What do these 2 code fragments do - math

These 2 code fragments from the book Algorithms seem to be doing something mathematical. The code I have no trouble understanding, but I want to know what mathematical computation is being done.
double t=c;
while(Math.abs(t-c/t) > 1e-15*t)
for(int i=0;i<=N;i++)
// prints the value of circumference of a circle of radius 0, 1/N,2/N .. 1 ?

The first is a standard algorithm for approximating square roots. It can be viewed as a special case of Newton's method but was known thousands of years before Newton and is sometimes called the Babylonian algorithm. The second really should be self-explanatory as it is commented and is just an immediate application of the definition of pi as the ration of circumference to diameter, which is twice the radius.


Support Vector Machine Geometrical Intuition

I have a big difficult trying to understand why in the equation of the hyperplane of support vector machine there is a 1 after >=?? w.x + b >= 1 <==(why this 1??) I know that could be something about the intersection point on y axes but I cannot relate that to the support vector and to its meaning of classification.
Can anyone please explain me why the equation has that 1(-1) ?
Thank you.
The 1 is just an algebraic simplification, which comes in handy in the later optimization.
First, notice, that all three hyperplanes can be denotes as
w'x+b= 0
If we would fix the norm of the normal w, ||w||=1, then the above would have one solution with some arbitrary A depending on the data, lets call our solution v and c (values of optimal w and b respectively). But if we let w to have any norm, then we can easily see, that if we put
w'x+b= 0
then there is one unique w which satisfies these equations, and it is given by w=v/A, b=c/A, because
(v/A)'x+(b/A)= 0 (when v'x+b=0) // for the middle hyperplane
(v/A)'x+(b/A)=+1 (when v'x+b=+A) // for the positive hyperplane
(v/A)'x+(b/A)=-1 (when v'x+b=-A) // for the negative hyperplane
In other words - we assume that these "supporting vectors" satisfy w'x+b=+/-1 equation for future simplification, and we can do it, because for any solution satisfing v'x+c=+/-A there is a solution for our equation (with different norm of w)
So once we have these simplifications our optimization problem simplifies to the minimization of the norm of ||w|| (maximization of the size of the margin, which now can be expressed as `2/||w||). If we would stay with the "normal" equation with (not fixed!) A value, then the maximization of the margin would be in one more "dimension" - we would have to look through w,b,A to find the triple which maximizes it (as the "restrictions" would be in the form of y(w'x+b)>A). Now, we just search through w and b (and in the dual formulation - just through alpha but this is the whole new story).
This step is not required. You can build SVM without it, but this makes thing simplier - the Ockham's razor rule.
This boundary is called "margin" and must be maximized then you have to minimize ||w||.
The aim of SVM is to find a hyperplane able to maximize the distances between the two groups.
However there are infinite solutions ( see figure: move the optimal hyperplane along the perpendicualr vector) and we need to fix at least the boundaries: the +1 or -1 is a common convention to avoid these infinite solutions.
Formally you have to optimize r ||w|| and we set a bounadry condition r ||w|| = 1.

Function for returning a list of points on a Bezier curve at equal arclength

Someone somewhere has had to solve this problem. I can find many a great website explaining this problem and how to solve it. While I'm sure they are well written and make sense to math whizzes, that isn't me. And while I might understand in a vague sort of way, I do not understand how to turn that math into a function that I can use.
So I beg of you, if you have a function that can do this, in any language, (sure even fortran or heck 6502 assembler) - please help me out.
prefer an analytical to iterative solution
EDIT: Meant to specify that its a cubic bezier I'm trying to work with.
What you're asking for is the inverse of the arc length function. So, given a curve B, you want a function Linv(len) that returns a t between 0 and 1 such that the arc length of the curve between 0 and t is len.
If you had this function your problem is really easy to solve. Let B(0) be the first point. To find the next point, you'd simply compute B(Linv(w)) where w is the "equal arclength" that you refer to. To get the next point, just evaluate B(Linv(2*w)) and so on, until Linv(n*w) becomes greater than 1.
I've had to deal with this problem recently. I've come up with, or come across a few solutions, none of which are satisfactory to me (but maybe they will be for you).
Now, this is a bit complicated, so let me just give you the link to the source code first:
http://icedtea.classpath.org/~dlila/webrevs/perfWebrev/webrev/raw_files/new/src/share/classes/sun/java2d/pisces/Dasher.java. What you want is in the LengthIterator class. You shouldn't have to look at any other parts of the file. There are a bunch of methods that are defined in another file. To get to them just cut out everything from /raw_files/ to the end of the URL. This is how you use it. Initialize the object on a curve. Then to get the parameter of a point with arc length L from the beginning of the curve just call next(L) (to get the actual point just evaluate your curve at this parameter, using deCasteljau's algorithm, or zneak's suggestion). Every subsequent call of next(x) moves you a distance of x along the curve compared to your last position. next returns a negative number when you run out of curve.
Explanation of code: so, I needed a t value such that B(0) to B(t) would have length LEN (where LEN is known). I simply flattened the curve. So, just subdivide the curve recursively until each curve is close enough to a line (you can test for this by comparing the length of the control polygon to the length of the line joining the end points). You can compute the length of this sub-curve as (controlPolyLength + endPointsSegmentLen)/2. Add all these lengths to an accumulator, and stop the recursion when the accumulator value is >= LEN. Now, call the last subcurve C and let [t0, t1] be its domain. You know that the t you want is t0 <= t < t1, and you know the length from B(0) to B(t0) - call this value L0t0. So, now you need to find a t such that C(0) to C(t) has length LEN-L0t0. This is exactly the problem we started with, but on a smaller scale. We could use recursion, but that would be horribly slow, so instead we just use the fact that C is a very flat curve. We pretend C is a line, and compute the point at t using P=C(0)+((LEN-L0t0)/length(C))*(C(1)-C(0)). This point doesn't actually lie on the curve because it is on the line C(0)->C(1), but it's very close to the point we want. So, we just solve Bx(t)=Px and By(t)=Py. This is just finding cubic roots, which has a closed source solution, but I just used Newton's method. Now we have the t we want, and we can just compute C(t), which is the actual point.
I should mention that a few months ago I skimmed through a paper that had another solution to this that found an approximation to the natural parameterization of the curve. The author has posted a link to it here: Equidistant points across Bezier curves

Approximating nonparametric cubic Bezier

What is the best way to approximate a cubic Bezier curve? Ideally I would want a function y(x) which would give the exact y value for any given x, but this would involve solving a cubic equation for every x value, which is too slow for my needs, and there may be numerical stability issues as well with this approach.
Would this be a good solution?
Just solve the cubic.
If you're talking about Bezier plane curves, where x(t) and y(t) are cubic polynomials, then y(x) might be undefined or have multiple values. An extreme degenerate case would be the line x= 1.0, which can be expressed as a cubic Bezier (control point 2 is the same as end point 1; control point 3 is the same as end point 4). In that case, y(x) has no solutions for x != 1.0, and infinite solutions for x == 1.0.
A method of recursive subdivision will work, but I would expect it to be much slower than just solving the cubic. (Unless you're working with some sort of embedded processor with unusually poor floating-point capacity.)
You should have no trouble finding code that solves a cubic that has already been thoroughly tested and debuged. If you implement your own solution using recursive subdivision, you won't have that advantage.
Finally, yes, there may be numerical stablility problems, like when the point you want is near a tangent, but a subdivision method won't make those go away. It will just make them less obvious.
EDIT: responding to your comment, but I need more than 300 characters.
I'm only dealing with bezier curves where y(x) has only one (real) root. Regarding numerical stability, using the formula from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubic_equation#Summary, it would appear that there might be problems if u is very small. – jtxx000
The wackypedia article is math with no code. I suspect you can find some cookbook code that's more ready-to-use somewhere. Maybe Numerical Recipies or ACM collected algorithms link text.
To your specific question, and using the same notation as the article, u is only zero or near zero when p is also zero or near zero. They're related by the equation:
u^^6 + q u^^3 == p^^3 /27
Near zero, you can use the approximation:
q u^^3 == p^^3 /27
or p / 3u == cube root of q
So the computation of x from u should contain something like:
(fabs(u) >= somesmallvalue) ? (p / u / 3.0) : cuberoot (q)
How "near" zero is near? Depends on how much accuracy you need. You could spend some quality time with Maple or Matlab looking at how much error is introduced for what magnitudes of u. Of course, only you know how much accuracy you need.
The article gives 3 formulas for u for the 3 roots of the cubic. Given the three u values, you can get the 3 corresponding x values. The 3 values for u and x are all complex numbers with an imaginary component. If you're sure that there has to be only one real solution, then you expect one of the roots to have a zero imaginary component, and the other two to be complex conjugates. It looks like you have to compute all three and then pick the real one. (Note that a complex u can correspond to a real x!) However, there's another numerical stability problem there: floating-point arithmetic being what it is, the imaginary component of the real solution will not be exactly zero, and the imaginary components of the non-real roots can be arbitrarily close to zero. So numeric round-off can result in you picking the wrong root. It would be helpfull if there's some sanity check from your application that you could apply there.
If you do pick the right root, one or more iterations of Newton-Raphson can improve it's accuracy a lot.
Yes, de Casteljau algorithm would work for you. However, I don't know if it will be faster than solving the cubic equation by Cardano's method.

As a programmer how would you explain imaginary numbers?

As a programmer I think it is my job to be good at math but I am having trouble getting my head round imaginary numbers. I have tried google and wikipedia with no luck so I am hoping a programmer can explain in to me, give me an example of a number squared that is <= 0, some example usage etc...
I guess this blog entry is one good explanation:
The key word is rotation (as opposed to direction for negative numbers, which are as stranger as imaginary number when you think of them: less than nothing ?)
Like negative numbers modeling flipping, imaginary numbers can model anything that rotates between two dimensions “X” and “Y”. Or anything with a cyclic, circular relationship
Problem: not only am I a programmer, I am a mathematician.
Solution: plow ahead anyway.
There's nothing really magical to complex numbers. The idea behind their inception is that there's something wrong with real numbers. If you've got an equation x^2 + 4, this is never zero, whereas x^2 - 2 is zero twice. So mathematicians got really angry and wanted there to always be zeroes with polynomials of degree at least one (wanted an "algebraically closed" field), and created some arbitrary number j such that j = sqrt(-1). All the rules sort of fall into place from there (though they are more accurately reorganized differently-- specifically, you formally can't actually say "hey this number is the square root of negative one"). If there's that number j, you can get multiples of j. And you can add real numbers to j, so then you've got complex numbers. The operations with complex numbers are similar to operations with binomials (deliberately so).
The real problem with complexes isn't in all this, but in the fact that you can't define a system whereby you can get the ordinary rules for less-than and greater-than. So really, you get to where you don't define it at all. It doesn't make sense in a two-dimensional space. So in all honesty, I can't actually answer "give me an exaple of a number squared that is <= 0", though "j" makes sense if you treat its square as a real number instead of a complex number.
As for uses, well, I personally used them most when working with fractals. The idea behind the mandelbrot fractal is that it's a way of graphing z = z^2 + c and its divergence along the real-imaginary axes.
You might also ask why do negative numbers exist? They exist because you want to represent solutions to certain equations like: x + 5 = 0. The same thing applies for imaginary numbers, you want to compactly represent solutions to equations of the form: x^2 + 1 = 0.
Here's one way I've seen them being used in practice. In EE you are often dealing with functions that are sine waves, or that can be decomposed into sine waves. (See for example Fourier Series).
Therefore, you will often see solutions to equations of the form:
f(t) = A*cos(wt)
Furthermore, often you want to represent functions that are shifted by some phase from this function. A 90 degree phase shift will give you a sin function.
g(t) = B*sin(wt)
You can get any arbitrary phase shift by combining these two functions (called inphase and quadrature components).
h(t) = Acos(wt) + iB*sin(wt)
The key here is that in a linear system: if f(t) and g(t) solve an equation, h(t) will also solve the same equation. So, now we have a generic solution to the equation h(t).
The nice thing about h(t) is that it can be written compactly as
h(t) = Cexp(wt+theta)
Using the fact that exp(iw) = cos(w)+i*sin(w).
There is really nothing extraordinarily deep about any of this. It is merely exploiting a mathematical identity to compactly represent a common solution to a wide variety of equations.
Well, for the programmer:
class complex {
double real;
double imaginary;
complex(double a_real) : real(a_real), imaginary(0.0) { }
complex(double a_real, double a_imaginary) : real(a_real), imaginary(a_imaginary) { }
complex operator+(const complex &other) {
return complex(
real + other.real,
imaginary + other.imaginary);
complex operator*(const complex &other) {
return complex(
real*other.real - imaginary*other.imaginary,
real*other.imaginary + imaginary*other.real);
bool operator==(const complex &other) {
return (real == other.real) && (imaginary == other.imaginary);
That's basically all there is. Complex numbers are just pairs of real numbers, for which special overloads of +, * and == get defined. And these operations really just get defined like this. Then it turns out that these pairs of numbers with these operations fit in nicely with the rest of mathematics, so they get a special name.
They are not so much numbers like in "counting", but more like in "can be manipulated with +, -, *, ... and don't cause problems when mixed with 'conventional' numbers". They are important because they fill the holes left by real numbers, like that there's no number that has a square of -1. Now you have complex(0, 1) * complex(0, 1) == -1.0 which is a helpful notation, since you don't have to treat negative numbers specially anymore in these cases. (And, as it turns out, basically all other special cases are not needed anymore, when you use complex numbers)
If the question is "Do imaginary numbers exist?" or "How do imaginary numbers exist?" then it is not a question for a programmer. It might not even be a question for a mathematician, but rather a metaphysician or philosopher of mathematics, although a mathematician may feel the need to justify their existence in the field. It's useful to begin with a discussion of how numbers exist at all (quite a few mathematicians who have approached this question are Platonists, fyi). Some insist that imaginary numbers (as the early Whitehead did) are a practical convenience. But then, if imaginary numbers are merely a practical convenience, what does that say about mathematics? You can't just explain away imaginary numbers as a mere practical tool or a pair of real numbers without having to account for both pairs and the general consequences of them being "practical". Others insist in the existence of imaginary numbers, arguing that their non-existence would undermine physical theories that make heavy use of them (QM is knee-deep in complex Hilbert spaces). The problem is beyond the scope of this website, I believe.
If your question is much more down to earth e.g. how does one express imaginary numbers in software, then the answer above (a pair of reals, along with defined operations of them) is it.
I don't want to turn this site into math overflow, but for those who are interested: Check out "An Imaginary Tale: The Story of sqrt(-1)" by Paul J. Nahin. It talks about all the history and various applications of imaginary numbers in a fun and exciting way. That book is what made me decide to pursue a degree in mathematics when I read it 7 years ago (and I was thinking art). Great read!!
The main point is that you add numbers which you define to be solutions to quadratic equations like x2= -1. Name one solution to that equation i, the computation rules for i then follow from that equation.
This is similar to defining negative numbers as the solution of equations like 2 + x = 1 when you only knew positive numbers, or fractions as solutions to equations like 2x = 1 when you only knew integers.
It might be easiest to stop trying to understand how a number can be a square root of a negative number, and just carry on with the assumption that it is.
So (using the i as the square root of -1):
= (3+5i)*2 + (3+5i)*(-i)
= 6 + 10i -3i - 5i * i
= 6 + (10 -3)*i - 5 * (-1)
= 6 + 7i + 5
= 11 + 7i
works according to the standard rules of maths (remembering that i squared equals -1 on line four).
An imaginary number is a real number multiplied by the imaginary unit i. i is defined as:
i == sqrt(-1)
i * i == -1
Using this definition you can obtain the square root of a negative number like this:
== sqrt(3 * -1)
== sqrt(3 * i * i) // Replace '-1' with 'i squared'
== sqrt(3) * i // Square root of 'i squared' is 'i' so move it out of sqrt()
And your final answer is the real number sqrt(3) multiplied by the imaginary unit i.
A short answer: Real numbers are one-dimensional, imaginary numbers add a second dimension to the equation and some weird stuff happens if you multiply...
If you're interested in finding a simple application and if you're familiar with matrices,
it's sometimes useful to use complex numbers to transform a perfectly real matrice into a triangular one in the complex space, and it makes computation on it a bit easier.
The result is of course perfectly real.
Great answers so far (really like Devin's!)
One more point:
One of the first uses of complex numbers (although they were not called that way at the time) was as an intermediate step in solving equations of the 3rd degree.
Again, this is purely an instrument that is used to answer real problems with real numbers having physical meaning.
In electrical engineering, the impedance Z of an inductor is jwL, where w = 2*pi*f (frequency) and j (sqrt(-1))means it leads by 90 degrees, while for a capacitor Z = 1/jwc = -j/wc which is -90deg/wc so that it lags a simple resistor by 90 deg.

Simple physics-based movement

I'm working on a 2D game where I'm trying to accelerate an object to a top speed using some basic physics code.
Here's the pseudocode for it:
const float acceleration = 0.02f;
const float friction = 0.8f; // value is always 0.0..1.0
float velocity = 0;
float position = 0;
velocity += acceleration;
velocity *= friction;
position += velocity;
This is a very simplified approach that doesn't rely on mass or actual friction (the in-code friction is just a generic force acting against movement). It works well as the "velocity *= friction;" part keeps the velocity from going past a certain point. However, it's this top speed and its relationship to the acceleration and friction where I'm a bit lost.
What I'd like to do is set a top speed, and the amount of time it takes to reach it, then use them to derive the acceleration and friction values.
const float max_velocity = 2.0;
const int ticks; = 120; // If my game runs at 60 FPS, I'd like a
// moving object to reach max_velocity in
// exactly 2 seconds.
const float acceleration = ?
const float friction = ?
I found this question very interesting since I had recently done some work on modeling projectile motion with drag.
Point 1: You are essentially updating the position and velocity using an explicit/forward Euler iteration where each new value for the states should be a function of the old values. In such a case, you should be updating the position first, then updating the velocity.
Point 2: There are more realistic physics models for the effect of drag friction. One model (suggested by Adam Liss) involves a drag force that is proportional to the velocity (known as Stokes' drag, which generally applies to low velocity situations). The one I previously suggested involves a drag force that is proportional to the square of the velocity (known as quadratic drag, which generally applies to high velocity situations). I'll address each one with regard to how you would deduce formulas for the maximum velocity and the time required to effectively reach the maximum velocity. I'll forego the complete derivations since they are rather involved.
Stokes' drag:
The equation for updating the velocity would be:
velocity += acceleration - friction*velocity
which represents the following differential equation:
dv/dt = a - f*v
Using the first entry in this integral table, we can find the solution (assuming v = 0 at t = 0):
v = (a/f) - (a/f)*exp(-f*t)
The maximum (i.e. terminal) velocity occurs when t >> 0, so that the second term in the equation is very close to zero and:
v_max = a/f
Regarding the time needed to reach the maximum velocity, note that the equation never truly reaches it, but instead asymptotes towards it. However, when the argument of the exponential equals -5, the velocity is around 98% of the maximum velocity, probably close enough to consider it equal. You can then approximate the time to maximum velocity as:
t_max = 5/f
You can then use these two equations to solve for f and a given a desired vmax and tmax.
Quadratic drag:
The equation for updating the velocity would be:
velocity += acceleration - friction*velocity*velocity
which represents the following differential equation:
dv/dt = a - f*v^2
Using the first entry in this integral table, we can find the solution (assuming v = 0 at t = 0):
v = sqrt(a/f)*(exp(2*sqrt(a*f)*t) - 1)/(exp(2*sqrt(a*f)*t) + 1)
The maximum (i.e. terminal) velocity occurs when t >> 0, so that the exponential terms are much greater than 1 and the equation approaches:
v_max = sqrt(a/f)
Regarding the time needed to reach the maximum velocity, note that the equation never truly reaches it, but instead asymptotes towards it. However, when the argument of the exponential equals 5, the velocity is around 99% of the maximum velocity, probably close enough to consider it equal. You can then approximate the time to maximum velocity as:
t_max = 2.5/sqrt(a*f)
which is also equivalent to:
t_max = 2.5/(f*v_max)
For a desired vmax and tmax, the second equation for tmax will tell you what f should be, and then you can plug that in to the equation for vmax to get the value for a.
This seems like a bit of overkill, but these are actually some of the simplest ways to model drag! Anyone who really wants to see the integration steps can shoot me an email and I'll send them to you. They are a bit too involved to type here.
Another Point: I didn't immediately realize this, but the updating of the velocity is not necessary anymore if you instead use the formulas I derived for v(t). If you are simply modeling acceleration from rest, and you are keeping track of the time since the acceleration began, the code would look something like:
position += velocity_function(timeSinceStart)
where "velocity_function" is one of the two formulas for v(t) and you would no longer need a velocity variable. In general, there is a trade-off here: calculating v(t) may be more computationally expensive than simply updating velocity with an iterative scheme (due to the exponential terms), but it is guaranteed to remain stable and bounded. Under certain conditions (like trying to get a very short tmax), the iteration can become unstable and blow-up, a common problem with the forward Euler method. However, maintaining limits on the variables (like 0 < f < 1), should prevent these instabilities.
In addition, if you're feeling somewhat masochistic, you may be able to integrate the formula for v(t) to get a closed form solution for p(t), thus foregoing the need for a Newton iteration altogether. I'll leave this for others to attempt. =)
Warning: Partial Solution
If we follow the physics as stated, there is no maximum velocity. From a purely physical viewpoint, you've fixed the acceleration at a constant value, which means the velocity is always increasing.
As an alternative, consider the two forces acting on your object:
The constant external force, F, that tends to accelerate it, and
The force of drag, d, which is proportional to the velocity and tends to slow it down.
So the velocity at iteration n becomes: vn = v0 + n F - dvn-1
You've asked to choose the maximum velocity, vnmax, that occurs at iteration nmax.
Note that the problem is under-constrained; that is, F and d are related, so you can arbitrarily choose a value for one of them, then calculate the other.
Now that the ball's rolling, is anyone willing to pick up the math?
Warning: it's ugly and involves power series!
Edit: Why doe the sequence n**F** in the first equation appear literally unless there's a space after the n?
velocity *= friction;
This doesn't prevent the velocity from going about a certain point...
Friction increases exponentially (don't quote me on that) as the velocity increases, and will be 0 at rest. Eventually, you will reach a point where friction = acceleration.
So you want something like this:
velocity += (acceleration - friction);
position += velocity;
friction = a*exp(b*velocity);
Where you pick values for a and b. b will control how long it takes to reach top speed, and a will control how abruptly the friction increases. (Again, don't do your own research on this- I'm going from what I remember from grade 12 physics.)
This isn't answering your question, but one thing you shouldn't do in simulations like this is depend on a fixed frame rate. Calculate the time since the last update, and use the delta-T in your equations. Something like:
static double lastUpdate=0;
if (lastUpdate!=0) {
deltaT = time() - lastUpdate;
velocity += acceleration * deltaT;
position += velocity * deltaT;
lastUpdate = time();
It's also good to check if you lose focus and stop updating, and when you gain focus set lastUpdate to 0. That way you don't get a huge deltaT to process when you get back.
If you want to see what can be done with very simple physics models using very simple maths, take a look at some of the Scratch projects at http://scratch.mit.edu/ - you may get some useful ideas & you'll certainly have fun.
This is probably not what you are looking for but depending on what engine you are working on, it might be better to use a engine built by some one else, like farseer(for C#).
Note Codeplex is down for maintenance.
