Google Analytics to it. Facebook provides analytics, though.


can I embed Google Analytics dashboards on my website.?

I have enabled Google Analytics on my website, I can also view dashboards made by Google at I want to know if I can embed those dashboards into my own custom site such as
I don't think google allows you to have an iframe on their analytics page, but you can set up events to go to Big Query, then access Big Query to create your own sites
You cant directly.
What you can do is use the Google analytics embedded api to which will allow you to show a users google analytics accounts nicely, but your going to have to design all the requests yourself to mirror the Google analytics reports, this also only works with UA analytics not GA4
Byond that you could use the Google analytics api, to request the data yourself and use google charts and graphs to display it nicely on your website.
I guess what I am saying there is nothing out of the box that will do this for you Its something your going to have to code yourself. I have done it for serval clients it can be done very elegantly.

How do I link a Google Analytics account to Google optimize

Google recently released Analytics version 4. When I create an Analytics account and try to link it in Google Optimize the Analytics account is not visible in the list of available Analytics account. Anyone know's why?
The reason is because Google Optimize does not support Google Analytics V. 4. Nowhere do they mention that. You need to create a "Create a Universal Analytics property" account to make it work

Can I add or embed google analytics behavior flow report to my website?

I want to add google analytics Behavior Flow reports(embedded or from api) to my website. Is it possible ?
No you can not take the Google Analytics dashboard and display it on another website. The best option is to use the Embedded API.

Google analytics specific link to google play

I have an app in google play.
I'm planning to have an add to my app and I want to know the information for this specific link.
Is it possible? how should I do it?
You probably want Google analytics Google Play campaign attribution

how to use google analytics records from my admin panel

i am new in google analytics
my problem is
suppose my website is and my admin is
i have create google analytics account and add my website( detail on it. now i have get google analytics records of my website into my admin( then how it possible?
i am working on c# and also i have get tracking id,client id,etc....from google analytics but i coudn't find how to display google analytics charts and report on my admin panel
If you have 2 options:
Track as a new site under the same google analytics account. You can switch between the two sites. See instructions here -
Track under the same site as It will be just like another page in the same site. For that you need to report to google the same tracking id as defined for Just add the tracking code with tracking id to pages.
From your old account you can give access to your new account. After which you can manage it from your new google analytics account.
For more information you can check this out.
