Vertically align texts with different font-size and line-height based on baseline grid - css

I understand that some people argue that aligning text to baseline grid isn’t necessary in web design. However, it’s intriguing to do that, and besides, the result looks slick. So, I’m pushing this forward.
Now, I have two sets of text with different font-size and line-height and I’m trying to vertically align them based on baseline grid. My questions are:
Take a look at my pictures below (“Modified” and “Oct 3, 2017”). How do you typically align them? Vertically centered based on their line-height, or align them based on their baseline? In my pictures, I took the first option. This first question is probably more about the UX, what is the “best practice” here?
Is it possible to exactly align the texts based on their baselines in CSS? What is the best and simplest way to achieve that?
I’m also adding divider lines to create a kind of list. How do you typically create them in CSS and keep them in sync with the baseline? By using border property, or else?
Attached are pictures to explain my concept. FYI, I’m a budding designer who can’t code. :p Thank you very much for your future insights.
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3


Modular Scale line-heights

I'm current trying out the different methods to structure web elements and text, you know baseline grids, modular scale or both combined to see what is the best. I'm currently trying out modular scale just now.
I was wondering how I would go about calculating line-height for header tags using the following scale?,80&px&1.618&web&table
I know the very basic idea is to pick a number from the first column as the text size and a number for the middle column for the line-height.
let's say we use 67.773px for an H1 tag, what line-height would I give that? Using 4.236em from the middle column as its line-height doesn't look great at all.
I'm probably missing something really obvious here...

How can I keep things aligned in an adaptive layout

I'm building an adaptive design using CSS and I'm wondering how I can keep things nicely aligned. Two examples so far: my page: now, I would like to keep the check-rates_btn aligned with the titleimg as the browser window resizes but due to the image being set a width of 95%, I can't really keep things aligned. I'd also like to keep the logo nicely aligned with the image i.e. where it hangs over titleimg, I want to keep the room that it hangs over = to the distance on the right side to the border of the titleimg. I tried to depict what I mean here: The distances depicted with red lines should stay equal. How do I do this?
You will need to adjust the styles for check-rates_btn and titleimg accordingly using CSS Media Queries.
Unfortunately, you are using Drupal and have too many cached CSS files for me to look through, but the ones I did look at (layout.css and system.theme.css) only had a few specific media queries that were not altering these classes.
Hope this helps.

Line-Breaks and Typography in CSS

I would like to know if it is possible to have line-breaking text that sometimes consists of one line and sometimes of two. I can best describe what i mean it with an image:
You would have to insert the text into separate elements which have the shape and size you want to achieve the effect you are going for. It is not possible with just one html tag.
As Watson said, you'll have to contain the elements in containers of a specific shape and size. You can't make them truly "fluid" as I think you're meaning to comment, however, you can use percentages for those containers to determine how much text is visible in space and possibly viewport sized text to try and properly fill those spaces. Definitely no manner in my mind that will allow you to easily create this in a universal method for all browsers. You're going to have a lot of ragged edges I'd suspect.

Vertical rhythm for Twitter's Bootstrap

Are there any existing plugins/extensions/methods to maintain vertical rhythm for Twitter's Bootstrap project?
It is quite a laborious task to create good vertical rhythm templates, I would rather use a pre-baked solution. I am open to creative suggestions, I just want my pages nicely aligned in the end.
Edit: To clarify what I am after...
Vertical rhythm is a technique used to ensure that every element on a page lines up according to a horizontal grid. This is achieved by setting the height, padding and margin of every item to conform to a standard unit line size. If a line of text in a paragraph is 20px high (including margin and padding) then maybe a heading 4 will also be 20px high, and a heading 1 might be 40px high. This maintains the rhythm of the text across columns.
I want to use this technique in combination with bootstrap (from twitter), but it would be quite a lot of work to get everything looking nice. For example, all the buttons would need to conform to the same vertical height definition as paragraph text etc... There are other standard controls used in bootstrap which would also all need rules to define their height appropriately.
I could start with a generic solution for vertical rhythm, which would go a long way to achieving what I want, but I wanted to know if anyone else has started this, or has any idea of another way to achieve this.
Edit: Assuming there is nothing like what I want...
Maybe just a good vertical-rhythm based css template would be a good starting point. Preferably something that is continuing to be developed, is already usable, well thought out, and adaptable.
Since no one has linked to an actual vertical rhythm boilerplate as you suggested, I took the one I use, commented it, and created a github repo for it here
As it says in the readme, this is a starting point for your own project.
I think what you're going after is understood. Problem is: you're looking for a grid schema in one dimension (a "vertical rhythm" set in accordance with, for example, proportional line heights...which, in a manner of speaking, measures and aligns things along a given page's Y axis)...but doing things in that manner might potentially be at odds with Bootstrap's pre-existing 12-column grid system (which, in contrast, measures and aligns things along the page's X axis). You want to "proportionalize" the height of each "row" in the framework. BUT: keep in mind, Bootstrap's design is intended to promote not just proportionality via columns solely for the sake of looking nice, but to also make pages responsive--i.e., to allow page elements to "flow" around one another vertically, and to nest fluidly. And, in that sense, issues pertaining to the height of elements measured along the Y axis may already be accounted for... I recall that most of the typographic elements in the base CSS file have proportional em sizes, and/or likewise proportional top and bottom padding, etc. Generally speaking, things are not so arbitrary that the framework screams a need for additional styling in the manner you're considering.
Even so: Bootstrap's base CSS file isn't so intolerably extensive that it'd be impossible for you to tweak the height of various element classes and IDs yourself without too much trouble. In any case, it's highly unlikely you're really going to need to do that with every styled element, right? In fact, as a framework, Bootstrap includes styling for many elements which may not even be in the app for which you're designing the front end. (EXAMPLE: Does your app have drop down menus? Great. You can style the "vertical rhythm" of drop down menus. BUT: are you also using pills or tabs in your nav bar? No pills, you say? Well, you can just delete a couple hundred lines of code in the stylesheet and save yourself the effort of having to apply your "vertical rhythm" to those unneeded elements.) Elsewise, for the elements that remain and that you do in fact need, just use a text editor to find-replace the values for line height, top and bottom padding, margins, font-size, etc...and test it out. As a CSS framework, it's pretty clear how Bootstrap is laid out; relevant elements are well sorted, and grouped together within the stylesheet's code for the most part. Once you do complete tweaking of the base CSS file, just minify your revised replace the pre-existing minified version...or, perhaps, just serve it up from CloudFront if you want to optimize.
The Compass CSS Authoring Framework has explicit support for vertical rhythm based typography. For starters you can check out this short video tutorial.
Have you looked at the Square Grid CSS framework?
A simple CSS framework for designers and developers, based on 35
equal-width columns. It aims to cut down on development time and help
you create beautiful-structured websites.
Square Grid provides a standard horizontal grid, but it also maintains a vertical grid, using a standard "square" of 28px. It is really just a grid, not a full CSS library like Bootstrap (i.e. no buttons, menus, etc).
I used to for one project and found it to be pretty intuitive, though I ultimately decided that it was too hard for me to keep track of both the vertical and horizontal grid, especially when thinking about responsive design.
You may be able to combine the two, or at least take a look at the square grid source code which is pretty simple CSS to get some ideas on how to adapt Bootstrap to meet your needs.

Horizontally and vertically repeating images in the same sprite - impossible?

I am experienced at creating advanced CSS sprites by hand, but I now find myself wondering if it's possible to have one image of vertically repeating background as well as a second image of horizontally repeating (different) background, contained in the same sprite?
It would seem logically impossible, if both images have to truly repeat, I mean think about it, you cannot specify a cropped area for the repeat, so they each would expand the image to where the vertical graphic would appear in the horizontal background and visa-versa.
But I just wanted to make sure I am not missing out on some kind of trick that I am not aware of - thanks for any suggestions or examples to explore.
If you are not certain what I am describing, draw a horizontal line across a paper and now draw a tall vertical line elsewhere on the paper. Now imagine one image repeating across the horizontal and a different image repeating down the vertical. Now try to imagine a sprite that could hold both images and the css rules each would use. It's not possible based on what I have learned but maybe there is a trick I don't know.
Short answer: not possible. :)
What I always do in your case:
Use two:
for vertical repeats
for horizontal repeats
