Basic math issue [closed] - math

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm trying to create a calculator that helps you know what is the return on each investment. I know this is a funny question but i got stuck in a very simple math problem.
Lets say someone invested 20dollars and the price for an apple was 5,000dollars.
1 month later, the price went up to 14,500dollars. A rise of 290%.
How much will that 20dollar be worth? is it 20dollars + 290% , or 20dollars * 290%? or is it 20dollars * 290. Sorry for asking a silly question but im blanked out.

Let's break it down simple.
Let's say you invested 10 dollars for the price of 1000.
and the value hiked to 2000.
So your 10 dollars will be worth 20 now. aka 10 * 200%.
Hope it helps.


Math : How many combinations are there with m people and n gifts? [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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I met a math question. Let's say there are m people and n gifts. A people may receive all n gifts or a (0 <= a < n) gifts or nothing (0 gift). But all the gifts need to gave away. In addition, all the gifts are different. So, my question is how many possible ways to send gifts?
The first gift can be given to anyone of m persons. Also the second gift can be given to anyone of m persons. The same for the third, forth, fifth, ... gift.
There are therefore m^n possible ways to hand out the gifts.

how can i calculate A from this equation? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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How can i calculate from
23.53819 1000?
A and B are variables.
Sry for my bad english ;)
Thanks any help!
Just follow the steps described before. The goal is to manipulate the expression to get all terms containing the variable to be solved for on one side.
You Have to First do what ever present in Brackets then Division, Multiplication and then Addition and Subtraction.
For any equation you have to follow the sequence.
Hope this helps

How to graph an equation in the form z=x*y (programme needed) [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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i would like to graph this kind of equation, z=x*y. I would like to set intervals like -n< x <-n and so on, to see how z varies in function of x and y at the same time. I also need to check the value of z at given x and y and see where z is at its maximum, for example. Thanks and have all a nice day!
Edit: the equation i am trying to study is z=x * (164+0.25y)
where 0 < x < 2.5 and 0 < x < 700.
P.S. I don't understand the downvotes, I kindly asked for a question in a polite way, providing as many details as I could.
This question may be a little outside of the scope of this site, but in regards to a graphing program:
One of the easiest ways to determine things about graphs is to use Wolfram Alpha a computational knowledge engine. A quick tour on the site and just trying a few things out should get you to where you want to go pretty quickly.
Since you appear new to this site, check out some of the Stack Overflow Basics and be sure to up-vote any help you get or questions you may find helpful.

how to solve age problems in algebra maths? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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This is an problem regarding age. I don't know how to solve this problem. Please help me. The problem is
> A man is 5 times as old as his son. 2 years ago the sum of squares of
> their ages was 11, 14. find the present age of son?
Not really a programming question.. but hey, I think every programmer needs some math skills at his disposal.
Since this looks like a homework problem .. let me give you some pointers.
A man is 5 times as old as his son
Son's age = x, Man's age = 5x
2 years ago the sum of squares of their ages was 1114 (I think)
(x-2)2 + (5x-2)2 = 1114
Solve for x!!

What's the limit of fraction inside square root [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I need to find limit sqrt((3x-1)/(x+2)) when x->infinity
Can anyone help me please?
The answer is sqrt(3):
As x gets very very big, the degree 0 terms (-1x^0 and 2x^0) grow insignificant thus leaving:
As you can see this reduces to:
And this is no longer affected by x and is, then, the answer.
Math questions are best suited on Stack Exchange's Math page.
mjgpy3 deserves credit for his correct and elegant explanation.
But I'll offer you Wolfram Alpha as a way to answer these for yourself without having to ask here:
