How to omit the parent class in css file - css

I have imported the a less file inside the parent class e-js. In this some of them is inside the parent element and some of them is out side of the parent element. But I have to import the less file inside the e-js code as I explained below.
Less File
.e-js {
&.e-spreadsheet {
display: none
.e-wrapper & {
display: none;
.e-wrapper {
display: none;
Actual CSS
.e-js.e-spreadsheet {
display: none;
.e-wrapper .e-js {
display: none;
.e-js .e-wrapper {
display: none;
But I need the below code block, which omits the .e-js class. But in less file it is under e-js.
.e-wrapper {
display: none;
Is there any way to achieve this in less??


Merging selector #extend issue

I have a problem about "#extend" directive in SCSS.
.header {
.introduction-group {
text-align: center;
color: $white;
width: 70%;
.about {
&__description-group {
#extend .introduction-group;
This code block does not work. However,
.header {
&__introduction-group {
text-align: center;
color: $white;
width: 70%;
.about {
&__description-group {
#extend .header__introduction-group;
Second one works. Why?
Thank you.
As mentioned here nested classes won't be applied with #extend. Your second code block targets the specified class including the parent prefix. The first code block doesn't, it only targets the nested class.
I made a small codepen demo to illustrate the problem in a simple way. Make sure you checkout the Sass docs for a more comprehensive explanation!
<h1 class="wrong">Test style gone wrong</h1>
<h1 class="right">Test style gone right</h1>
.test {
.nested {
color: red;
&-nested {
color: red;
.wrong {
#extend .test;
#extend .nested;
.right {
#extend .test-nested;

Using SASS & to target a second class of a parent

Here is my code:
.grid {
> li {
// li styles
.text & {
// new li styles if .grid also has a class of .text
This is wrong, it seems to only work if I target something higher than .grid, but I want to be able to target .grid.text li {} so I can change the li styles based on if the .grid has an extra class, not depending on what .grid lives inside. Is this possible?
I'm trying to avoid doing this:
.grid {
> li {
// li styles
&.text {
li {
// new li styles
You could do it using the #at-root directive while mantaining the rules nested
e.g. this snippet
.grid {
> li {
color: #fff;
#at-root {
.text#{&} {
color: #000;
on SASS >= 3.3 compiles into
.grid > li {
color: #fff;
.text.grid > li {
color: #000;

Using the same values with different classes in different #media without duplicating

I have CSS like that:
.class1 {
display: block;
color: red;
.class2 {
display: block;
color: blue
#media(max-width:800px) {
.class1-mobile {
display: block;
color: red;
.class2-mobile {
display: block;
color: blue
#media(min-width:800px) {
.class1-desktop {
display: block;
color: red;
.class2-desktop {
display: block;
color: blue
All the properties and their values are the same and the only difference is in class names and media queries. So I'd like to know if there is a way not to duplicate them.
here is a simplified way of doing your media queries using non-mobile first approach (max-width)
.class {
display: block;
/* optional because div is already block element*/
.class1 {
color: blue
.class2 {
color: red
#media(max-width:800px) {
.class1 {
color: red;
.class2 {
color: blue
<div class="class class1">red</div>
<div class="class class2">blue</div>
Use one class.
You can use the same class on multiple elements and You can use multiple
classes on the same element.

Sass Ampersand nesting with pseudo selectors

Trying to utlize the SASS Ampersand to get the following css output. It is not working when we use Ampersand with inside pesudo selector.
.test:first-child .test-image { display: block; }
.test {
&:first-child {
display: inline-block;
&-image {
display: block;
Above code basically cascading the -image with first-child.
This is because the ampersand is just concatenating the parent with the child. If you want the compiled CSS to look like your example you need to do this:
.test {
&:first-child &-image{
display: block;
If you are trying to achieve
.test:first-child .test-image { display: block; }
With your code it is getting compiled as this
.test:first-child-image {
display: block;
Instead ,you can simply write it as this .
.test:first-child {
.test-image {
display: block;
Hope it helps
It sounds like you have mistaken how the ampersand works in Sass. The ampersand is essentially a shorthand for writing each outer selector and then adding the selector after it onto the end. As .test-image is distinct from .test, you should specify it as follows.
.test {
&:first-child {
.test-image {
display: block;
Compiles to
.test:first-child .test-image {
display: block;

BEM with SASS and :hover

What's the proper way of declaring active/focus/hover states using BEM with SASS? For example, I have this structure:
<div class="card">
<img class="card__image" src="..." alt="">
<div class="card__overlay">
<div class="card__title"></div>
And the SCSS:
.card {
&__image {
&__overlay {
&__title {
And I want to modify the elements when hovering on the block.
This doesn't work:
.card {
&__overlay {
display: none;
&:hover {
&__overlay {
display: block;
And having to write the whole .project__image just for this one instance seems wrong.
Is there any other way to accomplish this?
You can achieve the desired result using the Sass ampersand selector, without using variables or interpolation.
Referencing parent selectors by using the ampersand (&) can be a
powerful tool, if used right. There are simple uses of this feature as
well as some very complex uses of this feature.
For example:
.card {
&__overlay {
&:hover & {
&__overlay {
display: block;
Results in:
.card__overlay {
display: none;
.card:hover .card__overlay {
display: block;
This code uses fewer language constructs (e.g. no use of variables or interpolation) and so is arguably a cleaner implementation.
Read more about interpolation:
.card {
$root: &;
&__overlay {
display: none;
#{$root}:hover & {
display: block;
.card__overlay {
display: none;
.card:hover .card__overlay {
display: block;
PS. It is similar to #alireza safian post, but with this way you don't need to duplicate class name. Variable $root do it for you :)
Alternative way:
Use variable instead of ampersand for third level.
$className: card;
.card {
&__overlay {
display: none;
&:hover {
.#{$className}__overlay {
display: block;
.card__overlay {
display: none;
.card:hover .card__overlay {
display: block;
