Moving along a path of straight line segments at constant speed - math

I have a list of vector points, which define a path of straight line segments to be followed by an object. Currently, I do linear interpolation to animate motion along the path like this:
public class Demo
public float speed = 1;
private List<Vector3> points;
private float t; // [0..1]
private Vector3 Evaluate(float t)
// Find out in between which points we currently are
int lastPointIndex = GetLast(t);
int nextPointIndex = GetNext(t);
// Obviously, I need to somehow transform parameter t
// to adjust for the individual length of each segment.
float segmentLength = GetLength(lastPointIndex, nextPointIndex);
// But how would I do this?
return Vector3.Lerp(points[lastPointIndex], points[nextPointIndex], t);
public void Update()
// Curve parameter t moves between 0 and 1 at constant speed.
t = Mathf.PingPong(Time.time * speed, 1);
// Then just get the evaluated position for the curve time, but
// this gives variant speed if points are not evenly spaced.
Vector3 position = Evaluate(t);
I realize, that to achieve constant speed, I need to rescale the parameter t to account for the length of each segment, but I seem to be unable to find out exactly how.
I also know, that I could approximate the path by moving towards the next point at my desired speed and only change direction, once I'm in close proximity or keep track of t as well and change direction once it moves over the next segment, but this seems hacky, when I actually know the exact length of each segment and should be able to interpolate this exactly.

That's actually quiet easy. First, define a speed you want for your object. For example, 6 units per second. That means if a line segment has a length of 6 units then your object will take 1 second to go from its start to its end point. This also means that if you have a line segment that is half that length (i.e. 3 units) it will take the object 0.5 second to cross it. So, what you have to do is calculate the length of all your line segments and divide that by the speed you want to go (3/6 = 0.5 = scaleFactor). Then instead of interpolating between 0 and 1, interpolate between 0 and 1*scaleFactor. Your code then becomes:
public class Demo
public float speed = 1;
private List<Vector3> points;
private float t; // [0..1]
private Vector3 Evaluate(float t)
// Find out in between which points we currently are
int lastPointIndex = GetLast(t);
int nextPointIndex = GetNext(t);
float segmentLength = GetLength(lastPointIndex, nextPointIndex);
float scaleFactor = segmentLength/speed;
// note that I divided t by scaleFactor instead of multiplication.
// That's because Lerp always takes an interval of [0..1]. So, we
// adjust the curve parameter instead.
return Vector3.Lerp(points[lastPointIndex], points[nextPointIndex], t/scaleFactor);
public void Update()
// Curve parameter t moves between 0 and 1 at constant speed.
t = Mathf.PingPong(Time.time * speed, 1);
// Then just get the evaluated position for the curve time, but
// this gives variant speed if points are not evenly spaced.
Vector3 position = Evaluate(t);


LibGDX Own 3D effect set visible lines after getting the distance

Hey sorry for the title
I wanted to create my own 3D effect and it worked well but now i want so visualize my gotten distance but there was too much math for me...
I will put the funktion here that should get the distance and draw the lines.
Thanks for help 🙂
Ask if you need some code please!
// fov is how much is in the vision
// count is how many test lines are drawn in fov
// speed is how far the tester should move on one frame
public void test(float fov, float count, int speed) {
int size =;
int height =;
for (float i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
// Distance.test2D() will send a sensor from the roration of "rotation" and if it touches something is returns how many pixels were between that objects. The maxValue will return if it doesnt touch anything for 500 pixels
float distance = Distance.test2D(position, rotation - (fov) + i * (fov / (count / 2)), 500, speed);
// int drawAt = where to draw the line
int drawAt = // where the line should be drawn on the x axes
// will draw a strate line from the buttom to a specefic height
shapeRenderer.line(drawAt, 0, drawAt, (200 - distance * 2));

Given 3 or more numbers or vectors, how do I interpolate between them based on a percentage?

I want to know the most basic math principles I need to interpolate a value between 3 or more other values, based on a linear percentage; as it would be applicable in programming.
For example, say I have "0", "100", "200", and I want the number that's at "50%". The math would then return something like "100" because 100 is at 50%.
Another example: I have 3 points somewhere in 3D space. If I do "75%" then the result would be a point that is exactly halfway between point 2 and 3, or if I do "25%" then it'll be half-way between 1 and 2.
Game engines like Unity use something like this for blending between multiple animations on a character, for another example.
What I've brainstormed so far is that I would somehow take the input value and find whatever the 2 neighboring "points" are closest to it (much harder in 3D or 2d space but manageable in 1d), then simply lerp between those two- but that requires me to figure out what percentage both of those points are at individually, and remap from "0 to 100%" to "A% to B%". I think it would work but It seems kind of complicated to me.
If possible, I'd like answers to include a C# example or language-agnostic psuitocode just so I can understand the math.
simple example for scalar float objects using piecewise linear interpolation:
int n=3; // number of your objects
float x[n]={ 0.5,2.0,10.0 }; // your objects
float get_object(float t) // linearly interpolate objects x[] based in parameter t = <0,1>, return value must be the same type as your objects
int ix;
float x0,x1; // the same type as your objects
// get segment ix and parameter t
t*=n; ix=floor(t); t-=ix;
// get closest known points x0,x1
x0=x[ix]; ix++;
if (ix<n) x1=x[ix]; else return x0;
// interpolate
return x0+(x1-x0)*t;
so if t=0 it returns first object in the x[] if it is t=1 is returns last and anything in between is linearly interpolated ... The idea is just to multiply our t by number of segments or point (depend on how you handle edge cases) which integer part of the result will give us index of closest 2 objects to our wanted one and then the fractional part of multiplied t will give us directly interpolation parameter in range <0,1> between the two closest points...
In case you objects are not with the same weight or are not uniformly sampled then you need to add interpolation with weights or use higher order polynomial (quadratic,cubic,...).
You can use this for "any" type T of objects you just have to implement operations T+T , T-T and T*float if they are not present.
If your gameObjects is at the same line try this code.
public Transform objStart;
public Transform objEnd;
public Transform square;
public float distance;
//percent .5 means 50%
public float percent;
public Vector3 distancePercentPosition;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
//get distance between two object
distance = Vector3.Magnitude(objEnd.position - objStart.position);
//get position based on percent;
distancePercentPosition = (objEnd.position - objStart.position).normalized * percent * distance;
square.position = objStart.position + distancePercentPosition;
once you get the position between lines you can now map your gameobject in each position based on percent.

Processing: Draw vector instead of pixels

I have a simple Processing Sketch, drawing a continuous line of ellipses with a 20px diameter. Is there a way to modify the sketch so that it draws vector shapes instead of pixels?
void setup() {
size(900, 900);
background(110, 255, 94);
void draw() {
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 20, 20);
Thanks to everyone who can provide some helpful advice.
Expanding my comment above, there a couple of things to tackle:
drawing a continuous line of ellipses with a 20px diameter
draws vector shapes
Currently you're drawing ellipses based on mouse movement.
A side effect is that if you move the mouse fast enough you will have gaps in between ellipses.
To fill the gaps you can work out the distance between every two ellipses.
If the distance is greater than the sizes of these two ellipses you can draw some in between.
The PVector class provides a lerp() function that allows you easily interpolate between two points.
You can read more on this and run some examples here
Using the ratio between these distance of two points and the ellipse size the number of points needed in between.
Here is an example that stores mouse locations to a list of PVectors as you drag the mouse:
//create an array list to store points to draw
ArrayList<PVector> path = new ArrayList<PVector>();
//size of each ellipse
float size = 20;
//how tight will the extra ellipses be drawn together
float tightness = 1.25;
void setup() {
size(900, 900);
void draw() {
background(110, 255, 94);
//for each point in the path, starting at 1 (not 0)
for(int i = 1; i < path.size(); i++){
//get a reference to the current and previous point
PVector current = path.get(i);
PVector previous = path.get(i-1);
//calculate the distance between them
float distance = previous.dist(current);
//work out how many points will need to be added in between the current and previous points to keep the path continuous (taking the ellipse size into account)
int extraPoints = (int)(round(distance/size * tightness));
//draw the previous point
//if there are any exta points to be added, compute and draw them:
for(int j = 0; j < extraPoints; j++){
//work out a normalized (between 0.0 and 1.0) value of where each extra point should be
//think of this as a percentage along a line: 0.0 = start of line, 0.5 = 50% along the line, 1.0 = end of the line
float interpolation = map(j,0,extraPoints,0.0,1.0);
//compute the point in between using PVector's linear interpolation (lerp()) functionality
PVector inbetween = PVector.lerp(previous,current,interpolation);
//draw the point in between
//draw instructions
text("SPACE = clear\nLEFT = decrease tightness\nRIGHT = increase tightness\ntightness:"+tightness,10,15);
void mouseDragged(){
path.add(new PVector(mouseX,mouseY));
void keyPressed(){
if(keyCode == LEFT) tightness = constrain(tightness-0.1,0.0,3.0);
if(keyCode == RIGHT) tightness = constrain(tightness+0.1,0.0,3.0);
if(key == ' ') path.clear();
Note that the interpolation between points is linear.
It's the simplest, but as the name implies, it's all about lines:
it always connects two points in a straight line, not curves.
I've added the option to control how tight interpolated ellipses will be packed together. Here are a couple of screenshots with different tightness levels. You'll notice as tightness increases, the lines will become more evident:
You run the code bellow:
//create an array list to store points to draw
var path = [];
//size of each ellipse
var ellipseSize = 20;
//how tight will the extra ellipses be drawn together
var tightness = 1.25;
function setup() {
createCanvas(900, 900);
function draw() {
background(110, 255, 94);
//for each point in the path, starting at 1 (not 0)
for(var i = 1; i < path.length; i++){
//get a reference to the current and previous point
var current = path[i];
var previous = path[i-1];
//calculate the distance between them
var distance = previous.dist(current);
//work out how many points will need to be added in between the current and previous points to keep the path continuous (taking the ellipse size into account)
var extraPoints = round(distance/ellipseSize * tightness);
//draw the previous point
//if there are any exta points to be added, compute and draw them:
for(var j = 0; j < extraPoints; j++){
//work out a normalized (between 0.0 and 1.0) value of where each extra point should be
//think of this as a percentage along a line: 0.0 = start of line, 0.5 = 50% along the line, 1.0 = end of the line
var interpolation = map(j,0,extraPoints,0.0,1.0);
//compute the point in between using PVector's linear interpolation (lerp()) functionality
var inbetween = p5.Vector.lerp(previous,current,interpolation);
//draw the point in between
//draw instructions
text("BACKSPACE = clear\n- = decrease tightness\n+ = increase tightness\ntightness:"+tightness,10,15);
function mouseDragged(){
function keyPressed(){
if(keyCode == 189) tightness = constrain(tightness-0.1,0.0,3.0);
if(keyCode == 187) tightness = constrain(tightness+0.1,0.0,3.0);
if(keyCode == BACKSPACE) path = [];
<script src=""></script>
If you want smoother lines you will need to use a different interpolation such as quadratic or cubic interpolation. You can start with existing Processing functions for drawing curves such as curve() or bezier(),and you'll find some helpful resources unrelated to Processing here,here and here.
On vector shapes
You're not directly working with pixels[], you're drawing shapes.
These shapes can easily be saved to PDF using Processing's PDF library
Check out the Single Frame from an Animation (With Screen Display) example.
Here is a version that saves to PDF when pressing the 's' key:
import processing.pdf.*;
//create an array list to store points to draw
ArrayList<PVector> path = new ArrayList<PVector>();
//size of each ellipse
float size = 20;
//how tight will the extra ellipses be drawn together
float tightness = 1.25;
//PDF saving
boolean record;
void setup() {
size(900, 900);
void draw() {
background(110, 255, 94);
//if we need to save the current frame to pdf, begin recording drawing instructions
if (record) {
// Note that #### will be replaced with the frame number. Fancy!
beginRecord(PDF, "frame-####.pdf");
//for each point in the path, starting at 1 (not 0)
for(int i = 1; i < path.size(); i++){
//get a reference to the current and previous point
PVector current = path.get(i);
PVector previous = path.get(i-1);
//calculate the distance between them
float distance = previous.dist(current);
//work out how many points will need to be added in between the current and previous points to keep the path continuous (taking the ellipse size into account)
int extraPoints = (int)(round(distance/size * tightness));
//draw the previous point
//if there are any exta points to be added, compute and draw them:
for(int j = 0; j < extraPoints; j++){
//work out a normalized (between 0.0 and 1.0) value of where each extra point should be
//think of this as a percentage along a line: 0.0 = start of line, 0.5 = 50% along the line, 1.0 = end of the line
float interpolation = map(j,0,extraPoints,0.0,1.0);
//compute the point in between using PVector's linear interpolation (lerp()) functionality
PVector inbetween = PVector.lerp(previous,current,interpolation);
//draw the point in between
//once what we want to save has been recorded to PDF, stop recording (this will skip saving the instructions text);
if (record) {
record = false;
println("pdf saved");
//draw instructions
text("SPACE = clear\nLEFT = decrease tightness\nRIGHT = increase tightness\ntightness:"+tightness+"\n's' = save PDF",10,15);
void mouseDragged(){
path.add(new PVector(mouseX,mouseY));
void keyPressed(){
if(keyCode == LEFT) tightness = constrain(tightness-0.1,0.0,3.0);
if(keyCode == RIGHT) tightness = constrain(tightness+0.1,0.0,3.0);
if(key == ' ') path.clear();
if(key == 's') record = true;
In addition to George's great answer (which I've +1'd), I wanted to offer a more basic option:
The problem, like George said, is that when you move the mouse, you actually skip over a bunch of pixels. So if you only draw ellipses or points at mouseX, mouseY then you'll end up with gaps.
The dumb fix: the pmouseX and pmouseY variables hold the previous position of the cursor.
That might not sound very useful, but they allow you to solve exactly your problem. Instead of drawing ellipses or points at the current mouse position, draw a line from the previous position to the current position. This will eliminate any gaps in your lines.
void draw(){
line(pmouseX, pmouseY, mouseX, mouseY);
Shameless self-promotion: I've written a tutorial on getting user input in Processing available here.
Note: This dumb solution will only work if you aren't redrawing the background every frame. If you need to redraw everything every frame, then George's answer is the way to go.

Calculating bank angle between two objects

I have a drone following a path for movement. That is, it doesn't use a rigidbody so I don't have access to velocity or magnitude and such. It follows the path just fine, but I would like to add banking to it when it turns left or right. I use a dummy object in front of the drone, thinking I could calculate the bank/tilt amount using the transform vectors from the two objects.
I've been working on this for days as I don't have a lot of math skills. Basically I've been copying pieces of code trying to get things to work. Nothing I do works to make the drone bank. The following code manages to spin (not bank).
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.identity;
Vector3 dir = (dummyObject.transform.position - this.transform.position).normalized;
float angle = Vector3.Angle( dir, transform.up );
float rollAngle = CalculateRollAngle(angle);
rotation.SetLookRotation(dir, transform.right);// + rollIntensity * smoothRoll * right);
rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 0, rollAngle));
transform.rotation = rotation;
/// <summary>
/// Calculates Roll and smoothes it (to compensates for non C2 continuous control points algorithm) /// </summary>
/// <returns>The roll angle.</returns>
/// <param name="rollFactor">Roll factor.</param>
float CalculateRollAngle(float rollFactor)
smoothRoll = Mathf.Lerp(smoothRoll, rollFactor, rollSmoothing * Time.deltaTime);
float angle = Mathf.Atan2(1, smoothRoll * rollIntensity);
angle *= Mathf.Rad2Deg;
angle -= 90;
TurnRollAngle = angle;
angle += RollOffset;
return angle;
Assuming you have waypoints the drone is following, you should figure out the angle between the last two (i.e. your "now-facing" and "will be facing" directions). The easy way is to use Vector2.Angle.
I would use this angle to determine the amount I'll tilt the drone's body: the sharper the turn, the harder the banking. I would use a ratio value (public initially so I can manipulate it from the editor).
Next, instead of doing any math I would rely on the engine to do the rotation for me - so I would go for Transform.Rotate function.In case banking can go too high and look silly, I would set a maximum for that and Clamp my calculated banking angle between zero and max.
Without knowing exactly what you do and how, it's not easy to give perfect code, but for a better understand of the above, here's some (untested, i.e. pseudo) code for the solution I visualize:
public float turnSpeed = 7.0f; //the drone will "rotate toward the new waypoint" by this speed
//bankSpeed+turnBankRatio must be two times "faster" (and/or smaller degree) than turning, see details in 'EDIT' as of why:
public float bankSpeed = 14.0f; //banking speed
public float turnBankRatio = .5f; //90 degree turn == 45 degree banking
private float turnAngle = 0.0f; //this is the 'x' degree turning angle we'll "Lerp"
private float turnAngleABS = 0.0f; //same as turnAngle but it's an absolute value. Storing to avoid Mathf.Abs() in Update()!
private float bankAngle = 0.0f; //banking degree
private bool isTurning = false; //are we turning right now?
//when the action is fired for the drone it should go for the next waypoint, call this guy
private void TurningTrigger() {
//remove this line after testing, it's some extra safety
if (isTurning) { Debug.LogError("oups! must not be possible!"); return; }
Vector2 droneOLD2DAngle = GetGO2DPos(transform.position);
//do the code you do for the turning/rotation of drone here!
//or use the next waypoint's .position as the new angle if you are OK
//with the snippet doing the turning for you along with banking. then:
Vector2 droneNEW2DAngle = GetGO2DPos(transform.position);
turnAngle = Vector2.Angle(droneOLD2DAngle, droneNEW2DAngle); //turn degree
turnAngleABS = Mathf.Abs(turnAngle); //avoiding Mathf.Abs() in Update()
bankAngle = turnAngle * turnBankRatio; //bank angle
//you can remove this after testing. This is to make sure banking can
//do a full run before the drone hits the next waypoint!
if ((turnAngle * turnSpeed) < (bankAngle * bankSpeed)) {
Debug.LogError("Banking degree too high, or banking speed too low to complete maneuver!");
//you can clamp or set turnAngle based on a min/max here
isTurning = true; //all values were set, turning and banking can start!
//get 2D position of a GO (simplified)
private Vector2 GetGO2DPos(Vector3 worldPos) {
return new Vector2(worldPos.x, worldPos.z);
private void Update() {
if (isTurning) {
//assuming the drone is banking to the "side" and "side" only
transform.Rotate(0, 0, bankAngle * time.deltaTime * bankSpeed, Space.Self); //banking
//if the drone is facing the next waypoint already, set
//isTurning to false
} else if (turnAngleABS > 0.0f) {
//reset back to original position (with same speed as above)
//at least "normal speed" is a must, otherwise drone might hit the
//next waypoint before the banking reset can finish!
float bankAngle_delta = bankAngle * time.deltaTime * bankSpeed;
transform.Rotate(0, 0, -1 * bankAngle_delta, Space.Self);
turnAngleABS -= (bankAngle_delta > 0.0f) &#63 bankAngle_delta : -1 * bankAngle_delta;
//the banking was probably not set back to exactly 0, as time.deltaTime
//is not a fixed value. if this happened and looks ugly, reset
//drone's "z" to Quaternion.identity.z. if it also looks ugly,
//you need to test if you don't """over bank""" in the above code
//by comparing bankAngle_delta + 'calculated banking angle' against
//the identity.z value, and reset bankAngle_delta if it's too high/low.
//when you are done, your turning animation is over, so:
Again, this code might not perfectly fit your needs (or compile :P), so focus on the idea and the approach, not the code itself. Sorry for not being able right now to put something together and test myself - but I hope I helped. Cheers!
EDIT: Instead of a wall of text I tried to answer your question in code (still not perfect, but goal is not doing the job, but to help with some snippets and ideas :)
So. Basically, what you have is a distance and "angle" between two waypoints. This distance and your drone's flight/walk/whatever speed (which I don't know) is the maximum amount of time available for:
1. Turning, so the drone will face in the new direction
2. Banking to the side, and back to zero/"normal"
As there's two times more action on banking side, it either has to be done faster (bankSpeed), or in a smaller angle (turnBankRatio), or both, depending on what looks nice and feels real, what your preference is, etc. So it's 100% subjective. It's also your call if the drone turns+banks quickly and approaches toward the next waypoint, or does things in slow pace and turns just a little if has a lot of time/distance and does things fast only if it has to.
As of isTurning:
You set it to true when the drone reached a waypoint and heads out to the next one AND the variables to (turn and) bank were set properly. When you set it to false? It's up to you, but the goal is to do so when the maneuver is finished (this was buggy in the snippet the first time as this "optimal status" was not possible to ever be reached) so he drone can "reset banking".For further details on what's going on, see code comments.Again, this is just a snippet to support you with a possible solution for your problem. Give it some time and understand what's going on. It really is easy, you just need some time to cope ;)Hope this helps! Enjoy and cheers! :)

Map a Matrix to a Circular Frame Image

I have a matrix and o want to map it to a circular frame. Each element in matrix should be mapped to a predefined position on the circular frame. What i am really do is dealing with the human brain signals recorded from different electrodes installed over the skull. This is the final plot i want to get:
Any Sugestion?
Please, correct me if I'm wrong. I don't know what kind of data these electrodes are able to retrieve, but in any case, I think you can view them in two different natures: first, sampled data (a class that encapsulates all information gathered through one specific electrode) and second, a geographically mapping object, binding the data from each electrode to one specific location.
As for the first part, you can design whatever class you wish, according to your needs. This class may have but a single double value (like intensity or electric level, or whatever) or a complete set of variables or even other classes arranged in such a way that represent what you need.
As for the second part, as you want to map the data retrieved from each electrode into a pre-determined point in a circular area, I think a class having an horizontal and a vertical positioning value is good. This can be a java.awt.Point (which can map to the real X and Y position of the point you wish) or a custom class (non-related to any domain) with the two X and Y variables, that can translate to a real X and Y coordinate in the final image.
Something like that
public class Position {
private int x;
private int y;
public Position(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public int getX() {
return x;
public int getY() {
return y;
public class Sample {
private double electricalLevel;
private Position position;
public double getElectricalLevel() {
return electricalLevel;
public void setElectricalLevel(double electricalLevel) {
this.electricalLevel = electricalLevel;
public Position getPosition() {
return position;
public void setPosition(Position position) {
this.position = position;
Something like that.
Then you'll have to instantiate each Sample, map it to a Position instance and keep updating the values.
As for the mapping to the correct Position, you can have all the positions pre-calculated and entered as literals, or calculated from a positioning function. I think the pre-calculated positions are ok, as they are not prone to changing...
Then you'll have something like:
Sample s1 = new Sample();
s1.setPosition(new Position(100, 100));
Sample s2 = new Sample();
s2.setPosition(new Position(150, 80));
and so on, for each electrode.
As for the drawing itself, you'll have to dig into java imaging. This will not be so simple, because you're not really only plotting the points themselves. Actually, the colour of each point and its surrounding area will be a function of the sampled data, if I'm correct, as the colour seems to be reflecting the sampled data from that brain region.
To make things worse, the boundary areas between multiple points will influence each other, so that a colour gradient will be generated.
I suggest you first focus in the given scenario and that you ask about the painting and java imaging issue in other question.
Sorry, this is a really general answer, but it's as far as I can go with many assumptions and without knowing what exactly you're dealing with. I hope it helps, though.
