Aggregation and navigability at the same end - associations

In UML, is it possible to draw an aggregation where the component object can access the composite object? Like in this image, but with only one association line, so the association end touching A would have a diamond and an arrow.
If that isn't possible, the diagram I drawn is valid? If not, why?

Another point of view, navigability is important to show how is it possible to navigate in the model and how to access to instances.
Another point is about OCL, if navigability is not defined some OCL queries will be hard to write.
Specification describes (p 198): Navigability means that instances participating in links at runtime (instances of an Association) can be accessed efficiently from instances at the other ends of the Association. The precise mechanism by which such efficient access is achieved is implementation specific. If an end is not navigable, access from the other ends may or may not be possible, and if it is, it might not be efficient.
And about Property class (p 149): The query isNavigable() indicates whether it is possible to navigate across the property. body: not classifier->isEmpty() or association.navigableOwnedEnd->includes(self).
So to model or not navigability is important.
If you want to have navigability in both side, the following image shows that:
But in section 6 of the specifiation, it is written:
An association with neither end marked by navigability arrows means that the association is navigable in both directions.
Arrow notation is used to denote association end navigability. By definition, all class-owned association ends are navigable. By convention, all association owned ends in the metamodel are not navigable.
So the following schema is the same than the above one. This is tricky but it seems true.

Of course that's possible.
If you want to save space, you can use a single line for the association:
Here's my personal opinion about navigability: The navigational arrow is not needed as the existence of the property owner implies that already.
P. 110 of the specs:
When a Property is owned by a Classifier other than an Association via ownedAttribute, then it represents an attribute of the Classifier.
P. 200:
Navigability notation was often used in the past according to an informal convention, whereby non-navigable ends were assumed to be owned by the Association whereas navigable ends were assumed to be owned by the Classifier at the opposite end. This convention is now deprecated. Aggregation type, navigability, and end ownership are separate concepts, each with their own explicit notation. Association ends owned by classes are always navigable, while those owned by associations may be navigable or not.
But what is an association that is just named? It's a useless construct so far. What you intend is to finally create attributes in either classes - by means of properties in which case you add this (new) dot. To me this is simply over-constructed and impractical. Who is really using those dots? In EA you have to open sub-menus to make them appear. For me (and probably most UML readers) a role name represents a property and this an attribute in the other side. That's just "(my) human logic" behind that proposition. So, my practical approach:
Use simple connectors for association
Eventually add (non-) navigability (crosses and) arrows
Later add role names to indicate the use of attributes at the other end (rather than adding a typed attribute to the class' list).
And that's it. Just forget that silly dot that's a) hard to produce (in EA) and b) even harder to recognize.
Once again: this last part here is my recommendation for practical modeling.


UML Class diagram: difference between Navigation and Ownership

I read the posts in
association owned by classifier and association owned by relationship in UML
Setting the association end ownership in UML: What does it mean with respect to generated code in visual paradigm (or in other UML tools)?
but the difference between "navigation" and "ownership" of associations of UML class diagrams is still unclear to me. Moreover, UML 2.5 was released in the meantime.
The specification states the following:
Association ends owned by classes are always navigable, while those
owned by associations may be navigable or not.
This means, that the example c below is invalid. Examples a and b are valid, in both cases the right end is navigable. However, in example b the left end is not navigable.
Am I right?
What is the semantic difference between navigation and ownership? Is navigation a "generic" way of accessing the opposite class while ownership enforces a class to have an attribute?
The specs say
Dot notation is used to denote association end ownership, where the dot shows that the Class at the other end of the line owns the Property whose type is the Class touched by the dot.
So a and b are valid and c is strange. Assuming left begin class A and right being class B. In case a A owns a property that is of type B and thus it can navigate to it. Case b explicitly adds the information that A can navigate to B which is already obvious by using the dot. In case c B owns a property of type A (and therefore can navigate). Additionally you indicate navigation from A to B without showing ownership. So that's strange.
Ownership just says there is something (a pointer) to navigate to the other object. To cite the specs (p. 126):
Navigation arrows may be shown, but if shown, they shall agree with the navigation of the Association’s ends.
and later (p. 201):
In practice, it is often convenient to suppress some of the arrows and crosses that signify navigability of association ends. A conforming tool may provide various options for showing navigation arrows and crosses. As with dot notation, these options apply at the level of complete diagrams.
Show all arrows and crosses. Navigation and its absence are made completely explicit.
Suppress all arrows and crosses. No inference can be drawn about navigation.
Suppress all crosses. Suppress arrows for Associations with navigability in both directions, and show arrows only for Associations with one-way navigability. In this case, the two-way navigability cannot be distinguished from situations where there is no navigation at all; however, the latter case occurs rarely in practice.
Navigation does not have a real use (in most cases). You show navigation by adding role names which make clear that A sees B as role. There's a notation with a cross near the end which explicitly forbids navigation. This might be useful in some cases.
It might be noted that the specs are rather silent about "navigation" (just grep the occurrences) compared to "ownership" (which is used quite a bit more). This is probably to account to the fact that the ownership had been introduced recently.

Should UML role names be reflected in class attributes?

When class is associated with another, like Flight in the linked image, which has zero or one Plane associated with it, should this not be reflected in the class' attributes?
That is, shouldn't class Flight in this example have an assignedPlane field alongside its flightNumber, departureTime and so on... otherwise how can Flight be said to 'be aware' of its associated Plane?
Showing an association in diagram is equivalent to having an attribute of a specific class. If there is an association(with a role) then this role is an attribute of respective Class.
For reference please see the Figure 9.12 (with description) in section 9.5.5 of UML 2.5 specification.
If you would have an attribute 'assignedPlane : Plane' in class Flight, then the role 'assignedPlane' on the association would be redundant. But merely having the role 'assignedPlane' on the association does not imply that class Flight is aware of it. If Flight would be implemented as a Java class or a class in any other OO programming language, it is not clear from your class diagram whether or not class Flight has any reference to (or knowledge of) the assignedPlane.
If you want to communicate to your audience that class Flight owns a reference called 'assignedPlane' to zero or one instance of Plane, then you could add a thick dot (or a small filled circle) at the end of the association. Here is an example from the UML 2.5 specification:
In this example, 'size' is an attribute of Window, although it is displayed as an association. If you would have a class diagram that shows all attributes of Window, then 'size : Area' would be one of them.
The dot notation is a relatively new notation and it is not widely used. Instead, many designers use the arrow notation, also shown in figure 9.12. According to UML, this so-called navigability arrowhead specifies that the associated instance of Area can be accessed efficiently from Window, irrespective of how and why this is the case. Most designers would assume that it means that Window has an attribute 'size : Area', but strictly speaking, this is not what the UML specification says.
Using both the arrow and the dot, as in figure 9.12, is valid, but redundant.

Relationships with relationships in Neo4j

In Neo4j, is it possible for a relationship to have a relationship?
To illustrate: Imagine a domain model that encompasses a collection of geometric planes. Each plane has a collection of lines on it, and each line has a collection of points on it. Each point on a line is connected to the point after it by an outgoing -[NEXT]-> relationship, and to the point preceding it by an incoming one. The way I have it now, each of these NEXT relationships contains a property lineID, which identifies the line on which it exists: The node entities representing lines in the database contain only an id, and perhaps a bit of metadata, and we return line X by traversing the graph, finding all -[NEXT{lineID:X}]-> relationships, fetching the start and end nodes of each and returning an list of them along with the line's metadata.
I was a bit more longwinded there than I intended to be, but my question is this: What if, rather than having a lineID property on each [NEXT] relationship, I wanted to create an -[ON]-> relationship between each [NEXT] and the node entity representing the line it is on?
To illustrate: Rather than doing
CREATE (:point)-[:NEXT{lineID:x}]->(:point)-[:NEXT{lineID:x}-> ...
, what about something like:
CREATE (:point)-[z:NEXT]->(:point), (z)-[:ON]->(:line)`
That's some ugly cypher, but I hope it clarifies my point. Intuitively, it seems like this would make line traversals more efficient (because we'd be playing to neo4j's strength by asking it to traverse all [ON] relationships from a line node rather than simply searching for a (presumably indexed) property. It would also make it easier to specify nested relationships:
(z)-[:ON]->(:line), (z)-[:ON]->(:plane)
Is this intuition misconceived? If not, would something like this be possible? I don't think it is, but am contemplating a workaround that would involve creating a node entity for each "relationship". Something like this:
(:point)<-[:FROM]-(x:next)-[:TO]->(:point), (x)-[:ON]->(:line)
, which would have the added advantage of facilitating hypergraph structures, which is something else I'm interested in. Leaving that conversation for another day (and another post), would such an approach be more trouble/expensive than its worth the purposes elucidated here? Might there be any dis/advantages (aside from plain cost) I'm not considering? Or am I reinventing the wheel here - is there an extant solution in this situation that I'm unaware of?
There are no relationships that you can link to other relations. I think that when you ask yourself this kind of questions, you may have a modelling problem for your data, and the next thing to do is try to model the data differently. For instance, why the relationship that links two points knows the line on which the points are ? Wouldn't it be more natural that the point knows the line, therefore having the property lineID on the points? This way you may have points on several lines, which you can't model properly if the lineID is on the NEXT relationship. Perhaps even better, you can have a node Line that has a relationship CONTAINS with all the points on that particular line instead of using lineID property.
This is not possible.
Restructure your model so any data on your relationship which needs linking is a node

Neo4j Design: Property vs "Node & Relationship"

I have a node type that has a string property that will have the same value really often. Etc. Millions of nodes with only 5 options of that string value. I will be doing searches by that property.
My question would be what is better in terms of performance and memory:
a) Implement it as a node property and have lots of duplicates (and search using WHERE).
b) Implement it as 5 additional nodes, where all original nodes reference one of them (and search using additional MATCH).
Without knowing further details it's hard to give a general purpose answer.
From a performance perspective it's better to limit the search as early as possible. Even more beneficial if you do not have to look into properties for a traversal.
Given that I assume it's better to move the lookup property into a seperate node and use the value as relationship type.
Use labels; this blog post is a good intro to this new Neo4j 2.0 feature:
Labels and Schema Indexes in Neo4j
I've thought about this problem a little as well. In my case, I had to represent state:
Overall the Node + Relationship approach looks more appealing in that only a single relationship reference needs to be maintained each time rather than a property string and you don't need to scan an extra additional index which has to be maintained on the property (memory and performance would intuitively be in favor of this approach).
Another advantage is that it easily supports the ability of a node being linked to multiple "special nodes". If you foresee a situation where this should be possible in your model, this is better than having to use a property array (and searching using "in").
In practice I found that the problem then became, how do you access these special nodes each time. Either you maintain some sort of constants reference where you have the node ID of these special nodes where you can jump right into them in your START statement (this is what we do) or you need to do a search against property of the special node each time (name, perhaps) and then traverse down it's relationships. This doesn't make for the prettiest of cypher queries.

Applying visitor on syntax tree

I am building a c interpreter. My AST uses the composite-pattern. To check semantics and perform actions, I wanna use the visitor-pattern. Now there's one problem. This is an grammar rule of the c-preprocessor: if-section = if-group [ elif-groups ] [ else-group ] endif-line. The visitor of if-section needs information about the child nodes, to know which groups have to be skipped. In the visitor-pattern, every "visit"-method returns void. So I can't get any information about these nodes (only with adding information to the nodes, but that's ugly ...). Are there any opportunities?
You've nailed the problem: you have to have additional information above and beyond the raw data that comprises the AST.
You can associate all of that extra information with just individual tree nodes: if you do that, you'll end up building what is called an attributed tree. In theory (and if you work at), you make this idea work completely. Your visitor may have to inspect/update the information associated with not only the AST node it is visiting, but that of key children and parents.
In practice, it is useful to build auxiliary data structures (e.g., symbol tables) which can consulted by the visitor (and updated) as it walks the tree. You end up with kind of degenerate attributed tree: you associate symbol table chunks with AST nodes that form scopes.
You've artificially constrained your visitor from returning any value; if you didn't do that, a child visitor could pass useful values to a parent visitor, enabling the parent to do less ad hoc reaching down the tree.
In your problem statement, you have not constrained your visitor from passing values down to children, so you can pass down useful values. An extremely useful value to pass is the symbol table associated with the surrounding scope, so that children visitors don't have to climb back up the tree to find the scoping node, and the associated symbol table.
