Using QT 4.7 - dialog is busy loading a BIG thing; how to disable all controls? - qt

[EDIT] - wasn't getting to the disable code the way I thought I was; works fine with any of the solutions below.
I have a modeless QT dialog, in which all kinds of user settings can be manipulated. In addition, it can save and load large data sets, which can take several seconds. Lots going on in the main window underneath (realtime app) and that's fine, and interaction there is okay, but in the dialog itself, I need to block user interaction.
Essentially, during the load, I don't want the user to be able to change / affect any of the controls in the modeless dialog (and there are a lot of them.)
Rather than disable each one individually (or even that way if that's the only way), is there a straightforward means I can use to disable input to the dialog entirely until the load is complete?
There's a progress bar in it that shows what's going on, too, which is constantly updated by the load process, so that needs to keep on working.
I tried this...
On dialog open:
QDialog *window = this;
Then around load:
...which compiles fine, and runs without complaint, but the window did not disable.
I also tried:
...that doesn't seem to do anything either.
I tried this too:
QList<QWidget*> list = window->findChildren<QWidget *>();
foreach(QWidget *qw, list)
QList<QWidget*> list = window->findChildren<QWidget *>();
foreach(QWidget *qw, list)
..also does nothing.

Based on Qt documentation (
Disabling a widget implicitly disables all its children. Enabling
respectively enables all child widgets unless they have been
explicitly disabled.
So your snippets are essentially doing same thing in different ways so that doesn't seem to be a problem and modality of dialog shouldn't have any effect on this as well. How are you loading / saving the data? If you are doing it in e.g. click slot then you are basically blocking the UI event loop which means that UI doesn't have cycles to react to your changes. If you want to isolate UI from background action so it will properly react even that you are doing heavy lifting in the background and you should consider using QRunnable or QTread to offload the work away from UI thread.


JavaFX - Keeping Focus on a "Default" Component

I'm looking for the most concise way to deal with focus in an application which renders a map in a canvas component. You can pan the map location using arrow keys or ASWD keys. So far, I've been giving the canvas focus at startup and handling key pressed events via canvas.setOnKeyPressed().
This works fine, but I've always known that a problem was on the horizon when other components enter the picture. Once you interact with another component, it gains focus, and you're unable to scroll around the canvas map. I can prevent this from happening with some components like Hyperlinks or Buttons (I don't need tab-navigation) with something like this for those components:
sidePanel.getChildren().forEach(node -> node.setFocusTraversable(false));
But, when we get to things like TextArea or TextField, those do need to hold focus while they're being edited. And I'll need some way to return focus back (or at least unfocus those components) without being an annoyance to the user. (I don't want to have to click the canvas for it to regain focus.)
The options I see for returning focus back to the canvas after the user is done with those fields seem to be:
Add a key handler (ex. ESC or ENTER keypress) on EACH of these components which returns focus back to the canvas.
Maybe not so concise, and a bit of a pain... also feels a bit fragile; if I miss something and the canvas loses focus, it would fail - I need a 100% reliable solution.
Extend each of these components and add similar code to return focus back to Canvas
Even nastier and requires using custom components in Scene Builder, which
is not ideal.
Add a global event handler on the Scene and transmit events to the controller which owns the canvas
I believe an event filter would accomplish this - but on the other hand if the user is simply using arrow keys to move around a TextArea, I wouldn't want the Canvas map to move!
To solve the above problem, possibly the global event handler could ignore ASWD and arrow keypresses if the focus is on certain types of components? Is this worth trying, or am I neglecting a problem this would create?
Are there any other simple options out there that I've missed - and what would you suggest as the best option here? I'd like an automatic solution that doesn't require remembering to add some workaround code every time a UI component is added.

Render a QQuickItem on a second window without changing its parent hierarchy

I have to render a QQuickItem owned by a particular window, into another. Basically MyQQuickItem owned by window1 to be rendered on window2. This switch has to happen in my app repeatedly due to a certain functionality.
I do the following to achieve the goal & the code basically works fine.
MyQQuickItem * myQuickItem = qmlEngine->rootObjects()[0]->findChild<QQuickItem*>("myquickitemobject");
// do the required on window2
// then set window1 as parent back again
Above technique functionally works fine. But this requires me to flip flop a few times juggling between setting parent item from window1 to window2 & back again.
Is there some other way to share MyQQuickItem between the 2 windows? Or is it possible display MyQQuickItem on the both the windows alternatively without having to change the parent hierarchy?
You might use grabToImage() and display the grabbed image on your second window.
This might not be ideal, performance wise. You can find some questions on how to do this on this site. Especially interesting might be this.
I don't know your case, but it might be better, to have two instances of the same component displaying the same data model - possible with input for one disabled.

Qt: How to initialize dialog widgets?

I would like to know what the established procedure is for initializing the controls within a Qt custom dialog box. In the code I am writing, the dialog would present a QListView containing directories from an object passed (by reference) to the dialog class during construction. When the dialog is displayed, I obviously want the list to display the directories currently configured in the object.
Where should this be done though? Perhaps in the overridden showEvent() method?
Background: I used to do a lot of MFC programming back in the day, and would have done this sort of stuff in the OnCreate method, or some such, once the window object had been created.
Thankfully Qt doesn't require you to do any hooking to find the moment to create things (unless you want to). If you look over the Qt examples for dialogs, most do all the constructing in the constructor:
The tab dialog example--for instance--doesn't do "on-demand" initializing of tabs. Although you could wire something up via the currentChanged signal:
Wizard-style dialogs have initializePage and cleanupPage methods:
But by and large, you can just use the constructor. I guess the main exception would be if find yourself allocating the dialog at a much earlier time from when you actually display it (via exec), and you don't want to bear the performance burden for some part of that until it's actually shown. Such cases should be rare and probably the easiest thing to do is just add your own function that you call (like finalizeCreationBeforeExec).

Flex 3 - Force all controls to render at start

When I try to access the hidden TABs of my tab navigator control in action script, it returns a null error. But it works OK if I just activate the control in the user interface once. Obviously the control is not created until I use it. How do I make all the tabs automatically created by default ?
<mx:TabNavigator creationPolicy="all"/>
That should do it. Deferred instanciation is a feature, but sometimes it is a hassle.
The Flex framework is optimizing creation be default (creationPolicy="auto") so if you have a configuration dialog with a lot of tabs, for example, and the most useful tab is the first one, your application does not spend time and memory initializing the tabs that the user never sees.
This makes a lot of difference when dialogs like this never release, and is a good default to go with.
One thing to look at is using a private variable in your dialog/form instead of pushing the data to the control on the hidden page. This style treats the whole form as if it were a component, which it sort of is. To repeat: the MXML form/dialog/canvas is a class, and it can have data and methods in addition to containing other components.
On a side note, I've run into the deferred-loading policy in a multi-state application, and circumvented it by forcing all elements to be included and invisible in the initial state. Something to consider, but only as a hack.

how to keep a nativewindow on top

I need to keep a NativeWindow I am creating on top of the main window of the application.
Currently I am using alwaysInFront = true, which is not limited to the windows in the application. I can successfully synchronize the minimize/restore/move/resize actions, so the top window behaves appropriately in those cases. Even though using this option has the drawback that if I alt-tab to other application the window goes on top of the other application.
Because of the above I am trying to get it to work without using the alwaysInFront. I have tried using orderInFrontOf and orderToFront, which gets it in place but when I click an area in the main window the top one becomes hidden i.e. air makes it the top one.
I have tried capturing activate/deactivate events but it only happens on the first click, so on the second click the top window becomes hidden again. I also tried making the top window active when the main one becomes active, but that causes the main one to loose focus and I can't click on anything.
Ps. I am doing this to improve the behavior of a HTMLOverlay I am using - see Flex Air HTMLLoader blank pop up window when flash content is loaded
Listening for Event.DEACTIVATE and calling event.preventDefault() should work. Not sure if that is what you have tried, but I have an app where that does the trick.
I ended up turning on/off the alwaysInFront option based on whether the main window or the top window were active i.e. if none where active I turned it off. This was additionally to what I mentioned in the question.
That way when the user switches to another application, the window doesn't go on top of the other apps. I still would prefer a solution where I don't have to use the alwaysInFront option, or even better an alternate solution to the flex loading flash in external sites issue I linked to above.
Ps. I will try to check with the owner of the HTMLOverlay to submit a patch (its an improvement, although its tied to an app that doesn't open extra windows when opening the overlay).
Update: I have committed the changes to the HTMLOverlay.
I'm trying to do something very similar. In an AIR application, I have one large full screen window which is essentially the "desktop". I always want this window to stay behind all other windows in my app. There are, however, some items on the "desktop" window that need to be clickable.
There appears to be no clean way to force a window to maintain its position in the window ordering.
What I've settled on so far, which isn't perfect, is to make all other windows in my app use the alwaysOnTop property but bind this to a global var (ugh) that I maintain to track the overall application level active/inactive state. This way, when I switch to another app, my windows don't float above the all other app windows - they correctly move behind as expected.
Then, I have a regular (alwaysOnTop=false) window that is fully transparent as an "overlay" to the desktop window on which I can place various interactive controls. This window is OK to come forward since it's transparent and my other windows are alwaysOnTop.
Finally, and crucially, I install three event listeners on the "desktop" window as follows:
protected function onApplicationComplete(event:Event):void
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onClickHandler, true,1000,true);
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickHandler, true,1000,true);
this.nativeWindow.addEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, onActivateWindow,false,-1);
protected function onActivateWindow(event:Event):void
trace("sent via activate to back");
protected function onClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
trace("sent via click to back");
I'm not entirely happy with all this since there is still some occasionally noticeable flicker of objects in the overlay window - it appears that the "Desktop" window gets ordered in front of it, an update of some sort happens, and then it gets forced behind again.
Any better solutions welcome!
