How to include logarithm function in calculation? - math

I am using react-native to build my mobile app and one of the feature include using a formula to calculate a result.
The formula includes log function as seen below:
How can I include log function into my calculation code?

Using the Math.log() method.
(459 / (1.0324- (0.19077 * (Math.log((abdomen-neck) + (0.15456 * Math.log(height) )))))) - 450
It would make sense to save each of the brackets into a variable and compute more clearly


How to define a custom loss function in Flux.jl?

Looking at the Flux.jl docs, I see there a ton of built in loss functions: My question is how can I define and use my own loss function in Flux if I want something more esoteric?
You can use any differentiable function which returns a single float value as your loss, as stated in the comment above, the prepared functions are just for your convenience.
You can pass anything e.g.
using Flux
yourcustomloss(ŷ, y) = sum(.- sum(y .* logsoftmax(ŷ), dims = 1))
and calculate the gradient of it or pass it to train! function.

How can exp(x) be used in xcos?

I'm trying to simulate Ke^(-θs)/(𝜏*s + 1), but xcos won't let me use exp(s) in my CLR block. Is there any way around that?
Also, how can I create an xcos model, without the value for the variables, and then assign the values through the editor?
Your transfer function represents a time delay θ in series with a first order system, use the following block to approximate the delay part :
Depending on what you mean with "to simulate Ke^(-θs)/(𝜏*s + 1)", you may try or use
The second part of your question is quite unclear as well.
Usually, parameters (not variables) are defined in the context of the diagram. If by variables you mean the input signal, then you must create and use a block among possible sources (see sources palette), that will deliver an output to be branched as input to your processing block.

Double discrete integration of periodic function with R: doubly integrated function contains linear artifact

I need to integrate a signal from accelerometer, in order to get speed and position over time.
I'm trying the code on some code-generated acceleration data:
The speed function obtained is ok, the problem is with the position function obtained integrating speed. IN each case (squarewave, sawtooth, sin) the doubly discrete-integrated funtion shows a linear term superposed to the expected oscillating one.
I've perfomed this discrete-integration with both diffinv() function and with this custom function I've written:
#function that, given a function sampled at some time values, calculates its primitive
calculatePrimitive<-function(f_t, time, initialValue){
for (i in 2:length(f_t)) {
F_t[i] <- F_t[i-1] + (( (f_t[i]+f_t[i-1])/2 )*(time[i]-time[i-1]) )
The result is the same, no matter which function i use to performe the discrete integration, and it is shown in the attached graphs for cases 1) to 3).
I don't understand why this happen when, no matter what is the acceleration data, the discrete integration is applied to data that have been obtained by descrete integration themselves.

In R, incomplete gamma function with complex input?

Incomplete gamma functions can be calculated in R with pgamma, or with gamma_inc_Q from library(gsl), or with gammainc from library(expint). However, all of these functions take only real input.
I need an implementation of the incomplete gamma function which will take complex input. Specifically, I have an integer for the first argument, and a complex number for the second argument (the limit in the integral).
This function is well-defined for complex inputs (see Wikipedia), and I've been calculating it in Mathematica. It doesn't seem to be built into R though, and I don't see it in any libraries.
So, can anyone suggest a shorter path to doing these calculations, than looking up an algorithm, implementing it in C, and writing an R interface?
(If I do have to implement it myself, here's the only algorithm for complex inputs that I've found: Kostlan & Gokhman 1987)
Here is an implementation, assuming you want the lower incomplete gamma function. I've compared a couple of values with Wolfram and they match.
incgamma <- function(s,z){
z^s * exp(-z) * hypergeom1F1(z, 1, s+1) / s
Perhaps the evaluation fails for a large s.
Looks like CharFun has been removed from CRAN. You can use IncGamma in HypergeoMat:
> library(HypergeoMat)
> IncGamma(m=50, 2+2i, 5-6i)
[1] 0.3841221+0.3348439i
The result is the same on Wolfram.

when we create a function why we use -(minus) in return in R

when we create a function why we use -(minus) in return, in R program
see this example
f <- function(pars) {
L <- (n*log(pars[1]))+(n*pars[1]*log(T1))+(n*pars[1]*log(pars[2]))-
(n*log((T1^pars[1])-(pars[2]^pars[1])))- ((pars[1]+1)*sum(log(pars[2]+x)))
here why we use (-L) in return what if I use return (L)
The sourse of example Error in f(x, ...) : argument "x" is missing, with no default in nlm
Usually they do this with the aim of maximization. When optimizing functions in R the default set up of the optimizing functions is usually to minimize. A Short cut to this is just to use a - sign in the log likelihood function which on being minimized will in turn be maximized. Although not necessary. You can be able to use the controls within the optimizing functions to indicate whether you need to maximize or minimize your log likelihood function
In this case, you use a minus sign because you a create a function which returns -L. The minus sign is not mandatory in R functions in general: you could have also written
L = -L
