Is it possible to receive Firebase Silent Push Notification? - firebase

I have been developing Firebase Push Notification Integrated iOS application.
I already integrated some codes, and some settings.
So I can receive Firebase Silent Push Notification when app is in foreground.
But I have a issue when app is closed.
I close app. And I send Push Notification to closed app on other iPhone.
Closed app would not receive Push Notification. But if I open closed app later, I want to know that there are a few missing Push Notifications while app has been closed.
Is it possible to know it ?
And Could I handle missing Push Notifications?


PWA app dosen't receives push notifications after app is closed

I have implemented Onesignals web push in my PWA app made on nuxt it works fine and it receive push notification till the app is opened, but after closing the app no more notifications are received but i checked on oneSignals dashboard it shows 'Received'. (This happens in some devices, while other devices receive notifiacation even if the app is closed )

Firebase Push Notification Internationally

I was able to integrate Firebase Push Notification into my android/ios app. My apps started getting international users and my question is Firebase Push Notification still works fine for them?
Is there anything i need to do to support Firebase Push Notification internationally?
No extra implementation needed. The notifications target the devices. So long as the device meet the pre-requisite to receive a message (just a stable connection) then it should be able to receive the sent notifications.

Flutter FCM Push Notification Not Working when app is in foreground

I am sending push notifications using Flutter's firebase_messaging package and I send them in the firebase console. When the app is in the background or when it is closed, I am receiving the notifications, however, when the app is in the foreground it is not working. Please tell me if I need to integrate Javascript to make this feature work, and please reference a resource that I can use in order to figure out how I can integrate Javascript with fcm as I haven't found a way to do this with flutter.
I figured out that someone can use the flutter local notifications plugin so that when the push notification is sent and the app is on the foreground, normally no notification would be delivered to the system tray, but using the flutter local notifications plugin, it would be possible to send a local notification when the app is on the foreground.
To Understand better.
Have a look into this table.
It states that when your Android or iOS Application is in foreground, OnMessage callback is called if you are sending notification payload or data payload as notification body.
You are receiving notifications when your app is in background because, when an app is in background notification is send to system tray and OS (Android or iOS) handle it for you. And your app is launched when you click on notification from system tray.
When your app is in foreground you have to catch notification payload in onMessage and handle it explicitly, you can create local notification in this case.

Receive push notification with APP closed (iOS)

Hello fellow Xamarin developers,
We are developing an APP that should receive push notification, even with APP closed.
I am receiving notifications when the APP is open or in the background, but after restarting the device the notifications are not received.
I read the content of the page
I added in Info.plist: UIBackgroundModes / remote-notification
Overwrote the methods: RegisteredForRemoteNotifications, ReceivedRemoteNotification and DidReceiveRemoteNotification
Any tips? Can I actually receive notifications after rebooting the device? I would need to create some service to register the device (In Android was necessary to create the service, in Windows-UWP No)?
Thank you very much!
I following this tutorial and it's working for me perfect

Unable to receive notification when app closed

How I can receive push notification when app was closed?
When I roll up app notification received, but when I close - no.
I`m using react-native and onesignal.
You should look how to intent a service in react-native. A service work apart from the main thread of the app, so when the app is closes the service is steal working.
