Transferring media with posts while moving wordpress blog to another server - wordpress

I am trying to move a wordpress blog from one server to another server. I am able to move the posts and user accounts. I am able to move the media uploaded by the users but they are no longer linked to the posts. How can move the media with the posts without losing the linking

In order for the media attachments to be linked to your Posts, you need to migrate all of the wp_posts table also, not only the parts of it. As each attachment is actually linked by a parent_post field with other posts.
Also, you can use the WordPress Importer plugin to import the posts. By importing the posts, the attachments will be downloaded in the new server and linked with the posts. But if you have a lot of post and media files, that would take time.

Export tool
You can export your posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags from one WordPress website to another website by creating an XML file.
Download and save this XML file to your computer .and by using import function in other WordPress websites you can import XML file.
To open Export tool go to Dashboard> Tools > Export.
Now click on an Export button it will open a new window.
There you can see three options
All content – By using this option you can export all content of website including posts, pages, comments, custom fields etc.
Posts or Pages– By next two options you can export Posts or Pages content. On selecting Posts or Page option, it will open a new window with different options like authors name, date range, and status. Hence by using these options, you can select your desired pages or posts that you want to export.
download XML FILE
After doing all settings click on Download Export File. An XML file will automatically start downloading to your computer.
Import tool
You can import posts, page or comments or other content from another or blog or site. To open import tool go to Dashboard > Tools > Import.
By default, WordPress does not provide import functionality. Hence to get this feature you have to install a Plugin.
On clicking on import .it will open a new window where you can choose a plugin according to your need from the list of plugins.
WordPress importer- is used for Import posts, comments, custom fields, pages, and categories from a WordPress export file.
Now just click on WordPress out of all plugins. It will release a new window .where you click on install now button to install the WordPress importer.
Now activate this plugins .after activation it will open a new tab from where you can choose your exported XML file (created by using the export tool) from your computer.
Now click on upload and import XML file. It will automatically add your exported content to your website and that’s it.
Hope this will help you

You need to export your posts from your old site, import them to the new site and then redirect the post to their new location.

You could start by packaging up your Files.
Well if you simply If you simply drag and drop files from one server to another using a GUI interface, chances are good that the GUI will omit hidden files such as the vital .htaccess file. Besides, transferring hundreds of files via FTP can take a long time because each file must often undergo some sort of authentication; in other words copying over a hundred 1 megabyte files takes a lot longer than copying over a single 100 megabyte file.
On a UNIX style system, you can create a compressed file using the tar command:
tar -czf /path/to/backups/modx_revo_site.tar.gz /path/to/modx_doc_root/
Once you arrive on the other end, it's good to put the zipped file into its own directory before you extract it. The idea here is that if it explodes, it's easier to clean up the mess if it's contained in its own directory.
On a UNIX style system, you can unpackage a .tar.gz file using the following commands from a command line:
gunzip modx_revo_site.tar.gz
tar xvf modx_revo_site.tar
Once you've extracted the files, you can move the whole directory into the correct place. Again, be careful about moving files in bulk: you might inadvertently forget to copy those hidden files. It's better to rename or move the containing directory instead.
Detailed explanation can be found under:

Important is, that you use a permanent redirect not a temporary redirect. This will decrease the SEO Power over time. The Temporary Redirect redirect status response code indicates that the resource requested has been temporarily moved to the URL given by the Location headers.

Totally agree with the above said methods. Make sure to include all media and copy the authorizations as well. I had some issues a while ago when I tried to move my content on another server an totally forgot about the authorizations...


How can I copy pages successfully from existing wordpress website to new replacement website

I am building a new replacement wordpress website. I will be using same home page and some of the same pages and posts on my new website.
I have tried to export some pages via the current live website from the dashboard menu / tools / export. But there seems to be an error where file cannot be retrieved properly. I receive a message: XML cannot be opened because there is no available data view (XSLT).
Is there any other simple way I can successfully copy home page, some other pages and posts from my existing to new wordpress website.
Any help given will be greatly appreciated.
Export/import should work. Your problem may depend on the xml file size. I have found that if the file is > .3 meg, the import will time out. I solved it in my case by using a utility called wxr file splitter. Then, import each split file separately. I have used it on a file that was so large I had to split it into 14 pieces. But it worked.

Upload a data file to ftp server

I am creating a jspdf. In that, I want to use an image. The data code of image is too long and occupies a lot of space. I want to upload it to my ftp server through filezilla and use that data code in my jspdf code through wordpress. I can upload it on my ftp server but when I open the page in which the code is used, it asks for username and password. How can I make it public?
WordPress and other similar CMS works differently when it comes to the headers and dependencies. You cannot simply upload the JS resource file and then use them. Even if you will try to edit your header.php or any other theme file, you are risking to make your theme stop working on WP upgrades. It is NOT recommended to do so until and unless you know what you are doing.
Now answering your question. Cycle2 has a WordPress plugin that you can install. Click here to download it. Or even simpler, go to the Plugins menu in your WP Dashboard and search for cycle2. You will find it very simple to install and activate the plugin. Follow the Plugin Documentation/Instructions on how to use it.
Visit this link to get go through the installation instructions.

Migrating the media files from one wordpress site to another

I'm moving a wordpress site from one hosting provider to another. I copied the media files from the folder wp_content/upload from the source site to the destination. I see that the files are there in the upload folder.
I did an export of all the content from the source site. Then I imported into the destination one. This carried over categories etc...
When I go to the media\library menu item in the dashboard, I don't see all the files that I have moved. I see only half of the files that I have moved.
What should I do to see all the files that have been uploaded in the dashboard?
If you already have the images inside the media library actual folder you could use the plugin "Media from FTP" it will easily scan your actual media library folder and "add" the images that are not there.
The plugin will "register" the images in the folder to the wordpress database.
Another solution will be to modify your XML file to point to a place in your actual domain (the destination) outside the media library.
Say you have your destination domain as:
You will want to export the origin pictures to
You edit the export XML file and modify all the references to to
You then move the actual images from into
That way you don't "overwrite' the pictures when you do the import, you let wordpress read the images from your new domain and allow you to insert them into
For some reason, when wordpress tries to read the images from youroldsite it will fail and tell you media import error and you get an empty media library.
With the trick I told you, you will populate your library just fine.

how to export wordpress pages,posts with media for another site

I have wordpress site i need to export posts , pages with media and attachments engaged with them.
and need to use it in another wordpress site.
Also i have installed the woocommerce in it , i need to export the store settings, products, categories , tags with images used for it...
There are many custom post types used in my site. i need to also export theme with medias used...
I tried using Tools -> Import / Export but that does not exports the data with media or images.
Need an immediate help..
I just found out how to do this today, and answered this question with a great guide with photos on how to use the export and import tools in WordPress to transfer photos to a new site to be used in posts and pages. This is done by editing the xml files to show the correctly transferred image URLs.
Since I can't post photos because of my reputation, here is the link.
I have wordpress site i need to export posts , pages with media and attachments engaged with them. and need to use it in another wordpress site.
Also i have installed the woocommerce in it , i need to export the store settings, products, categories , tags with images used for it...
There are many custom post types used in my site. i need to also export theme with medias used...
I don't think so you had left something un-neccessary, So Download the database and import it wherever your new database you want to store.
Then download the wp-content/themes, wp-content/uploads, wp-content/plugins Directories. OR Simply Download your wp-content directory. Now you have everything.
I have Everything Now?
Now download the wordpress from and install it to your server. After complete the Installation, Replace the wp-content directory with your new installed wordpress. We assigned our old stuff to New Wordpress.
Now its time to replace Database. There are several online tutorials to replace your old database to new one.
There are multiple ways you can do this:
Using plugin
For manual, it's a little more lengthy process, you need to download complete files from one server and upload it to another. Do some changes to the backup DB i.e replacing urls and then uploading the DB file as well.
Other way, which is far more better is to use the plugin called as "All in one Migration". Here is the link which can guide you on the complete process:
Exporting your WordPress site can be used for site moves or simple backups. In this guide, I’ll provide some simple and easy options to export your WordPress sites for both non-technical and technical people.
Exporting your site creates a backup of your site, usually in the form of a .tar.gz or .zip file, which you can then use to restore or migrate your site to another domain or host. Once you have the backup it’s an easy matter loading a blank WordPress site, loading the plugin, and then restoring the site from your backup file.
When you export your WordPress sites you have the choice to export all your posts, pages, comments, custom fields, terms, navigation menus, and custom posts but the downside to this approach and it’s that WordPress doesn’t export plugins, theme, and settings of your site.
Export Site
1. Log into WordPress
2. Go to Tools > Export
3. Choose what you want to export:
4. Click Download Export File. This will download a .xml file to your computer.
Import Site
1. Log in to the WordPress site you want to import it to.
2. Go to Tools > Import.
3. Find the option called WordPress at the bottom and click Install
4. When it’s finished installing, click Run Importer.
5. Upload the .xml file you exported.
Once you’ve completed exporting your site, you will want to test everything on the site. Make sure that you look for dead links, check menus, and any functionality or post that you consider important to your website.
It doesn’t have to be hard to export your WordPress sites. There are options for everyone, no matter what level of technical skill you have. And should you ever encounter a conflict, hack, or choose to move your site, having an export of your site is invaluable.

How to back up wordpress site to be restored after a clean installation

My Wordpress blog appears to have been hacked and now blogs do not save and any changes I make such as approving a comment do not have effect. I am trying to backup my website so as to uninstall wordpress and perform a clean re-instillation. I want to create a backup so that when i restore the website will appear with everything the same as before: posts, images, links, colors, comments, themes, pages, etc. I have already backed up the MySQL database successfully. How do i backup the rest of the site.
Please tell me how to backup the site and also how to restore the site.
You need to backup both your database and your Wordpress installation. The main resource to use for this is the Wordpress site:
If you have phpmyadmin installed you can do a database dump from ther. If you don't have this installed then use mysqldump.
Wordpress installation backup can be initiated through the following URL:
That will contain "your posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags".
These links should get you started:
Good idea to look at FAQ: My site was hacked « WordPress Codex and How to Completely Clean a Hacked Wordpress Install.
best thing to do is to manually copy the database, as wordpress restore has an upload limit on the built in restore function. so if you've been blogging for a while, this can be really bad.
mysqldump -u yourUsername -p yourDatabaseName > databaseName.sql
will create the file databaseName.sql this is a full clone of all your database info (all your posts & wordpress configs)
then you can restore later with
mysql -u yourUsername -p yourDatabaseName < databaseName.sql
I figured it out. One way to cleanly install a new version of Wordpress but not lose your website is the use the Wordpress export feature as mentioned by Jon.
This exports your blog to an XML file that contains all content of your site: posts, comments, authors, pages, etc. However, images do not go with. However when importing this XML file there is an option to download and import the attachments automatically which can be done if the original site is still online. So what I did is export my XML file, upload it to a wordpress blog installed on a subdomain automatically getting the attachments, then export an XML file from the subdomain to import into the actual wordpress site. This way my attachments were simply moved around from site to subdomain back to site. This made it easy because I did not have to handle backing up my attachments manually.
So what I did was back up my theme, export my blog to XML, then delete wordpress and my database then reinstall it with a new database on both my site and a subdomain of my site.
Then I imported my XML file and put my theme in the themes folder of the subdomain. Then I exported an XML file of this subdomain copy of my site and imported it into my real site. This made my blog have all the content correct and the theme right but none of the links, plugins, or colors correct. I then had to customize wordpress through the panel to get it back to the look and feel it was. For this It was lucky I had a stored copy of the site to refer to.
This process was long because I actually had to rebuild my site twice, one for the subdomain and then again for the actual thing. But it fixed my problems.
You can simply use No need to install any plugin. No need for shell access. With this service you can simply make your wordpress website backup to the cloud. One-click restore option is also available wheneven you need to restore.
