WPML with Subdomains behaves very strange in combination with multiple environments - wordpress

I'm currently working on a clients website where we want to split up the live environment into three different ones.
We currently want the following envs:
Production (Live website)
Preview (Unpublished live website for content management)
Staging (Development state for feature and development previews)
We have them setup via the following subdomains:
NOTE: We're also using the WP cache with advanced-cache.php in combination with WP Engine Advanced Cache. Maybe thats a conflict?
Anyway, when I now login to the different backends and try to map the subdomains and save somehow the environments overwrite each others settings again, even though they are on separated webservers and use separated databases.
I'm really confused because when I for example set en.preview.xyz.com on the preview domain, somehow the same en.preview.xyz.com value is set on the staging environment.
Are there any known conflicts with WPML Subdomains and multiple Websites on the same parent domain or a caching plugin?
Thanks already a lot. My client already is kind of annoyed because the content managers are waiting.

I found the answer for my problem.
Basically the WP Supercache Plugin was setup wrong to work with different environments. I had to load the WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT from the .env-files in the object-cache.php


Wordpress caching - using W3 Total cache with CloudFront vs using CloudFront directly

If you have already deployed your wordpress instance to AWS, which scenario for CDN makes more sense?
Using CloudFront directly on top of a LoadBalancer.
Using CloudFront with W3 Total Cache plugin?
If you expect high volume of traffic to your WordPress website the better option will be the first one:
Using CloudFront directly on top of a LoadBalancer.
If you are in the beginning of your project the better option will be the second one:
Using CloudFront with W3 Total Cache plugin?
Also please note that you are comparing server architecture and configuration versus plugin. Which are two completely different things. These two completely different things can also work together with no issues (if configured properly of course) and you will have the next setup:
Using CloudFront directly on top of a LoadBalancer with W3 Total Cache plugin.
Another hint: if you are in the beginning of your project or not familiar how to configure complex plugin with many options such as W3TC, I would recommend you cache plugin with less options and more simple. Recently, I have started using WPCacheOn recently on all of the websites, I am using and I am very happy with it. Simply install and activate the WPCacheOn and no further configurations or settings are needed for faster website.
I hope this information helps you in choosing your setup and cache plugin for your project.

Project Setup for Multisite development

I am about to develop two websites using wordpress with its multisite functionality. So www.domain1.com and www.domain2.com should point to the same wordpress installation.
The problem I have is that the domains are in productive use, so I cannot make them point somewhere else until development is not finished. I also do not have (and do not want to buy) two unused domains to create the develop setup, so what I would like to know is:
Can I setup subdomains for development and change it into »real« domains later on?
What I would like to know is how to setup the project so that after development is finished, deploying is as painless as possible. The project setup should be close the »real world scenario« it is meant for as possible and I am interested in any kind of hints, advises, links and stuff which guides me setting up the projects.
Which are the pitfalls, where are the »dangerous« parts?
I'd suggest the following route:
Install the Multisite with a sub-domain set-up in a third domain that will be the Main Blog (example.com). In your host, you'll need Wildcard subdomains enabled. Otherwise, each sub-domain has to be manually created. With the wildcard, creating a new site is a matter of clicking Add site.
Then, in /wp-admin/network/sites.php, add two sites: domain1.example.com and domain2.example.com. And develop until they are ready.
You'll need the plugin WordPress MU Domain Mapping to map Top Level Domains to the sub-sites/sub-domains. With it, domain1.example.com will be a fully working domain1.com.
After all this is in place, is just a matter of changing the NameServers to point to the Multisite addresses.
Well, it seems simple but Multisite is not for the faint of the heart. But, one of WordPress.org wizards, Mika Epstein, aka Ipstenu, has two great eBooks that cover lots of ground. Please, check the following Answers in WordPress StackExchange where I cite them.
An interesting case study document.
Plugins of interest:
BackupBuddy: paid solution, although it's considered Beta, exporting and importing sites out and in the networks works ok.
Add Clone Sites for WPMU (batch), in the Repository, although hasn't been updated in a while, still works fine, doesn't exports/imports, but useful for duplicating sites inside the network.

Duplicate an entire Wordpress site in the same domain

I have a live site built in Wordpress at www.site.com/name1.
The client wants a new theme. I've heavily modified the current theme with custom code and will need to do so with the new theme, all without interrupting the live site, so this wont be as simple as moving the site from one theme to another. Therefore I think I need to create a duplicate of the site at www.site.com/name2 because the content will all be the same. Doing this will give me a place to work on the redesign.
What is the best way to go about doing this? Should I have both use the same DB or not? When I get ready to go live should i simple redirect the domain to /name2 or move everything at /name2 to /name1?
Any help is appreciated.
If you want the same Data you can use the same DB but there is somes Options Tables dans Meta tables in the Wordpress DB, then if you change parameters on one site it will affect the other.
If you just recode the Theme without touching anything in the configuration you can use the same DB to test your theme with valid datas, but if you think you'll have to change paramaters i would prefer duplicate the Production DB to a Test DB to secure the production Website.
When you go live you'll just have to move your theme to the production website and copy your Option and Meta Tables.
If you're at a point where you're having clients, you should definitely develop locally. This will free you from the trouble of mistakingly messing up the production site.
Install Apache, MySQL and PHP on your own machine.
Copy database and files from production.
Change anything you'd like without exposing it to the Internet.
Upload your new, tailor-suited theme to production when it's ready to go live.

Running multiple Wordpress sites on a single domain/web server

I have a rather general but very important question. I have built a main website and an eShop for a client. The main website is in Wordpress and I have to find a platform for the eShop, but let's say it's also a Wordpress theme.
Can I install 2 wordpress sites in my hosting server? So for example, the first one will be www.company.com/website and the other being www.company.com/shop.
Yes you can: Installing Multiple Blogs « WordPress Codex.
While all the previous answers are technically correcct - they will have you doing twice the work that is actually needed for your desired outcome (as in two installs, two upgrades, two sets of security checks, two databases, two admin panels... you get the idea - two times the work, all unnecessary).
Since Wordpress 3.0, the WordpressMU features have been integrated into the core. This allows you to run multiple Wordprsss 'sites' from a single install.
Sites can be served from their different domain, sub-domains, or in your case different sub-directories within the same domain and server.
Full information on how to achieve this is available from Wordpress Codex:
Create A Network
Just install one wordpress app in your root directory and create the other directory and install it there, there should be no problem.
Keep in mind that if you are routing around a port 80 blockade (aka using a different port to host your site) then Multi-site WILL NOT WORK. In such an instance multiple WP installations seem to be the ticket.
You can choose a directory relative to your root domain when installing wordpress on your site.

How to maintain your development website vs. production website in WordPress?

In a wordpress installation we want to have our main site, and a staging site separated and different. Where in the admin interface you separate your staging area?
Let's say:
for production you will have: http://www.yourdomain.com/
but for staging we want to have: http://www.yourdomain.com/staging
Staging is the website that will be in production next.
Any ideas?
With Wordpress 3.0+ you might be able to create a network of sites or install multiple sites with an older version of Wordpress. The catch is I don't know of an easy way of moving the staging to production. I'm not entirely sure that will do what you want, but you may want to look into it.
Personally I'd think you'd probably be better off keeping your staging and production sites on 2 different servers and just do a copy over when you move to production.
I don't know of any instant, simple answers, but have you seen this article in the Wordpress support forum? It has some informed discussion and at-least partial solutions:
If your staging site doesn't need any database modification, or custom forms/widgets for the backend, you can create a new theme, and test it in the preview mode. When done, you can switch the theme to the new one!
