to get data from table without using reference of state - corda

am trying to get the value from db without using serviceHub and vault.but i couldn't. what my logic is, when i pass the country name, it should return the id's(PK)of that country which is in one table.using those id's, it should return the values related to those id's from other could be possible in flow class.but am trying to do in api class where servicehub couldn't import. Please help me out.

Only the node has access to the ServiceHub. The API runs outside of the node in a separate process, so it is limited to interacting with the node via the operations offered by CordaRPCOps.
Either you need to store the data you want to access in a separate database outside of the node, or you need to find some way to programatically log into the node's database from the API, using JDBC as described here:


Fetch the process instances by passing the multiple business key[processBusinessKey] values

I have one process which has task and form fields. And I have one field "location" which I am considering as business key. For example, I have 2 locations as: India and UK. I want to fetch the process instances of these two locations. Means I need to pass the multiple business key values. Is it possible to pass the multiple business key values and fetch the process instances of these 2 business key values [multiple business key values]?
Thanks & Regards
Shilpa Kulkarni
There's no out of the box functionality for this. but you can always query process instances based on variable values. e.g. create a service which takes multiple keys as argument and query them separately with runtimeService.createProcessInstanceQuery().variableValueLike("location", "yourKey").list(); this will return all process instances with having location as yourKey entered.
An Activiti process instance can only have a single associated Business key. However you can retrieve a list of instaces based on a list of buisiness keys and other properties by using a process instance query.

How to store only node specific off-ledger custom data in corda?

I created custom table in corda using QueryableState. e.g. IOUStates table.
I can able to see the custom information getting stored in this kind of table.
but i observed that if party A and Party B is doing the transaction then this
custom information gets stored at both the places , e.g. IOUStates
table getting created at nodeA ledger as well as nodeB's ledger.
and custom information is stored in partyA's and PartyB's ledger.
My Question is :-
If some Transaction is getting processed from PartyA's node , then
I want to store part of the transaction's data i.e. custom data ONLY at partyA's Ledger.* level . i.e. off-Ledger of partA only.
It should not be shared with partyB.
In simple case , how to store Only node specific off ledger custom data ?
Awaiting for some reply...
There's a number of ways to achieve this:
Don't use Corda at all! If the data is truly off-ledger then why are you using Corda? Instead, store it in a separate database. Of course you can "JOIN" it with on-ledger data if required, as the on-ledger data is stored in a SQL database.
Similar to point one except you can use the jdbcSession() functionality of the ServiceHub to create a custom table in the node's database. This table can easily be accessed from within your flows.
Create a ContractState object that only has one participant: the node that wants to store the data. I call this a "unilateral" state, i.e. a state that only one party ever stores.
Most importantly, if you don't want to share some data with a counter-party then it should never be disclosed inside a corda state object or attachment that another party might see. Instead:
inside your flows, you can use the data encapsulated within the shared state object (e.g. the IOU) to derive the private data
alternatively if the data is supplied when the flow begins then store the private data locally using one of the methods above

How do I stop Firebase from creating an additional nested object or how can I access the newly generated string?

Problem: Whenever I add an order to the orders array, an additional nested array element(-KOPWA...) gets added. I wouldn't mind except, I don't know how to access that nested string to access it's child nodes.
Example of database node for users below:
firebase.database().ref('users/'+userIdState+'/orders/'+<<unique numbervariable>>).push({
I'm using the above code to push new json objects with a unique number to the firebase array. Still the nested array with the weird strings gets generated.
Can anyone help me understand how to either: create my own nested array with my own unique string or how to access the nested string that gets generated from firebase so I can access it's children nodes.
Multiple instances of nest arrays will be generated by users.
Any help is much appreciated.
You're experiencing this behaviour because Firebase's push is not the same as an array push. I recommend reading this article to understand how it works.
As for a solution, you can simply change push to set in your code. This will create the structure you were (presumably) expecting, that is
This is however potentially unsafe, if you allow concurrent writes (i. e. if the "unique number" in your example is not always unique).
Afaik Firebase recommends using push to safely create collections/"arrays". You can retrieve the generated key by calling the key property on the reference returned by push. Like this:
var ref = firebase.database().ref('users/'+userIdState+'/orders/'+<<unique numbervariable>>).push({
var generatedKey = ref.key; // the value you're looking for
If you decide to use it, you can probably just drop the order number you have right now and just use the generated one.

BizTalk - Delete without a schema

I am importing a file with 200+ records into a master table.
The BizTalk package only services one source, other packages service other sources
I am using strongly type stored procedures for all SQL CRUD
All records inside the file come from the same source
The file does not contain source name or source Id
I want to determine source from package hard coded value
The Master table contains records from several sources
Before import: delete inside Master table existing records from source
Unlike the file import, the delete statement happens once
DELETE FROM Master WHERE SourceID = #SourceID
The file import works, but how can I hard code the delete source ID?
In your delete transform (just above the send shape) you can set up a SourcID property for the outgoing message. You can then populate the message context with this SourceID. This sourceID can then be used in your delete statement.
If I understand correctly, you want to delete all existing records for the SourceID before inserting new ones?
If so, you need to have access to the SourceID value on the inbound message into the orchestration.
To do this, use property promotion.
You can either do this:
inside a pipline component configured on the receive port so that the property is available when the message arrives on the orchestration, or,
inside the orchestration, which will require you moving the construct shape for the InsertCSV message above the delete construct shape, and promoting the property within the contruct shape.
Of these options, the first one is probably the best option as assigning properties should ideally be done during message dissasembly.
Alternatively, you can use an xpath() call within an Expression shape to interrogate the message using xpath, and retrieve the value like that. This way you can avoid thinking about property promotion.
However, while quicker to implement, this approach is not best practise because it makes your orchestration very sensitive to changes in message schema.

Sync related data using angularfire/collection

I want to use angularfirecollection to keep one-way sync with a list of data. The structure is a list of 'things' with various properties (e.g. 'Likes') and users who each hold a subset of 'things' keys (e.g. -jsdzsdrestofkey: true). U
sing angularfirecollection (or firebase native 'on'), I can sync up all things that a particular user has... I can also grab (using firebase native 'once') each 'thing''s properties to display.
In angular, however, I need to use $apply() to inject the property data into scope for each item in the user's 'thing' list. To keep things in sync, I suppose I can use firebase's on change event... But this all requires me to create new references for each thing in a user's list.
What is the best way to approach grabbing relational data in firebase, while keeping both the list and the relational data in sync?
If I understand correctly, it sounds like you should use FirebaseIndex and feed the index directly into an angularFireCollection. Then you wouldn't need to use $apply since the thing data will already be in the $scope, and everything will stay synced:
var index = new FirebaseIndex(fb.child('users/789/thing_list'), fb.child('things'));
$scope.things = angularFireCollection(index);
// $scope.things will contain the user's things with the associated thing data
