AWS DynamoDB Query based on non-primary keys - amazon-dynamodb

I'm new to AWS DynamoDB and wanted to clarify something. Is it possible to query a table and filter base on a non-primary key attribute. My table looks like the following
Id: PrimaryKey
Name: simple string
Location: simple string
Now I want to query on the Name, but I think I have to give the key as well from what I know? Apart from that I can use the scan but then I will be loading all the data.

From the docs:
The Query operation finds items based on primary key values. You can query any table or secondary index that has a composite primary key (a partition key and a sort key).
DynamoDB requires queries to always use the partition key.
In your case your options are:
create a Global Secondary Index that uses Name as a primary key
use a Scan + Filter if the table is relatively small, or if you expect the result set will include the majority of the records in the table

There are few designs principals that you can follow while you are using DynamoDB. If you are coming from a relational background, you have already witnessed the query limitations from primary key attributes.
Design your tables, for querying and separating hot and cold data.
Create Indexes for Querying from Non Key attributes (You have two options, Global Secondary Index which you can define at any time and Local Secondary Index which you need to specify at table creation time).
With the Global Secondary Index you can promote any NonKey attribute as the Partition Key for the Index and select another attribute for Sort Key for querying. For Local Secondary Index, you can promote any Non Key attribute as the Sort Key keeping the same Partition Key.
Using Indexes for query is important also to improve the efficiency in using provisioned throughput.
Although having indexes consumes the read throughput from the table, it also saves read through put from in a way that, if you project the right amount of attributes to read, it can give a huge benefit in reading. Check the following example.
Lets say you have a DynamoDB table that has items of 40KB. If you read directly from the table to list 10 items, it consumes 100 Read Throughput Units (For one item 10 Units since one unit can read 4KB and multiply it by 10). If you have an index defined just to project the attributes needed to list which will be having 4KB per item, then it will be consuming only 10 Read Throughput Units(One Unit per item) which makes a huge difference in terms of cost.
With DynamoDB its really important how you define Indexes to optimize for Querying not only from Query capability but also in terms of throughput.

You can not query based non-primary key attribute in Dynamo Db.
If you wanted to still do that you can do it using scan query,but scan is costly operation in DyanmoDB and if table is large, then it will affect performance and not recommended because it will scan each item in table and AWS cost you for all item it scan for that query.
There are two ways to achieve it
Keep Store Id as your PrimaryKey/ Partaion key of Dyanmo DB table and add Name/Location as sort Key (only one as Dyanmo DB accept only one Attribute as sort key by design.
Create Global Secondary Indexes for Querying from Non Key attributes which you are more frequenly required.
There are 3 ways to created GSI in Dyanamo DB, In your case select GSI with option INCLUDE and add Name , Location and store ID in Idex.
KEYS_ONLY – Each item in the index consists only of the table partition key and sort key values, plus the index key values. The KEYS_ONLY option results in the smallest possible secondary index.
INCLUDE – In addition to the attributes described in KEYS_ONLY, the secondary index will include other non-key attributes that you specify.
ALL – The secondary index includes all of the attributes from the source table. Because all of the table data is duplicated in the index, an ALL projection results in the largest possible secondary index.


Can I create with DynamoDB multiple tables with secondary index concurrencly?

I am confused by the API documentation of CreateTable from DynamoDB. I need to create multiple tables with a secondary index. From the API:
If you want to create multiple tables with secondary indexes on them, you must create the tables sequentially. Only one table with secondary indexes can be in the CREATING state at any given time.
Up to 500 simultaneous table operations are allowed per account. These operations include CreateTable, UpdateTable, DeleteTable, UpdateTimeToLive, RestoreTableFromBackup, and RestoreTableToPointInTime.
The only exception is when you are creating a table with one or more secondary indexes. You can have up to 250 such requests running at a time;
Can I create now only one table with a secondary index or 250 at the same time?
If I create multiple tables sequential without waiting on active state is this already concurrency creation?
Must I wait on the active state for every table if I create multiple tables with secondary indexes?
An individual account can only be running one "Create Index" action at a time, no matter how many tables you have.
To understand this it may help to understand what an Index is. An Index is a complete copy of the table, but with a different partition and sort key. So if your original table has a PK of of userId and a sk of sort_key you could now create an index where the partition key is set to sort_key and the sort_key is now set to userId creating an inverted index (a common practice in Dynamo - remember Queries in Dynamo must know what the PK is, so if you have UserID you could access all data of a given User, or if you wanted all Users who have a particular tag, you may have an SK item on users that is something like TAG#ThisTag and then you wanted all users with ThisTag you could do a query against the inverted index with a pk = TAG#ThisTag and get back a list of UserIds.)
While the CreateIndex is being run on a given table, no other actions can be run on it - it wont accept changes to the data/configuration that would cause a fault/mismatch in the copying process. This is one of the reasons a given account is limited to only one create index operation at a time.
As a slight aside if I may - if you have a single account with multiple Dynamos all for the same product, you may want to rethink your database strategy. A single Dynamo Table can be used for many different storages if you set up your PK-SK as generic fields (ie: pk and sk as the attribute names) - No document inside your dynamo has to have the same attributes as any other. And when accessing data, each partition key is exactly as its named - a Partition of data that is all that is accessed when a query is made against that PK. (so if you have 100 items with PK of USER#1 and 100 items with a PK of USER#2 and you query against USER#1 you only access that 100 items - the rest are ignored by the Query and never ever touched - allowing you to in effect have multiple "tables" in a single DynamoDB Table by giving them different Partition Key prefixes.)

Choosing Primary key for DynamoDB

A bit of context: I am trying to build an inventory to list my AWS resources in various accounts and I am planning to use DynamoDB to store the data. These will be the columns for my table: ResourceARN, ResourceName, ResourceType, StandardTag, IsDeleted, LastUpdateTime and ResourceCreationDate ( this field is available only for a few resource types like Ec2).
Question: I want to query my DDB table using account ID, resource type and tag name. I am stumped on choosing the primary key for the table. Since primary key should be unique and has to have 1:many relationship. Hence, I cannot use a combination of resourceType and account Id. Nor can I use resourceArn as my primary key since it is 1:1 relationship. Also, using the resourceARN as the sort key does not make sense to me. I understand that I can use a simple scan operation, but that is very costly and will take time if I add more data in my DDB.
I would appreciate any suggestions or guidance over the same.
Short answer
Partition key: Account ID
Sort key: <resource type>/<resource ID>
It's a common pattern for a sort key to be a string concatenating multiple attributes. Since sort keys can be queried by prefix, you can leverage this in your queries:
Get all account resources: query all sort keys on the Account ID partition key
Get all EC2 instances of an account: query with partition key = <your account ID> and sort key begins_with('ec2-instance').
You may notice that ARNs follow such a hierarchy as well (what's probably not a coincidence). This would be effectively using a subset of the ARN as the sort key.
Some notes:
DynamoDB is about attributes as much as about columns. You don't need to include ResourceCreationDate in the records which don't have it, and doing so will save you space (see next point).
Attribute names count as storage for every record, which impacts cost and also throughput. It's common to use shorthand for names for this reason (rct instead of ResourceCreationTime for example).
You can use LSIs (Local Secondary Indexes) to order by creation and update times if you need this.

How to fetch multiple rows from DynamoDB using a non primary key

select * from tableName where columnName="value";
How can I fetch a similar result in DynamoDB using java, without using primary key as my attribute (Need to group data based on a value for a particular column).
I have gone through articles regarding getbatchitems, QuerySpec but all these require me to pass the primary key.
Can someone give a lead here?
Short answer is you can't. Whenever you use the Query or GetItem operations in DynamoDB you must always supply the table or index primary key.
You have two options:
Perform a Scan operation on the table and filter by columnName="value". However this requires DynamoDB to look at every item in the table so it is likely to be slow and expensive.
Add a Global Secondary Index to your table. This will require you to define a primary key for the index that contains the columnName you want to query

limit offset, sorting and aggregation challenges in DynamoDB

I am using DynamoDB to store my device events (in JSON format) into table for further analysis and using scan APIs to display the result set on UI, which requires
To define limit offset of records,say 10 records per page, means
result set should be paginated(e.g. page-1 has 0-10 records, page-2
has 11-20 records and so on), i got an API like scanRequest.withLimit(10) but it has different meaning of limit offset, does DynamoDB API comes with support of limit offset?
I also need to sort result set on basis of user input fields like sorting on Date, Serial Number etc, but still didn't get any sorting/order by APIs.
I may look for aggregation e.g. on Device Name, Date etc. which also doesn't seems to be available in DynamoDB.
The above situation led me to think about some others noSQL database solutions, Please assist me on above mentioned issues.
The right way to think about DynamoDB is as a key-value store with support for indexes.
"Amazon DynamoDB supports key-value data structures. Each item (row) is a key-value pair where the primary key is the only required attribute for items in a table and uniquely identifies each item. DynamoDB is schema-less. Each item can have any number of attributes (columns). In addition to querying the primary key, you can query non-primary key attributes using Global Secondary Indexes and Local Secondary Indexes."
A table can have 2 types of keys:
Hash Type Primary Key—The primary key is made of one attribute, a
hash attribute. DynamoDB builds an unordered hash index on this
primary key attribute. Each item in the table is uniquely identified
by its hash key value.
Hash and Range Type Primary Key—The primary
key is made of two attributes. The first attribute is the hash
attribute and the second one is the range attribute. DynamoDB builds
an unordered hash index on the hash primary key attribute, and a
sorted range index on the range primary key attribute. Each item in
the table is uniquely identified by the combination of its hash and
range key values. It is possible for two items to have the same hash
key value, but those two items must have different range key values.
What kind of primary key have you set up for your Device Events table? I would suggest that you denormalize your data (i.e. pull specific attributes out of the json) and build additional indexes on those attributes that you want to sort and aggregate on: Date, Serial Number, etc. If I know what kind of primary key you have set up on your table, I can point you in the right direction to build these indices so that you can get what you need via the query method. The scan method will be inefficient for you because it reads every row in the table.
Lastly, with regard to your "limit offset" question, I think that you're looking for the ExclusiveStartKey, which will be returned by DynamoDB in the response to your query.
The ExclusiveStartKey is what will help you do pagination. It's not necessary to depend on the LastEvaluatedKey from the response. You'll get LastEvaluatedKey only if you are getting more than a MB worth data. If LIMIT page size is such that total returned data size is less than 1 MB, you'll not get back LastEvaluatedKey. But that does not stop you from using ExclusiveStartKey as an offset.

Does dynamodb support something like an "in" clause in its queries?

Say I have table of photos and users.
Given I have a list of users I'm following [user1,user2,...] and I want to get a list of photos of people I'm following.
How can I query the table of photos where photo.createdBy in [user1,user2,user3...]
I saw that dynamodb has a batch operation, but that takes a primary key, and in this case we would be querying against a secondary index (createdBy).
Is there a way to do a query like this in dynamodb?
If you are querying purely on photo.createdBy, then you should create a global secondary index:
To speed up queries on non-key attributes, you can create a global secondary index. A global secondary index contains a selection of attributes from the table, but they are organized by a primary key that is different from that of the table. The index key does not need to have any of the key attributes from the table; it doesn't even need to have the same key schema as a table.
This will, of course, only retrieve one item. To limit results when returning more items, use a FilterExpression:
With a Query or a Scan operation, you can provide an optional filter expression to refine the results returned to you. A filter expression lets you apply conditions to the data after it is queried or scanned, but before it is returned to you. Only the items that meet your conditions are returned.
This can be applied to a Filter or Scan, but be careful of using too many Read Capacity Units when scanning for matching entries.
