How can I define the unit of a custom metric value in AppInsights?
I'm tracking the metric in the JS code like:
appInsights.trackMetric("performance.totalLoadTime", new Date().getTime() - startTime);
This results in the Diagram like the following. You can see that the Y-Axis has no unit. I want to show it in seconds or milliseconds. How can I achieve this?
Currently there is no way to specify the custom units on the charts in UI according to the best of my knowledge.
I want Google Analytics to send a client calculated value on AMP. I also use Google Tag Manager to embed analytics code on the page.
I want to send a value that is the difference between a time (unix) and current time on device. There's a variable on Tag Manager named "{{Client Timestamp}}" and I define server side the other date. But any time I send the value, get's turned to string (no matter if it's custom metric or custom dimension), for instance:
cm3: 1582720980844-1582641262000
Do you know any way I can achieve this? Also tried with a generated hidden element with the value calculated, but I can't manage the set the correct value on this element without user interaction.
<amp-state id="my_data">
<script type="application/json">
<span class="element_to_send_from_tag_manager" [text]=" - my_date">sample value</span>
You are trying to make a calculation inside a text field, that's why GTM is treating it as a string no matter what you do. If you want to run a calculation that is the difference of time between those two variables, use a custom javascript variable and push the result of that inside your secondary dimension.
Example of custom JS variable in GTM:
function() {
var result = {{variable1}} - {{variable2}};
return result;
Since we are talking about an AMP container, we cannot do the subtraction inside GTM itself, what we can use instead is the Calculated Metrics functionality inside GA itself.
New appmaker user here.
I'm trying to port the work permits approval "app" I made with G Suite form+spreadsheet+GAS; users should enter the day, the start and end time of the permit.
I can see from the Forum Sample that the Date field type is a DateTime field type, so I can use it in my model.
The problem is I cannot find the time picker in the widgets, and the date box has no option to also enter the time.
Am I missing something?
Time Pickers for App Maker
I read your question and thought I'd try to role one of my own and this is what I came up with. I put all of the buttons on a pageFragment and call it with app.showDialog(app.pageFragments.timePicker2);
I only use clientside script.
function updateOutput(){
var t=h + ':' + m + ':' + s;
return t;
function updateHour(v){;
function updateMinute(v){;
function updateSecond(v){;
Here's what my time picker looks like:
Yes. Adding all of the buttons is a nuisance but there are a few features about AppMaker that make it more tolerable.
First you can assign the TimePicker form properties which I use as global properties. I had three hour,minute and second.
Then after you add all of the hour buttons you can grab all of them at one time by clicking each one while holding down control on a windows machine and click on the onClick event and pick custom action and type this in updateHour(widget.text); the code completion won't give you text as an option but type it any way.
I just figured out how to grab the buttons all a one time by pushing shift and selecting with the mouse
Do the same thing with the minute and second buttons using updateMinute(widget.text) and updateSecond(widget.text); This saves you a lot of time typing all of the functions into each widget control panel. Also you don't have to bother giving all of the buttons special names like I did.
But you might like to format them with the following css.
And again you can grab all of the buttons at one time and change the following setting:
That way you can style all of the buttons at one time.
My save button just copies the final string into a label on the main panel.
You will probably want to do something more elegant.
Here's a demo: in preview mode. Sorry about the 24 hour clock. I always use this for my own stuff because it's so much easier and I like it. You'll probably want AM & PM. I'll probably go back and do that too.
For an AM/PM Picker I used these functions:
function updateOutputAP(){
var||' ';
var t=h + ':' + m + ':' + s + ' ' + ap;
return t;
function updateHourPM(v){;'PM';
function updateHourAM(v){;'AM';
function updateMinuteAP(v){;
function updateSecondAP(v){;
And this is what my picker looks like:
Now that I know how to pick the components easily with the mouse it was a break to make this change.
Three AppMaker Time Pickers:
At this time App Maker doesn't provide out of the box Time or Date/Time picker widgets, it means that you need to implement one by yourself. There are at least two ways to accomplish this task:
App Maker way
Wait and hope when App Maker will introduce Time or Date/Time picker widget or use existing App Maker widgets to emulate Time Picker. Calendar Sample can be a good starting point:
Hack into DOM/JS
If you have no concerns about cross-browser compatibility and you are OK to get you hands dirty with DOM manipulation by javascript, creating events listeners and other cool stuff, then you can play with HTML widget and native date/time or time input, or even some third party library.
One simple option would be to simply use a textbox and set the validation in the model field.
You can update your Date object on save or just use as is depending on your application. You get the benefit of auto validation errors in the UI to guide your user and it takes only seconds to set up.
\b((1[0-2]|0?[1-9]):([0-5][0-9]) ([AaPp][Mm]))
I am calling the Google Analytics API (w/ e-commerce) to get a simple set of data:
ga:transactionsThis should in theory give me 0 or 1, since the data is broken down by transactionId
What I'm assuming I will get is something like:
['email', 'transaction_1001001','1']
But instead, I don't get the ga:transactionId dimension. I only get results grouped by ga:medium:
I don't really care about the metric, it could be anything. What I need want is to get the medium with the transactionId.
So, is there a way to get a result set grouped by ga:medium and ga:transactionId? Why is the ga:transactionId dimension ignored?
I solved this issue. Hopefully this answer helps anyone facing this problem.
I was using the NodeJS api bindings. Turns out, the dimensions (and metrics) properties need to be strings. I was using an array.
The dimensions value needs to be specified like this:
So a simple dimensions.join(',') fixed it.
Control AE timelines using ONE EXPRESSION LAYER (much like using Actionscript) to trigger frequently used comps such as blinking, walking, flying etc... for cartoon animation.
I want animate a the blinking of a cartoon character. (and other actions, explained below) Rather than "re posting" the comp or key frames movements every time I want a blink or a particular action, I want to create a script where I can trigger the Blink comp to play. Is this possible? (Sidenote: A random blink through entire movie would be nice) but I still want to know how to do this for the reasons below.
Ideally: I would like to create an "Expressions layer" in the main comp to TRIGGER other comps to play. At certain points I would like to add triggers to call frequently used comps that contain actions like.. Blinking, Walking, Flying, Look Left and Right etc...
IT WOULD BE AMAZING IF somehow we could trigger other comps to begin, repeat, stop, maybe reverse, and do this all from one Main Comp using an expression layer.
Why not just paste a comp in the spot you want it to play every time you want such action? Well in after effects if you wanted a "blink comp" to play 40 times in two minutes you would have to create 40 layers, or pate the key frames on that comp 40 times. Wouldn't it be awesome to trigger or call it from one one layer when you wanted it from one expressions layer?
We do something like this in Flash using Actionscript all the time. It would be awesome if there was a method out there to achieve this effect. This would be an OUTSTANDING tutorial and I believe it would be very popular if someone did it. It could be used for a MULTITUDE of amazing effects and could save a ton of time for everyone. Heck, help me figure this out and perhaps I will make a tutorial.
Thank you all ye "overflowing Stackers" who contribute! :)
I found the answer and that is...
After Effects expressions can not control other timelines. Unfortunately you have to put an expression on each layer you want to affect.
The next best solution, and to achieve something close to what I was asking can be found on this link:
We can only hope that Adobe will someday give the power to expressions like they did with action-script.
HOPEFULLY SOON! Anyone reading this who works for Adobe please plead our case. Thanks
Part 1: Reference other layers in pre-Comps
Simply replace "thisComp" with "comp("ComName")"
To reference Effect-Controllers between compositions, follow the below formula:
More In-depth Answer: Adobe's Docs - Skip to the Layer Sub-objects part
As I understand the Adobe documentation, only Layers can be accessed,
not footage. What this means is that you will need to create your
expression link utilizing a pre-Comp. Footage can not access this so
that also means no nulls, adjustment layers, etc.
As an added bonus, if you use the essential graphics panel, you can put all the controllers in one pre-comp, but have the controls available no matter which comp you are in. Just select it in the Essential-Graphics dropdown.
Part 2: Start/End based on other layers within pre-comps:
Regarding the next part where you want the expressions to activate based on other compositions, I recommend using the in-out Point expression.
inPoint | Return type: Number. Returns the In point of the layer, in seconds.
outPoint | Return type: Number. Returns the Out point of the layer, in seconds.
If you utilize the start time overrides you can pull this from:
startTime | Return type: Number. Returns the start time of the layer, in seconds.
Alternate Option:
I would recommend avoiding this as the keyframes are basically referenced as an index, so things can get messed up if you add one ahead of a keyframe you were already using - def incorporate some error handling.
Refer to the Key attributes and methods (expression reference) Here
Part 3: Interpolation & Time Reversal
You can time reverse the layer in the rightclick->time, otherwise this is all interpolation expressions like loop out etc - you can loopOut("FOO") a pre-comp if you not only cut it correctly, but also enable time remapping.
then use this to loop those keyframes;
try{ timeStart = thisProperty.key(1).time; duration = thisProperty.key(thisProperty.numKeys).time-timeStart; pingPong =
false; //change to true value if you want to loop animationn back &
forth quant=Math.floor((time-timeStart)/duration);
if(quant<0) quant = 0
if(quant%2 == 1 && pingPong == true){
t = 2*timeStart+ (quant+1)*duration - time;
t = time-quant*duration;
t = time;
The situation
I'd like to use GA to track some serverside operations. That's why I cant make use of the GA JavaScript functions. But, as you might know, you can request the utm.gif right from your server. This already works fine.
The Problem
I'd like to trackt custom parameters. But I have no idea how to add them in the right format to the url-request
This one should do the custom parms. But I didn't get any results in GA.
Full list of params:
ref ts
utmac UA-XXXXXX-5
utmcc __utma=186215409.1789216404.1265552708.1280074861.1280493144.21;+__utmz=;
utmcs ISO-8859-1
utmdt Button
utme 5(Init*load_success*
utmfl -
utmje -
utmn 1114675642
utmp button
utmsc -
utmsr -
utmul de-de
utmwv 4.5.7
not sure what's going wrong, given what you posted, but how about you write out what you want to send the traditional way (with javascript) and put it on a test page. Use firebug or whatever to grab the requested url that's built and compare it to what you have now.
The value of the utme gif Request parameter is encoded by ga.js--it's the only one that is, as far as i know.
Calling __trackEvent is the usual way to set the value of utme. These are client-side events though, which is no doubt why you are trying to set utme directly.
So if you just want to bind 5(Initload_success to the variable utme, and you can't rely on user-behavior to trigger that binding, then here's what i suggest:
Pack your data into a 'custom variable' scoped to the page--this way, when the __trackPageview() is called, the value will be set.
Here's the analytics code required in your HTML to implement that:
The method signature for a custom variable:
pageTracker._setCustomVar(slot, // integer between 1 and 5, inclusive (just use '1')
name, // user-defined name for the custom variable
value, // string representing the value for the custom variable
scope, // you want '3' for page-level (an int, not a string though)
Within the HTML (order matter, of course):
pageTracker.__setCustomvar(1, "A Name", "A Value", 3);
A key point here is that the parameter 'value' can be set dynamically, so for the 'value' parameter, i guess you want to pass in 5(Initload_success
Finally, here are the two key sources (Implementation Guide, Usage Guide) on Custom Variables from the GA Team