Woocommerce, can't remove products from cart - wordpress

Few logged customers can't remove product from cart on cart page. After click "remove" button Woocommerce returns success message but product is still in basket. Is strange because only few customers have this problem.
What can be wrong?

Do you have access to your web files, on your server? If so, find your .htaccess file. If this file is on your server, it would most likely be in the httpdocs Directory; the same place where you will find the wp-admin, wp-content and wp-includes folders.
Once you have found the .htaccess file:
Make a back up of the file.
Save the file to your Desktop.
Delete the file from your server.
Clear your Cache, on your browser.
Then add a few products to your Basket, followed by then deleting them. See if this resolves your problem.
If this does resolve the issue, then it will be a method of elimination, as to ascertain which part of the .htaccess file is causing this caching glitch. Simply upload the .htaccess file, including a little bit of the file, until the problem reappears.
If this does not resolve your problem, it would be a good idea as to ask those with the issue, what browser they are using, in case the issue is browser specific.
Hope this helps.


Wordpress login refresh issue, have tried everything but it doesn't want to load

So I was given this file and was asked to integrate PayPal using WooComerce. but I can't seem to access the wp dashboard. Here's what I've done
Created a database in phpmyadmin using XAMPP, stored the files in my htdocs, and then imported an SQL file to the database, the website page loads on my localhost, but when I type http://localhost/mysite/wp-login.php or even http://localhost/mysite/wp-admin, and I enter the correct credentials, the login page just refreshes.
I have tried
clearing cache and cookies
removing .htaccess files
renamed plugins folder
But none of them seemed to work, the page just kept refreshing. I've even tried opening it in incognito mode because I heard it may help but it didn't. Please let me know if there's anything I missed or if any further information is required.
if anyone faces this issue, You should access the database file and go to wp_options and change the url there to match your localhost. You can add an admin command in your theme functions.php file as well after doing that to add more users.

wordpress .htaccess & .htpasswd issue

I have a strange issue here. My client site is suspended due to spam messages by one.com. After deleting the comments, the technical support guy told me to generate .htaccess and .htpasswd file by using one.com's support page and upload it into root. Deleted old files and uploaded the new files a per the supporting guy. But site shown an internal error, then the technical guy said 'delete' both files and try. Then the home page is loading but inner pages showing 404 error.
Anyone here have a solution for this? this is the site http://www.jayabhattacharjirose.com/
Thanks in Advance
This is a problem with permalinks. Try the one of the following three solutions.
1: Set your Permalinks back to default, if things start working as expected then try re-setting Permalinks back to what you want.
2: Try going in your Dashboard to Settings > Permalinks. You don't need to change anything on the Permalinks page, but just click Save Changes at the bottom. Then check your site to see if that fixed it.
3: Try changing options on the Permalinks page if you want to change the way the URL looks from p=### to the /date/page format or others.
Reset your permalink to default and then again set it your required permalink structure so that WordPress creates a new required .htaccess file for it.
And if you have backup of your project then try to use the old .htaccess file.

has my wordpress site been hacked? was it a plugin?

this script keeps coming back to my wp-load.php file in public_html folder:
function pluginAuth(){
add_action('wp_footer', 'pluginAuth');
this directs to a virus site "jquerys.net"
What can be the solution. deleting the fucntion from wp-load.php does not eliminate it, as it regenrates on refreshing any page of my blog.
kindly help
There could be malicious code injected into any of your wordpress files. You will need to go through all files especially inside your theme to look for code or files / folders that shouldn't be there.
After this you can use this article to make your build more secure:
Has been very useful to me in the past for preventing this sort of thing from happening again. You can do as many or as little of the security measures as you like.
I would definitely recommend doing everything from the Securing wp-admin section.
Most probably you have some infected or malicious file in wp-ulpoads folder, check there also for any file type, different than image or documents.
Also important: check your current theme functions.php file for malicious code, often hacked themes (i.e. downloaded via bittorent websites of mafiashare websites) inject such code, search for any curl() requests, actually not only in functions.php, but in files (if your theme has them) options.php or settings.php, etc.
You seem to have an infected WordPress installation. Use Theme Authenticity Checker OR Exploit Scanner plugins for automatically detecting potential malicious files that might be the culprit.
You can also try the free scan service of Sucuri.
Once you are done with the identification of the corrupted files, replace them with their official counterparts which you can get from WordPress.org.
As a defensive measure, install WordPress File Monitor Plus plugin - as it emails each time some file is changed. This will allow you to quickly revert any changes that some hacker/script makes in the future!
i was able to detect the malicious script. it was in the public_html folder. the file was "main.php" which is not in the default installation and also it does not contribute to any theme or plugin. after deleting all the unverfied plugins, i deleted this file and deleted the code in the wp-load.php.
at first when i did not deleted the "main.php" file. the 'function' in the wp-load kept coming back. but after deleting "main.php" file, i have rid myself from this virus.
There is new virus in WP
There's a downloading of a update.exe initiated by line
<script src="//socialstatsplugin.com/jqury.js"></script>
i Have done some reviews for this kind of virus.
Just go to your WP folder and check if any unwanted hidden file and when you browse through that , the files are unreadable.
As said Just do
DELETE FROM wp_options WHERE option_name like '%wp_data_newa%'
and delete all unwanted hidden folder within any folder. It worked till now. Hope it will help. Never knows the future.

wordpress wp-login.php?redirect_to wrong path

This is a weird one. I googled for hours but seems to me not a single person has this same issue.
I moved my website from http://www.domain1.com/wpfolder to http://www.domain2.com . Everything works fine except I cannot get the "wp-login.php?redirect_to" path to point to the correct url.
WordPress keeps setting it to:
It should be setting it to:
The "wpfolder" doesn't exist anymore..
I followed the instructions exactly on how to move a WordPress website, but the darn URL won't change...
Some forum mentioned changing the "site_url" and "home" from "http://www.domain2.com" to "http://domain2.com". Now I can finally get to the admin panel, but I don't get why it needs to be that way?
I cleaned my browser cookies and checked the wp-content folder for cache already. Nada..
Also the rest of the site is functional.
I would appreciate if anyone can help.
I moved the WordPress website from GoDaddy to Bluehost by copying the files and the database and the problem went away. I am not sure why this fixed it, but assuming it has something do with the cache.
If anybody has more information, I would love to read about it.
I was facing the same issue, with same redirection to one of the sub-directory in which wordpress was installed.
Resolved this issue, by clearing the cache, if some cache plugin is active.
Or by deleting the cache plugin if any present and is currently not yet active.
As some entries made by cache plugin inside wp-config.php file creates the above mentioned problem.
After removing the cache plugin, it resolves the WP-admin URL issues.

Wordpress: prevent navigating to files in content folder unless logged in

So I'm working with an installation, and have files in my wp-content/uploads folder. I want to prevent people from navigating to it directly, or accessing it at all (including videos called in a podcast), unless they are logged into the site.
It this a simple htaccess thing? I'm not even sure where to start.
Options All -Indexes
to your .htaccess file after the # END WordPress line.
It will prevent people from browsing your folders and display a forbidden message if they try. See:
I misinterpreted the question. Sorry.
To clarify:
This stops everyone (logged in or otherwise) from browsing your folders. I'm not sure why do want to allow logged in users to browse the uploads folder in the first place...
Found a plugin to handle this:
