R: Fill area under curve with Polygon() - r

Is there an universal way to fill the area under a curve with the polygon() function?
As far as I understand the answer in this post:
Fill under line curve I would assume that polygon(c(min(x), x, max(x)), c(min(y), y, min(y)) will always work, because it starts on the bottom left, goes up to the curve, down to the button right and then back to the beginning.
But it does not always work. Sometimes, I still get a graph like in this question: Why polygon in R works with a full curve but not with a half curve? where R simply draws a line and fills in under and above it.
So what would be an iput (or an other function) that will always work?

Maybe you need na.rm = TRUE for min(y)? Anyways, here is a function giving you the possibility to specify a horizontal border to which to fill:
fill_to_border <- function(f, from, to, y_border = 0, col = 1) {
curve_points <- curve(f, from, to)
polygon_x <- c(min(curve_points$x), curve_points$x, max(curve_points$x))
polygon_y <- c(y_border, curve_points$y, y_border)
polygon_points <- list(x = polygon_x, y = polygon_y)
polygon(polygon_points, col = col)
fill_to_border(dnorm, -4, 0)


non-linear 2d object transformation by horizontal axis

How can such a non-linear transformation be done?
here is the code to draw it
my.sin <- function(ve,a,f,p) a*sin(f*ve+p)
s1 <- my.sin(1:100, 15, 0.1, 0.5)
s2 <- my.sin(1:100, 21, 0.2, 1)
s <- s1+s2+10+1:100
plot(s,t="l",main = "input") ; abline(h=seq(10,120,by = 5),col=8)
plot(s*7,t="l",main = "output")
don't look at the vector, don't look at the values, only look at the horizontal grid, only the grid matters
I see that my question is not clear to many people, I apologize for that...
Here are examples of transformations only along the vertical axis, maybe now it will be more clear to you what I want
link Source
#### UPDATE 2 ####
Thanks for your answer, this looks like what I need, but I have a few more questions if I may.
To clarify, I want to explain why I need this, I want to compare vectors with each other that are non-linearly distorted along the horizontal axis .. Maybe there are already ready-made tools for this?
You mentioned that there are many ways to do such non-linear transformations, can you name a few of the best ones in my case?
how to make the function f() more non-linear, so that it consists, for example, not of one sinusoid, but of 10 or more. Тhe figure shows that the distortion is quite simple, it corresponds to one sinusoid
and how to make the function f can be changed with different combinations of sinusoids.
par(mar = rep(2, 4),mfrow=c(1,3))
s <- cumsum(rnorm(100))
r <- range(s)
gridlines <- seq(r[1]*2, r[2]*2, by = 0.2)
plot(s, t = "l", main = "input")
abline(h = gridlines, col = 8)
f <- function(x) 2 * sin(x)/2 + x
plot(s, t = "l", main = "input+new greed")
abline(h = f(gridlines), col = 8)
plot(f(s), t = "l", main = "output")
abline(h = f(gridlines), col = 8)
If I understand you correctly, you wish to map the vector s from the regular spacing defined in the first image to the irregular spacing implied by the second plot.
Unfortunately, your mapping is not well-defined, since there is no clear correspondence between the horizontal lines in the first image and the second image. There are in fact an infinite number of ways to map the first space to the second.
We can alter your example a bit to make it a bit more rigorous.
If we start with your function and your data:
my.sin <- function(ve, a, f, p) a * sin(f * ve + p)
s1 <- my.sin(1:100, 15, 0.1, 0.5)
s2 <- my.sin(1:100, 21, 0.2, 1)
s <- s1 + s2 + 10 + 1:100
Let us also create a vector of gridlines that we will draw on the first plot:
gridlines <- seq(10, 120, by = 2.5)
Now we can recreate your first plot:
par(mar = rep(2, 4))
plot(s, t = "l", main = "input")
abline(h = gridlines, col = 8)
Now, suppose we have a function that maps our y axis values to a different value:
f <- function(x) 2 * sin(x/5) + x
If we apply this to our gridlines, we have something similar to your second image:
plot(s, t = "l", main = "input")
abline(h = f(gridlines), col = 8)
Now, what we want to do here is effectively transform our curve so that it is stretched or compressed in such a way that it crosses the gridlines at the same points as the gridlines in the original image. To do this, we simply apply our mapping function to s. We can check the correspondence to the original gridlines by plotting our new curves with a transformed axis :
plot(f(s), t = "l", main = "output", yaxt = "n")
axis(2, at = f(20 * 1:6), labels = 20 * 1:6)
abline(h = f(gridlines), col = 8)
It may be possible to create a mapping function using the cumsum(s)/10 * 2 that you have in your original example, but it is not clear how you want this to correspond to the original y axis values.
Response to edits
It's not clear what you mean by comparing two vectors. If one is a non-linear deformation of the other, then presumably you want to find the underlying function that produces the deformation. It is possible to create a function that applies the deformation empirically simply by doing f <- approxfun(untransformed_vector, transformed_vector).
I didn't say there were many ways of doing non-linear transformations. What I meant is that in your original example, there is no correspondence between the grid lines in the original picture and the second picture, so there is an infinite choice for which gridines in the first picture correspond to which gridlines in the second picture. There is therefore an infinite choice of mapping functions that could be specified.
The function f can be as complicated as you like, but in this scenario it should at least be everywhere non-decreasing, such that any value of the function's output can be mapped back to a single value of its input. For example, function(x) x + sin(x)/4 + cos(3*(x + 2))/5 would be a complex but ever-increasing sinusoidal function.

abline will not put line in correct position

I am quite new to programming/R and I'm having a very unusual problem. I've made a scatterplot and I would like to simply put the x y axis at 0 on the plot. However, when I use abline they are slightly off. I managed to get them to 0 using trial and error, but trying to plot other lines becomes impossible.
scatterplot(cost~qaly, reg.line=FALSE, smooth=FALSE, spread=FALSE,
boxplots='xy', span=0.5, xlab="QALY", ylab="COST", main="Bootstrap",
cex=0.5, data=scat2, xlim=c(-.05,.05), grid=FALSE)
abline(v = 0, h = 0)
This gives lines which are slightly to the left and below 0.
here is an image of what this returns:
(I can't post an image since I'm new apparently)
I found that these values put the lines on 0:
Thanks in advance for the help!
Using #Laterow's example, reproduce the issue
x <- rnorm(1000); y <- rnorm(1000)
scatterplot(y ~ x)
abline(v=0, h=0)
scatterplot seems to be resetting the par settings on exit. You can sort of check this with locator(1) around some point, eg, for {-3,-3} I get
# $x
# [1] -2.469414
# $y
# [1] -2.223922
Option 1
As #joran points out, reset.par = FALSE is the easiest way
scatterplot(y ~ x, reset.par = FALSE)
abline(v=0, h=0)
Option 2
In ?scatterplot, it says that ... is passed to plot meaning you can use plot's very useful panel.first and panel.last arguments (among others).
scatterplot(y ~ x, panel.first = {grid(); abline(v = 0)}, grid = FALSE)
Note that if you were to do the basic
scatterplot(y ~ x, panel.first = abline(v = 0))
you would be unable to see the line because the default scatterplot grid covers it up, so you can turn that off, plot a grid first then do the abline.
You could also do the abline in panel.last, but this would be on top of your points, so maybe not as desirable.

R: legend boxes with more than one colour

I have a plot() where multiple colour shadings represent the same thing. I would like to add a legend that conveys this by having dual-coloured boxes (see example below). Is there any way to do this using legend() or a similar command? Alternatively, is there a way to identify the precise coordinates of these boxes so I can plot a polygon() triangle over it?
Note: legend() does return the coordinates of the outer box and the top left of each labels, but I am not sure if this is sufficient to calculate where the coloured boxes are.
This is a bit of a hack, but you could put two legends on top of another. Unfortunately, there is no left triangle pch which would have been exactly as you wanted.
legend("bottomright",c("Label 1", "Label 2"),pch=22,col=c("red","blue"),pt.bg=c("red","blue"), pt.cex=1.8)
legend("bottomright",c("Label 1", "Label 2"),pch=21,col=c("green","orange"),pt.bg=c("green","orange"))
A slightly dirty hack can allow you to get the legend() function to give you the necessary information. A smarter person than me would probably work out how legend() calculates box positioning and replicate this outside the function. Note that editing standard R functions is probably not recommended.
If you have not edited R functions yet, an easy (and temporary) way to access it, is typing
later will undo your changes.
Find this section that says fill <- rep and add the lines indicated by the comments:
fillList <- NULL ## added
if (mfill) {
if (plot) {
fill <- rep(fill, length.out = n.leg)
rect2(left = xt, top = yt + ybox/2, dx = xbox, dy = ybox,
col = fill, density = density, angle = angle,
border = border)
fillList <- data.frame(left = xt, top = yt + ybox/2, dx = xbox, dy = ybox) ## added
xt <- xt + dx.fill
Find the very last line and change it to
invisible(list(rect = list(w = w, h = h, left = left, top = top),
text = list(x = xt, y = yt), fillList=fillList)) ## modified
Now call legend via
output <- legend(...) ## replace ... with whatever you want to have as inputs
and the draw triangles using the information returned by legend() like so:
with(output$fillList[1,], { ## first box
polygon(c(left, left+dx, left+dx), c(top, top, top-dy), col=myColour, border=NA)

Draw vertical ending of error bar line in dotplot

I am drawing dotplot() using lattice or Dotplot() using Hmisc. When I use default parameters, I can plot error bars without small vertical endings
but I would like to get
I know I can get
when I use centipede.plot() from plotrix or segplot() from latticeExtra, but those solutions don't give me such nice conditioning options as Dotplot(). I was trying to play with par.settings of plot.line, which works well for changing error bar line color, width, etc., but so far I've been unsuccessful in adding the vertical endings:
mean = c(1:5)
lo = mean-0.2
up = mean+0.2
d = data.frame (name = c("a","b","c","d","e"), mean, lo, up)
Dotplot(name ~ Cbind(mean,lo,up),data=d,ylab="",xlab="",col=1,cex=1,
par.settings = list(plot.line=list(col=1),
Please, don't give me solutions that use ggplot2...
I've had this same need in the past, with barchart() instead of with Dotplot().
My solution then was to create a customized panel function that: (1) first executes the original panel function ; and (2) then uses panel.arrows() to add the error bar (using a two-headed arrow, in which the edges of the head form a 90 degree angle with the shaft).
Here's what that might look like with Dotplot():
# Create the customized panel function
mypanel.Dotplot <- function(x, y, ...) {
tips <- attr(x, "other")
panel.arrows(x0 = tips[,1], y0 = y,
x1 = tips[,2], y1 = y,
length = 0.15, unit = "native",
angle = 90, code = 3)
# Use almost the same call as before, replacing the default panel function
# with your customized function.
Dotplot(name ~ Cbind(mean,lo,up),data=d,ylab="",xlab="",col=1,cex=1,
panel = mypanel.Dotplot,
par.settings = list(plot.line=list(col=1),

ploting artefact with points over raster

I noticed some weird behavior when resizing the plot window. Consider
rst.test <- raster(nrows=300, ncols=300, xmn=-150, xmx=150, ymn=-150, ymx=150, crs="NA")
sap.krog300 <- SpatialPoints(coordinates(matrix(c(0,0), ncol = 2)))
sap.krog300 <- gBuffer(spgeom = sap.krog300, width = 100, quadsegs = 20)
shrunk <- gBuffer(spgeom = sap.krog300, width = -30)
shrunk <- rasterize(x = shrunk, y = rst.test)
shrunk.coords <- xyFromCell(object = rst.test, cell = which(shrunk[] == 1))
points(shrunk.coords, pch = "+")
If you resize the window, plotted points get different extent compared to the underlying raster. If you resize the window and plot shrunk and shrunk.coords again, the plot turns out fine. Can anyone explain this?
If you plot directly with the RasterLayer method for plot the resize problem does not occur.
## gives an error, but still plots
points(shrunk.coords, pch = ".")
So it must be something in the original plot call before the .imageplot method is called.
showMethods("plot", classes = "RasterLayer", includeDefs = TRUE)
It does occur if we call raster:::.plotraster directly, and this is the function that calls raster:::.imageplot:
raster:::.plotraster(shrunk, col = rev(terrain.colors(255)), maxpixels = 5e+05)
points(shrunk.coords, pch = ".")
It is actually in the axis labels, not the image itself. See with this, this plots faithfully on resize:
abline(h = c(-80, 80), v = c(-80, 80))
But do it like this, and the lines are no longer at [-80, 80] after resize:
abline(h = c(-80, 80), v = c(-80, 80))
So it is actually the points plotted after the raster that are showing incorrectly: the plot method keeps the aspect ratio fixed, so widening the plot doesn't "stretch" out the raster circle to an ellipse. But, it does something to the points that are added afterwards so the calls to par() must not be handled correctly (probably in raster:::.imageplot).
Another way of seeing the problem is to show that axis() does not know the space being used by the plot, which is the same problem you see when overplotting:
axis(1, pos = 1)
When you resize the x-axis length the two axes are no longer synchronized.
Because you have a raster, try replacing plot() with image(). I had the same problem but this solved it for me.
