Function imported from dependency not found, requires library(dependency) - r

I am trying to create an R package that uses functions from another package (
The function I need from the dependency is gamlss.dist::TF (gamlss.dist is loaded alongside, but it is referenced in my code as simply TF within a call to
When I load manually with library(), this works. However, when I rely on the functions of the dependency automatically being imported by my package through #import, I get an "object not found" error as soon as TF is accessed.
My attempt to be more explicit and reference the function I need as gamlss.dist::TF resulted in a different error ("unexpected '::'").
Any tips on how to use this function in my package would be much appreciated!
The code below reproduces the problem if incorporated into a clean R package (as done in this .zip), built and loaded with document("/path/to/package"):
#' #import gamlss gamlss.dist
#' Generate a truncated distribution and use it.
#' #export
use_gamlss <- function() {
#Error in inherits(object, "") : object 'TF' not found,family=gamlss.dist::TF)
#Error in parse(text = fname) : <text>:1:1: unexpected '::'
y = rTFtr(1000,mu=10,sigma=5, nu=5)
truncated_dist =,family=TF, local=TRUE)
model = gamlss(y~1, family=truncated_dist)
use_gamlss() will only start working once a user calls library(

This is due to bad design of in particular the trun.x functions (they take character vectors instead of family objects / they evaluate everything in the function environment instead of the calling environment).
To work around this, you have to make sure that gamlss.distr is in the search path of the execution environment of functions (This is why ## import-ing it in your package does not help: it would need to be #' #import-ed in
This can be achieved by adding it to Depends: of your package.
If you want to avoid that attaching your package also attaches gamlss.distr, you could also add the following at the top of use_gamlss:
nsname <-"gamlss.dist"
attname <- paste0("package:", nsname)
if (!(attname %in% search())) {
on.exit(detach(attname, character.only = TRUE))
This would temporarily attach gamlss.dist if it is not attached already.
You can read more on namespaces in R in Hadley Wickham's "Advanced R"


Using 'as'/coerce method from another package in my package

I'm writing an R package, and want to internally use an 'as' function from another package to coerce an an object. But I can't figure out how to import it in the package (with either importFrom or ::) like you would an normally exported function.
How can I import a particular flavour of the 'as' method into my package from another package? Or all 'as' methods from another package?
Specifically: The 'contrast_each_group_to_the_rest' function in my package (celaref) that uses that will only work if you call library(MAST) alongside library(celaref).
The 'as' method I want it to use shows up in showMethods("coerce") as from="SingleCellExperiment", to="SingleCellAssay", when I import the 'MAST' package.
E.g. using demo data
library(celaref) # my package, uses MAST internally
library(SingleCellExperiment) # a dependancy
# library(MAST) # Uncomment this and it works
contrast_each_group_to_the_rest(demo_ref_se, num_cores=1)
Yeilds error:
Error in as(sca, "SingleCellAssay") :
no method or default for coercing “SingleCellExperiment” to “SingleCellAssay”
As suggested by Neal Fultz:
You might try adding importFrom("methods", as) -
/blob/master/NAMESPACE#L24 this makes me think that MAST may need to add that
to their NAMESPACE.
This works:
#' #importFrom "methods" as in function header
importFrom("methods",as) in NAMESPACE
CORRECTION - actually, this doesn't seem to work as I thought it did. Any further tips appreciated.
Fix - importing MAST in the function header (oops) and using a weird looking 'as' format that I don't quite understand. (Probably dependent on the actual (very similar) data objects in these packages)
#' #import SummarizedExperiment
#' #import MAST
sca <- new("SingleCellAssay")
as(sca, "SingleCellExperiment") <-

R package data not available when importing in another package

I have one package "testing" with a data object "test_data" saved in data folder under file name "test_data.RData".
testing contains one function hello() that uses this data object
#' hello
#' #return Prints hello "your_name"
#' #export
#' #examples
#' hello()
hello <- function(your_name = "") {
print(paste("test_data has", nrow(test_data), "rows"))
print(sprintf("Hello %s!", your_name))
the following code works fine:
[1] "test_data has 32 rows"
[1] "Hello !"
but this fails:
Error in nrow(test_data) : object 'test_data' not found
Actually I do not use it directly but in another package testingtop that imports this function:
#' Title
#' #export
#' #importFrom testing hello
hello2 <- function(){
I have testing in the Imports section of DESCRIPTION and this fails.
Error in nrow(test_data) : object 'test_data' not found
If I put it in Depends it works if I load the package with library()
otherwise it still fails:
> library(testingtop)
Loading required package: testing
> testingtop::hello2()
[1] "test_data has 32 rows"
[1] "Hello !"
Restarting R session...
> testingtop::hello2()
Error in nrow(test_data) : object 'test_data' not found
if it was a function instead of a data object Imports would be fine, why is it different with a data object and I need to load the imported package? Did I miss something? And is it related to LazyData and LazyLoad ?
Probably a duplicate of this question
SO I think I've found the solution from the doc of the data function ?data
Use of data within a function without an envir argument has the almost always undesirable side-effect of putting an object in the user's workspace (and indeed, of replacing any object of that name already there). It would almost always be better to put the object in the current evaluation environment by data(..., envir = environment()). However, two alternatives are usually preferable, both described in the ‘Writing R Extensions’ manual.
For sets of data, set up a package to use lazy-loading of data.
For objects which are system data, for example lookup tables used in calculations within the function, use a file ‘R/sysdata.rda’ in the package sources or create the objects by R code at package installation time.
A sometimes important distinction is that the second approach places objects in the namespace but the first does not. So if it is important that the function sees mytable as an object from the package, it is system data and the second approach should be used.
Putting the data in the internal data file made my function hello2() see it
> testingtop::hello2()
[1] "test_data has 32 rows"
[1] "Hello !"
To supplement Benoit's answer. I had essentially this problem, but when using my package data as a default for a function parameter. In that case there's a third solution in the ?data help file: "In the unusual case that a package uses a lazy-loaded dataset as a default argument to a function, that needs to be specified by ::, e.g.,"
This third approach solved it for me. (But I found it thanks to Benoit's link.)

How to create new method for generics in ggplot2?

I'm trying to create a new guide for ggplot2 and in the process I had to create a new method for the ggplot2 generic guide_train(). In my code I have
# constructor function which returns an object of
# class = c("guide", "colorbar2", "colorbar")
#' #export
guide_colourbar2 <- function(...) {
# things
# methods
#' #export
guide_train.colorbar2 <- function(guide, scale) {
# things
The problem is that now CMD check complains that there's no documentation for guide_train.colorbar2. I gather this is because roxygen2 exports it as regular function (export(guide_train.colorbar2)). But since this method is internal to ggplot2 workings, it makes no sense to document it.
Creating my own generic dispatch changes my NAMESPACE so that the new method is exported as S3method(guide_train,colorbar2) and solves the CMD check warning, but now the new guide doesn't work. Using it throws
Error in UseMethod("guide_train") : no applicable method for
'guide_train' applied to an object of class "c('guide', 'colorbar2')"
In this vignette it says that "If you want to add a new method to an S3 generic, import it with #importFrom pkg generic." But adding #importFrom ggplot2 guide_train to my function definition makes my package fail to load with error
Error : object ‘guide_train’ is not exported by 'namespace:ggplot2'
This is the first time I'm working with the S3 system, but it seems to me that the correct way would be the #importFrom way and the real problem is that ggplot2 doesn't export the generic. Is that the case or there are other problems with my code?

Testing package exports using 'testthat'

Question: How can I get testthat to run in an environment that loads my package, rather than inherits from my package?
Background: The testthat package runs tests "in an environment that inherits from the package's namespace environment" [see the docs for test_check]. This means it doesn't make sure I've done my exports correctly, and that's bitten me several times.
For example, I have the following code in my package:
##' The foo() method
##' #param x object
##' #export
foo <- function(x)
##' #rdname foo <- function(x) {
message("foo data.frame")
##' #rdname foo
foo.default <- function(x) {
message("foo default")
And the following in my tests:
x <- 5:13
That tests just fine. But if a user installs the package, they'll get this error:
Error in UseMethod("foo") :
no applicable method for 'foo' applied to an object of class "c('integer', 'numeric')"
The solution is to put #exports declarations for the two methods, but it's a bummer that the tests didn't catch that.
I would much prefer to run all my tests from the point of view of a user, because I tend to screw up my exporting sometimes. Perhaps an option could be added to testthat:::run_tests that selects which behavior is desired?
Use test_dir. I don't use test_check for this exact reason. In "/tests/run-tests.R" (file name doesn't matter, it just needs to be in that directory and end in ".R") write:
library(<my package>) # insert actual package name here
test_dir('testthat') # assuming your tests are in "tests/testthat"
Then, in order to run your tests:
setwd("<pkg dir>/tests")
Or from the command line:
cd <pkg-dir>/tests
Rscript run-tests.R
Or do R CMD build and R CMD check to run the tests that way.
The setwd is not strictly necessary if your tests don't care about working directory. However, if they do doing so will replicate the working directory set by R CMD check.

R namespace access and

I'm working on an R package where one of the functions contains a call to a function in a package that's imported to the package namespace. But on loading the package, the call can't find the function name. From Hadley Wickham's description I think I'm doing everything right, but this is clearly not the case.
# in the package file header, for creation of the NAMESPACE via roxygen2:
##` #import topicmodels
# The function declaration in the package
ModelTopics <- function(doc.term.mat, num.topics, topic.method="LDA"){ <-
output <-, k=num.topics)
And then in R:
> library(mypackage)
> sample.output <- ModelTopics(my.dtm, topic.method="LDA", num.topics=5)
Error in get(as.character(FUN), mode = "function", envir = envir) :
object 'LDA' of mode 'function' was not found
From my understanding of namespaces, the call should have access to the package namespace, which should include the topicmodels functions. But that doesn't appear to be the case here. If I import topicmodels directly to the global namespace for the R session, then this works.
Any help is much appreciated. This is R64 2.14.1 running on OSX.
The package is here
Re the DESCRIPTION file, perhaps that's the problem: roxygen2 doesn't update the DESCRIPTION file with Imports: statements. But none of the other packages are listed there, either; only the calls appear to be affected.
Re the NAMESPACE extract, here's the import section:
I believe this an issue of scope. Although you have imported topicmodels and thus LDA, you haven't exported these functions, so they aren't available in the search path.
From ? is not intended to be used at the top level since it will
perform matching in the parent of the caller.
Thus, since you are using ModelTopics in the global environment, and LDA isn't available in the global environment, the call fails.
It seems to me you have two options:
Option 1: use get
An alternative would be to use get where you can specify the environment. Consider this: try to use to find print.ggplot in the package ggplot2:"print.ggplot")
Error in get(as.character(FUN), mode = "function", envir = envir) :
object 'print.ggplot' of mode 'function' was not found
Since print.ggplot isn't exported, can't find it.
However, get does find it:
get("print.ggplot", envir=environment(ggplot))
function (x, newpage = is.null(vp), vp = NULL, ...)
if (newpage)
data <- ggplot_build(x)
gtable <- ggplot_gtable(data)
if (is.null(vp)) {
else {
if (is.character(vp))
else pushViewport(vp)
<environment: namespace:ggplot2>
Option 2: Export the functions from topicmodels that you need
If you make the necessary functions from topicmodels available in your NAMESPACE, your code should also work.
Do this by either:
Selective exporting LDA and other functions to the namespace using #export
Declare a dependency, using Depends: topicmodels - this is the same as calling library(topicmodels) in the global environment. This will work, but is possibly a bit of a brute force approach. It also means that any subsequent library call can mask your LDA function, thus leading to unexpected results.
Answering my own question: the DESCRIPTION file wasn't updating the Imports: and Depends: fields after re-roxygenizing the updated code. Hence the issues. Out of curiousity, why does this affect but not a range of other function calls made elsewhere to imported package functions?
