MariaDB 10.2.10 writing double binlog entries in mixed format - mariadb

I am using MariaDB 10.2.10 under Debian 9 in Master/Slave replication. I am experiencing problems with replication since the slave is refusing replication due to 1062 duplicate key errors.
After a long time of investigation I found, that the binlog of the master contains the same INSERT statement twice. It is written in statement AND row based format. binlog_format is set to MIXED.
I had a look at general log - the INSERT statement was only commited once.
Heres the outpout of mysqlbinlog:
# at 11481089
#171205 10:22:37 server id 126 end_log_pos 11481132 CRC32 0x73b0f77c
Write_rows: table id 22683990 flags: STMT_END_F
### INSERT INTO `mydb`.`document_reference`
### SET
### #1=30561
### #2=6
### #3=0
# at 11481132
#171205 10:22:37 server id 126 end_log_pos 11481387 CRC32 0x599e2b04
Query thread_id=3282752 exec_time=0 error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1512465757/*!*/;
INSERT INTO document_reference
(document_reference_document_id, document_reference_type, document_reference_value)
VALUES (30561, "single", 0)
# at 11481387
#171205 10:22:37 server id 126 end_log_pos 11481418 CRC32 0x73fe1166 Xid = 248234294
Anyone has an idea, why this statement is written twice to the binlog?


Datastage job failed netezza to greenplum data load using ODBC Greenplum Wire Protocol driver

Greenplum_Connector_0,0: The following SQL statement failed: INSERT INTO GPCC_TT_20211121154035261_15420_0_XXXXX_TABLE_NAME (COLUMN1,COLUMN2,...) SELECT COLUMN1,COLUMN2,... FROM GPCC_ET_20211121154035417_15420_0. The statement reported the following reason: [SQLCODE=HY000][Native=3,484,948] [IBM (DataDirect OEM)][ODBC Greenplum Wire Protocol driver][Greenplum]ERROR: missing data for column "xyz_id" (seg2 slice1 pid=30826)(Where External table gpcc_et_20211121154035417_15420_0, line 91 of gpfdist://ABCD:123/DDCETLMIG_15420_gpw_3_3_20211121154035261: "AG?199645?ABCD EFGH. - HELLOU - JSF RT ADF?MMM?+1?A?DAD. SDA?0082323209?N?N..."; File copy.c; Line 5211; Routine NextCopyFromX; )
The trick here is to read the error message carefully. Somehow your job has managed not to provide a value for column xyz_id. Check your job design thoroughly.

Failed to add new value partitions to database

My cluster is composed of 3 linux_x64 servers. It contains 1 controller node and 3 data nodes. The server version of DolphinDB is v2.0.1.1.
The schema of the database is:
2021.09.09 08:42:57.180: execution was completed [34ms]
When I insert data to the database “dfs://dwd”, I get an error:
Failed to add new value partitions to database dfs://dwd.Please manaually add new partitions [2021.09.07].
Then I use the following script to manually add partitions:
The error is:
<ChunkInRecovery>openChunks failed on '/dwd/domain', chunk cf57375e-b4b3-dc87-9b41-667a5e91a757 is in RECOVERING state
The repair method is shown as follows:
Step 1: use etClusterChunksStatus to get chunkid of `/dwd/domain' at the controller node. The sample cade is shown following:
select * from rpc(getControllerAlias(), getClusterChunksStatus) where  file like "%/domain%" and state != 'COMPLETE'
Step 2: use getAllChunks to get the partition information for that chunkid at the data node. In the code below, The chunkid "4503a64f-4f5f-eea4-4247-a0d0fc3941a1" is obtained by step 1.
select * from pnodeRun(getAllChunks)  where chunkId="4503a64f-4f5f-eea4-4247-a0d0fc3941a1"
Step 3: Use copyReplicas to copy the partition copy. Assuming that the result of step 2 shows that the partition copy is on datanode3, now copy to datanode1:
rpc(getControllerAlias(), copyReplicas{`datanode3, `datanode1, "4503a64f-4f5f-eea4-4247-a0d0fc3941a1"})
Step 4: use getClusterChunksStatus to check if the status is COMPLETE. If it is, then the repair is successful.

Sqoop trying to --split-by ROWID (Oracle) fails

(be Kind, this is my first question and I did extensive Research here and on the net beforehand. Question Oracle ROWID for Sqoop Split-By Column did not really solve this issue, as the original Person asking resorted to using another column)
I am using sqoop to copy data from an Oracle 11 DB.
Unfortunately, some tables have no index, no Primary key, only partitions (date). These tables are very large, hundreds of millions if not billions of rows.
so far, I have decided to Access data in the source by explicitly adressing the partitions. That works well and Speeds up the process nicely.
I need to do the splits by data that resides in each and every table in order to avoid too many if- branches in my bash script. (we're talking some 200+ tables here)
I notice that a split by 8 Tasks results in very uneven spread of workload among the Tasks. I considered using Oracle ROWID to define the split.
To do this, I must define a boundary-query. In a Standard query 'select * from xyz' the rowid is not part of the result set. therefore, it is not an option to let Sqoop define the boundary-query from --query.
Now, when I run this, I am getting the error
ERROR tool.ImportTool: Encountered IOException running import job: Sqoop does not have the splitter for the given SQL
data type. Please use either different split column (argument --split-by)
or lower the number of mappers to 1. Unknown SQL data type: -8
samples of ROWID :
it is static and unique once it is created for any row.
I cast this funny datatype into something else in my boundary-query
sqoop import -Dorg.apache.sqoop.splitter.allow_text_splitter=true --connect
jdbc:oracle:thin:# --username $USER --P --m 8
--split-by ROWID --boundary-query "select cast(min(ROWID) as varchar(18)), cast
( max(ROWID)as varchar(18)) from table where laufbzdt >
TO_DATE('2019-02-27', 'YYYY-MM-DD')" --query "select * from table
where laufbzdt > TO_DATE('2019-02-27', 'YYYY-MM-DD') and \$CONDITIONS "
--null-string '\\N'
--null-non-string '\\N'
But then I get ugly ROWIDs that are rejected by Oracle:
select * from table where laufbzdt > TO_DATE('2019-02-27', 'YYYY-MM-DD')
and ( ROWID >= 'AAJX6oAG聕聁AE聉N:' ) AND ( ROWID < 'AAJX6oAH⁖⁁AD䁔䀷' ) ,
Error Msg = ORA-01410: invalid ROWID
how can I resolve this properly?
I am a LINUX-Embryo and have painfully chewed myself through the Topics of bash-shell-scripting and Sqooping so far, but I would like to make better use of evenly spread mapper-task workload - it would cut sqoop-time in half, I guess, saving some 5 to 8 hours.
You can try ROWNUM, but I think sqoop import does not work with pseudocolumn.

Unable to create additional database manually in 11g

When I am trying to create a database in Oracle 11g manually, I'm facing below error.
SQL> create database test
2 Datafile '/opt/oradata/test/system01.dbf' size 10M
3 Sysaux datafile '/opt/oradata/test/sysaux01.dbf' size 10M
4 Logfile '/opt/oradata/test/redo01.log' size 10M,
5 '/opt/oradata/test/redo02.log' size 10M
6 Undo tablespace undotbs1
7 Datafile '/opt/oradata/test/undo01.dbf' size 10M
8 Default temporary tablespace temp
9 Tempfile '/opt/oradata/test/temp01.dbf' size 10M;
SQL> /
create database test
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01092: ORACLE instance terminated. Disconnection forced
ORA-01519: error while processing file '?/rdbms/admin/doptim.bsq' near line 15
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-01658: unable to create INITIAL extent for segment in tablespace SYSTEM
Process ID: 4562
Session ID: 1 Serial number: 3
Kindly help.
"ORA-01658: unable to create INITIAL extent for segment in tablespace SYSTEM"
If you look at this error it clearly says it's not able to create the initial extent since the size of the extent required is more than the file size. So, it leaves you with the two options
1) create DMT tablespace.
2) Increase the file size (100M rather than 10M).
Thank You,

teradata export query using cmd windows not working

new post :
i already read tutorial and i found this script
.LOGON xx.xx.xx.xx/username,password;
.LOGTABLE dbname.LOG_tablename;
DATABASE dbname;
MODE RECORD format text;
select a.my_date,b.name2,a.value from dbsource.tablesource a
inner join dbname.ANG_tablename b
on a.name1=b.name2
where value=59000
and a.my_date >= 01/12/2015
but it is like not working
D:\>bteq < dodol.txt
BTEQ Tue Jan 05 14:40:52 2016 PID: 4452
.LOGON xx.xx.xx.xx/username,
*** Logon successfully completed.
*** Teradata Database Release is
*** Teradata Database Version is
*** Transaction Semantics are BTET.
*** Session Character Set Name is 'ASCII'.
*** Total elapsed time was 4 seconds.
.LOGTABLE dbname.LOG_tablename;
*** Error: Unrecognized command 'LOGTABLE'.
DATABASE dbname;
*** New default database accepted.
*** Total elapsed time was 2 seconds.
*** Error: Unrecognized command 'BEGIN'.
*** Warning: No data format given. Assuming REPORT carries over.
*** Error: Expected FILE or DDNAME keyword, not 'OUTFILE'.
MODE RECORD format text;
MODE RECORD format text;
*** Failure 3706 Syntax error: expected something between the beginning of
the request and the 'MODE' keyword.
Statement# 2, Info =6
*** Total elapsed time was 1 second.
select a.my_date,b.name2,a.value from dbsource.tablesource a
inner join dbname.ANG_tablename b
on a.name1=b.name2
where value=59000
and a.my_date >= 01/12/2015
old post :
I am new in teradata, i have found mload to upload big data, now i have question, is there option to use cmd ( win7 ) to export data from teradata to xxx.txt
--- sample
select a.data1,b.data2,a.data3 from room1.REPORT_DAILY a
inner join room1.andaikan_saja b
on a.likeme=b.data2
where revenue=30000
and content_id like '%super%'
and a.trx_date >= 01/12/2015
this is my mload up.txt
.LOGON xx.xx.xx.xx/username,mypassword;
.LOGTABLE mydatabase.LOG_my_table;
SET QUERY_BAND = 'ApplicationName=TD-Subscriber-RechargeLoad; Version=;' FOR SESSION;
TABLES mydatabase.my_table
WORKTABLES mydatabase.WT_my_table
ERRORTABLES mydatabase.ET_my_table mydatabase.UV_my_table;
.FIELD number * VARCHAR(20);
INSERT INTO mydatabase.my_table
number =:number
.IMPORT INFILE "D:\folderdata\data.txt"
i need solution to export file to my laptop, just like my script that i put ---sample title ....
i use that script from teradasql, and i am search for cmd script
If it's just a few MB and an adhoc export you can use SQL Assistant: Set the delimiter in Tools-Options-Export/Import, maybe modify the settings in Tools-Options-Export and then click File-Export Results before submitting your Select. (Similar in TD Studio)
Otherwise the easiest way to extract data in a readable delimited format is TPT, either Export for large amounts of data (GBs) or SQL Selector (MBs). TPT is available for most Operating Systems including Windows.
There's a nice User Guide with lots of example scripts:
Job Example 12: Extracting Rows and Sending Them in Delimited Format
In your case you'll define a generic template file like this:
DESCRIPTION 'Export rows from a Teradata table to a delimited file'
SELECT * FROM OPERATOR ($SELECTOR ATTR (SelectStmt = #ExportSelectStmt));
Change $SELECTOR to $EXPORT for larger exports.
Then you just need a job variable file like this:
SourceTdpId = 'your system'
,SourceUserName = 'your user'
,SourceUserPassword = 'your password'
,FileWriterFileName = 'xxx.txt'
,ExportSelectStmt = 'select a.data1,b.data2,a.data3 from room1.REPORT_DAILY a
inner join room1.andaikan_saja b
on a.likeme=b.data2
where revenue=30000
and content_id like ''%super%''
and a.trx_date >= DATE ''2015-12-01'' -- modified this to a valid date literal
The only bad part is that you have to double any single quotes within your select, e.g. '%super%' -> ''%super%''.
Finally you run a cmd:
tbuild -f your_template_file -v your_job_var_file
Depending on the volume of data you wish to extract from Teradata you can use Teradata BTEQ or the Teradata Parallel Transport (TPT) utility with the EXPORT operator from the command line to extract the data.
The TPT utility is the eventual replacement for the legacy Teradata Load and Unload utilities (FastLoad, MultiLoad, FastExport, and TPump) and provides an easier mechanism to produce delimited flat files over FastExport. TPT is fairly flexible and effective for exporting large volumes of data to channel or network attached clients.
Teradata BTEQ can perform lightweight load and unload functions. The BTEQ manual is pretty good at providing you an overview of how to use the various commands to produce a semi-structured report or data extract. It doesn't have a simple command to produce a delimited flat file. If you review the manual's overview of the EXPORT command you should get a good feel for how BTEQ behaves when working with channel or network attached clients.
