WordPress styling of single blog post - css

Is it okay to sometimes style blog post differently, using inline styling?
Changing font size, color, margins and so on for some elements in the specific blog post.
In my case, I have started making a long blog post, and I want to change a lot of styles just for that one post because I can make it more beautiful without touching child theme.
Is that a bad practice (from design and SEO perspective) or is it a normal way of doing things?

In general, inline styling is bad, it will be hard to manage for the long term. Most blogs attempt to maintain some sort of styling across all posts. This is easier to manage if you leverage an external CSS file.

WordPress is great to spin up a free web page fast. But later on you'll find it very limited. Still it's better than a web site with monthly payments (IMHO). For example a menu bar solution is provided without have to code everything from scratch. Great, but the font default was an ugly Times Roman. Ultimately I let the theme fonts stay the same in then Menu. Then down in the body I had to sprinkle My text body. everywhere below in the page. It was more cut and text paste pasting but easier than creating my own custom theme...


Does changing the theme to a child theme affect a WP site in any way?

Thanks for taking a look at my question..
I'm using the divi theme which a fully functional, slightly complex site is running on. I really need to have a child theme because I need to edit some templates.
I'm really concerned that when I make the child theme and switch to it, the site will break... maybe some data or some layout will be lost?
Does my fears have any merit? Any info on this would be highly appreciated.
Since both Divi and your new Child theme will have the divi builder available, I'd think you'd be safe.
I know that if you were to switch to a theme without the divi page builder, you would just see a bunch of short codes in your text area when editing pages.
Though I can't say with 100% certainty, I think that since you'd just being changing to the "same thing." You'd be safe.
To play it super safe though, if your site isn't too big, you can save each page as a divi template with all of the text saved within it as well.
Worst case scenario, you'd just have to select the correct pre-made template.

PrimeFaces Rio layout+theme color customisation and good practices

We're starting a website project and came accross the paid Rio theme.
What we're wondering is how far can we go in customisation without having to touch the theme's CSS, and if buying the layout and theme is worth in our case at all.
Rio is not specifically the only option we want, we just want to be able to do the following:
We'd like to change the look of the website depending on the logged in user.
Theme customisation:
The .ui-panel-titlebar ("Downloads" example in Rio's Dashboard page) seem
to be hardcoded to be purple #5C6BC0. Is there any chance to change
that background by adding or changing a class? The important part is
that we don't change the core CSS files of the theme and preferably
don't create additional CSS classes nor make use of precompiling
Can we edit the logo on top left only to make the menu move slightly to the bottom? I tried with a bigger image through Chrome's
DevTools but the image overlays to the bottom.
Is is a good practice to think this way: We're thinking to have a WebpageThemeController with methods that would return the correct
class strings depending on the user, to put in the different parts of
the website.
Is considering Primefaces' layout+themes good in this case? If not, how should we proceed?
Next version of RİO will have less integration to easily customize colors, fonts ...
You can even use multiple layouts per user by the way, here is a tutorial;

How to Disable TinyMCE editor on a per-page basis in Wordpress 3.X

Is it possible to disable Wordpress's WYSIWIG editor on a per-post or per-page basis? I do not want to eliminate it entirely, as it does what i need for 90% of the pages. However, on the 10% of pages that need custom code fighting with it while it strips out tags, reformats paragraphs, etc is a bear.
I would like to have a few pages where the TinyMCE editor is totally disabled and it only shows code view, and the rest normal.
In direct answer to the question: it might be possible to do it if you are willing to risk breaking the backend of the site but you would have to hard code which pages or posts don't see the editor and I don't think this is what you had in mind.
What I would do instead in this situation is train yourself to work in HTML view exclusively or investigate a different rich text editor with less obnoxious tendencies: http://wordpress.ckeditor.com/
There is a plugin that does just this (I know this is an old Q, but for the sake of anyone who finds this on a search)

How do you remove inline styles in Wordpress?

I am currently trying to remove inline styles that come from the wysiwyg in Wordpress. My problem comes from editors styling their blog posts and its looking terrible, the main culprit being font sizes.
I was wondering if anyone knew of a plugin for Wordpress? OR if anyone knows if it is possible to turn off CSS inline styles in tinyMCE?
http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/punbb/viewtopic.php?id=1522 might be what you are looking for. It's also possible in tinymce to have different levels of editor (minimal, regular, +kitchen sink). Perhaps using one of those may serve your purpose better.

PreMade Webdesign and Drupal

I'm terribly new to web development. I'm trying to make a pretty simple site with a friend. My friend has taken the time to design the layout for our site, and we have things looking how we want in a static HTML page.
What I'd like to do now is move over to a Content Management System like Drupal but keep the same design that we have all ready laid out.
Since I'm completely new to this field, I'm looking for some best-practices advice as to how to make this leap.
It's apparent to me that I could probably edit some existing Drupal Theme to make it give me the layout that I want, but is that the path I should go down?
Update: Also, is it more than just replacing my style.css with their style.css?
Update 2: The end goal is for people to be able to log in and create news entries, very similar to a blog that will then appear on the front page. There will be other items on the left- and right- but they don't need to be directly accessed by anyone, really. They'll stay pretty static.
The Zen theme is sort of a meta-theme that's designed to be fully standards compliant and make pretty much every aspect of theming readily customizable, with lots of informative commenting. It's the best place to start if you want to develop your own theme. Even if you find a theme that looks a lot like the one you want to create, it's probably still better to start with zen because it's extremely well laid out and instructive. That being said, I've never built a theme from scratch, but it sure looks like a lot of work.
In general the best approach will likely end up being to use your designer's HTML and CSS as a reference, and to edit the Zen-based templates and CSS files to recreate that appearance. It's a bit magical.
You will end up breaking the styles used in your designer's layout into chunks that are part of various template files. The mostly-static stuff on the side columns will become what Drupal calls "blocks"; you'll likely use the top part of the page to refine the HTML for the header section of the main page template; and you'll use the central part to add any necessary tags to the content section of the main page template.
I tend to make liberal use of the Firebug extension for Firefox, or the developer tools built into Chrome. These tools let you quickly locate a given CSS element that you want to change, and edit it to see how the change will look. At first though it's probably better to just read through the whole CSS file to get a feel for how it works. Again, Zen's CSS is very easy to digest.
Pour your heart and soul into the Drupal Theming Guide for the next few days. Theming, like most things, is best done if followed by a gratuitous amount of time in the documentation.
Start with either Zen or Framework themes. They provide good starting points for working with the CSS to adapt to your design.
This helps too:
Whatever you do, don't take Garland theme as how a good drupal theme is done. I went down that path when I first started Drupal...
