Firebase console access configuration [duplicate] - firebase

I have a Firebase app, and I want to know if it's possible to restrict a Firebase Console user to access only to the "Authorizations" tab. (to CRUD users). The access must be by the Firebase (regular) Web Console
Especially, I don't want the user to see the database data via the web console. Is that possible? I've managed to give him access to the entire project, and he can do anything I can do (is an Admin).
I haven't found nothing about this in the docs / searching.

firebaser here
Collaborators on a project currently have access to the entire Firebase Console. You can limit to having read-only access, but you currently can't limit what panels they have access to.
We've heard the request before and know this would expand the usefulness of the Firebase Console. I recommend that your file a feature request, to add your vote.


Can I Grant a User Permission to Edit a Firestore Collection?

I am building a PWA (Web-App) and would like my client to be able to enter data such as new events into the Cloud Firestore, without me having to create a UI (ie. using the Firebase Console with permissions to only edit a collection).
It would also be alright to just grant permission to the whole Firestore for this user (as it's his data). I'm thinking of something like phpMyAdmin.
Would the user need a gmail-Account? I found something in the Project Settings (Users and Permissions - IAM).
Unfortunately this isn't possible in the Firebase or Google Cloud console. A user either has edit permission on Firestore as a whole, or they don't.
The console is focused on developers, and not a great fit for the type of use-case you're describing. The most common approach to such a use-case is to write a custom admin app for these users. If you don't feel like that, look at some of the existing admin panels or content management systems that build on top of Firebase out there.

How to use GoogleDrive from Android app using FireBase Auth UI?

I have implemented Firebase Authentication in my app, using the Google Provider and the "" scope so my app can access its application folder within Google Drive
This part works fine and I retrieve the FireBaseUser once the authentication completes
What I now want to do is to access my app storage on Google Drive, but I don't know how to do this using the result of the current authentication
I tried to follow this:
But this doesn't work on Android.
The main issue is how to create the Credentials object
Do you have any idea on how to initialize a Drive.Builder instance so I can write/read to the app Google Drive folder?
This cannot be done directly, because the Firebase & Google login are not the same, even when having logged in to Firebase with a Google account. On Android one meanwhile only has the "last logged in Google account" available for the user's Drive (the one on the device, which has nothing to do with Firebase Authentication, where Google may only be used as an "Authentication Provider").
So there are generally two options available to you:
Grant a GCP service-account access to Drive API and use Cloud Functions to access it.
Instead use Cloud Storage, which is within the Firebase eco-system and is similar to Drive.
I could also think of a combined solution approach, where users would use Cloud Storage (together with Firebase Authentication) and having a Cloud Function which uses a service-account, which eg. copies or moves uploaded files into a folder your Drive.
Concerning that (obviously server-side) Java example, the credentials.json clearly hints for a service account... and this is exactly where you can obtain this file from. However, for Android this is pretty useless - because it has major security implications, to package service-account credentials in an easy to de-compile package and distribute it on the WWW (to everybody). The Google Play Store likely would not permit you to publish or even upload that, because there are security checks in place. You could in best case only deploy that code as App Engine module, but not as an Android module.
Sorry for having destroyed your delusions and for not being able to provide a ready-made solution for 500 imaginary internet points, which pay nothing - but at least I can tell what is technically possible and what isn't - which effectively might save you lots of time, trying to accomplish the impossible.

How can I see and edit the User's Additional information from Firebase consol that was edited programmatically

I am using Firebase Authentication in my app. I used method like setDisplayName in my app so that user can change the user's name himself through the app. But, the problem is that I can't access this name through my console. I can't edit it. There are simple columns in Firebase console like,
identifiers,providers,UID,Providers,Signed In.
There is no column for User Name. How can I access this information through console?
The Firebase console shows only limited information about each user profile. The rest of the information is only available when you access the profile through a Firebase API, or export the data.
Keep in mind that Firebase provides Admin SDKs, which you can run on your development machine to accomplish simple administrative tasks such as this.

Assign specific role (Authentication) to a Firebase Console user

I have a Firebase app, and I want to know if it's possible to restrict a Firebase Console user to access only to the "Authorizations" tab. (to CRUD users). The access must be by the Firebase (regular) Web Console
Especially, I don't want the user to see the database data via the web console. Is that possible? I've managed to give him access to the entire project, and he can do anything I can do (is an Admin).
I haven't found nothing about this in the docs / searching.
firebaser here
Collaborators on a project currently have access to the entire Firebase Console. You can limit to having read-only access, but you currently can't limit what panels they have access to.
We've heard the request before and know this would expand the usefulness of the Firebase Console. I recommend that your file a feature request, to add your vote.

Allow Firebase collaborators access to specific nodes

I have an app that uses Firebase and I have a few people that need to be able to update data in the Firebase Dashboard. Luckily, Firebase added the feature to add collaborators. But the problem is, I don't want these collaborators to have access to every node of the JSON. Is there a way that I can assign collaborators specific access to certain nodes of the data structure or no?
Any feedback would be great. Thanks!
Collaborators on the Firebase project/app have access to all data. There is no way to limit that.
It sounds like you are looking to add application administrator. For this you'll have to develop your own application dashboard, where you add such functionality. These application administrators are then just regular users of your app and you can use Firebase security rules to determine what data they have access to.
Very similar: Stopping accidental deletion of a firebase DB via Firebase Dashboard
