Clear cookie and force Login each time user visits site? -

I have a web application built using mvc. I'm using the standard build in authentication - Identity (SignInManager & application cookie), although I've hooked this to MySQL back end.
As expected, when the user leaves my web application but returns to it in time before their session expires they can access the authorized pages on the site and when the session expires they are redirected to the log in page.
My question is, is it possible to force them to log in every time they return to the site after leaving it? The scenario being, they closed their browser or navigated away from the site all together.
Appreciate the help guys!

You need to "issue" the authentication cookie as "session" cookie. Session cookies disappear when all instances of the same-brand/same-mode browser is closed. By "same-mode" I mean incognito and non-incognito.

Keeping in mind your scenario, you can use following method.
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie("YourCookieValue", false); //second aurgument is persistent
you can set the persistent value to false so whenever a user closes his/her browser he/she will be logged out.


Website is redirecting back to login page after successful authentication

I have a website in production server, webforms using Asp.Net Identity system.
Sometimes, when users tries to login, it redirects then back to login page after successful authentication thereby denying them access to user dashboard and other secured pages.
The temporary solution to this is for me to Recycle Application Pools in the hosting server (via plesk). But it appears again after some time. Sometimes before 24hrs or more.
The issue most often occurs when multiple users are getting logged in at a range of time... From my observation.
I don't know the main cause of the issue and I'm seeking a permanent fix to it. What could be the issue? How can I resolve this?
Useful hint:
After authentication at the login page, I usually create a response cookie which holds other value which I use to keep track of the user. If the cookie expires, I redirect the user back to login. I usually check for existence of this cookie on the master page for each page load. So I don't know if this could be a possible cause. If it is, whats the best practice to employ?
I've tried checking the cookies being set if it's the possible challenge, but no success.

ASP.Net Forms Authentication cookie is passed across sessions

I am fairly new with developing in ASP.Net and I've searched high and low for a resolution to this, to no avail. I am using Forms Authentication to authenticate users and when I login with user A, I abandon the current session, generate a new session cookie/id and redirect from to my content page and everything works as planned. However, when I open a new browser window and navigate to the login screen, thus starting a new session, the authentication cookie for user A is automatically passed to this session and is part of the request cookies collection. Even worse, when I actually log in as user B and get a new authentication cookie then refresh the browser window for session A, it now has the authentication cookie of user B.
I have no idea why this is happening. I thought the browser (IE9) was caching the authentication cookie because the response-header collection is set to cache-control "private" even though I specifically set the Response.Cache.SetCacheability("no-cache") in my code-behind for all pages. Then I was thinking it could be a threading issue.
Any insight into why this is happening is greatly appreciated, Thanks.
Try different Browsers like Chrome and IE. Because browser share same cookie and temp file even opened in new windows. Above scenario will occur if you try with or
Check your web.config files for session settings.
Check out the following link:

Does ASP .NET Session reset after login?

This problem seems to have strangely disappeared. There must've been something funky with my environment. I'm voting to close this question.
When a user logs in, I inflate the session with a bunch of data from the Login page code-behind. Then I redirect the user to a different page in the application. I also have some session recovery logic which re-inflates the session based on the auth ticket when the user's session expires.
What seems to be happening is that I inflate the user's session with a bunch of data from the login page, then redirect them, and the request for the page to which I redirect them doesn't seem to have the session, so the application has to re-inflate it. I don't understand this - I've looked at the cookie and the session ID is not changing, and I am not resetting the session data anywhere in the code. Is this an ASP .NET 'feauture'? I'm using ASP .NET 4.0.
To clarify: The session is inflated during the login request (on the click even of the login button). During the next request, it doesn't appear the session is populated any longer, so I end up having to re-inflate the session. Any requests that user makes after that, the session seems to "stick" and I have the properly inflated session for subsequent requests.
To answer your question SessionState data is independent of login/logout.
There are several reasons why data might "disappear" from SessionState.
If you are using InProc SessionState on a web farm, the user may have a subsequent request be served by a different machine in the farm.
SessionState can clear if it gets too full (like a cache).
If you are using a custom SessionStateStoreProvider, it may not be saving/retrieving the SessionState properly.

How to clear SSL state in browser when user's session expires?

I'm working on an ASP.NET application where our users authenticate using client certificates over HTTPS. Our users are only using IE7.
Once a client certificate has been used to authenticate successfully it stays in the browser's SSL cache until the process is closed or the user manually clears the SSL cache. We want to be able to clear the SSL cache whenever a user logs out, or their session expires, to improve the security of the system.
Our clients already use smartcards to access the system, which unload certificates automatically when the card is removed from the client computer, but this does not clear the browser cache at all, leaving a potential avenue of attack from another user who had access to the same machine as the genuine user.
I've found out how to do the actual cache clearing from JavaScript:
which works perfectly when a user explicitly logs out, as we can execute the script on the client before allowing the user to log in again.
NOTE: IE7 only lets the cache be cleared programmatically when HTTP Keep-Alives are disabled on the web server.
Here's the tricky bit - if a client's session expires, I don't know of any way to handle this in the browser before the user tries to login again. I can't clear the state when they get to the login page, because I need the state cleared and a new certificate chosen before the page executes on the server.
Any ideas? Apologies for length of question, but background is important for this one.
Never mind, I came up with a good solution:
When the user successfully logs in, we create an additional session cookie that doesn't expire until the browser is closed.
If the user comes back to the login page later and the request is unauthenticated, we check for the existence of the session cookie - if it exists, we know that the user has previously had a session, so we explicitly log them out, exactly as we do for the user-initiated logout. If the session cookie doesn't exist then we attempt to automatically log the user in using their certificate.
The custom session cookie is deleted for each explicit log out, and re-populated for each successful login.
This gives us the best experience for the user, and guarantees that a certificate will be cached only as long as a session is still valid (15 minutes, sliding). Also, the session cookie cannot be removed by the user so there is no way to bypass this behaviour. They can't use the site without accepting session cookies either.

When IIS restarts how to go back to same page?

Suppose I have logged into an web application. I'm on the page Default.aspx. If iis restarts then I need to re-login to use the application.
Is it possible to go back to the same page if IIS restarts?
How are you authenticating your users? Using forms authentication stores a client side cookie which can survive IIS resetting. Are you storing any authentication information in session state perhaps?
Just to add you can also redirect a user to a different page from the login page. Take the following url
This URL can be used to redirect the user to the Default.aspx page after they login. Assuming your using Forms authentication you can then redirect them using FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(userName, false); The false parameter prevents a persistant cookie from being created.
If you mean the ASP.Net application domain recycles, you're issue is that you're losing session state data, right? If that's the case, then how about storing session data in the StateServer or inside SQL Server? The default is "in process", so it's wiped clean when the app domain recycles.
If you set a cookie on each page the user vists stating which page they were on, then in your OnLoggedIn event you can check for the existance of this cookie, and redirect the user to the page - we use a similar mechanism for round-robin logins to multiple domains at once.
