When I am sending text using Watson api NLU with my city which is located in India. I am getting empty entity. It should be come with data entity location. So how can i solve this problem in watson NLU.
The sentence being sent is:
mba college in bhubaneswar
where Bhubaneswar is the city
So based on your comment sentence of:
"mba college in bhubaneswar"
Putting that into NLU and entity detection fails with:
Error: unsupported text language: unknown, Code: 400
The first issue is that because no language is specified, it tries to guess the language. But there is not enough there to guess (even if it is obvious to you).
The second issue is, even if you specify the language it will not fully recognise. This is because it's not a real sentence, it's a fragment.
NLU doesn't just do a keyword lookup, It tries to understand the parts of speech (POS) and from that, determine what the word means.
So if I give it a real sentence it will work. For example:
I go to an MBA college in Bhubaneswar
I used this sample code:
import json
from watson_developer_cloud import NaturalLanguageUnderstandingV1
from watson_developer_cloud.natural_language_understanding_v1 import Features, EntitiesOptions, RelationsOptions
ctx = {
"url": "https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/natural-language-understanding/api",
"username": "USERNAME",
"password": "PASSWORD"
version = '2017-02-27'
text = "I go to an MBA college in Bhubaneswar"
#text = "mba college in bhubaneswar"
nlu = NaturalLanguageUnderstandingV1(version=version, username=ctx.get('username'),password=ctx.get('password'))
entities = EntitiesOptions()
relations = RelationsOptions()
response = nlu.analyze(text=text, features=Features(entities=entities,relations=relations),language='en')
print(json.dumps(response, indent=2))
That gives me the following results.
"usage": {
"text_units": 1,
"text_characters": 37,
"features": 2
"relations": [
"type": "basedIn",
"sentence": "I go to an MBA college in Bhubaneswar",
"score": 0.669215,
"arguments": [
"text": "college",
"location": [
"entities": [
"type": "Organization",
"text": "college"
"text": "Bhubaneswar",
"location": [
"entities": [
"type": "GeopoliticalEntity",
"text": "Bhubaneswar"
"language": "en",
"entities": [
"type": "Location",
"text": "Bhubaneswar",
"relevance": 0.33,
"disambiguation": {
"subtype": [
"name": "Bhubaneswar",
"dbpedia_resource": "http://dbpedia.org/resource/Bhubaneswar"
"count": 1
If it's a case you are only going to get fragments to scan, then #ReeceMed solution will resolve it for you.
Screenshot of NLU Service responseIf the NLU service does not recognise the city you have entered you can create a custom model using Watson Knowledge Studio which can then be deployed to the NLU Service, giving customised entities and relationships.
Is it a violation of the JSON-API spec to allow reverse relationships to be created automatically?
I need to create resources that, when I link A to B in a relationship, automatically links B to A. In this way I can traverse A to find all of its Bs and can find the parent A from a B. However, I don't want to POST/PATCH to 2 relationships to get this right. I want to establish the relationship once.
Now I know that it is an implementation detail as to how the server maintains link/references as well as how the behaviour is established but I want to build the API in such a way that it doesn't violate the spec.
Assuming I have resources Books and Authors. Books have Authors and Authors have Books. The question is, once I relate an Author to a Book, I need the reverse relationship to be created as well. Is it a violation of the spec in any way to assume that this reverse relationship can be automatically created by simply doing one POST to the Books resource's relationship?
By way of example, starting with the book.
"data": {
"type": "books", "id": 123, "attributes": ...,
"links": { "self": "/books/123" },
"relationships": {
"self": "/books/123/relationships/authors",
"related": "/books/123/authors"
And the author
"data": {
"type": "authors", "id": 456, "attributes": ...,
"links": { "self": "/authors/456" },
"relationships": {
"self": "/authors/456/relationships/books",
"related": "/authors/456/books"
If I establish the link from a book to an author with a POST to /books/123/relationships/authors
"data": [{ "data": "authors", "id": "456" }]
Do I need to explicitly do the same for the Author 456 as a POST to /authors/456/relationships/books?
"data": [{ "data": "books", "id": "123" }]
Or can I let the server build the relationship for me so that I can avoid the second POST and just see the automatic reverse relationship at GET /authors/456/relationships/books?
From the perspective of the spec this is only one relationship represented from two different sides. author and book have a many-to-many relationship. This relationship could be represented in author's resource object as well as book's resource object and of course also via there relationship links. Actually it would be a violation of the spirit of the specification if representations wouldn't match. Having one-sided relationships is another story but in that case one side wouldn't know about the relationships at all (e.g. a book is associated with an author but the author model does not know which books are associated with it).
A post to either one side of that relationship creates the relationship between the two records. It shouldn't matter which side is used to create that relationship and if it's created as part of a creation / update to a resource via it's resource object or via a relationship link representing that relationship. The same applies to deletion of that relationship.
Maybe an example would make that even more clear. Let's assume a book is created with a POST to /books?include=author having these payload:
"data": {
"type": "books",
"relationships": {
"author": {
"data": {
"type": "authors",
"id": "1"
The response may look like this:
"data": {
"type": "books",
"id": "7",
"relationships": {
"author": {
"data": { "type": "authors", "id": "1" }
"included": [
"type": "authors",
"id": "1",
"relationships": {
"books": {
"data": [
{ "type": "books", "id": "7" }
I am trying to use F# type providers to include weather data in my application. I am using OpenWeatherMap.org to get current weather data. https://openweathermap.org/current
Sometimes the OpenWeatherMap response does not show any JSON for rain (Eg. There is no rain for a 1 hour window).
So if I do something like this:
type WeatherForecast= JsonProvider<"http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?lat=39.64&lon=-74.28&appid=MyKeyICantSharePublicly">
let mydata = WeatherForecast.Load("http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather/?lat=12&lon=12&appid=MyKeyICantSharePublicly)
printf "%s" (string mydata.Rain.``1h``)
The printf statement will fail because it doesn't always know what mydata.Rain is because the type provider does not provide the Rain information anymore.
Depending on when I try to compile my application, the build will fail because of the type provider.
How can I use type providers with a changing Rest/Json Endpoint like this?
Example data.
"coord": {
"lon": -74.28,
"lat": 39.64
"weather": [
"id": 701,
"main": "Mist",
"description": "mist",
"icon": "50d"
"id": 721,
"main": "Haze",
"description": "haze",
"icon": "50d"
"base": "stations",
"main": {
"temp": 7.71,
"pressure": 1012,
"humidity": 93,
"temp_min": 7,
"temp_max": 9.4
"visibility": 4023,
"wind": {
"speed": 5.7,
"deg": 2...
Instead of a url, you should provide some samples with and without rain:
type People = JsonProvider<"""
[ { "name":"John", "age":94 },
{ "name":"Tomas" } ] """, SampleIsList=true>
for item in People.GetSamples() do
printf "%s " item.Name
item.Age |> Option.iter (printf "(%d)")
printfn ""
The samples above have two records one includes age the other one doesn't. That makes the age field an int option.
From the documentation: http://fsharp.github.io/FSharp.Data/library/JsonProvider.html
Paw has good tools for documenting simple APIs, but now I need to do something more complicated and I would like to use JSON Schema references.
For example, like the following snippet from the Swagger 2.0 examples, where the definitions are presented later in the document:
"post": {
"description": "Creates a new pet in the store. Duplicates are allowed",
"operationId": "addPet",
"parameters": [
"name": "pet",
"in": "body",
"description": "Pet to add to the store",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/NewPet"
Is there a way to to this in Paw?
I have created a workspace and created the intent, entities and dialogs for a conversation service
Where we use the launch tool and "try it out", i can see the watson text response for the question i asked. But however when i use the api command via a rest client, it does not return the text output.
The input i used for the api was
"input": {
"text": "increase the temperature of ac"
and as response i got the following
"input": {
"text": "increase the temperature of ac"
"context": {
"conversation_id": "5a7ce4c2-c6be-4cb8-b728-19136457bf28"
"system": {
"dialog_stack": [1]
0: "root"
"dialog_turn_counter": 1
"dialog_request_counter": 1
"entities": [1]
0: {
"entity": "appliance"
"location": [2]
0: 28
1: 30
"value": "ac"
"intents": [1]
0: {
"intent": "turn_up"
"confidence": 0.9854193755106732
"output": {
"log_messages": [0]
"text": [0]
"nodes_visited": [1]
0: "node_1_1469526692057"
It doesnot have any text message in the json output
This is working as intended.
Using the Github Conversation demo, You can find the related node in the JSON by searching for "conditions": "#turn_up". Here is the related block.
"go_to": {
"return": null,
"selector": "condition",
"dialog_node": "node_11_1467233013716"
"output": {},
"parent": null,
"context": null,
"created": "2016-07-22T04:55:54.661Z",
"metadata": null,
"conditions": "#turn_up",
"description": null,
"dialog_node": "node_10_1467233003109",
"previous_sibling": "node_7_1467232789215"
Alternatively you can look up the block in the Conversation UI looking for #turn_up. For example.
The output field is empty. So the output text is not being handled by Conversation.
It has to be handled at the application layer. There are valid reasons for doing this. For example creating an answer store independent makes it easier for a non-technical user to update. Or if you wanted to hand off to something like Retrieve and Rank to find the answer.
In this case, how the Car demo handles this is detailed in the tutorial video, which you can see here.
I have taken the Blog App, added a Category ContentType as a field in the BlogPost ContentType and built a query to factor Category into the results.
But I am having trouble with the In-ValueProvider. Following the example here the Visual Query Designer seems to be ignoring the incoming value from my ModuleDataSource.
I have double checked the In-Stream name, my Entity names, case, TestParameters, etc. Are there any known bugs in 2sxc 8.44 and up that would cause this issue? What have I missed?
In this case I am using a RelationshipFilter. Relationship is "Category". Filter is "[In:Config:Category]". I can switch out to a [Querystring:Category] and that works fine and runs all my code.
Thanks for reading.
OK I found a workaround.
It turns out that the In-ValueProvider is working but it's struggling with the Category of my BlogPost I think because Category is an entity.
For background I have a BlogPost ContentType, a Category ContentType, and an Articles Home Header ContentType. Articles Home Header sets both the header info for the articles page and the Category entity.
For some reason the RelationshipFilter is having trouble comparing the Category entities between Articles Home Header and BlogPost. I tried the following for my Filter and neither worked:
I wonder if this is a case sensitivity issue, a bug, or if I am just misunderstanding the filter syntax.
To work around I created a temp field called TempCategory in my Articles Home Header and used [In:Config:TempCategory] for the filter.
That worked.
For reference here is a snippet from the Query:
"Config": [
"Title": "Coaching Articles",
"SubTitle": "",
"Image": "/Portals/0/uploadedimages/AcademicPrograms/Christ_College/crosswise-hero.jpg",
"ImageAlt": "Crosswise stained glass",
"Category": [
"Id": 2716,
"Title": "Coaching"
"Id": 3118,
"Modified": "2016-06-21T10:44:21.9Z",
"_2sxcEditInformation": {
"sortOrder": 0
"Paging": [
"Title": "Paging Information",
"PageSize": 10,
"PageNumber": 1,
"ItemCount": 0,
"PageCount": 0,
"Id": 0,
"Modified": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"_2sxcEditInformation": {
"entityId": 0,
"title": "Paging Information"
"Default": [
"Title": "Protect Your Players and Your Program: An Athletic Leader's Legal Duties",
"UrlKey": "an-athletic-leaders-legal-duties",
"PublishingGroup": null,
"PublicationMoment": "2016-06-15T00:00:00Z",
"Image": "/Portals/0/uploadedimages/AcademicPrograms/Graduate/Coaching/an_athletic_leaders_legal_duty.jpg",
"ImageSquare": false,
"Teaser": "<p>When the clock started on the new year earlier this month, all but one state joined the growing legal effort to protect and prevent concussions and head injuries among America’s young.</p>",
"Body": "<p><strong>When the clock started on the new year earlier this month,</strong> all but one state joined the growing legal effort to protect and prevent concussions and head injuries among America’s young.</p>\n<p>As sports-related injuries and issues continue to dominate the headlines and influence programs throughout the country, laws like “return-to-play” are becoming a sign of the times when it comes to protecting players and athletic programs alike. The world of athletics is experiencing a significant shift in the perception of the roles and responsibilities of coaches, schools and athletic personnel.</p>",
"DesignedContent": [],
"Tags": [
"Id": 2576,
"Title": "coaching"
"Id": 2575,
"Title": "management"
"Id": 2574,
"Title": "sports"
"Id": 3035,
"Title": "legal"
"Author": [
"Id": 3030,
"Title": "Shaleek Blackburn"
"ImageAlt": "Referee holding a red",
"Thumbnail": "",
"ThumbnailAlt": "",
"RelatedArticles": [
"Id": 2564,
"Title": "Athletic Personnel's Duty To Warn"
"Id": 2565,
"Title": "Get A Better Grip On Bullying"
"Id": 2717,
"Title": "Good Coaching Develops Exceptional Athletes and People"
"Category": [
"Id": 2716,
"Title": "Coaching"
"ArticleRelationships": null,
"Id": 2513,
"Modified": "2016-06-15T19:32:17.913Z",
"_2sxcEditInformation": {
"entityId": 2513,
"title": "Protect Your Players and Your Program: An Athletic Leader's Legal Duties"