Capture/modify paste event in AvalonEdit - avalonedit

Is there any way to capture the paste event in an AvalonEdit text editor so that the data can be modified?
We are having users paste data from Excel, and for some reason that data is showing up with an extra newline. This means that if they paste while block-selecting it throws off the last line.
Ideally I'd like to catch the paste event, modify the contents to either remove the newline or format it differently, and then deliver the modified event... I just can't find where the paste handler might be (if it's exposed at all) in the TextEditor or TextView.

The code in AvalonEdit handling the Paste command is the internal EditingCommandHandler.OnPaste().
It allows using the DataObject.Pasting attached event to customize the paste behavior.


How to browse through file lines with Julia

I need to browse through a file lines and check if a substring exists inside that line , I need to have the option to go through lines by thier original order..
eachline won't help me from what I understand since I will loose the order,What method should I be using that best fit's my needs ?

Atom doesn't replace on auto complete

I don't know if this is a bug or something wrong i am doing but when ever i type something and press enter to select from the auto complete menu it leaves whatever is written before... or specifically the # symbol for now
here a picture demonstration
enter image description here
enter image description here
So more to the question, Atom does replace whatever you type if you chose to auto-complete in contrary to what Brent said below. In an html file try typing dv or btn and select to auto-complete you'll then see that it replaces what you've typed. So this behavior is only (as far as i am concerned) replicable with symbols
From the Autocomplete section of the Atom Flight manual:
By default, the autocomplete system will look through the current open file for strings that match what you're starting to type.
If you've typed in part of a keyword that Atom doesn't recognize, and then autocomplete the rest of the phrase, Atom will not erase what you've previously typed. I used to do this a bunch when I first started using Atom. The solution is simple: just type the part of the keyword that Atom recognizes before auto-completing the rest of it. So in the case of your first example image, you just have to start typing the phrase media and then press enter; no need to include the preceding # symbol. This ultimately means that you just have to type less to get your desired code, which I think is pretty sweet.

Prevent expansion of quotes and other special characters when printing XML using RapidXML

I am using RapidXML to read an XML file, parse it, do some operation and write it back.
Any text written in quotes within tag, is printed with quotes in expanded form.
Is there any flag that will prevent expansion of quotes and other special characters.
Any suggestion is welcomed.
I don't believe this will work. Writing the XML is unrelated to how it was created, and changing the parse flags would not affect it.
The whole point of printing XML DOM is to create a well-formed XML that can later be parsed; therefore, I wouldn't expect an XML library to have such an option.
If you want such functionality, you can easily write one by changing the function copy_and_expand_chars in rapidxml_print.hpp
You probably need to turn off entity translation during parsing. Can you try by setting the parse_no_entity_translation flag during parsing?

Qt QFileDialog - native dialogs only with static functions?

I'm trying to simply save a file. However, I need a filename entered without a suffix to automatically get a default suffix (which setDefaultSuffix() does).
I'd rather not completely lose the native save dialog just for this. exec() is not overloaded from QDialog, so it totally bypasses the native hook (ignoring the DontUseNativeDialog option even if it's false).
If I disable the file overwrite warning and append the default suffix myself after the function returns, then I'd be re-opening the dialog if the user did not want to overwrite... and that's just ugly.
Is there some signal I can catch and quickly inject the default suffix if it's not there? I'm guessing not, since it's a native dialog.
Is there something I'm doing wrong with the filter? I only have one filter choice. It should use that extension.
This seems pretty lame. Launching the save dialog and simply typing "test" should never result in an extensionless file. "test.", yes. "test" no way. That'll really confuse the users when they hit Load and can't see the file they just saved.
I guess the cross-platform part of Qt is giving me lowest common denominator file dialog functionality?
Yes, if you look at the Qt source code it is evident that only the static functions uses native file dialogs. It is not possible to get native dialogs any other way, unfortunately...
Have you tried the filter options in the static functions? [Edit: Oops, noticed that you already have.]
I just tried this myself, for example, and things seem to be fairly reasonable:
QString filter = "Text files (*.txt)";
QString selectedFilter;
QString filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(0, "", "", filter, &selectedFilter);
Entering test in the save dialog returns test.txt.
Entering test. in the save dialog returns test..txt.
Entering in the save dialog returns
These all show the appropriate overwrite dialog if there is already an existing file with that name.
The only way I can get test, without any suffixes, is by surrounding it with quotes ("test"), or by first entering *.* (which will make it display all files) and then entering test. (Although one oddity is that selectedFilter will still contain the filter shown in the dialog, even if it's not used).

Converting Plain Text to Clickable link or Link to PlainText in

I need your advice with converting plain text to an URL.
The scenario will be this: The user will select some entry and then click a "convert to link" button.
The entry text the user selected will convert to (link: selected_text). I do it with JavaScript. And after that, when he clicks the Save button to save all his entry, I don't know how to store (link: selected_text) in tha database.
The URL will be like this: www.mysite.aspx?t=selected_text.
I can convert (link: selected_text) by using replace function in code-behind. But then I don't know how to show user as clickable and also by not showing <a href="www.mysite.aspx?t=selected_text">
It can be difficult to understand therefore I will show some of my codes to explain.
Private Sub Save(ByVal Entry As String) ' Entry Comes from entry textbox '
Dim elected As String
selected = Entry.Replace("(link: ", "<a href")
selected = Entry.Replace(")", ">")
' then here starts save but not necessary to show '
End Sub
If you must save processed input for some reason
(link: here)
must be converted to
(link: here)
To store in database, you'll have to track the changes separately somehow and post them back to the server. I'd suggest a HiddenInput control.
Do not save it as Just save the entry as the user types it. While showing it to user later, convert the "(link: here)" to link and show that.
Save the post as the user wrote it. This will make it easier to allow editing of the post later. When you render the message you should use a regular expression to replace it with a real link. You should never replace all ")" with ">". What happends if i write "hello (world)"?
The result:
Hello (world>
You can find great regular expressions here:
