Rvest unexpectedly stopped working - Scraping tables - r

After having used the following script for a while, it suddenly stopped working. I constructed a simple function that finds a table - based on its xpath - within a web page.
url <- c('http://finanzalocale.interno.it/apps/floc.php/certificati/index/codice_ente/1010020010/cod/4/anno/1999/md/0/cod_modello/CCOU/tipo_modello/U/cod_quadro/08'
find_table <- function(x){read_html(x) %>%
html_nodes(xpath = '//*[#id="center"]/table[2]') %>%
html_table() %>%
table <- find_table(url)
I also tried to use httr::GET before read_html, passing the following argument:
query = list(r_date = "2017-12-22")
but nothing changed. Any ideas?

Well, that code doesn't work since you missed a ) in the url <- line.
We'll add in httr:
url is the name of a base function. using base function names as variables can make problems in code hard to debug. Unless you write perfect code, it's a good idea to not use the names that way.
URL <- c('http://finanzalocale.interno.it/apps/floc.php/certificati/index/codice_ente/1010020010/cod/4/anno/1999/md/0/cod_modello/CCOU/tipo_modello/U/cod_quadro/08')
I don't know if you know the "rules" about web scraping but if you're making repeated requests to this site, then a "crawl delay" should be used. They don't have one set in their robots.txt so 5 seconds is the accepted alternative. I point this out as you may be getting rate limited.
find_table <- function(x, crawl_delay=5) {
Sys.sleep(crawl_delay) # you can put this in a loop vs here if you aren't often doing repeat gets
# switch to httr::GET so you can get web server interaction info.
# since you're scraping, it's expected that you use a custom user agent
# that also supplies contact info.
res <- GET(x, user_agent("My scraper"))
# check to see if there's a non HTTP 200 response which there may be
# if you're getting rate-limited
# now, try to do the parsing. It looks like you're trying to target a
# single table, so i switched it from `html_nodes()` to `html_node()` since
# the latter returns a `list` and the pipe will error out if there's more
# than on list element.
content(res, "parsed") %>%
html_node(xpath = '//*[#id="center"]/table[2]') %>%
html_table() %>%
table is a base function name, too (see above)
result <- find_table(URL)
Worked fine for me:
## 'data.frame': 11 obs. of 5 variables:
## $ ENTI EROGATORI : chr "Cassa DD.PP." "Istituti di previdenza amministrati dal Tesoro" "Istituto per il credito sportivo" "Aziende di credito" ...
## $ : logi NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
## $ ACCENSIONE ACCERTAMENTI : chr "4.638.500,83" "0,00" "0,00" "953.898,47" ...
## $ ACCENSIONE RISCOSSIONI C|COMP. + RESIDUI: chr "2.177.330,12" "0,00" "129.114,22" "848.935,84" ...
## $ RIMBORSO IMPEGNI : chr "438.696,57" "975,07" "45.584,55" "182.897,01" ...


Click button using R + httr

I'm trying to scrape randomly generated names from a website.
url <- "https://letsmakeagame.net//tools/PlanetNameGenerator/"
mywebsite <- read_html(url) %>%
However, that does not work. I'm assuming I have to «click» the «generate» button before extracting the content. Is there a simple way (without RSelenium) to achieve that?
Something similar to:
body = list("EntryPoint.generate()" = T),
encode = "form") -> res
res_t <- content(res, as="text")
rvest isn't much of a help here as planet names are not requested from a remote service, names are generated locally with javascript, that's what the EntryPoint.generate() call does. A relatively simple way is to use chromote, though its session/process closing seems kind of messy at the moment:
b <- ChromoteSession$new()
# call EntryPoint.generate(), read result from <p id="title></p> element,
# replicate 10x
replicate(10, b$Runtime$evaluate('EntryPoint.generate();document.getElementById("title").innerText')$result$value)
#> [1] "Torade" "Ukiri" "Giconerth" "Dunia" "Brihoria"
#> [6] "Tiulaliv" "Giahiri" "Zuthewei 4A" "Elov" "Brachomia"
#> [1] TRUE
#> Error in self$send_command(msg, callback = callback_, error = error_, : Chromote object is closed.
#> [1] TRUE
Created on 2023-01-25 with reprex v2.0.2

curl error (Could not resolve host: NA) while scraping in a loop

While this code for scraping prices from a webshop has worked perfectly fine for me over the last months, today I just got the following error message:
Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) :
Could not resolve host: NA
The code i use is as follows:
This part is for getting the full url's:
#Scrape Galaxus
input_galaxus <- input %>%
filter(`Galaxus Artikel`!=0)
input_galaxus2<-paste0('https://www.galaxus.ch/',input_galaxus$`Galaxus Artikel`)
This is the scraping loop:
sess <- session(input_galaxus2[1]) #to start the session
for (j in input_galaxus2){
sess <- sess %>% session_jump_to(j) #jump to URL
try(vec_galaxus[i] <- read_html(sess) %>% #can read direct from sess
html_nodes('.sc-1aeovxo-1.gvrGle') %>%
str_extract("[0-9]+") %>%
Sys.sleep(runif(1, min=0.2, max=0.5))
where part of my input "input_galaxus2" looks like this:
c("https://www.galaxus.ch/15758734", "https://www.galaxus.ch/7362734",
"https://www.galaxus.ch/12073455", "https://www.galaxus.ch/20841274",
"https://www.galaxus.ch/20589944 ", "https://www.galaxus.ch/13595276",
"https://www.galaxus.ch/16255768", "https://www.galaxus.ch/6296373",
"https://www.galaxus.ch/14513900", "https://www.galaxus.ch/14465626",
"https://www.galaxus.ch/10592707", "https://www.galaxus.ch/19958785",
"https://www.galaxus.ch/9858343", "https://www.galaxus.ch/14513913")
Does anybody know why suddenly this code gives me the above error message?
Thanks in advance for your responses!
If it were a different error, I'd think it was throttling, but this error does not really support that. However, to troubleshoot that (and you hitting too-many-hits limits on the server), try introducing a delay between pulls, perhaps a few seconds or a minute, just to see if that resolves things.
Here's a method that will allow to you repeat your code until all URLs are pulled without error. Note that this may also need the "delay" I suggested above in order to not anger the server admins on the remote end (or firewall or whatever).
Create a list in which we'll store the results. Run this code only once, all the remaining bullets in the list should be repeatable without consequence.
out <- vector("list", length(input_galaxus2))
Prep the session. This may be repeatable depending on if you have authentication or other attributes.
sess <- session(input_galaxus2[1]) #to start the session
Iterate over the empty elements of your URLs and query as needed. If you get any errors, feel free to wait a little bit and re-run this code. If a particular URL succeeded, it will not be re-attempted, so repeat as needed, eventually (assuming the failures are intermittent and all URLs are value) you will get all results.
I don't think you need read_html in this pipe, but I'm not testing for fear of "slashdotting" the website. The point of this answer is to suggest a mechanism that allows you to reattempt efficiently.
empties <- which(sapply(out, is.null))
for (i in empties) {
res <- tryCatch({
sess %>%
session_jump_to(input_galaxus2[i]) %>%
html_nodes('.sc-1aeovxo-1.gvrGle') %>%
html_text() %>%
str_extract("[0-9]+") %>%
}, error = function(e) e)
if (inherits(res, "error")) {
warning(sprintf("failed (%i, %s): %s", i, input_galaxus2[i], conditionMessage(e)))
# optional
} else out[[i]] <- res
Note: this assumes that a NULL value means the previous attempt failed, was interrupted, or ... was not attempted. If NULL can be a valid and successful return value from your pull, then you should likely prefill out with some other "canary" value: choose something that you are more confident will "never" appear in real results, and change how you define empties above.
Using purrr::map instead of loop, without any Sys.sleep().
df <- tibble(
links = c("https://www.galaxus.ch/15758734", "https://www.galaxus.ch/7362734",
"https://www.galaxus.ch/12073455", "https://www.galaxus.ch/20841274",
"https://www.galaxus.ch/20589944 ", "https://www.galaxus.ch/13595276",
"https://www.galaxus.ch/16255768", "https://www.galaxus.ch/6296373",
"https://www.galaxus.ch/14513900", "https://www.galaxus.ch/14465626",
"https://www.galaxus.ch/10592707", "https://www.galaxus.ch/19958785",
"https://www.galaxus.ch/9858343", "https://www.galaxus.ch/14513913")
get_prices <- function(link) {
link %>%
read_html() %>%
html_nodes(".sc-1aeovxo-1.gvrGle") %>%
html_text2() %>%
df %>%
mutate(price= map(links, get_prices) %>%
# A tibble: 14 × 2
links price
<chr> <dbl>
1 "https://www.galaxus.ch/15758734" 17.8
2 "https://www.galaxus.ch/7362734" 500.
3 "https://www.galaxus.ch/12073455" 173
4 "https://www.galaxus.ch/20841274" 112
5 "https://www.galaxus.ch/20589944 " 25.4
6 "https://www.galaxus.ch/13595276" 313
7 "https://www.galaxus.ch/16255768" 40
8 "https://www.galaxus.ch/6296373" 62.9
9 "https://www.galaxus.ch/14513900" 539
10 "https://www.galaxus.ch/14465626" 466.
11 "https://www.galaxus.ch/10592707" 63.5
12 "https://www.galaxus.ch/19958785" NA
13 "https://www.galaxus.ch/9858343" 7.3
14 "https://www.galaxus.ch/14513913" 617

How do I use rvest to sort text into different columns?

I am using rvest to (try to) scrape all the author affiliation data from a database of academic publications called RePEc. I have the authors' short IDs, which I'm using to scrape affiliation data. However, each time I try, it gives me the 404 error: Error in open.connection(x, "rb") : HTTP error 404
It must be an issue with my use of sapply because when I test it using an individual ID, it works. Here is the code I'm using:
df$author_reg <- c("paa6","paa2","paa1", "paa8", "pve266", "pya500")
df$websites <- paste0("https://ideas.repec.org/e/", df$author_reg, ".html")
df$affiliation <- sapply(df$websites, function(x) try(x %>% read_html %>% html_nodes("#affiliation h3") %>% html_text()))
I actually need to do this for six columns of authors and there are NA values I'd like to skip so if anyone knows how to do that as well, I would be enormously grateful (but not a big deal if I not). Thank you in advance for your help!
EDIT: I have just discovered that the error is in the formula for the websites. Sometimes it should be df$websites <- paste0("https://ideas.repec.org/e/", df$author_reg, ".html") and sometimes it should be df$websites <- paste0("https://ideas.repec.org/f/", df$author_reg, ".html")
Does anyone know how to get R to try both and give me the one that works?
You can have the two links and use try on bottom of them. I am assuming there is only 1 that would give a valid website. Otherwise we can always edit the code to take in everything that works:
df = data.frame(id=1:6)
df$author_reg <- c("paa6","paa2","paa1", "paa8", "pve266", "pya500")
http1 <- "https://ideas.repec.org/e/"
http2 <- "https://ideas.repec.org/f/"
df$affiliation <- sapply(df$author_reg, function(x){
links = c(paste0(http1, x, ".html"),paste0(http2, x, ".html"))
# here we try both links and store under attempt
attempts = links %>% map(function(i){
try(read_html(i) %>% html_nodes("#affiliation h3") %>% html_text())
# the good ones will have "character" class, the failed ones, try-error
gdlink = which(sapply(attempts,class) != "try-error")
return("True 404 error")
Check the results:
id author_reg
1 1 paa6
2 2 paa2
3 3 paa1
4 4 paa8
5 5 pve266
6 6 pya500
1 Statistisk SentralbyråGovernment of Norway
2 Department of EconomicsCollege of BusinessUniversity of Wyoming
3 (80%) Institutt for ØkonomiUniversitetet i Bergen, (20%) Gruppe for trygdeøkonomiInstitutt for ØkonomiUniversitetet i Bergen
4 Centraal Planbureau (CPB)Government of the Netherlands
5 Department of FinanceRotterdam School of Management (RSM Erasmus University)Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
6 Business SchoolSwinburne University of Technology

Webscraping with R a continuous page with "view more"

I'm new to R and need to scrape the titles and the dates on the posts on this website https://www.healthnewsreview.org/news-release-reviews/
Using rvest I was able to write the basic code to get the info:
url <- 'https://www.healthnewsreview.org/?post_type=news-release-review&s='
webpage <- read_html(url)
date_data_html <- html_nodes(webpage,'span.date')
date_data <- html_text(date_data_html)
webpage <- read_html(url)
title_data_html <- html_nodes(webpage,'h2')
title_data <- html_text(title_data_html)
But since the website only displays 10 items at first, and then you have to click "view more" I don't know how to scrape the whole site. Thank you!!
Introducing third-party dependencies should be done as a last resort. RSelenium (as r2evans posited as the only solution, originally) is not necessary the vast majority of the time, including now. (It is necessary for gosh-awful sites that use horrible tech like SharePoint since maintaining state without a browser context for that is more pain than it's worth).)
If we start with the main page:
pg <- read_html("https://www.healthnewsreview.org/news-release-reviews/")
We can get the first set of links (10 of them):
pg %>%
html_nodes("div.item-content") %>%
html_attr("onclick") %>%
gsub("^window.location.href='|'$", "", .)
## [1] "https://www.healthnewsreview.org/news-release-review/more-unwarranted-hype-over-the-unique-benefits-of-proton-therapy-this-time-in-combo-with-thermal-therapy/"
## [2] "https://www.healthnewsreview.org/news-release-review/caveats-and-outside-expert-balance-speculative-claim-that-anti-inflammatory-diet-might-benefit-bipolar-disorder-patients/"
## [3] "https://www.healthnewsreview.org/news-release-review/plug-for-study-of-midwifery-for-low-income-women-is-fuzzy-on-benefits-costs/"
## [4] "https://www.healthnewsreview.org/news-release-review/tiny-safety-trial-prematurely-touts-clinical-benefit-of-cancer-vaccine-for-her2-positive-cancers/"
## [5] "https://www.healthnewsreview.org/news-release-review/claim-that-milk-protein-alleviates-chemotherapy-side-effects-based-on-study-of-just-12-people/"
## [6] "https://www.healthnewsreview.org/news-release-review/observational-study-cant-prove-surgery-better-than-more-conservative-prostate-cancer-treatment/"
## [7] "https://www.healthnewsreview.org/news-release-review/recap-of-mental-imagery-for-weight-loss-study-requires-that-readers-fill-in-the-blanks/"
## [8] "https://www.healthnewsreview.org/news-release-review/bmjs-attempt-to-hook-readers-on-benefits-of-golf-slices-way-out-of-bounds/"
## [9] "https://www.healthnewsreview.org/news-release-review/time-to-test-all-infants-gut-microbiomes-or-is-this-a-product-in-search-of-a-condition/"
## [10] "https://www.healthnewsreview.org/news-release-review/zika-vaccine-for-brain-cancer-pr-release-headline-omits-crucial-words-in-mice/"
I guess you want to scrape the content of those ^^ so have at it.
But, there's that pesky "View more" button.
When you click on it, it issues this POST request:
With curlconverter we can convert it into a callable httr function (which may not exist given the impossibility of this task). We can wrap that function call in in another function with a pagination parameter:
view_more <- function(current_offset=10) {
url = "https://www.healthnewsreview.org/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php",
`X-Requested-With` = "XMLHttpRequest"
body = list(
action = "viewMore",
current_offset = as.character(as.integer(current_offset)),
page_id = "22332",
btn = "btn btn-gray",
active_filter = "latest"
encode = "form"
) -> res
links = httr::content(res) %>%
html_nodes("div.item-content") %>%
html_attr("onclick") %>%
gsub("^window.location.href='|'$", "", .),
next_offset = current_offset + 4
Now, we can run it (since it defaults to the 10 issued in the first View More click):
x <- view_more()
## List of 2
## $ links : chr [1:4] "https://www.healthnewsreview.org/news-release-review/university-pr-misleads-with-claim-that-preliminary-blood-t"| __truncated__ "https://www.healthnewsreview.org/news-release-review/observational-study-on-testosterone-replacement-therapy-fo"| __truncated__ "https://www.healthnewsreview.org/news-release-review/recap-of-lung-cancer-screening-test-relies-on-hyperbole-co"| __truncated__ "https://www.healthnewsreview.org/news-release-review/ties-to-drugmaker-left-out-of-postpartum-depression-drug-study-recap/"
## $ next_offset: num 14
We can pass that new offset to another call:
y <- view_more(x$next_offset)
## List of 2
## $ links : chr [1:4] "https://www.healthnewsreview.org/news-release-review/sweeping-claims-based-on-a-single-case-study-of-advanced-c"| __truncated__ "https://www.healthnewsreview.org/news-release-review/false-claims-of-benefit-weaken-news-release-on-experimenta"| __truncated__ "https://www.healthnewsreview.org/news-release-review/contrary-to-claims-heart-scans-dont-save-lives-but-subsequ"| __truncated__ "https://www.healthnewsreview.org/news-release-review/breastfeeding-for-stroke-prevention-kudos-to-heart-associa"| __truncated__
## $ next_offset: num 18
You can do the hard part of scraping the initial article count (it's on the main page) and doing the math to put that in a loop and stop efficiently.
NOTE: If you are doing this scraping to archive the complete site (whether for them or independently) since it's dying at the end of the year, you should comment to that effect and I have better suggestions for that use-case than manual coding in any programming language. There are free, industrial "site preservation" frameworks designed to preserve these types of dying resources. If you just need the article content, then an iterator and custom scraper is likely a 👍🏼 (but, apparently impossible) choice.
NOTE also that the pagination increment of 4 is what the site does when you literally press the button, so this just mimics that functionality.

web scraping multiple web pages with different directory strings in r with rvest

I know there are a lot questions similar to this but I haven't seemed to find one that ask this (Please forgive me if I am wrong). I am trying to scrape a website for weather data and I was successful at doing so for one of the web pages. However, I would like to loop the process. I have looked at
enter link description here
enter link description here
but I don't believe they solve my problem..
The directory changes slightly at the end from http://climate.rutgers.edu/stateclim_v1/nclimdiv/index.php?stn=NJ00&elem=avgtto
and so on.. How could I loop through them even though they aren't increasing by numbers?
### Get info you want from web page###
### Extract info and turn into dataframe###
Assuming you want average T, minimum T, precipitation... Look at the way url changes when you click either in the table above the temperature table. This is done through javascript and in order to obtain that, you would have to load the page through some sort of (headless) browser such as phantomJS.
Another way is to just get the names for individual page and append it to the url and load the data.
# notice the %s at the end - this is replaced by elements of cs in sprintf
# statement below
x <- "http://climate.rutgers.edu/stateclim_v1/nclimdiv/index.php?stn=NJ00&elem=%s"
cs <- c("mint", "avgt", "pcpn", "hdd", "cdd")
# you could paste together new url using paste, too
customstat <- sprintf(x, cs) # %s is replaced with mint, avgt...
# prepare empty object for results
out <- vector("list", length(customstat))
names(out) <- cs
# get individual table and insert it into the output
for (i in customstat) {
out[[which(i == customstat)]] <- read_html(i) %>%
html_nodes("#climdiv_table") %>%
html_table() %>%
> str(out)
List of 5
$ mint:'data.frame': 131 obs. of 15 variables:
..$ Rank : logi [1:131] NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
..$ Year : chr [1:131] "1895" "1896" "1897" "1898" ...
..$ Jan : chr [1:131] "18.1" "18.6" "18.7" "23.2" ...
..$ Feb : chr [1:131] "11.7" "20.7" "22.5" "22.1" ...
You can now glue together tables (e.g. using do.call(rbind, out)) or whatever it is required for your analysis.
