javafx load fxml into pane [duplicate] - javafx

I'm learning basic JavaFX right now, and I don't understand this statement from the book I'm reading: "No, a node such as a text field can be added to only one pane and once. Adding a node to a pane multiple times or to different panes will cause a runtime error." I can see from the UML diagram the book provides that it is a composition, but I don't understand why (library class code implementation) that is.
For instance, why does this result in a compile error? Isn't a new text field instantiated within the pane since it's a composition?
FlowPane pane = new FlowPane();
StackPane pane2 = new StackPane();
TextField tf = new TextField();
Also, why does the following run but not show the text field placed in pane?
FlowPane pane = new FlowPane();
StackPane pane2 = new StackPane();
TextField tf = new TextField();
primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(pane));;

This is basically a (deliberate) consequence of the way the API is designed. Each Node has a collection of properties, including a parent property (the - one and only one - parent of the node in the scene graph), along with properties such as layoutX and layoutY which are the coordinates of the node in relation to its parent. Consequently, a node can only belong to one parent, and can only be added to a parent once (as it can only have one location in the parent). Organizing things this way enables a very efficient layout process.
Another way to think of this: suppose your first code block did what you wanted; so the text field tf appeared twice in the flow pane. What result would you expect to get from tf.getBoundsInParent()? Since tf appears twice in the parent, the API would not be able to give a sensible value for this call.
There are a couple of inaccuracies in statements you make in your question:
For instance, why does this result in a compile error? Isn't a new
text field instantiated within the pane since it's a composition?
First, technically, this is aggregation, not composition; though I'm not sure understanding the difference will aid your understanding of what is happening at this point.
Second, there is no compile error here; you get an error at runtime (the pane detects that the same node has been added twice; the complier has no way to check this).
Third, parents do not instantiate copies of the nodes you add to them. If so, you wouldn't be able to change the properties of nodes that were displayed. For example, if the FlowPane in your example instantiated a new TextField when you called pane.getChildren().add(tf);, and then displayed that new text field, then if you subsequently called tf.setText("new text"), it would have no effect, as it would not be changing the text of the text field that pane was displaying.
When you call pane.getChildren().add(...) you pass a reference to the node you want to be added; it is that node that is then displayed as a child of the pane. Any other implementation would produce pretty counter-intuitive behavior.
In your second code block:
the second call implicitly sets the parent property of tf to pane2; consequently tf is no longer a child of pane. So this code has the effect of removing tf from the first parent, pane. As far as I am aware, this side-effect is not documented, so you probably should avoid writing code like this.

Try this:
TextField tf = new TextField();
TextField tf2 = new TextField();
The reason you cannot add the same node twice is that only one node with the same specifications and dimensions can be viewable in the gui. It would be like copying an identical blue circle onto an original blue circle. To the user it looks the same, but it takes up more memory.


Switching To Primary Scene When Secondary Scene Is Closed

I am using JavaFX 11 and a newbie.
I have a single stage with two scenes: a primary scene that shows on start and a secondary scene that is switched to and shown when I press a certain button on the main scene. On the secondary scene, I want to be able to switch back to the main scene when I click the close X button on the top right of the window instead of having the entire application close.
I currently have a method for the cancel button that looks like this:
public void cancelButtonPushed(ActionEvent event) throws IOException {
Parent parent = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("ExampleMainScreen.fxml"));
Scene scene = new Scene(parent);
Stage window = (Stage) ((Node) event.getSource()).getScene().getWindow();
This method allows me to switch back to the main scene when the Cancel button is pushed. However, I am lost trying to find something that can be used any time the user clicks the close X on the secondary scene.
First, get the terminology right, my guess is that you have two Stages. Scenes can be displayed inside those.
Second, Scene Builder (and the FXML it produces) does not manage stages, it only constructs nodes (and event handling for those nodes) that are placed inside scenes. So, you won't find the hooks you need to integrate with the window close functions in SceneBuilder or FXML.
Third, when a user wants to close a window (a stage is a kind of window), then an event will be emitted, which you can action onCloseRequest.
Fourth, somehow you have already managed to create a second stage, probably by calling new Stage(). This will provide you with a reference to the stage which you can set your close request on:
Stage secondaryStage = new Stage();
Stage setScene(secondaryScene);
secondaryStage.setOnCloseRequest(e ->;
This will show your primary stage (which I guess you hid earlier), when the secondary stage is being closed, but before it has actually closed.
Next, read up on the Application lifecycle, specifically see the section which references Platform.setImplicitExit(boolean implicitExit):
If this attribute is true, the JavaFX runtime will implicitly shutdown when the last window is closed; the JavaFX launcher will call the Application.stop() method and terminate the JavaFX application thread. If this attribute is false, the application will continue to run normally even after the last window is closed, until the application calls exit(). The default value is true.
Note, that, you probably don't need to explicitly set the implicit exit flag if you handle the stage switching as outlined previously, but I provide the info for you in case you need to understand it.
Finally, consider whether you really should be creating new stages for your application and this particular task or just replacing the content in a single stage (similar to how a web browser works).

How to disable dragndrop for tabpane in Javafx/Tornadofx?

My Scene already haves a dragndrop feature but now that I have made the root a TabPane, the TabPane creates a new tab if I drag files into my Program (my dragndrop feature still works). How can I disable this behaivior of the TabPane? I tried to consume the events in the setOnDragDropped and setOnDragOver of the scene but it seems like the events reaches the TabPane before it reaches my Scene.
I think its not possible for me to close the question (correct me if Im wrong), but I misinterpreted what was going on or what was the mistake, the whole Question was wrong. I solved the real problem with a workaround (by putting tabpane into vbox, so now vbox is the root).
The real problem is this: accesing nodes adds them into other nodes.
fun justManipulateNodes(){
someNode.add(...) //This line doesnt only manipulate someNode but it Adds someNode itself to where ever justManipulateNodes() is called. To be concrete, someNode is another vbox in my example and Im adding labels into it
override fun onBeforeShow() {
this.currentStage?.scene?.setOnDragDropped {
//do other stuff
justManipulateNodes() //this call ads someNode into the Tabpane as a new Tab if it is the root

JavaFX - How to load a specific AnchorPane's contents from an FXML file?

I'm trying to make an application which switches between scenes back and forth however I need to load a specific AnchorPane's contents into another AnchorPane when the scene switches back. For Example:
In my FXML1, I have a hierarchy that looks like this:
In FXML2 the hierarchy is just this:
So I load FXML1, then I have a button that switches scenes loading FXML2.AnchorPane0 into FXML1.AnchorPane2. I have a back button in FXML2.AnchorPane0 that needs to load the original scene of FXML1.AnchorPane2 into FXML1.AnchorPane2. Right now my back button loads all 4 containers of FXML1 into FXML1.AnchorPane2. So my questions is, how do I load a specific container's contents preferably without making FXML1.AnchorPane2 its own FXML? Do I need to write a get method for the FXML1.AnchorPane2 to access its contents or is there a way to return an AnchorPane with all of its contents in place already?
I found the solution as shown below:
AnchorPane loader = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("myFXML.fxml"));
SplitPane spane = (SplitPane) loader.getChildren().get(0);
AnchorPane pane = (AnchorPane) spane.getItems().get(1);

JavaFX BorderPane vs Pane hiding Labels

I have a working map using Pane and Path and Label objects. I place several Path and Label objects onto the Pane. The Path objects represent countries and the Label objects their capitals. So it shows a country and in the middle a Label with a String object bound to the Label.
When using BorderPane instead of Pane the Label objects suddenly stop showing up?
Any idea what is the reason ?
Is the BorderPane hiding the Labels ?
You cannot add children to a BorderPane using the root.getChildren().add(node) method.
to add object to a BorderPane you need to use other methods such as
See the BorderPane documentation for more informations.
If you need to use thegetChildren().add() method you can insert a Pane at the center of the BorderPane and add the nations in the Pane.

setScene() method, JavaFX

I have a program with few fxml files so at different points of program different scene and layout is shown.
some point in a program:
later in a program:
later in a program:
I wonder what happens to old scene when I use setScene() several times?
There are very complicated methods to change scene(like this and my solution is just to make static refference to main stage at MainApplication class so I can manage it everywhere.
public class MainApplication extends Application {
public static Stage parentWindow;
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
parentWindow = stage;
so it made me wonder if everything is allright with my concept...
You don't have to create a scene to flip screens. You can directly set the root node on the present scene, using setRoot() of the Scene.
This will save you the pain of creating a scene instance every time to want to change the content of your application.
You can use it:
Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getclass.getResource("some-fxml.fxml"));
Just keep in mind the Parent element being used in the FXML that you want to set as the Root Element. From the docs
The application must specify the root Node for the scene graph by setting the root property. If a Group is used as the root, the contents of the scene graph will be clipped by the scene's width and height and changes to the scene's size (if user resizes the stage) will not alter the layout of the scene graph. If a resizable node (layout Region or Control is set as the root, then the root's size will track the scene's size, causing the contents to be relayed out as necessary.
N.B. Please read through the EXAMPLE that you have provided, it uses setScreen( ) instead of setScene( ). The whole example has just one Scene and many Screens, where screens can be considered as any child of the scene graph
Additional data as per comments
If you go through the scene javadoc, you will find that Scene resizes itself to the root size, if no predefined size is present
The scene's size may be initialized by the application during construction. If no size is specified, the scene will automatically compute its initial size based on the preferred size of its content. If only one dimension is specified, the other dimension is computed using the specified dimension, respecting content bias of a root.
Different FXML have different size
In case you have different FXML that you want to set as ROOT nodes and each of them have different sizes.Futhermore, you want to re-size your stage in accordance to every FXML that you load, then you will have to re-initialize the Scene, there is no other way.
Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getclass.getResource("some-fxml.fxml"));
Scene scene = new Scene(root);
If you set a new scene on your stage and keep no reference to the old scene or objects in it, the old scene will be garbage collected and all resources associated with it will be thrown away (whenever the garbage collector in the Java Virtual Machine decides to do so). If you keep a reference to the old scene (e.g. assign it to a static final variable in your application), then the old scene resources will remain in memory until your application terminates.
If I change the root, how to make Stage change to the new size(size of Layout)?
Use stage.sizeToScene(), which will: "Set the width and height of this Window to match the size of the content of this Window's Scene." The stage sizing process when you invoke this call is similar to when you initially show a stage, but updated for the current scene's content and layout constraints.
The algorithm used is documented in the Scene javadoc: "The scene's size may be initialized by the application during construction. If no size is specified, the scene will automatically compute its initial size based on the preferred size of its content. If only one dimension is specified, the other dimension is computed using the specified dimension, respecting content bias of a root."
what is better, to change the whole scene, or just a root?
I don't think it makes much difference, choose whichever strategy makes the most sense to you.
