Will my plugins be deleted, after reinstalling wordpress? - wordpress

I want to install custom theme on wordpress, but have some errors while uploading it. now i want to reinstall wordpress from Cpanel file manager, will my plugins be deleted?

Your Theme and Plugins are stored within the wp-content folder, which is 'inside' WordPress. So, yes, deleting WordPress would delete your Plugins and Themes.
Download Filezilla.
Head over to httpdocs > wp-content folder, where you should see two folders entitled plugins and themes.
Drag these folders over to your Desktop (or wherever suits you). What you are doing here, is creating a backup of your Theme and Plugins.
Go ahead and reinstall WordPress (To make a clean install, obviously remove all reference of WordPress and create a new MySql Database)
Once completed, simply access your website via Filezilla again. Head back into httpdocs > wp-content and drag back over the your plugins and themes folder.
By following the above, you can delete WordPress, without losing your Theme files or Plugins.


WP not displaying the latest version update button for wordpress

Hello i am not getting the Update Now button at wordpress admin.
My current worpdress version is 4.8.3
so how can i solve upgrade my wordpress 4.8.3 to latest version 4.9
you can do one thing in wordpress folder i.e. you can do all plugins deactivated after you refresh the dashboard page from backend admin side then you can get the Update Button.
Otherwise you can upgrade the version by manually,
Follow the steps,
Upgrading WordPress Core Manually
First create a full backup of your website. This is very important
in case you make a mistake.
Download the newest WordPress ZIP file from wordpress.org.
Unzip the file into a directory on your local machine or in a separate directory on your website.
Deactivate all of the plugins on your WordPress site.
Go to your website root directory and delete your ‘wp-includes’ and ‘wp-admin’ directories. You can do this via sFTP or via SSH.
Upload (or copy over) the new wp-includes and wp-admin directories from the new version of WordPress you unzipped to your website root directory to replace the directories you just deleted.
Don’t delete your wp-content directory or any of the files in that directory. Copy over the files from the wp-content directory in the new version of WordPress to your existing wp-content directory. You will overwrite any existing files with the same name. All of your other files in wp-content will remain in place.
Copy all files from the root (‘/’) directory of the new version of WordPress that you unzipped into your website root directory (or the root directory of your WordPress installation). You will overwrite any existing files and new files will also be copied across. Your wp-config.php file will not be affected because WordPress is never distributed with a wp-config.php file.
Examine the wp-config-sample.php which is distributed with WordPress to see if any new settings have been added that you may want to use or modify.
If you are upgrading manually after a failed auto-update, remove the .maintenance file from your WordPress root directory. This will remove the ‘failed update’ message from your site.
Visit your main WordPress admin page at /wp-admin/ where you may be asked to sign-in again. You may also have to upgrade your database and will be prompted if this is needed. If you can’t sign-in, try clearing your cookies.
Re-enable your plugins which you disabled earlier.
Clear your browser cache to ensure you can see all changes. If you are using a front-end cache like ‘varnish’ you should also clear that to ensure that your customers can see the newest changes on your site.
Your upgrade is now complete and you should be running the newest version of WordPress.
Hopefully, you get the solution.

Upgrading to WooCommerce 3.1 not available?

My website is using WooCommerce 2.6.14, so I thought I should update to WooCommerce 3.1. The weird thing is that I don't see "Update now" button in the Plugins admin page:
Plugins page
And I can't manually update WooCommerce by overwriting the folder in FTP because it's not visible!
Any idea how can I update WooCommerce?
First back-up your WordPress site if you haven’t already.
Download a ZIP file of the plugin you need to upgrade.
Use FTP to delete the existing plugin directory from the wp-content/plugins/ directory on your site.
Replace the deleted directory by uploading the unzipped plugin to the wp-content/plugins/ directory leaving it in a directory that looks like (for example) wp-content/plugins/plugin-name
5.Sign in to your WordPress site. Go to the ‘Plugins’ menu and verify that the plugin you upgraded is the newest version.

Can i change wordpress plugins path in wp_options

I have a multisite installation and i want create a plugins and uploads directory for every site , is it possible to change site plugin and uploads path from wp_options ?
The problem is, that a multisiteis supposed to only use one directory for uploads and one for plugins. Thats the purpose of it.
However, you can install the plugin plugin organizer. With that you can use plugins individually for each page.
If you need own plugins and upload directories I suggest that you make one wordpress site for each site instead of a multisite

Move or copy wordpress plugins and themes from one domain/server to another

Is there a way to transfer only the plugins and themes from one wordpress installation to another?
You need to copy entire wp-content folder.

WordPress updates overwrite .svn folder

We're using Subversion to keep track of the changes our web team makes to our Wordpress site. We do nothing more than modify and update our custom theme, but we have difficulty updating the Wordpress core and plugins.
Right now, I have my checked out copy working on a local WordPress install. However, when I run the automatic WordPress updates on this local copy, the updates overwrite the .svn folders in the respective subfolders, resulting in a "Directory .svn containing working copy admin area is missing" error when I try to commit the update.
How can I do these updates automatically without overwriting the .svn folder? As of now I am resorting to copying the files in manually.
If you're just maintaining your theme, you should not have the whole wordpess install under svn but just the theme. I also think in your case it doesn't make sense to actually use a working copy of your repository in the actual live site. In your case I'd keep a working copy of your theme somewhere on your server and then rsync on demand to your theme folder. This way you can update wordpress and your plugins automatically and without problems.
