Distinct in r within groups of data - r

How do I transform a dataframe (on the left) to dataframe (on the right)?
I am trying to do this via dplyr, by grouping into name and distinct, but it gives only 3 rows
df %>%
group_by(name) %>%
distinct(.,keep.all = T) %>%

There is a simple way to access all the cells you want to change:
data <- data.frame(name = c(rep("A", 5), rep("B", 5), rep("C", 5)), subject = c(rep(1:5, 3)), marks = sample(1:100, 15))
> data
name subject marks
1 A 1 31
2 A 2 12
3 A 3 29
4 A 4 67
5 A 5 99
6 B 1 77
7 B 2 3
8 B 3 92
9 B 4 69
10 B 5 42
11 C 1 52
12 C 2 66
13 C 3 98
14 C 4 23
15 C 5 72
duplicated(data$name) accesses the relevant cells. But R has no way to leave a cell "blank", so to speak.
You can either set them NA, or fill it with an empty character:
data$name[duplicated(data$name)] <- NA
> data
name subject marks
1 A 1 31
2 <NA> 2 12
3 <NA> 3 29
4 <NA> 4 67
5 <NA> 5 99
6 B 1 77
7 <NA> 2 3
8 <NA> 3 92
9 <NA> 4 69
10 <NA> 5 42
11 C 1 52
12 <NA> 2 66
13 <NA> 3 98
14 <NA> 4 23
15 <NA> 5 72
data$name <- as.character(data$name)
data$name[duplicated(data$name)] <- ""
> data
name subject marks
1 A 1 30
2 2 52
3 3 5
4 4 48
5 5 99
6 B 1 14
7 2 20
8 3 34
9 4 55
10 5 53
11 C 1 38
12 2 27
13 3 67
14 4 12
15 5 77
To use the latter solution with a factor variable, you need to add "" as a factor label:
data$name <- factor(as.numeric(data$name), 1:4, c(levels(data$name), ""))
data$name[duplicated(data$name)] <- ""


Merging two dataframes by keeping certain column values in r

I have two dataframes I need to merge with. The second one has certain columns missing and it also has some more ids. Here is how the sample datasets look like.
df1 <- data.frame(id = c(1,2,3,4,5,6),
item = c(11,22,33,44,55,66),
score = c(1,0,1,1,1,0),
cat.a = c("A","B","C","D","E","F"),
cat.b = c("a","a","b","b","c","f"))
> df1
id item score cat.a cat.b
1 1 11 1 A a
2 2 22 0 B a
3 3 33 1 C b
4 4 44 1 D b
5 5 55 1 E c
6 6 66 0 F f
df2 <- data.frame(id = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8),
item = c(11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88),
score = c(1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1),
cat.a = c(NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA),
cat.b = c(NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA))
> df2
id item score cat.a cat.b
1 1 11 1 NA NA
2 2 22 0 NA NA
3 3 33 1 NA NA
4 4 44 1 NA NA
5 5 55 1 NA NA
6 6 66 0 NA NA
7 7 77 1 NA NA
8 8 88 1 NA NA
The two datasets share first 6 rows and dataset 2 has two more rows. When I merge I need to keep cat.a and cat.b information from the first dataframe. Then I also want to keep id=7 and id=8 with cat.a and cat.b columns missing.
Here is my desired output.
> df3
id item score cat.a cat.b
1 1 11 1 A a
2 2 22 0 B a
3 3 33 1 C b
4 4 44 1 D b
5 5 55 1 E c
6 6 66 0 F f
7 7 77 1 <NA> <NA>
8 8 88 1 <NA> <NA>
Any ideas?
We may use rows_update
rows_update(df2, df1, by = c("id", "item", "score"))
id item score cat.a cat.b
1 1 11 1 A a
2 2 22 0 B a
3 3 33 1 C b
4 4 44 1 D b
5 5 55 1 E c
6 6 66 0 F f
7 7 77 1 <NA> <NA>
8 8 88 1 <NA> <NA>

dplyr creating new column based on some condition [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Assign the value of the first row of a group to the whole group [duplicate]
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
I have the following df:
> df
geo_num cust_id sales
1 11 A 2
2 12 A 3
3 22 B 2
4 41 C 1
5 42 C 2
6 43 C 4
7 77 D 6
8 71 D 3
Require to create a new column 'geo_num_new' which has for every group from 'cust_id' has first values from 'geo_num' as shown below:
> df_new
geo_num cust_id sales geo_num_new
1 11 A 2 11
2 12 A 3 11
3 22 B 2 22
4 41 C 1 41
5 42 C 2 41
6 43 C 4 41
7 77 D 6 77
8 71 D 3 77
We could use first after grouping by 'cust_id'. The single value will be recycled for the entire grouping
df <- df %>%
group_by(cust_id) %>%
mutate(geo_num_new = first(geo_num)) %>%
# A tibble: 8 x 4
geo_num cust_id sales geo_num_new
<dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 11 A 2 11
2 12 A 3 11
3 22 B 2 22
4 41 C 1 41
5 42 C 2 41
6 43 C 4 41
7 77 D 6 77
8 71 D 3 77
Or use data.table
setDT(df)[, geo_num_new := first(geo_num), by = cust_id]
or with base R
df$geo_num_new <- with(df, ave(geo_num, cust_id, FUN = function(x) x[1]))
Or an option with collapse
tfm(df, geo_num_new = ffirst(geo_num, g = cust_id, TRA = "replace"))
geo_num cust_id sales geo_num_new
1 11 A 2 11
2 12 A 3 11
3 22 B 2 22
4 41 C 1 41
5 42 C 2 41
6 43 C 4 41
7 77 D 6 77
8 71 D 3 77

Recode column every nth element in R

I'm looking to recode a column, say the following:
df <- data.frame(col1 = rep(3, 100),
col2 = rep(NA, 100))
I want to recode col2 as 1 for rows 1:5, 2 for rows 6:10, 3 for 11:15, etc. So, every five rows I would add +1 to the assigned value. Any way to automate this process to avoid manually recoding 100 rows?
There are lot of ways to do that. Here are couple of them -
Using rep :
df$col2 <- rep(1:nrow(df), each = 5, length.out = nrow(df))
Using ceiling
df$col2 <- ceiling(seq(nrow(df))/5)
dplyr way
df %>% mutate(col2 = ((row_number()-1) %/% 5)+1)
A simple for loop
for(i in 0:((nrow(df)/5)-1)){
df[0:nrow(df) %/% 5 == i,2] <- i+1
> df
col1 col2
1 3 1
2 3 1
3 3 1
4 3 1
5 3 1
6 3 2
7 3 2
8 3 2
9 3 2
10 3 2
11 3 3
12 3 3
13 3 3
14 3 3
15 3 3
16 3 4
17 3 4
18 3 4
19 3 4
20 3 4
21 3 5
22 3 5
23 3 5
24 3 5
25 3 5
26 3 6
27 3 6
28 3 6
29 3 6
30 3 6
31 3 7
32 3 7
33 3 7
34 3 7
35 3 7
36 3 8
37 3 8
38 3 8
39 3 8
40 3 8
41 3 9
42 3 9
43 3 9
44 3 9
45 3 9
46 3 10
47 3 10
48 3 10
49 3 10
50 3 10
51 3 11
52 3 11
53 3 11
54 3 11
55 3 11
56 3 12
57 3 12
58 3 12
59 3 12
60 3 12
61 3 13
62 3 13
63 3 13
64 3 13
65 3 13
66 3 14
67 3 14
68 3 14
69 3 14
70 3 14
71 3 15
72 3 15
73 3 15
74 3 15
75 3 15
76 3 16
77 3 16
78 3 16
79 3 16
80 3 16
81 3 17
82 3 17
83 3 17
84 3 17
85 3 17
86 3 18
87 3 18
88 3 18
89 3 18
90 3 18
91 3 19
92 3 19
93 3 19
94 3 19
95 3 19
96 3 20
97 3 20
98 3 20
99 3 20
100 3 20
As there is a pattern (each 5th row) you can use rep(row_number()) length.out = n() takes into account the length of column.
Learned here dplyr: Mutate a new column with sequential repeated integers of n time in a dataframe from Ronak!!!
Thanks to Ronak!
df %>% mutate(col2 = rep(row_number(), each=5, length.out = n()))

count row number first and then insert new row by condition [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to create missing value for repeated measurement data?
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I need to count the number of rows first after a group_by function and add up new row(s) to 6 row if the row number < 6.
My df has three variables (v1,v2,v3): v1 = group name, v2 = row number (i.e., 1,2,3,4,5,6). In the new row(s), I want to repeat the v1 value, v2 continue the couting of row number, v3 = NA
sample df
v1 v2 v3
1 1 79
1 2 32
1 3 53
1 4 33
1 5 76
1 6 11
2 1 32
2 2 42
2 3 44
2 4 12
3 1 22
3 2 12
3 3 12
3 4 67
3 5 32
expected output
v1 v2 v3
1 1 79
1 2 32
1 3 53
1 4 33
1 5 76
1 6 11
2 1 32
2 2 42
2 3 44
2 4 12
2 5 NA #insert
2 6 NA #insert
3 1 22
3 2 12
3 3 12
3 4 67
3 5 32
3 6 NA #insert
I tried to count the row number first by dplyr, but I don't know if I can or how can I add this if else condition by using the pip. Or is there other easier function?
My code
df %>%
group_by(v1) %>%
dplyr::summarise(N=n()) %>%
if (N < 6) {
# sth like that?
We can use complete
complete(df1, v1, v2)
# A tibble: 18 x 3
# v1 v2 v3
# <int> <int> <int>
# 1 1 1 79
# 2 1 2 32
# 3 1 3 53
# 4 1 4 33
# 5 1 5 76
# 6 1 6 11
# 7 2 1 32
# 8 2 2 42
# 9 2 3 44
#10 2 4 12
#11 2 5 NA
#12 2 6 NA
#13 3 1 22
#14 3 2 12
#15 3 3 12
#16 3 4 67
#17 3 5 32
#18 3 6 NA
Here is a way to do it using merge.
df <- read.table(text =
"v1 v2 v3
1 1 79
1 2 32
1 3 53
1 4 33
1 5 76
1 6 11
2 1 32
2 2 42
2 3 44
2 4 12
3 1 22
3 2 12
3 3 12
3 4 67
3 5 32", header = T)
toMerge <- data.frame(v1 = rep(1:3, each = 6), v2 = rep(1:6, times = 3))
m <- merge(toMerge, df, by = c("v1", "v2"), all.x = T)
v1 v2 v3
1 1 1 79
2 1 2 32
3 1 3 53
4 1 4 33
5 1 5 76
6 1 6 11
7 2 1 32
8 2 2 42
9 2 3 44
10 2 4 12
11 2 5 NA
12 2 6 NA
13 3 1 22
14 3 2 12
15 3 3 12
16 3 4 67
17 3 5 32
18 3 6 NA

add column to dataframes from 1 to unique length of existing grouped rows

Here is my example df:
df = read.table(text = 'colA
32', header = TRUE)
I just need to add a new col based on colA with values from 1 to the unique length of colA.
Expected output:
colA newCol
22 1
22 1
22 1
45 2
45 2
11 3
11 3
87 4
90 5
110 6
32 7
32 7
Here is what I tried without succes:
new_df = df %>%
group_by(colA) %>%
mutate(newCol = seq(1, length(unique(df$colA)), by = 1))
newcol = c(1, 1+cumsum(diff(df$colA) != 0))
[1] 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 7
The dplyr package has a function to get indices of group:
df$newcol = group_indices(df,colA)
This returns:
colA newcol
1 22 2
2 22 2
3 22 2
4 45 4
5 45 4
6 11 1
7 11 1
8 87 5
9 90 6
10 110 7
11 32 3
12 32 3
Though the index is not ordered according to the order of appearance.
You can also do it using factor:
df$newcol = as.numeric(factor(df$colA,levels=unique(df$colA)))
Another option: You can capitalize on the fact that factors are associated with underlying integers. First create a new factor variable with the same levels as the column, then transform it to numeric.
newCol <- factor(df$colA,
levels = unique(df$colA))
df$newCol <- as.numeric(newCol)
colA newCol
1 22 1
2 22 1
3 22 1
4 45 2
5 45 2
6 11 3
7 11 3
8 87 4
9 90 5
10 110 6
11 32 7
12 32 7
