apply nested within lapply not working in R - r

just earlier today I received a very helpful answer for a problem I was running into that allowed me to move onto the next step of one of my projects. However, I got stuck again later on in the project, and I'm wondering if any of you can help me move forward.
Currently, I have a list of data frames that are full of soccer matches called wc_match_dataframes. Here is what one of the data frames looks like:
type_id tourn_id day month year team_A score_A score_B team_B win loss
f wc_1934 27 5 1934 Germany 5 2 Belgium Germany Belgium
I wasn't able to fit the data for the final three columns, draw, drawA, and drawB but basically the draw column is TRUE if the match is a draw, if not, it is FALSE. In the case of a draw, the win and loss columns are just filled by Draw. The drawA column is filled by team_A if the match was a draw, and likewise, the drawB column is filled by team_B.
The type_id is either f or q depending on if the match was a World Cup qualifier or a World Cup finals match. The tourn_id refers to the tournament the match was for, whether it was a qualifier or finals.
There are a total of 39 of these data frames, with a "finals" data frame for each of the 20 World Cup tournaments, and a "qualifiers" data frame for 19 tournaments (the first World Cup did not have qualifying).
What I Want To Do
I'm trying to populate a different list of data frames wc_dataframes with data for each of the 20 World Cups at the country level as opposed to the match level. Each of these twenty data frames will have the countries that made it to the finals of said tournament and their data like so:
Wins in qualifying
Wins in finals
Losses in qualifying
Losses in finals
... and so on.
I have been able to populate the first country column for every World Cup no problem, but I'm running into issues for the rest of the columns.
Here is what I'm doing
This is the unlooped (only works for one World Cup) version of my code that works successfully:
wc_dataframes$wc_1930$fw <- apply(wc_dataframes$wc_1930, MARGIN = 1, function(country)
sum(wc_match_dataframes$`wc_1930 f`$w == country, na.rm = TRUE))
This is successfully populating the finals win column in the wc_dataframes$wc_1930 data frame by counting the number of wins.
Now, when I try and nest this under lapply to do it across all World Cup years like so:
lapply(names(wc_dataframes), function(year)
wc_dataframes$year$fw <- apply(wc_dataframes$year, MARGIN = 1, function(country)
sum(wc_match_dataframes$`year f`$w == country, na.rm = TRUE)))
It does not work for me. I suspect that the issue has to do with defining the year function and running into issues in the sum portion of my code. I come from a background in STATA so I am more used to running for loops and what not. I'm still getting used to R and lists and everything so I really appreciate the help.
Thank you!
Thank you so much in advance for the help, and happy holidays! :)

What you need is to output whatever you have replaced:
lapply(names(wc_dataframes), function(year){
wc_dataframes[[year]]$fw <- apply(wc_dataframes[[year]], MARGIN = 1, function(country)
sum(wc_match_dataframes[[paste(year,'f')]]$w == country, na.rm = TRUE));


Creating a large frequency table from 'scratch' with specific ratios / values?

I have a problem that I can't figure out have to solve.
I have 3 (tibble) data-frames with just names of diffrent populations.
df1 is all, unique, surnames in Sweden and a column with a count.
382.492 (unique names * the count) = 10002985 people in df1.
10002985 is then the total population in the this 'experiment'.
df2 is a list of all registered lawyers in Sweden.
6211 lawyers total in the population.
df3 is a list of all people with noble family surnames in Sweden
there are 542 unique names and 46851 people with noble surnames in the population.
We also know that in the lawyer subgroup there is:
106 people lawyer with a noble surname.
Now my problem is that I want to create just one df with all this info.
It should look like this:
The main idea is to create a df with one row per population: 10002985 rows.
noble and lawyer is then a dummy variable where 1 = yes, 0 = no. So for example: for the tot_pop, 46851 people should have noble = 1, and 106 out of that group should have lawyer = 1.
Notice that I don't really care what the names are - I just care about the ratios.
Notice also that the reason why I want to create a new data-frame without the names is because I think this is the only way to solve the problem, at least the easiest. But if anyone insists -- I can upload some sample data from each df.
In the end I want to run some probability tests.
Let me know if the question confusing. Also, let me know if this is a really dumb way to go about this :p
It was quite easy once I realized what I was looking for :)
There is probably a more elegant solution.
# pop
pop <- 1:10002985
# noble
n <- c(46851, 9956134)
noble <- rep(1:0, n)
# attorney
a <- c(106,46745, 46745, 9909389)
attorney <- rep(c(1,0,1,0), a)
final_data <- tibble(pop, noble, attorney)

Calculate similarity within a dataframe across specific rows (R)

I have a dataframe that looks something like this:
df <- data.frame("index" = 1:10, "title" = c("Sherlock","Peaky Blinders","Eastenders","BBC News", "Antiques Roadshow","Eastenders","BBC News","Casualty", "Dragons Den","Peaky Blinders"), "date" = c("01/01/20","01/01/20","01/01/20","01/01/20","01/01/20","02/01/20","02/01/20","02/01/20","02/01/20","02/01/20"))
The output looks like this:
Index Title Date
1 Sherlock 01/01/20
2 Peaky Blinders 01/01/20
3 Eastenders 01/01/20
4 BBC News 01/01/20
5 Antiques Roadshow 01/01/20
6 Eastenders 02/01/20
7 BBC News 02/01/20
8 Casualty 02/01/20
9 Dragons Den 02/01/20
10 Peaky Blinders 02/01/20
I want to be able to determine the number of times that a title appears on different dates. In the example above, "BBC News", "Peaky Blinders" and "Eastenders" all appear on 01/01/20 and 02/01/20. The similarity between the two dates is therefore 60% (3 out of 5 titles are identical across both dates).
It's probably also worth mentioning that the actual dataframe is much larger, and has 120 titles per day, and spans some 700 days. I need to compare the "titles" of each "date" with the previous "date" and then calculate their similarity. So to be clear, I need to determine the similarity of 01/01/20 with 02/01/20, 02/01/20 with 03/01/20, 03/01/20 with 04/01/20, and so on...
Does anyone have any idea how I might go about doing this? My eventual aim is to use Tableau to visualise similarity/difference over time, but I fear that such a calculation would be too complicated for that particular software and I'll have to somehow add it into the actual data itself.
Here is another possibility. You can create a simple function to calculate the similarity or other index between groups. Then, split your data frame by date into a list, and lapply the custom function to each in the list (final result will be a list).
calc_similar <- function(i) {
sum(s[[i]] %in% s[[i-1]])/length(s[[i-1]])
s <- split(df$title, df$date)
setNames(lapply(seq_along(s)[-1], calc_similar), names(s)[-1])
[1] 0.6
I have come up with this solution. However, I'm unsure about how will it work when the number of records per day is different (i.e. you have 8 titles for day n and 15 titles for day n+1). I guess you would like to normalize with respect to the day with more records. Anyway, here it comes:
divide <-, as.factor(df$date))
similarity <- vector()
for(i in 1:(length(divide)-1)){
index <- sum((divide[[i]]$title) %in% divide[[i+1]]$title)/max(c(length(divide[[i]]$title), length((divide[[i+1]]$title))))
similarity <- c(similarity, index)

Updating Values within a Simulation in R

I am working on building a model that can predict NFL games, and am looking to run full season simulations and generate expected wins and losses for each team.
Part of the model is based on a rating that changes each week based on whether or not a team lost. For example, lets say the Bills and Ravens each started Sundays game with a rating of 100, after the Ravens win, their rating now increases to 120 and the Bills decrease to 80.
While running the simulation, I would like to update the teams rating throughout in order to get a more accurate representation of the number of ways a season could play out, but am not sure how to include something like this within the loop.
My loop for the 2017 season.
full.sim <- NULL
for(i in 1:10000){
nflpredictions$sim.homewin <- with(nflpredictions, rbinom(nrow(nflpredictions), 1, homewinpredict))
nflpredictions$winner <- with(nflpredictions, ifelse(sim.homewin, as.character(HomeTeam), as.character(AwayTeam)))
winningteams <- table(nflpredictions$winner)
projectedwins <- data.frame(Team=names(winningteams), Wins=as.numeric(winningteams))
full.sim <- rbind(full.sim, projectedwins)
full.sim <- aggregate(full.sim$Wins, by= list(full.sim$Team), FUN = sum)
full.sim$expectedwins <- full.sim$x / 10000
full.sim$expectedlosses <- 16 - full.sim$expectedwins
This works great when running the simulation for 2017 where I already have the full seasons worth of data, but I am having trouble adapting for a model to simulate 2018.
My first idea is to create another for loop within the loop that iterates through the rows and updates the ratings for each week, something along the lines of
full.sim <- NULL
for(i in 1:10000){
for(i in 1:nrow(nflpredictions)){
The idea being to update a teams rating, then generate the win probability for the week using the GLM I have built, simulate who wins, and then continue through the entire dataframe. The only thing really holding me back is not knowing how to add a value to a row based on a row that is not directly above. So what would be the easiest way to update the ratings each week based on the result of the last game that team played in?
The dataframe is built like this, but obviously on a larger scale:
Week HomeTeam AwayTeam HomeRating AwayRating HomeProb AwayProb
1 BAL BUF 105 85 .60 .40
1 NE HOU 120 90 .65 .35
I hope I explained this well enough... Any input is greatly appreciated, thanks!

Finding Specific Means and Medians in R

I am working on a project for school in R that is looking at swimming data compiled up of 8 different teams looking at each of the 13 events, over 6 years. I have over 8700 rows of data that I have appended and am trying to find out how to draw the specific means that I am looking for. For example, I would like to look at the progression of mean times for team 1 for event 3 for men. Thanks!
You can subset your data-frame to only include those variables, e.g.
ss = subset(df, team == 1 & event == 3)

Extracting a value based on multiple conditions in R

Quick question - I have a dataframe (severity) that looks like,
industryType relfreq relsev
1 Consumer Products 2.032520 0.419048
2 Biotech/Pharma 0.650407 3.771429
3 Industrial/Construction 1.327913 0.609524
4 Computer Hardware/Electronics 1.571816 2.019048
5 Medical Devices 1.463415 3.028571
6 Software 0.758808 1.314286
7 Business/Consumer Services 0.623306 0.723810
8 Telecommunications 0.650407 4.247619
if I wanted to pull the relfreq of Medical Devices (row 5) - how could I subset just that value?
I was thinking about just indexing and doing severity$relfreq[[5]], but I'd be using this line in a bigger function where the user would specify the industry i.e.
example <- function(industrytype) {
weight <- relfreq of industrytype parameter
thing2 <- thing1*weight
So if I do subset by an index, is there a way R would know which index corresponds to the industry type specified in the function parameter? Or is it easier/a way to just subset the relfreq column by the industry name?
You would require to first select the row of interest and then keep the 2 column you requested (industryType and relfreq).
There is a great package that allows you to do this intuitively with tidyverse library(tidyverse)
data_want <- severity %>%
subset(industryType =="Medical Devices") %>%
select(industryType, relfreq)
Here you read from left to right with the %>% serving as passing the result to the next step as if nesting.
I think that selecting whole row is better, then choose column which you would like to see.
frame <- severity[severity$industryType == 'Medical Devices',]
