Symfony 4, a way for generate Entities from an Existing Database? - symfony

With Symfony 3 and its console, we can generate entities from an already existing database via the command "php bin/console doctrine:mapping:import" (very usefull !).
From symfony 4, the command "./bin/console doctrine:mapping:import" needs a bundle name but symfony 4 doesn't work with bundle now.
With the new version of symfony, is there a way I didn't see for generate entities from an existing Database (mysql by example) ? Or must I wait a new version of doctrine for have a "doctrine:mapping:import" compatible with Symfony 4 ?
I found a(n) (ugly) solution yet. I deploy a disposable symfony 3, I link the symfony 3 to my database and I generate entities in a bundle. Then I copy generates files to symfony 4.
It's ugly but it works haha

You can use
php bin/console doctrine:mapping:convert --from-database annotation ./src/Entity
which should create the entities based on the database setting. Don’t forget to add the namespaces, and you will still need to add the getters and setters, but the bulk of the properties, including annotations and some of the relationships are already included. (Source)
Please also note, that Doctrine will not support this anymore in the next Doctrine version. As written in the Symfony docs
Moreover, this feature to generate entities from existing databases will be completely removed in the next Doctrine version.


How to define entire database schema in Symfony 4?

Is there a way to define the complete database schema in one go in Symfony 4?
I understand that individual entities/objects can be created using the make:entity and make:migration commands but I'm wondering if I could just define the entire schema in one sitting and then use it to build the associated entities and database.
I recall that in earlier versions of Symfony it was possible to define the entire schema in a YAML file and then just issue a build command.
Yes, you can create complete database schema mappings using any of supported mapping formats (e.g. YAML or XML) and declare mappings location in Doctrine configuration. After that you will be able to use any Doctrine console tools to generate and update schema. You can also use tools for reverse engineering mappings from already available database and to convert mappings between formats
Please notice that Doctrine commands names in Symfony application are different from ones that natively provided by Doctrine. You need to use:
doctrine:schema:validate for schema validation
doctrine:schema:create for initial schema generation with subsequent calls of doctrine:schema:update with either --dump-sql or --force depending on your needs
doctrine:mapping:convert to reverse engineer available database (with use of --from-database option) or convert between mapping types in a case if you want to.

Map an entity in symfony 4

How about, I have a problem and it is before in symfony3 was run in the console:
php bin/console doctrine:mapping:import MiBundle yml
and generated and map an entity of the database but in Symfony 4 the command in the console is always the same, but the bundles are no longer occupied in the latest version so the previous command as it is does not work anymore, Someone could help me...
likewise generate the get and set
When using the new Symfony 4 directory structure without bundles the commands for importing the mapping and creating entities from an existing schema in the DoctrineBundle will no longer work properly. There is currently an ongoing discussion whether to update them, but the Doctrine team considers those tools counterproductive. You are not meant to blindly map the schema 1:1 to your domain model.
The best advice I can give for now is to temporarily create a bundle and then move the resulting files. This is also the workaround suggested in the github-issue regarding this:
The Symfony team is moving some of those commands into their own MakeBundle, but I don't think this command is already in there. Maybe you want to follow their progress.

partial use of doctrine on an existing php project

I am a new developer on an existing php project that respect its proper mvc.
I have successfully "plug" a Symfony installation on it, in order to replace some of the already existing Symfony components such as Router, Request etc...
I have some functionalities to develop and I am isolating them under one bundle.
My question is : can I use Doctrine for this one in order to start a sanitize work on the existing database ? If I want to use foreign keys with the existing others tables I need to configure the mapping on them...It's a problem because I cannot start a refactoring for the objects of this project that are not entities-like. Is there a solution to use doctrine only for my bundle and keeping the use of foreign-keys, cascading etc... ?
Thank you for all
If you wish to only generate the entities for your isolated bundle, you can do it.
Check documentation:
Are you planning to create your tables in the same database or in a differente database?

How does Symfony CMF saves into database?

I get that it saves into PHPCR through Doctrine ODM.
But I get that it is all saved in app.sqlite, but I don't see how does it works conceptually ?
Why does it need the database at all when everything is saved in app.sqlite?
Why do I need to make this kind of commands php app/console doctrine:phpcr:init:dbal and so on ?
Symfony CMF can work with different model classes. we provide a default implementation that is mapped for Doctrine PHPCR-ODM. PHPCR-ODM in turn is built on the php content repository PHPCR. there are 3 implementations of that, the cmf sandbox by default uses jackalope-doctrine-dbal. jackalope-doctrine-dbal in turn uses doctrine dbal to store content into databases supported by doctrine dbal. jackalope currently handles sqlite, mysql and postgres. jackalope-doctrine-dbal needs some initialization on the first run, which are the commands you have seen. this is the same whether we use the embedded sqlite database driver or mysql or postgres.
You find some background for the choices in choosing a storage layer and information how to set up phpcr-odm in Create a New Project with PHPCR-ODM. Look around at to have most of the CMF concepts and implementation explained.

Doctrine Skip entities when creating database

I have a Symfony2 application, with a bundle that have a couple of entities that isn't part of my main application.
How can I update the schema but exclude some of the entities?
E.G when I run the following command after updating one of my entities
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql
then doctrine generates sql for all the entities, which means it creates tables for the entities that I don't need. So how can I tell doctrine to skip those specific entities when generating the sql?
The Symfony command doesn't allow that way to exclude any entity.
If you want to differenciate enities from main part to the others, I suggest you define 2 different entity managers, 1 for main entites, 1 other for your annexed entities...
Official doc : How to work with Multiple Entity Managers
