What are the subscribers to ngrx effects? - ngrx

My question relates to ngrx effects and subscriptions.
I am familiar with the concepts of observables and subscribing to them. I also know that ngrx effects are actually observables of actions. I also know that observables need somehow to be subscribed to in order to perform their logic.
My question is: which part of ngrx subscribes to effects when an action is dispatched? To put is differently who is the subscriber to effects?
Any pointer to relevant documentation or source code is welcome.


Redux: Style Guide confusion on connecting more components to the store

According to Redux Style Guide, it is strongly recommended to connect more components to read data from the store.
For example, rather than just connecting a <UserList> component and reading the entire array of users, have <UserList> retrieve a list of all user IDs, render list items as <UserListItem userId={userId}>, and have <UserListItem> be connected and extract its own user entry from the store.
This, though, sounds a bit contradicting to what has been encouraged earlier in "Usage with React" section to separate presentational components from container components where the presentational components are to read data from props, not from the store.
Does this mean that:
It is best practice to keep the number of presentational components to minimum, hence increasing the number of stateful components?
Or the connected components can also be actually stateless components?
I'm a Redux maintainer, and I wrote the Style Guide page.
The short answer is that the Redux docs have been written over time, and thus some of the older docs page are out of date.
The Style Guide is our latest and current advice on how you should write your app.
We're in the process of rewriting the Redux core docs. That exact "Usage with React" page is something I intend to rewrite very soon, and when I do, I'll be dropping the terms "presentational" and "container" entirely.
I'd also encourage you to read my post Thoughts on React Hooks, Redux, and Separation of Concerns and watch my React Boston 2019 talk on Hooks, HOCs, and Tradeoffs to get some more thoughts on how hooks change the way we think about writing components.
Like everything in programming, there is a balance.
On the one hand, you have separation of concerns, making sure each block of code is focusing on one task. This can help reduce the complexity of a given component.
On the other hand, you have reduction of parameters, reducing the brittleness of your code by keeping track of fewer parameters at any given moment.
The first bullet is typically required when your state management is complex, or you have to manage server connections, and want to keep that work separate from the presentation to reduce confusion.
Redux takes care of that for you, by putting that code into the reducer. If you use the connect() higher-order component, that's exactly what you're doing: creating a component to translate state for your base presentation component. The useSelector() and useDispatch() hooks are another way of reducing the state management code in your component.
Redux stresses the second bullet because Redux's purpose is to reduce the clutter to the point that you don't need to separate your code into presentation and business logic components. Instead of passing several props back and forth, you can pass a single key, make a simple function inside your component to retrieve the data, and get on with the presentation directly.
The folks who wrote Redux also want to reassure folks that Redux is quite fast, and not to be afraid to use it generously.
My own experience is that Redux manages the business logic side of things well enough that I rarely need to create a separate wrapper component for business logic. The state code is a few lines calling hooks at the top, and that's it.
If I do have complex business logic, typically it involves deciding what state to display. That involves determining which key to use in my Redux state. So I might put all that logic into a wrapper, but the end result of the wrapper is a single key that my presentation component uses to pull the appropriate state from Redux.

What's the point of the `select` effect in redux-saga?

As redux-saga describes itself as
a library that aims to make application side effects (i.e.
asynchronous things like data fetching and impure things like
accessing the browser cache) easier to manage.
The select effect is just used to get a slice of the current Store's state. It doesn't produce any side effect at all (no I/O operation, no mutation,etc). It's just a purely functional operation. Why a purely functional operation was designed to be an effect ?
Because none of your saga code is supposed to be interacting with the store directly overall. Whatever your saga needs to do, whether it be making an AJAX call, dispatching an action, or anything else, gets done by yielding an effect description and asking the middleware to do that work for you. Your saga doesn't have access to the store directly to call dispatch(), so there's no reason for it to have access to getState() directly either.

Is it bad to commit mutations without using actions in Vuex?

I have been using Vuex for awhile now, and I have always been following the pattern: Components use Actions to commit Mutations to mutate the Store. I thought this was the proper way to do things considering this diagram from the docs:
I came across code where people were committing mutations directly in components, and not even creating simple actions which have no purpose other than to trigger mutations. I even found several examples of this in the Vuex docs.
I figured since it's used in the docs this must be an acceptable pattern, and I was wondering if skipping Actions and directly triggering Mutations was a pattern endorsed by any other state management libraries such as Redux of Flux itself.
TLDR: Is it ok to commit mutations directly in Vuex, and if so, do other state management libraries such as Redux use a pattern like this? If so why don't they?
Just keep in mind that mutations have to be synchronous. You can commit directly in components if you (and your team) are sure is there no chance of appearing of something async. In other words, use it with simple and direct operations.
Committing only in actions as a rule adds some clarity and reliability to application's code.
I didn't used Redux, but as far as I know, some state managers have middleware.
Using mutations and action (Vuex-way) may cause a difficult maintenance into large applications.
In the future version of Vuex, mutations and actions should be merged into the one entity.
Similar discussion: https://github.com/vuejs/vuex/issues/587
Good topic here!
Actions are for more complex logic functionality specially async,
but mutations on the other hand are for changing the state .
And is totally fine to commit mutations from within your component!
(best practices are outdated by time, most of the time anyway)

Redux with multiple reducers, forcing every dispatched action to go to its reducer

I use react + redux with multiple reducers.
I figured out that every dispatched action goes through every reducer, although there's only one relevant reducer for this action.
Is there an option to force every dispatched action to go only to its reducer?
If not - why? Surely I misunderstand something.
I do not have enough points to mark it as such, but this looks like a duplicate, please see:
Why a dispatch to a reducer causes all reducers get called?
All reducers will be invoked when an action is dispatched?
Short answer: it is normal and intended, there is no such option to prevent it because when you have a complex state tree, you should not have to care to compute and check what needs to be changed manually, this is the role of redux and unless you have a huge application, performance will not be an issue (reducers are often just simple multiple lines pure function).
If you are worried about performance, check out https://github.com/reactjs/reselect mentionned in one of the other question.
Per the Redux FAQ entry on "calling all reducers", you really only have one root reducer function. If you generated that root reducer using the built-in combineReducers function, then yes, it will always run all of the slice reducers you've provided for every dispatched action, because that's how combineReducers works.
If you want other behavior, you can write your own reducer logic for your specific use case. See the Redux docs section on "Structuring Reducers" for more information on various ways to organize reducer logic.

Redux saga, rx-observable. With vanilla fetch calls, why the need over thunks?

I have been reading about sagas, their intent, and their usage. BUT - I have two questions that I'd really like some closure on, and then more of an opinion question.
When using Sagas for a simple api call, the boilerplate seems very excessive. If I had 20 api calls, how is that less wieldy than using thunks? Plus, I keep hearing the idea of "side effects" - but I'm unsure how that plays into it all.
I read some blogs that used a pattern that was able to dynamically generate the Sagas to reduce less boilerplate - but couldn't you do that with thunks too? Also, any examples would be great.
Are Sagas still usefull when literally dealing with very simple post or get calls?
Any opinions on redux-sags vs. redux-observables?
Disclaimer: I am one of the authors of redux-observable, so my opinions of both redux-saga and redux-observable are tainted with bias
Since you used the term Saga (instead of Epic) I'll assume you're asking in the context of redux-saga (not redux-observable).
In redux-saga, the effects you do, e.g. an AJAX request, aren't actually directly handled inside your generator sagas. Instead, the helpers you use are creating Plain Old JavaScript Objects which represent the effect intent, which you yield and then the redux-saga middleware itself performs the effect internally, hidden from you, providing the results back to your yield, like yourSaga.next(response).
Some like this because your saga generators are truly pure. Because it uses generators to support multiple effects, it makes it easy to test without mocks because you just assert that the effects it yielded are expected. Personally, I found in practice this seemed far cooler than it really is: many times you end up effectively recreating everything the saga does in your test. You are now testing the implementation of the saga is correct not testing the behavior of the saga. Many don't care (or even notice this), but I did. I imagine some even prefer it. This is called "effects as data". FWIW, redux-observable does not use this "effects as data" model, which is the most fundamental difference between it and redux-saga.
Tying this back to how they compare to redux-thunk, the biggest differences are: time-based operations (e.g. debouncing sequential actions) are impractical with redux-thunk alone without major hacks. Speaking of debouncing, it doesn't come with any utilities at all, so you're on the your handling debouncing and other common effects. Testing is much much harder.
These are mostly opinions, however. Certainly very successful applications can (and have) use redux-thunk. https://m.twitter.com comes to mind.
I think it wouldn't be controversial to say that redux-thunk is significantly easier to learn and use for simple request->response AJAX calls, without needing cancellation, etc. In fact, I often recommend users unfamiliar with RxJS use redux-thunk for the simple stuff and only lean on redux-observable for the more complex stuff, so they can remain productive and learn as they go. There's definitely a place for academic "correctness" and beautiful code, but for most people's jobs, shipitâ„¢ should be #1 priority. Users don't care how correct our code is, only that it exists and [mostly] works.
Regarding opinions on redux-saga vs. redux-observable, I'm biased because I'm one of the authors of redux-observable, but I summarized some of my thoughts in a previous SO post: Why use Redux-Observable over Redux-Saga? tl;dr they have a similar overall pattern, but redux-saga uses "effects as data" whereas redux-observable uses real effects with RxJS. Pros and cons to both, the primary pro to using RxJS that it is a skill that is a vastly useful skill for things other than redux-observable, and will almost certainly outlive redux-observable/redux-saga so the skill is highly transferable.
