I'm starting my studies with R and I'm studying the pls library, through the Introduction to the pls Package file.
I'm running the example:
gasTrain <- gasoline[1:50,]
gasTest <- gasoline[51:60,]
gas1 <- plsr(octane ~ NIR, ncomp = 10, data = gasTrain, validation = "LOO")
plot(RMSEP(gas1), legendpos = "topright")
plot(gas1, ncomp = 2, asp = 1, line = TRUE)
plot(gas1, plottype = "scores", comps = 1:3)
plot(gas1, "loadings", comps = 1:2, legendpos = "topleft",
+ labels = "numbers", xlab = "nm")
abline(h = 0)`
when I try to run the line
plot(gas1, "loadings", comps = 1:2, legendpos = "topleft", + labels = "numbers", xlab = "nm")
the message appears:
Error: unexpected '=' in: "plot(gas1, "loadings", comps = 1:2, legendpos = "topleft", + labels ="
I can't see where the error is.
I used FormatR (ctrl + shift + A) on the line.
comps = 1:2,
legendpos = "topleft",
labels = "numbers",
xlab = "nm"
and remove the + sign. Now the line rotates however I get a graph like this. enter image description here.
But in the reference file it is:
enter image description here
How to fix this error?
thank you for the help.
I would like to plot several forecasts on the same plot in different colours, however, the scale is off.
I'm open to any other methods.
reproducible example:
data <- c(3.86000, 19.55810, 19.51091, 20.74048, 20.71333, 29.04191, 30.28864, 25.64300, 23.33368, 23.70870 , 26.16600 ,27.61286 , 27.88409 , 28.41400 , 24.81957 , 24.60952, 27.49857, 32.08000 , 29.98000, 27.49000 , 237.26150, 266.35478, 338.30000, 377.69476, 528.65905, 780.00000 )
a.ts <- ts(data,start=c(2005,1),frequency=12)
arima011_css =stats::arima(x = a.ts, order = c(0, 1, 1), method = "CSS") # css estimate
arima011_forecast = forecast(arima011_css, h=10, level=c(99.5))
arima321_css =stats::arima(x = a.ts, order = c(3, 2, 1), method = "CSS") # css estimate
arima321_forecast = forecast(arima321_css, h=10, level=c(99.5))
Here is something similar to #jay.sf but using ggplot2.
autoplot(a.ts) +
autolayer(arima011_forecast, series = "ARIMA(0,1,1)", alpha = 0.5) +
autolayer(arima321_forecast, series = "ARIMA(3,2,1)", alpha = 0.5) +
guides(colour = guide_legend("Model"))
Created on 2020-05-19 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
You could do a manual plot using a sequence of dates.
rn <- format(seq.Date(as.Date("2005-01-01"), by="months", length.out=12*3), "%Y.%m")
Your ARIMAs you'll need as.matrix form.
arima321_mat <- as.matrix(
arima011_mat <- as.matrix(
Some colors with different alpha=.
col.1 <- rainbow(2, ,.7)
col.2 <- rainbow(2, ,.7, alpha=.2)
For the CIs use polygon.
plot(data, type="l", xlim=c(1, length(rn)), ylim=c(0, 3500), xaxt="n", main="Forecasts")
axis(1, axTicks(1), labels=F)
mtext(rn[(seq(rn)-1) %% 5 == 0], 1, 1, at=axTicks(1))
lines((length(data)+1):length(rn), arima321_mat[,1], col=col.1[1], lwd=2)
polygon(c(27:36, 36:27), c(arima321_mat[,2], rev(arima321_mat[,3])), col=col.2[1],
lines((length(data)+1):length(rn), arima011_mat[,1], col=col.1[2], lwd=3)
polygon(c(27:36, 36:27), c(arima011_mat[,2], rev(arima011_mat[,3])), col=col.2[2],
legend("topleft", legend=c("ARIMA(3,2,1)", "ARIMA(0,1,1)"), col=col.1, lwd=2, cex=.9)
Edit: To avoid the repetition of lines and polygon calls, you may unite them using Map.
mats <- list(arima321_mat, arima011_mat) ## put matrices into list
Map(function(i) {
lines((length(data)+1):length(rn), mats[[i]][,1], col=col.1[i], lwd=2)
polygon(c(27:36, 36:27), c(mats[[i]][,2], rev(mats[[i]][,3])), col=col.2[i], border=NA)
}, 1:2)
data <- c(3.86000, 19.55810, 19.51091, 20.74048, 20.71333, 29.04191, 30.28864, 25.64300, 23.33368, 23.70870 , 26.16600 ,27.61286 , 27.88409 , 28.41400 , 24.81957 , 24.60952, 27.49857, 32.08000 , 29.98000, 27.49000 , 237.26150, 266.35478, 338.30000, 377.69476, 528.65905, 780.00000 )
a.ts <- ts(data,start=c(2005,1),frequency=12)
arima011_css =stats::arima(x = a.ts, order = c(0, 1, 1), method = "CSS") # css estimate
arima011_forecast = predict(arima011_css, n.ahead = 2)$pred
arima321_css =stats::arima(x = a.ts, order = c(3, 2, 1), method = "CSS") # css estimate
arima321_forecast = predict(arima321_css, n.ahead = 2)$pred
plot(a.ts, type = "o", xlim = c(2005, 2007.5) , ylim = c(-1, 1200) , ylab = "price" ,main = "2 month Forecast")
range = c(2007+(3/12), 2007+(4/12)) # adding the dates for the prediction
lines(y = arima011_forecast , x = range , type = "o", col = "red")
lines(y = arima321_forecast, x = range , type = "o", col = "blue")
I'm trying to study this protein interaction net. I need to do a plot of the degree distribution of the edges (last lines of the code), but I'm not able to make a trend line and the slope (last line of the code). Can someone help me please?
download.file("", tfile)
datosraw <- subset(read.delim(tfile, sep="\t", header=F, stringsAsFactors = F), ! & V3!="" & V3!="METHOD")
df.y2h <- = datos$Y2H[1:5125,c(1,2)], directed = FALSE)
deg.dist.df.y2h <- degree.distribution(df.y2h)
plot(deg.dist.df.y2h, xlab="k", ylab="P(k)", main="Y2H")
plot(deg.dist.df.y2h, xlab="log k", ylab="log P(k)", main="Y2H", log = "xy", asp)
You are placing abline on the plot done on log10-log10 scale. Here's one way of doing it
Your code
download.file("", tfile)
datosraw <- subset(read.delim(tfile, sep="\t", header=F, stringsAsFactors = F), ! & V3!="" & V3!="METHOD")
df.y2h <- = datos$Y2H[1:5125,c(1,2)], directed = FALSE)
The rest can be wrapped in to a helper function
plot_degree_distribution = function(graph) {
# calculate degree
d = degree(graph, mode = "all")
dd = degree.distribution(graph, mode = "all", cumulative = FALSE)
degree = 1:max(d)
probability = dd[-1]
# delete blank values
nonzero.position = which(probability != 0)
probability = probability[nonzero.position]
degree = degree[nonzero.position]
# plot
plot(probability ~ degree, log = "xy", xlab = "Degree (log)", ylab = "Probability (log)",
col = 1, main = "Degree Distribution")
abline(lm(log10(probability) ~ log10(degree)))
I tried to create a fitted line through the graph, but it doesn't show at all, it just shows the graph itself. What am I doing wrong here? Check my code below.
cor.merged <- cor.merged[order(cor.merged$No.florets), ]
plot(vis.rate ~ No.florets, data = cor.merged[cor.merged$line == 'M',],
main = "Nectar production vs visitation rate",
xlab = "No.florets", ylab = "Visitation rate",
pch = 19)
m1 <- lm(cor.merged$vis.rate[cor.merged$line == 'M'] ~
poly(cor.merged$No.florets[cor.merged$line == 'M'], 2, raw = T))
lines(cor.merged$No.florets[cor.merged$line == 'M'] ~
col = 'red', lwd = 3, type = 'c')
This question already has answers here:
Shading a kernel density plot between two points.
(5 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I've written code to plot density data for variations of an A/B test. I'd like to improve the visual by shading (with the fill being slightly transparent) the area below each curve. I'm currently using matplot, but understand ggplot might be a better option.
Any ideas? Thanks.
# Setup data frame - these are results from an A/B experiment
conv_data = data.frame(
VarNames = c("Variation 1", "Variation 2", "Variation 3") # Set variation names
,NumSuccess = c(1,90,899) # Set number of successes / conversions
,NumTrials = c(10,100,1070) # Set number of trials
conv_data$NumFailures = conv_data$NumTrials - conv_data$NumSuccess # Set number of failures [no conversions]
num_var = NROW(conv_data) # Set total number of variations
plot_col = rainbow(num_var) # Set plot colors
get_density_data <- function(n_var, s, f) {
x = seq(0,1,length.out=100) # 0.01,0.02,0.03...1
dens_data = matrix(data = NA, nrow=length(x), ncol=(n_var+1))
dens_data[,1] = x
# set density data
for(j in 1:n_var) {
# +1 to s[], f[] to ensure uniform prior
dens_data[,j+1] = dbeta(x, s[j]+1, f[j]+1)
density_data = get_density_data(num_var, conv_data$NumSuccess, conv_data$NumFailures)
matplot(density_data[,1]*100, density_data[,-1], type = "l", lty = 1, col = plot_col, ylab = "Probability Density", xlab = "Conversion Rate %", yaxt = "n")
legend("topleft", col=plot_col, legend = conv_data$VarNames, lwd = 1)
This produces the following plot:
# Setup data frame - these are results from an A/B experiment
conv_data = data.frame(
VarNames = c("Variation 1", "Variation 2", "Variation 3") # Set variation names
,NumSuccess = c(1,90,899) # Set number of successes / conversions
,NumTrials = c(10,100,1070) # Set number of trials
conv_data$NumFailures = conv_data$NumTrials - conv_data$NumSuccess # Set number of failures [no conversions]
num_var = NROW(conv_data) # Set total number of variations
plot_col = rainbow(num_var) # Set plot colors
get_density_data <- function(n_var, s, f) {
x = seq(0,1,length.out=100) # 0.01,0.02,0.03...1
dens_data = matrix(data = NA, nrow=length(x), ncol=(n_var+1))
dens_data[,1] = x
# set density data
for(j in 1:n_var) {
# +1 to s[], f[] to ensure uniform prior
dens_data[,j+1] = dbeta(x, s[j]+1, f[j]+1)
density_data = get_density_data(num_var, conv_data$NumSuccess, conv_data$NumFailures)
matplot(density_data[,1]*100, density_data[,-1], type = "l",
lty = 1, col = plot_col, ylab = "Probability Density",
xlab = "Conversion Rate %", yaxt = "n")
legend("topleft", col=plot_col, legend = conv_data$VarNames, lwd = 1)
## and add this part
for (ii in seq_along(plot_col))
polygon(c(density_data[, 1] * 100, rev(density_data[, 1] * 100)),
c(density_data[, ii + 1], rep(0, nrow(density_data))),
col = adjustcolor(plot_col[ii], alpha.f = .25))
Was able to answer own question with:
df =
dfs = stack(df)
ggplot(dfs, aes(x=values)) + geom_density(aes(group=ind, colour=ind, fill=ind), alpha=0.3)