IDLTOJAVA compiler - idl

I am working on an assignment and I believe that the teacher has provided us with outdated instructions because myself and another student are unable to complete steps 1-2 and I was wanting to see if anyone could maybe provide some help with this? Thank you.
Here are the instructions for steps 1-2:
Step 1: Create an IDL Interface
In this step you will map the IDL to Java in order to define the contract between the server and client for your application. The code for this is language independent and will not look like your traditional Java code. Create a new IDL file using your downloaded IDLTOJAVA compiler. Name the file, “Liberty.idl” and enter the following code:
module LibertyApp
interface Liberty
String libertyU();
This Liberty U application will only have a single operation. This is all the code that you will need for this step.
Step 2: Mapping Liberty.idl to Java
In this step you will create the required java files through the IDLTOJAVA tool. Open up your command line prompt. Change the directory to the location of your Liberty.idl file. Enter the compiler command:
idltojava Liberty.idl
You will see that a directory called LibertyApp has been created and it will contain 5 files. Open up I will contain these lines of code:
/* as generated by idltojava */
package LibertyApp;
public interface Liberty
extends org.omg.CORBA.Object {
String libertyU();
I went into visual studio and created a blank file and gave it the Liberty.idl name is that the correct way to create an idl file?
Thank you again!


FileReader can't find R Script

I try run my R Script within JavaFx. I use Renjin for this purpose and it seems to work properly with statements I run internally. But I want to run an external R Script. The project is set up with Maven so the path should be easy as the R Script is in the resources folder. The path works when I load FXML files, so I'm pretty confused why it can't find my Script.
Here's a short example:
package survey;
import javax.script.*;
import org.renjin.script.*;
public class calcFunction {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// create a script engine manager:
RenjinScriptEngineFactory factory = new RenjinScriptEngineFactory();
// create a Renjin engine:
ScriptEngine engine = factory.getScriptEngine();
engine.put("x", 4);
engine.put("y", 5);
engine.eval(new FileReader("/test.R"));
Is something missing? Thanks in advance!
With my FXML files it works with the "/" path like this:
root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("/moduleDa.fxml"));
Someone who deleted his comment proposed this:
engine.eval(new FileReader(new File(".").getAbsolutePath()+"/test.R"));
It works if the script is in the root directory, where the pom.xml file is located. #James_D made it work so the R script can be located in the resources folder - thanks a lot!
If your R script is bundled as part of the application, it can't be treated as a file - you need to treat it as a resource. Typically, you will deploy your application as a Jar file, and the resources will be elements within that jar file (they won't be files in their own right).
So just treat the R script as a resource and load it as such. I don't know the renjin framework, but I assume ScriptEngine here is a javax.script.ScriptEngine, in which case ScriptEngine.eval(...) takes a Reader as a parameter, and so (if your R script is located in the root of the class path) you can do
engine.eval(new InputStreamReader(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/test.R")));

how to enable Visor Command Line In Apache Ignite?

I have started Apache Ignite server via Maven Dependency trough eclipse,can anyone tell me how to monitor cache through visor command? How to enable it when setup Apache Ignite via Maven?
I think the most easy way is to download binary distributive and lunch Visor command line from "\bin" folder. Note, you need to download release that match to that you are using in your Maven based application.
The second way is to use ignite-visor-console module from Maven
And start Visor command line via: org.apache.ignite.visor.commands.VisorConsole object (it extends App). Note, Visor command line is written on Scala.
Sample code:
import org.apache.ignite.visor.commands.VisorConsole;
public class Test {
static public void main(String args[]) {
Also see Visor command line documentation.
And also give a try for Web Console, as Dmitriy suggested.

QtIFW Always create registry entry

I'm currently using the Qt-Installer-Framework to create a setup for my application. Everything works fine for now except one thing:
If I install it to any location but C:\Program Files\MyApp, the installer won't create the registry entry for Programs and Features!
Is there a way to tell the installer to always do this?
After trying out vairous different combinations, I do know now where the problem comes from:
If I try to install as current user only (set the AllUsers variable to false), it will always work and create an entry in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{GUID}.
If I install for all users, however, it will try to create a key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{GUID}. This will only work, if the installer has to elevate it's operations during installation (because I chose a directory I need admin rights for).
So, the error is: The installer won't elevate itself to create the "global" registry entry and thus fails to create it. Any ideas on how to fix it?
Here the link which has answer to this question.
Add the following line to your component's package xml file:
And use this line in your script file:
#component.addElevatedOperation("Execute", "someCommand");#
instead of
#component.addOperation("Execute", "someCommand");#
There is boolean installer.gainAdminRights() to gain elevated privileges during runtime but you will have to add it to an installer script (in packages meta directory) something alike
function Component()
if (!installer.isInstaller())
if (allUsers && installer.gainAdminRights())
//Set registry global
} else {
//Set registry local

Setting Jetty resourcebase to static file embedded in the same jar file

I am trying to access static resource (eg. first.html) packed inside the same .jar file (testJetty.jar), which also has a class which starts the jetty (v.8) server ( I am unable to set the resource base correctly.
The structure of my jar file (testJetty.jar):
Works fine on local machine, but when I wrap it in jar file and then run it, it doesn't work, giving "404: File not found" error.
I tried to set the resourcebase with the following values, all of which failed:
a) Tried setting it to .
resource_handler.setResourceBase("."); // Results in directory containing the jar file, D:\Work\eclipseworkspace\testJettyResult
b) Tried getting it from getResource
ClassLoader loader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
File indexLoc = new File(loader.getResource("first.html").getFile());
String htmlLoc = indexLoc.getAbsolutePath();
resource_handler.setResourceBase(htmloc); // Results in D:\Work\eclipseworkspace\testJettyResult\file:\D:\Work\eclipseworkspace\testJettyResult\testJetty1.jar!\first.html
c) Tried getting the webdir
String webDir = this.getClass().getProtectionDomain()
resource_handler.setResourceBase(webdir); // Results in D:/Work/eclipseworkspace/testJettyResult/testJetty1.jar
None of these 3 approaches worked.
Any help or alternative would be appreciated
The solutions provided in this thread work but I think some clarity to the solution could be useful.
If you are building a fat jar and use the ProtectionDomain way you may hit some issues because you are loading the whole jar!
So the better solution is the other provided solution
The problem here is if you are building a fat jar you are not really dumping your webapp resources into WEB-INF but are probably going into the root of the jar, so a simple workaround is to create a folder XXX and use the second approach as follows:
Or change your build tool to export the webapp files into that given directory. Maybe Maven does this on a Jar for you but gradle does not.
Not unusually, I found a solution to my problem. The 3rd approach mentioned by Stephen in Embedded Jetty : how to use a .war that is included in the .jar from which Jetty starts? worked!
So, I changed from Resource_handler to WebAppContext, where WebAppContext is pointing to the same jar (testJetty.jar) and it worked!
String webDir = MainTest.class.getProtectionDomain()
.getCodeSource().getLocation().toExternalForm(); ; // Results in D:/Work/eclipseworkspace/testJettyResult/testJetty.jar
WebAppContext webappContext = new WebAppContext(webDir, "/");
It looks like ClassLoader.getResource does not understand an empty string or . or / as an argument. In my jar file I had to move all stuf to WEB-INF(any other wrapping dir will do). So the code looks like
so the context looks like this then:
ContextHandler:744 - Started o.e.j.w.WebAppContext#48b3806{/,jar:file:/Users/xxx/projects/dropbox/ui/target/ui-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar!/WEB-INF,AVAILABLE}

Meteor reading CSV files to populate database don't work after deploy

So I have a bunch of data that I want to load into database from CSV. I've hacked together a solution that works in local development, but when I deploy to, it no longer works.
I'm loading the csv file in the folder /server/data/:
function readData(name){
var fs = __meteor_bootstrap__.require('fs');
var path = __meteor_bootstrap__.require('path');
var base = path.resolve('.');
var data = fs.readFileSync(path.join(base, '/server/data/', name));
return CSVToArray(data);
After I deploy to, i got:
INFO Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory '/meteor/containers/98eb1286-120b-ee84-8e98-ce673fa2eab7/public/data/categories.csv'
at Object.openSync (fs.js:240:18)
at Object.readFileSync (fs.js:128:15)
at readData (app/server/models.js:10:16)
at app/server/categories.js:6:7
at /meteor/containers/98eb1286-120b-ee84-8e98-ce673fa2eab7/bundle/server/server.js:132:63
at Array.forEach (native)
at Function.<anonymous> (/meteor/containers/98eb1286-120b-ee84-8e98-ce673fa2eab7/bundle/server/underscore.js:76:11)
at /meteor/containers/98eb1286-120b-ee84-8e98-ce673fa2eab7/bundle/server/server.js:132:7
Any idea how I can get meteor to see the csv file after deployment?
I realize this question is old, but it still ranks high on certain keyword searches. So, if you're using Meteor 0.6.5+, you can use the new Assets API.
The issue is that meteor only bundles files that it knows about (ie. JS/CSS/HTML/+more depending on which packages you use) up when it deploys.
Try putting the file you need in the public directory (this directory is exempt from the above rule).
Thanks to SamuelDavis and Tom Coleman's tips. I ended up figuring out what the problem is. Turns out the bundled app is no longer formated as client, public, and server. I ended up debugging it by running meteor bundle to create a tarball. extract the tarball and took a look inside to find where the data folder is. Tom was also right that the data folder needed to be in the public folder in order to get bundled in.
It appears that the base directory is not in the same location that contains the file '/server/data/xxx.csv'.
Before you try anything else, log the base path after calling "var base = path.resolve('.'). If that value is what you expected, log the files that appear in that directory. Again if the files are what you expected, navigate into the /server folder and print out those directories and so forth.
This should pinpoint you to which folder and/or directory is missing and should indicate where you should place the CSV file in future.
