Split output of LSTM to do computation on each vector in keras/tensorflow - vector

I'm trying to implement a custom layer in keras. At the end it should implement an Attention Layer. So what i want to do is take the output of an LSTM and make a computation on every vector of the output.
I've got an LSTM with return-sequence=True. So I get an output with a shape like (batch_size, num_vectors, dim_vector).
How can I access a single vector in the call-function of the custom-layer? Or better, how can i split the input tensor to get a list of tensors with shape (dim_vector).
So it should be batch_size * num_vectors vectors/tensors in this list.
What i want to do looks kind of like this:
for i in range(num_vectors):
x_i = list_of_vectors/tensors[i]
W = self.W.eval().transponse()
W1 = self.W1.eval()
b = self.b.eval()
b1 = self.b1.eval()
activated = self.kernel_activation(W1.dot(x_i) + b1)
score = W.dot(activated) + b
What looks kind a promising but is poorly documented is K.gather(). Maybe someone could explain how it is working or has a better idea how to deal with my problem.
I also tried tf.unstack() to get a list. But this doesn't work because the dimensions of my input-tensor are unknown except of dim_vector.
I'm working with keras on tensorflow-backend.
Thanks in advance


zfit straight line fitting for 2 dim dataset

I would like to fit 2-dim plot by straight line (a*x+b) using zfit like the following figure.
That is very easy work by a probfit package, but it has been deprecated by scikit-hep. https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/scikit-hep/probfit/blob/master/tutorial/tutorial.ipynb
How can I fit such 2dim plots by any function?
I've checked zfit examples, but it seems to be assumed some distribution (histogram) thus zfit requires dataset like 1d array and I couldn't reach how to pass 2d data to zfit.
There is no direct way in zfit currently to implement this out-of-the-box (with one line), since a corresponding loss is simply not added.
However, the SimpleLoss (zfit.loss.SimpleLoss) allows you to construct any loss that you can think of (have a look at the example as well in the docstring). In your case, this would look along this:
x = your_data
y = your_targets # y-value
obs = zfit.Space('x', (lower, upper))
param1 = zfit.Parameter(...)
param2 = zfit.Parameter(...)
model = Func(...) # a function is the way to go here
data = zfit.Data.from_numpy(array=x, obs=obs)
def mse():
prediction = model.func(data)
value = tf.reduce_mean((prediction - y) ** 2) # or whatever you want to have
return value
loss = zfit.loss.SimpleLoss(mse, [param1, param2])
# etc.
On another note, it would be a good idea to add such a loss. If you're interested to contribute I recommend to get in contact with the authors and they will gladly help you and guide you to it.
The loss function itself consists presumably of three to four things: x, y, a model and maybe an uncertainty on y. The chi2 loss looks like this:
def chi2():
y_pred = model.func(x)
return tf.reduce_sum((y_pred - y) / y_error) ** 2)
loss = zfit.loss.SimpleLoss(chi2, model.get_params())
That's all, 4 lines of code. x is a zfit.Data object, model is in this case a Func.
Does that work?
That's all.

r Nomad categorical optimisation (snomadr)

I am trying to use the Nomad technique for blackbox optimisation from the crs package (C implementation), which is called via the snomadr function. The method works when trying straight numerical optimisation, but errors when categorical features are included. However the help for categorical optimisation is not very well documented, so I am struggling to see where I am going wrong. Reproducible code below:
Illustrating this on randomForest & the iris dataset.
Creating the randomForest model (leaving the last row out as starting points for the optimizer)
rfIris <- randomForest(x=iris[-150,-c(1)], y=unlist(iris[-150,1]))
The objective function (functions we want to optimize)
objFn <- function(x0,model){
preds <- predict(object = model, newdata = x0)
Test to see if the objective function works (should return ~6.37)
objOut <- objFn(x0=unlist(iris[150,-c(1)]),model = rfIris)
Creating initial conditions, options list, and upper/lower bounds for Nomad
x0 <- iris[150,-c(1)]
x0 <- unlist(x0)
options <- list("MAX_BB_EVAL"=10000,
"NEIGHBORS_EXE" = c(1,2,3),
"VNS_SEARCH" = '1')
up <- c(10,10,10,10)
low <- c(0,0,0,0)
Calling the optimizer
opt <- snomadr(eval.f = objFn, n = 4, bbin = c(0,0,0,2), bbout = 0, x0= x0 ,model = rfIris, opts=options,
ub = up, lb = low)
and I get an error about the NEIGHBORS_EXE parameter in the options list. It seems as if I need to supply NEIGHBORS_EXE a file corresponding to a set of 'extended poll' coordinates, however is it not clear what these exactly are.
The method works by setting "EXTENDED_POLL_ENABLED" = 'no' in the options list, as it then ignores the categorical variables and defaults to numerical optimisation, but this is not what I want.
I also managed to pull up some additional information for NEIGHBORS_EXE using
snomadr(information=list("help"="-h NEIGHBORS_EXE"))
and again, do not understand what the 'neighbours.exe' is meant to be.
Any help would be much appreciated!
This is the response from Zhenghua who coded the R interface:
The issue is that he did not configure the parameter “NEIGHBORS_EXE” properly. He need to prepare an Executable file for defining the neighbors, put the executable file in the folder where R is called, and then set the parameter “NEIGHBORS_EXE” to the executable file name.
You can contact us at nomad#gerad.ca if you wish to continue the discussion.
About the neighbours_exe parameter you can refer to the section 7.1 of user guide of Nomad

How to weight observations in mxnet?

I am new to neural networks and the mxnet package in R. I want to do a logistic regression on my predictors since my observations are probabilities varying between 0 and 1. I'd like to weight my observations by a vector obsWeights I have, but I'm not sure where to implement the weights. There seems to be a weight= option in mx.symbol.FullyConnected but if I try weight=obsWeights I get the following error message
Error in mx.varg.symbol.FullyConnected(list(...)) :
Cannot find argument 'weight', Possible Arguments:
num_hidden : int, required
Number of hidden nodes of the output.
no_bias : boolean, optional, default=False
Whether to disable bias parameter.
How should I proceed to weight my observations? Here is my code at the moment.
# Prepare data
train.mm = model.matrix(obs ~ . , data = train_data)
train_label = train_data$obs
# Normalize
train.mm = apply(train.mm, 2, function(x) (x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x)))
# Create MXDataIter compatible iterator
batch_size = 128
train.iter = mx.io.arrayiter(data=t(train.mm), label=train_label,
batch.size=batch_size, shuffle=T)
# Symbolic model definition
data = mx.symbol.Variable('data')
fc1 = mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data=data, num.hidden=128, name='fc1')
act1 = mx.symbol.Activation(data=fc1, act.type='relu', name='act1')
final = mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data=act1, num.hidden=1, name='final')
logistic = mx.symbol.LogisticRegressionOutput(data=final, name='logistic')
# Run model
mxnet_train = mx.model.FeedForward.create(
symbol = logistic,
X = train.iter,
initializer = mx.init.Xavier(rnd_type = 'gaussian', factor_type = 'avg', magnitude = 2),
num.round = 25)
Assigning the fully connected weight argument is not what you want to do at any rate. That weight is a reference to parameters of the layer; i.e., what you multiply in the inputs by to get output values These are the parameter values you're trying to learn.
If you want to make some samples matter more than others, then you'll need to adjust the loss function. For example, multiply the usual loss function by your weights so that they do not contribute as much to the overall average loss.
I do not believe the standard Mxnet loss functions have a spot for assigning weights (that is LogisticRegressionOutput won't cover this). However, you can make your own cost function that does. This would involve passing your final layer through a sigmoid activation function to first generate the usual logistic regression output value. Then pass that into the loss function you define. You could do squared error, but for logistic regression you'll probably want to use the cross entropy function:
l * log(y) + (1 - l) * log(1 - y),
where l is the label and y is the predicted value.
Ideally, you'd write a symbol with an efficient definition of the gradient (Mxnet has a cross entropy function, but its for softmax input, not a binary output. You could translate your output to two outputs with softmax as an alternative, but that seems less easy to work with in this case), but the easiest path would be to let Mxnet do its autodiff on it. Then you multiply that cross entropy loss by the weights.
I haven't tested this code, but you'd ultimately have something like this (this is what you'd do in python, should be similar in R):
label = mx.sym.Variable('label')
out = mx.sym.Activation(data=final, act_type='sigmoid')
ce = label * mx.sym.log(out) + (1 - label) * mx.sym.log(1 - out)
weights = mx.sym.Variable('weights')
loss = mx.sym.MakeLoss(weigths * ce, normalization='batch')
Then you want to input your weight vector into the weights Variable along with your normal input data and labels.
As an added tip, the output of an mxnet network with a custom loss via MakeLoss outputs the loss, not the prediction. You'll probably want both in practice, in which case its useful to group the loss with a gradient-blocked version of the prediction so that you can get both. You'd do that like this:
pred_loss = mx.sym.Group([mx.sym.BlockGrad(out), loss])

What are x1_step1_xoffset, x1_step1_gain and x1_step1_ymin in a neural network generated by genFunction in Matlab?

I'm working with Matlab's Neural Network toolbox and I have generated a neural network function with genFunction.
I would like to know what mapminmax_apply function does, what are these variables used for and their meaning in the neural network:
% Input 1
x1_step1_xoffset = [0.151979470539401;-89.4008362047824;0.387909026651698;0.201508462422352];
x1_step1_gain = [2.67439342164766;0.0112020512930696;3.56055585104964;4.09080417195814];
x1_step1_ymin = -1;
Here it's the mapminmax_apply function:
% Map Minimum and Maximum Input Processing Function
function y = mapminmax_apply(x,settings_gain,settings_xoffset,settings_ymin)
y = bsxfun(#minus,x,settings_xoffset);
y = bsxfun(#times,y,settings_gain);
y = bsxfun(#plus,y,settings_ymin);
And here it's the call to the function with the above variables:
% Input 1
Xp1 = mapminmax_apply(X{1,ts},x1_step1_gain,x1_step1_xoffset,x1_step1_ymin);
I think:
the mapminmax function can also return the settings it uses (amongst others, offset, gain and ymin). For some reason in the code spat out by the NN function, these settings are given at the begining of the file, under Input1, in the form of x1_step1_xoffset, etc.
mapminmax('apply',X,PS) will apply the settings in PS to the mapminmax algorithm.
So, I think the code generated here has more steps than you necessarily need. You could get rid of the Input1 steps and just use a simple xp1 = mapminmax(x1'), instead of the mapminmax_apply
Matlab NN toolbox automatically normalizes the features of the dataset.
The functions mapminmax_apply and mapminmax_reverse are related to normalizing the features.
The function mapminmax_apply exactly converts/normalizes input range to -1 to 1.
Since the output will also come out as a normalized vector/value(between -1 to 1) it needs to be reversed normalized using the function mapminmax_reverse .

Rstudio - Error in user-created function - Object not found

First thing's first; my skills in R are somewhat lacking, so there is a chance I may be using something incorrectly in the following. If I go wrong somewhere, please let me know.
I've been having a problem in Rstudio where I try to create 2 functions for formulae, then use nls() to create a model using those, with which I will make a plot. When I try to run the line for creating it, I get an error message saying an object is missing. It is always the last object in the function of the first "formula", in this case, 'p'.
I'll provide my code here then explain what I am trying to do for a little context;
DATA <- read.csv(file.choose(), as.is=T)
formula <- function(m, h, g, p){(2*m)/(m+(sqrt(m^2+1)))*p*g*(h^2/2)}
formula.2 <- function(P, V, g){P*V*g}
m = 0.85
p = 766.42
g = 9.81
P = 0.962
h = DATA$lithothick
V = DATA$Vol
fit.1 <- nls(formula (P, V, g) ~ formula(m, h, g, p), data = DATA)
If I run it how it is shown, I get the error;
Error in (2 * m)/(m + (sqrt(m^2 + 1))) * p : 'p' is missing
However it will show h if I rearrange the objects in the formula to (m,g,p,h)
Error in h^2 : 'h' is missing
Now, what I'm trying to do is this; I have a .csv file with 3 thicknesses (0.002, 0.004, 0.006 meters) and 3 volumes (10, 25, 50 milliliters). I am trying to see how the rates of strength and buoyancy increase (in relation to each other) as the thickness and volume for each object (respectively) increases. I was hoping to come out with a graph showing the upward trend for each property (strength and buoyancy), as I believe them to be unequal (one exponential the other linear). I hope that isn't more confusing than clarifying, but any pointers would be GREATLY appreciated.
You cannot overload functions this way in R, what you can do is provide optional arguments (which is a kind of overload) with syntax function(mandatory, optionnal="")
For what you are trying to do, you have to use formula.2 if you want to use the 3-arguments formula.
A workaround could be to use one function with one optionnal argument and check if this argument has been used. Something like :
formula = function(m, h, g, p="") {
if (is.numeric(p)) {
} else {
This is ugly and a very bad way to do it (your variables do not really mean the same thing from one call to the other) but it works.
