Ionic/Angular Auth from Membership DB -

Im looking to create an Angular 4 app or possibly an Ionic app. The problem i face is im a bit unsure how to implement the authentication. i currenctly have an webforms site that uses the membership db. i would like to make use of this, but cant seem to find any relevant information on it. if anybody can shed any light on this or point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated. thanks in advance

You can add Web API to your .NET solution, which then utilizes the same business logic (including Authentication logic) you are using with your web forms. These APIs can then be consumed by your Angular/Ionic app via http and/or rxjs.


How to use SignalR real-time chart in ASP.Net WebForms

I want to use SignalR in my project for real time chart updates.
My project is developed in WebForms with VB.Net Language.
I searched for for 3,4 days but all I found were MVC examples. Can anyone suggest a solution?
Please notice me. Thank you
You can use SignalR with webforms, see this question for example :
Can SignalR be used with WebForms?
However, it will require to make your current webforms project evolve in several ways, which can be a loss of time and a risk if it's an old project hard to maintain.
An alternative could be to create a completely new web project for the backend with everything required for a clean support of SignalR server, and to consume it in JS (using jquery.signalr, etc) from your currently existing webforms pages on client side.
The ability to achieve this kind of thing will depend of what version of .Net and SignalR you could/must support.

Angular 2 With .NET Core 1.1 API

I am wondering what the best (most efficient, best practice, etc.) way to implement an user login using Angular 2, for the client side, and ASP.NET Core for the backend. I have seen various ways of implementing this type of project but I have not come across a definitive answer.
Specifically, if I have a seperate Angular 2 application, should I create an API for user login/registration that is also a tokenizer and then create a seperate business logic API? Or should I combine the two and have one, do-it-all, API for the web app? Thank you!
You can use either ASP.Net Identity or OpenID authentication, or both.
If you want more control over Authentication and Authorization, you want to use ASP.Net Identity. However, it is not uncommon to see both authentication methods in a lot of website these days.
Valerio De Sanctis explains both authentication methods in his ASP.NET Core and Angular 2 book. I highly recommend you to use read this book if you plan to implement authentication in ASP.NET Core and Angular 2. Here is my review on this book at Amazon.

Login and register on ASP.NET MVC 5/6

I'm beginning with mvc and I'd like to learn to the best way for user registration and login whitch is used in real projects. Please, can anyone share good tutorial for beginner? Thanks
You can find a lot of tutorials if you google "ASP.NET Identity 2.X". Here is one I found ASP.NET Identity Tutorial
This should give you a foundation to build on if you need to do something more complex.
You can use Membership api for user creation and login, And it is widely used in real projects.
check this link:-

Authenticate Google OAuth2 using ASP.NET with VB

I'm working on an ASP.NET web app that will interact with the YouTube API. I have never done OAuth before. While I am definitely comfortable with the concept, I need to learn exactly how to implement it.
I am using VS Express 2013, programming in VB. My app is a Web Forms app (Non MVC), but I have opted to use the Empty Web App template to avoid all the unnecessary baggage that comes with their template.
I'm looking for a guide that will lead me through each of the following:
The set-up in the Google Developer Console
What I need to do in my site to interact with the Google API (I think I need to have an /Oauth2callback folder?)
What code do I need to successfully retrieve the refresh token, as well as trade it in for the scope tokens?
I know it's a lot - so I'm not looking for anyone to type it all here - but if anyone can point me to a good step-by-step, I would really appreciate it.

Does it make sense to implement Facebook auth as an ASP.NET Forms auth custom membership provider?

I'm currently developing a web application that will use Facebook as a authentication service. Does it make sense to implement it as an ASP.NET Forms Authentication custom membership provider? While I made my research, I didn't come across any concrete significant advantage of using the Forms Authentication. However, it instinctively seems to me as a good thing to do, because aside from creating a completely custom implementation of authentication using Facebook, I didn't find any extensibility point inside ASP.NET where I could plug in the Facebook auth behavior.
Can you then tell me whether the Forms Authentication is a good idea or not. And if not, is there any other way than completely custom code (I'd like to avoid managing the session cookies, loading the current user, etc. manually).
I'm using ASP.NET MVC 3, Entity Framework and I'd like to avoid the Facebook C# SDK (the extensive use of dynamic types is a bit of a turnoff for me :-) ).
Thanks for any advice.
A simple answer is to use .NET 4.5 oAuth templates, they are incredibly easy to link Facebook up to forms authentication.
However you may struggle to find a decent server if you are planning on releasing immediately. In a couple of months plenty of servers will support .NET 4.5.
The OAuth templates work for both v4.0 and v4.5 so you can publish them onto a server today itself :)
