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How to select the rows with maximum values in each group with dplyr? [duplicate]
(6 answers)
Select the row with the maximum value in each group
(19 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have two data frames: City and Country. I am trying to find out the most popular city per country. City and Country have a common field, City.CountryCode and Country.Code. These two data frames were merged to one called CityCountry. I have tried the aggregate command like so:
aggregate(Population.x~CountryCode, CityCountry, max)
This aggregate command only shows the CountryCode and Population.X columns. How would I show the name of the Country and the name of the City? Is aggregate the wrong command to use here?
Could also use dplyr to group by Country, then filter by max(Population.x).
CityCountry <- data.frame(Population.x = sample(1000:2000, 10, replace = TRUE),
CountryCode = rep(LETTERS[1:5], 2),
Country = rep(letters[1:5], 2),
City = letters[11:20],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
CityCountry %>%
group_by(Country) %>%
filter(Population.x == max(Population.x)) %>%
# A tibble: 5 x 4
Population.x CountryCode Country City
<int> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 1287 A a k
2 1789 B b l
3 1883 D d n
4 1941 E e o
5 1893 C c r
This question already has answers here:
Transpose / reshape dataframe without "timevar" from long to wide format
(9 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have a data frame like this:
Created with this:
companies = c("ABC Ltd", "ABC Ltd", "ABC Ltd", "Derwent plc", "Derwent plc")
sic = c("12345", "24155", "31231", "55346", "34234")
df = data.frame(companies, sic)
As you can see, the companies column is duplicated due to the SIC code.
I want to pivot wider so that each SIC code has its own column and that it is only 1 company per row.
Something like the following where I don't know how many columns there might be (i.e. there could be some companies with 20 sic codes).
I have tried pivoting it using pivot_wider but I cannot get it to do what I need it to do.
Any help is much appreciated.
With the packages dplyr and tidyr you can use
df %>%
group_by(companies) %>%
mutate(row_n = row_number()) %>%
pivot_wider(companies, names_from = row_n, values_from = sic, names_glue = "sic.{row_n}")
# A tibble: 2 x 4
# Groups: companies [2]
# companies sic.1 sic.2 sic.3
# <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
# 1 ABC Ltd 12345 24155 31231
# 2 Derwent plc 55346 34234 NA
You can split sic by companies, call [ with 1:max(lengths(x)) and rbind the result.
x <- split(df$sic, df$companies), lapply(x, "[", 1:max(lengths(x))))
# [,1] [,2] [,3]
#ABC Ltd "12345" "24155" "31231"
#Derwent plc "55346" "34234" NA
You have problems because there's not yet a "time" variable that differentiates the measures for each ID. You could use ave to make one and use reshape.
res <- reshape(transform(df, t=ave(companies, companies, FUN=seq)),
idvar="companies", timevar="t", direction="wide")
# companies sic.1 sic.2 sic.3
# 1 ABC Ltd 12345 24155 31231
# 4 Derwent plc 55346 34234 <NA>
However, you may want to reconsider your data on which measurements of the IDs correspond to each other!
I am using RStudio for data analysis in R. I currently have a dataframe which is in a long format. I want to convert it into the wide format.
An extract of the dataframe (df1) is shown below. I have converted the first column into a factor.
df1 <- read.csv("test1.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = TRUE)
df1$Respondent <- factor(df1$Respondent)
Respondent Question CS Imp LOS Type Hotel
1 1 Q1 Fully Applied High 12 SML ABC
2 1 Q2 Optimized Critical 12 SML ABC
I want a new dataframe (say, df2) to look like this:
Respondent Q1CS Q1Imp Q2CS Q2Imp LOS Type Hotel
1 Fully Applied High Optimized Critical 12 SML ABC
How can I do this in R?
Additional notes: I have tried looking at the tidyr package and its spread() function but I am having a hard time implementing it to this specific problem.
This can be achieved with a gather-unite-spread approach
df %>%
group_by(Respondent) %>%
gather(k, v, CS, Imp) %>%
unite(col, Question, k, sep = "") %>%
spread(col, v)
# Respondent LOS Type Hotel Q1CS Q1Imp Q2CS Q2Imp
#1 1 12 SML ABC Fully Applied High Optimized Critical
Sample data
df <- read.table(text =
" Respondent Question CS Imp LOS Type Hotel
1 1 Q1 'Fully Applied' High 12 SML ABC
2 1 Q2 'Optimized' Critical 12 SML ABC", header = T)
In data.table, this can be done in a one-liner....
dcast(DT, Respondent ~ Question, value.var = c("CS", "Imp"), sep = "")[DT, `:=`(LOS = i.LOS, Type = i.Type, Hotel = i.Hotel), on = "Respondent"][]
Respondent CSQ1 CSQ2 ImpQ1 ImpQ2 LOS Type Hotel
1: 1 Fully Applied Optimized High Critical 12 SML ABC
explained step by step
create sample data
DT <- fread("Respondent Question CS Imp LOS Type Hotel
1 Q1 'Fully Applied' High 12 SML ABC
1 Q2 'Optimized' Critical 12 SML ABC", quote = '\'')
Cast a part of the datatable to desired format by question
colnames might not be what you want... you can always change them using setnames().
dcast(DT, Respondent ~ Question, value.var = c("CS", "Imp"), sep = "")
# Respondent CSQ1 CSQ2 ImpQ1 ImpQ2
# 1: 1 Fully Applied Optimized High Critical
Then join by reference on the orikginal DT, to get the rest of the columns you need...
result.from.dcast[DT, `:=`( LOS = i.LOS, Type = i.Type, Hotel = i.Hotel), on = "Respondent"]
I currently am importing two tables (in the most basic form) that appear as such
Table 1
State Month Account Value
NY Jan Expected Sales 1.04
NY Jan Expected Expenses 1.02
Table 2
State Month Account Value
NY Jan Sales 1,000
NY Jan Customers 500
NY Jan F Expenses 1,000
NY Jan V Expenses 100
And my end goal is to create a 3rd data frame that includes the values of the first two rows and calculates a 4th column based off of functions
NextYearExpenses = (t2 F Expenses + t2 V Expenses)* t1 Expected Expenses
NextYearSales = (t2 sales) * t1 Expected Sales
So my desired output is as followed
State Month New Account Value
NY Jan Sales 1,040
NY Jan Expenses 1,122
I am relatively new to R and I think ifelse statements might be my best bet. I have tried merging the tables and calculating with simple column functions but with no real progress.
Any suggestions?
You may need to do some data wrangling but nothing out of the ordinary
Table1<-tibble(State=c("NY","NY"), Month=c("Jan","Jan"), Account=c("Expected Sales", "Expected Expenses"), Value=c(1.04,1.02))
Table2<-tibble(State=c("NY","NY","NY","NY"), Month=c("Jan","Jan","Jan","Jan"), Account=c("Sales", "Customers", "F Expenses","V Expenses"), Value=c(1000,500,1000,100))
First thing I do is rename the accounts to have a common name, i.e. expenses, this is going to help me to merge later on to Table1
Table2$Account[Table2$Account=="F Expenses"]<-"Expenses"
Table2$Account[Table2$Account=="V Expenses"]<-"Expenses"
then I use the group_by function and group by State, Month and Account and do the sum
Table2 <- Table2 %>% group_by(State, Month,Account) %>%
summarise(Tot_Value=sum(Value)) %>% ungroup()
## State Month Account Tot_Value
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 NY Jan Customers 500
## 2 NY Jan Expenses 1100
## 3 NY Jan Sales 1000
then something similar with the renaming for the accounts in table 1
Table1$Account[Table1$Account=="Expected Sales"]<-"Sales"
Table1$Account[Table1$Account=="Expected Expenses"]<-"Expenses"
Merge into a third table, Table 3
Table3<- left_join(Table1,Table2)
use mutate to do the needed operation
Table3 <- Table3 %>% mutate(Value2=Value*Tot_Value)
## # A tibble: 2 x 6
## State Month Account Value Tot_Value Value2
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 NY Jan Sales 1.04 1000 1040
## 2 NY Jan Expenses 1.02 1100 1122
Here's what I did with dplyr and tidyr.
First I combined your initial tables with rbind into a single long format table. Since you have unique identifiers for each of the Account values, these don't need to be separate tables. Next I group_by State and Month to group these assuming eventually you'll have a variety of states/months. Next I summarise based on the values of Account that you specified and created two new columns. Finally to get it into the long format that you want I used gather from tidyr to go from wide format to long format. You can separate these commands into smaller chunks by deleting after the %>% to get a better idea of what each step does.
rbind(df,df2) %>%
group_by(State,Month) %>%
summarise(Expenses = (Value[which(Account == "F Expenses")] + Value[which(Account == "V Expenses")]) * Value[which(Account == "Expected Expenses")],
Sales = Value[which(Account == "Sales")] * Value[which(Account == "Expected Sales")]) %>%
gather(New_Account,Value, c(Expenses,Sales))
# A tibble: 2 x 4
# Groups: State [1]
# State Month New_Account Value
# <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#1 NY Jan Expenses 1122
#2 NY Jan Sales 1040
I'd recommend checking out the concept of "tidy data", as there are some real challenges with working on data with the structure you currently have. E.g. creating t3 should only take 2-3 lines of code, all of this is just to work around your data architecture:
t1 <- data.frame(State = rep("NY", 2),
Month = rep(as.Date("2018-01-01"), 2),
Account = c("Expected Sales", "Expected Expenses"),
Value = c(1.04, 1.02),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
t2 <- data.frame(State = rep("NY", 4),
Month = rep(as.Date("2018-01-01"), 4),
Account = c("Sales", "Customers", "F Expenses", "V Expenses"),
Value = c(1000, 500, 1000, 100),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
t3 <- t2 %>%
spread(Account, Value) %>%
t1 %>%
spread(Account, Value)
}, by = c("State" = "State", "Month" = "Month")) %>%
mutate(NewExpenses = (`F Expenses` + `V Expenses`) * `Expected Expenses`,
NewSales = Sales * `Expected Sales`) %>%
select(State, Month, Sales = NewSales, Expenses = NewExpenses) %>%
gather(Sales, Expenses, key = `New Account`, value = Value)
This problem involves R. I have two dataframes, represented by this minimal reproducible example:
a <- data.frame(geocode_selector = c("36005", "36047", "36061", "36081", "36085"), county_name = c("Bronx", "Kings", "New York", "Queens", "Richmond"))
b <- data.frame(geocode = c("360050002001002", "360850323001019"), jobs = c("4", "204"))
An example to help communicate the very specific operation I am trying to perform: the geocode_selector column in dataframe a contains the FIPS county codes of the five boroughs of NY. The geocode column in dataframe b is the 15-digit ID of a specific Census block. The first five digits of a geocode match a more general geocode_selector, indicating which county the Census block is located in. I want to add a column to b specifying which county each census block falls under, based on which geocode_selector each geocode in b matches with.
Generally, I'm trying to merge dataframes based on a regex condition. Ideally, I'd like to perform a full merge carrying all of the columns of a over to b and not just the county_name.
I tried something along the lines of:
b[, "county_name"] <- NA
for (i in 1:nrow(b)) {
for (j in 1:nrow(a)) {.
if (grepl(data.a$geocode_selector[j], b$geocode[i]) == TRUE) {
b$county_name[i] <- a$county_name[j]
but it took an extremely long time for the large datasets I am actually processing and the finished product was not what I wanted.
Any insight on how to merge dataframes conditionally based on a regex condition would be much appreciated.
You could do this...
b$geocode_selector <- substr(b$geocode,1,5)
b2 <- merge(b, a, all.x=TRUE) #by default it will merge on common column names
geocode_selector geocode jobs county_name
1 36005 360050002001002 4 Bronx
2 36085 360850323001019 204 Richmond
If you wish, you can delete the geocode_selector column from b2 with b2[,1] <- NULL
We can use sub to create the 'geocode_selector' and then do the join
setDT(a)[[, geocode_selector := sub('^(.{5}).*', '\\1', geocode)],
on = .(geocode_selector)]
# geocode_selector county_name geocode jobs
#1: 36005 Bronx 360050002001002 4
#2: 36085 Richmond 360850323001019 204
This is a great opportunity to use dplyr. I also tend to like the string handling functions in stringr, such as str_sub.
a <- data_frame(geocode_selector = c("36005", "36047", "36061", "36081", "36085"),
county_name = c("Bronx", "Kings", "New York", "Queens", "Richmond"))
b <- data_frame(geocode = c("360050002001002", "360850323001019"),
jobs = c("4", "204"))
b %>%
mutate(geocode_selector = str_sub(geocode, end = 5)) %>%
inner_join(a, by = "geocode_selector")
#> # A tibble: 2 x 4
#> geocode jobs geocode_selector county_name
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 360050002001002 4 36005 Bronx
#> 2 360850323001019 204 36085 Richmond
This question already has answers here:
Split data frame string column into multiple columns
(16 answers)
Split column at delimiter in data frame [duplicate]
(6 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have a tibble.
df <- tibble(
id = 1:4,
genres = c("Action|Adventure|Science Fiction|Thriller",
"Adventure|Science Fiction|Thriller",
I want to separate the genres by "|" and empty columns filled with NA.
This is what I did:
df %>%
separate(genres, into = c("genre1", "genre2", "genre3", "genre4", "genre5"), sep = "|")
However, it's being separated after each letter.
I think you haven't included into:
df <- tibble::tibble(
id = 1:4,
genres = c("Action|Adventure|Science Fiction|Thriller",
"Adventure|Science Fiction|Thriller",
df %>% tidyr::separate(genres, into = c("genre1", "genre2", "genre3",
"genre4", "genre5"))
# A tibble: 4 x 6
id genre1 genre2 genre3 genre4 genre5
* <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 1 Action Adventure Science Fiction Thriller
2 2 Adventure Science Fiction Thriller <NA>
3 3 Action Crime Thriller <NA> <NA>
4 4 Family Animation Adventure Comedy Action
Edit: Or as RichScriven wrote in the comments, df %>% tidyr::separate(genres, into = paste0("genre", 1:5)). For separating on | exactly, use sep = "\\|".
Well, this is what helped, writing regex properly.
df %>%
separate(genres, into = paste0("genre", 1:5), sep = "\\|")