I've configured a development environment with react-hot-loader. HMR is working normally and I've added the configuration below for redux
if (module.hot) {
// Enable Webpack hot module replacement for reducers
module.hot.accept('../reducers', () => {
console.log('reducers change')
const nextReducer = require('../reducers').default
when I change the reducer file, module.hot.accept handler works and [HMR] seems to get the succeess info
[HMR] connected
[HMR] bundle rebuilding
[HMR] bundle rebuilt in 405ms
[HMR] Checking for updates on the server...
reducers change
[HMR] Updated modules:
[HMR] - ./src/reducers/testReducer.js
[HMR] - ./src/reducers/index.js
[HMR] App is up to date.
but the state is not changing, it's value is still the initial one.
in you configuration.js ,have you import './reducers/index.js'?
I use dynamic import for Firebase Functions to reduce cold start time based on this post: https://medium.com/firebase-developers/organize-cloud-functions-for-max-cold-start-performance-and-readability-with-typescript-and-9261ee8450f0
index.ts under functions folder has only one line
exports.consent = require("./myFunctionGroup");
index.ts under functions/myFunctionGroup
import * as functions from "firebase-functions";
export const helloWorld = functions.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
return await (await import("./helloWorld")).default(data, context);
Content of helloWorld.ts under functions/myFunctionGroup
import * as functions from "firebase-functions";
export default async (
data: {},
context: functions.https.CallableContext
) => {
return "hello";
There is no problem when the emulator first launched as it return "hello" correctly. However, when I change to return to 'return "world";', even though the emulator seems to be aware of the change and prints ✔ functions: Loaded functions definitions from source:..., it still return the old value of hello. Maybe it has some kind of cache for the original imported module. When I restart process again, then it will then print "world".
Is there any setting to make the emulator aware my change and force to clear the Functions cache? I tried to use debugger and it realized my code has changed so that I can step through the new code. It's just not working for the Firebase emulator.
It was expected behavior,any changes/modification in the code after running the emulator will not be reflected. You can also refer to this documentation:
Note:Code changes you make during an active session are automatically
reloaded by the emulator. If your code needs to be transpiled
(TypeScript, React) make sure to do so before running the emulator.
You can run your transpiler in watch mode with commands like tsc -w to
transpile and reload code automatically as you save.
You can follow the below steps,As mentioned in this stackoverflow thread
After every change to the ts files, run "npm run build" to compile the code again.
Change "build": "tsc" to "build": "tsc -w" in package.json if you want to auto-compile after every change.
There is a bug raised for this at github which is still open you can track the updates there.
Hi as per docs getServerSideProps is a function which is executed only on server side.
export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
console.log("hello world");
return {
props: {
}, // will be passed to the page component as props
As a consequence simply dropping a debugger keyword won't work.
I have tried:
Attaching the node.js debugger on port 9229
Running node --inspect-brk ./node_modules/next/dist/bin/next
Running cross-env NODE_OPTIONS='--inspect' next dev
But neither console.log() nor debugger keyword seem to have any effect.
However my props from getServerSideProps are passed in correctly, which proves the function is called.
Is it possible to stepthrough getServerSideProps or at least get console.log working? Thanks!
The lines of code outside getServerSideProps are debuggable and work as expected.
In order to make the open the debug port open properly, you need to do the following:
// package.json scripts
"dev": "NODE_OPTIONS='--inspect' next dev"
// if you want custom debug port on a custom server
"dev": "NODE_OPTIONS='--inspect=5009' node server.js",
Once the debug port is own, you should be able to use inspector clients of your choice.
I had the same problem and I solved it with following steps. First, I installed cross-envpackage with
npm install cross-env
then I had to adjust my package.json with
"dev": "cross-env NODE_OPTIONS='--inspect' next dev",
After that you should be able to run npm run dev.
Open localhost:3000 or whatever port u are normally running nextjs app on. Open new tab and type
You should be able to see path to your app with word inspect at the end. After clicking new devTools will be opened with ability to set up breakpoints inside e.g. getStaticPaths, getStaticProps or getServerSideProps.
I've installed gitlab in my Meteor project with meteor npm install --save gitlab and imported the package in the imports/api/foo.js file with all the following variations (the comment on the front is the log of the Gitlab object):
import Gitlab from 'gitlab'; // {}
import * as Gitlab from 'gitlab'; // { default: {}, [Symbol(__esModule)]: true }
import { Gitlab } from 'gitlab'; // undefined
const Gitlab = require('gitlab'); // {}
const Gitlab = require('gitlab/dist/es5'); // {}
const Gitlab = require('gitlab/dist/latest'); // {}
If I run just console.log(require('gitlab')) with NodeJS, I get the correct result.
How am I supposed to import 'gitlab' from a meteor application?
I tried to reproduce the issue with a clean Meteor project and it is working fine for me:
import Gitlab from 'gitlab'
Meteor.startup(() => {
console.log(Gitlab) // [Function: Bundle]
const api = new Gitlab({
url: 'http://example.com', // Defaults to https://gitlab.com
token: 'abcdefghij123456' // Can be created in your profile.
console.log(api) // full API as in documentation
So what options do you have here?
Make sure you use gitlab on the server
Check the node_modules folder, whether it is really installed there.
Try to reset your project using meteor reset and then start again so all node_modules a rebuild and all Meteor packages are rebuild and the local dev build is rebuild. This will often fix things.
Create a fresh project and start to reproduce the issue step by step, starting from my working example and change the file structure stepwise to the structure of your project.
...and it's not working. :(
I create ASP.NET Core app from angular template. I actualy followed these directions from these official ssr docs
Setting up ASPNETCORE_Environment variable
Run dotnet new angular
Modify Startup.cs and add UseSpaPrerendering
Add settings to .angular-cli.json
Add tsconfig.server.json
Add app.server.module.ts
Add main.server.ts
Modify csproj BuildServerSideRenderer option
Run npm i in ClientApp directory
In Development it's work fine. But after production build it work's like in development, ssr not working. Angular continues to run on client.
My steps to build:
Run dotnet build -c Release -o out
Angular builds without errors (after build in out dir, creates 2 angular builds - dist and dist-server (dist-server size is 32Kb)
Run dotnet ssr.dll
These basic steps for SSR. But I modify main.ts and main.server.ts files, add these to extraProviders
for main.ts
{ provide: 'OS', useValue: 'Client' }
for main.server.ts
{ provide: 'OS', useValue: 'Server' }
and modify home component
import { Component, Inject } from '#angular/core';
selector: 'app-home',
templateUrl: './home.component.html',
export class HomeComponent {
os: string = null;
constructor(#Inject('OS') public osinject: string) {
this.os = osinject;
Actualy after build and run my project, i should have seen 'Hello Server', but i see 'Hello Client'.
I tried create 2 times from scratch, tried run in docker container, tried run other projects with ssr (find in github). But it all not working for me
> dotnet --version
> node --version
Whats went wrong guys?
Here my repo (just in case)
When I'm trying to integrate an apollo server to a meteor app I get errors as soon as I try to open graphiql. If I create an express app and connect it with webapp.connectHandlers, and put apollo server to one of that express app's routes, thing work, but they don't work in "meteor way", which I would really like to have, since I would get access to the user object, authorization etc.
Error, which I see in graphiql as soon as it loads:
Error: Schema must be an instance of GraphQLSchema. Also ensure that there are not multiple versions of GraphQL installed in your node_modules directory
at invariant (/Users/.../node_modules/graphql/jsutils/invariant.js:18:11)<br> at Object.validate (/Users/.../node_modules/graphql/validation/validate.js:59:72)<br> at doRunQuery (/Users/.../node_modules/apollo-server-core/dist/runQuery.js:88:38)<br> at /Users/.../node_modules/apollo-server-core/dist/runQuery.js:22:54<br> at /Users/.../.meteor/packages/promise/.0.10.0.borizy.o9z8++os+web.browser+web.cordova/npm/node_modules/meteor-promise/fiber_pool.js:43:40
server code:
import {makeExecutableSchema} from 'graphql-tools';
import {typeDefs} from './schema';
import {resolvers} from './resolvers';
import { createApolloServer } from 'meteor/apollo';
export const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
Everything seems legit and works with express, but not with meteor. What is the reason? How can I fix it?
The current version of meteor/apollo is out of date with the latest apollo npm packages. https://github.com/Swydo/ddp-apollo is up-to-date and does the integration in a "meteor way" 😊
Also ensure that there are not multiple versions of GraphQL installed in your node_modules directory
If this is the problem, it would be solved by
rm -rf node_modules/*
npm install