What am I trying to do is, I have couple of datasource and I need to use the records details for reporting purposing. I need to get each field's Start_date and extract the month from it and if it is current month, last month or ... I will count them, however, I tried everything to access my datasource, unfortunately, no luck at all. the result will be populated on another page.
In order to access Data source in client script you can use the following code,
var record = app.datasources.DataSourceName.item.FieldName;
You can iterate loop as well if you have more than one record.
I am trying to build a PowerApp to log setup times of our machines by our fitters.
This is what my app looks like:
There are buttons named "Uhrzeit". Pressing these will write the current date and time into the Date/Time fields. I am using the following code:
UpdateContext({Total8:(Text( Now(); "[$-de-DE]dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss" ))})
The Date/Time field is named Total8.
The code is working well but after saving the form and opening a new record the old data is still available in the fields. By clicking on the button "Zeiten zurücksetzen" I can "delete" the old data.
Problem: When I open one of the older records the old data is not available in the form. There is only the value of the last record. In the Common Data Service where my records are saved the values are correct.
As an example, I am saving this record:
When I open a new record, the values of the record 1 are still available. This should not be the case if my app worked properly.
For your Information:
If I enter the date/time without tapping the button, saving the record and opening a new record I don't have the problem. I think the "UpdateContext" code is not the code I should use here.
Can anyone help me solve the problem?
I don't think there's a problem with using the contexts in this way -- but remember that a context is just a variable. It isn't automatically linked to a datasource in any special way - so if you set it equal to Now(), it's going to keep that value until you do something different.
When you view an old record, you need to get the data from CDS and update your contexts to match the CDS data. Does this make sense?
Yeah thats my problem.
I want the variable to be linked to a datasource. Or is it possible to write the date/time into the fields without using a context variable?
I would really like to understand how to use the "count" property of the IconTabFilter for SAPUI5 to dynamically show the count of the result set of a table.
I have the following code -
<Table items="{DataSet}">
But the count is not filled automatically.
I am using an oData model that is bound on the view level. I do not want to make another backend request just for the counts. What am I doing wrong here? Is there a different mechanism that can be used?
I also tried using the updateFinished event on the table to then get the count and set it via JS but the event is triggered only on DOM placement of the table. In my case the table is hidden behind the IconTab and is not placed into the DOM till the first time the user clicks the tab so its useless.
Really would appreciate some insight into how to use this!
Okay, so what I did was I bound my information to a local model and did an oData $expand query to fetch the entire pages information in one call.
This worked out for me because I had several sets of data to be fetched. Before they were bound individually to tables, now they are all in one query.
In the .done() method of the call I just used the setCount method of the IconTabFilter to set the count as per the return data set.
I am using SQL Server. I have 2 columns Passed students and Failed Students in my database.
How to write a query which displays both these columns along with a third column which is Total Students which displays the sum of the entries in the row?
It is not allowing me to ask another question.So,posting it here:
I have a hyperlink field in my gridview as below:
[Please refer comment for the code.For some reason it doesn't get posted here.]
Its basically a runId.When I click on this hyperlink I am redirected to a page called RunAnalysis.I want to access the value of the runId which was clicked in this page.
I was thinking of using query string but there is no event as far as I know that is fired on click of the hyperlink.
My question is how do I access the runId value in this page ? Can someone tell me if some event is fired so that I can send a query string.
You haven't given a lot of background information so I am assuming many things in my response.
Here is a simple aggregated result set:
SELECT SUM(Passed) AS [Passed],SUM(Failed) AS [Failed],COUNT(*) AS [TotalStudents]
FROM dbo.Students
Now if there is some grouping you want to do then you would add a GROUP BY clause like so...
I'm creating a new column because I don't know your schema:
SELECT GradeLevel, SUM(Passed) AS [Passed],SUM(Failed) AS [Failed],COUNT(*) AS [TotalStudents]
FROM dbo.Students
GROUP BY GradeLevel
ORDER BY GradeLevel
I am working on a form which displays information about orders. Each order has a unique id, but they are not necessarily sequential on the form. Also, the number of fields can vary (one field per row on the form). The input into the form will not be mapped straight into the database, but will be added to the current value in the database, and then saved. An example of the form is in the picture below - the callout on the right shows the id for each row.
I know how to generate the form like this, but I can't work out how I can easily process each of these rows reliably. I also know how to give each of the fields a unique identifier, like name="order-23" or name="order[23]", but how can I translate that name so that I can update the related record in the database?
EDIT: One solution I can think of would be to iterate through every form field in the FormCollection, and if the name of the field matches the pattern, then I will extract the number from that field-name and process it.
However, I feel that there must be a much easier way to go about it - this method would likely involve a fair bit of string processing on each field, and there would possibly fall over if I have to add extra fields for each row later on.
Don't you have a list of IDs after postback? I believe you should not depend on what IDs are actually sent from the form, as anybody could change the IDs on the form to whatever they want, so it's a security issue. So you should after postback have a list of IDs you want to update (the same list you used to create the form with). In that case, you know exactly what id string you should use to retrieve the value from FormCollection.
In case you really can't get the list of IDs you are going to update, just use the FormCollection iteration as you suggested in your comment. The string processing is not that expensive in comparation with all other stuff being done at request processing.
If you have the names, then simply read the values by using Request.Form["order-23"] or re-create the controls in page pre-init and you'll have access to the values in your save event directly through the created controls.
I've done this loads in my CMS.
Essentially i sort of cheated.
The idea is something like this ....
render the form to the client, then look at the source code gneerated.
You should see that it generated a form tag with an action attribute.
When you click the submit button the form will be sent to that url so in the case of an order submission you would post the page back to OrderPage.aspx?OrderId=xxxx
then on the server you would build an update statement for your db that contained something like ...
"Update orders where order id =" + request.querystring["OrderId"]
So how do you update the action ...
In the calling page lets say you have a link called "New Order", when that link is clicked you need to do 2 things ...
redirect to this page.
generate an order id for this new order.
ok the first is simple, simply link it to this page.
the second ...
if this page is not a postback if(!IsPostback) { /* get a new id */ } depending on your order id's this may involve generating a new guid or doing something like getting the next number in a list by doing a select max(id) from a db.
once you have this new id you should still be in the page_load event.
this.form.Action = this.form.Action + "?OrderId=" + yourNewOrderId;
... tada ...
Send page back to the client.
view the source.
I have a table, named ReportingPeriods, that I want to be populated entirely automatically. In another table, there are attributes CreationDate and ReportingPeriodLength which together will determine the the results of this row. Upon adding a row for this table, we will add a row in ReportingPeriods with the first StartDate as the creation date and EndDate as ReportingPeriodLength days after startDate.
So far, this is simple. However, I wish to check (daily) whether this period has expired. And if it has, I want to start a new row, beginning the day after the EndDate and extending, once again, for ReportingPeriodLength days.
Is this possible to accomplish without manually checking and adding a new row?
Thanks :)
call a stored procedure from a database job that is run each day. within this procedure, do your check and insert if necessary.
Windows Scheduled Tasks is an appropriate tool for this.
You can write a simple script or a C# console application that calls a stored procedure in your database. Add that executable as the command for a new scheduled task and pick an appropriate time.