Deployment Variables for Azure .Net Core Web App -

I am having trouble getting the desired result from my CI/CD pipeline when deploying a .Net Core 2.0 web app to Azure.
As it stands everything is working when I deploy to my test environment. I have added a setting - ConnectionString:Main - to link to the correct database in the AppSettings section for the development app in the Azure portal.
I now want to deploy to my production environment. The issue is that there are two production databases, only one of which is "live" any any one time. What I would like to do is create two release definitions, one for each database and then have the ability to deploy using either one.
Is it possible to simply add a release variable that will override the local connection string in AppSettings.json as it was with previous .Net versions or is a more complex solution required?

You can use JSON variable substitution feature of Azure App Service Deploy task, for example, replace the value of ConnectionString in the sample below, you can define a release/environment variable as Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString in release definition.
"Data": {
"DefaultConnection": {
"ConnectionString": "Server=(localdb)\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True"

When using ASP.NET Core apps on Azure, the recommended way to store secrets is by using Azure Key Vault. This makes sure that no credentials are stored in version control or in VSTS.
If you really want to update a configuration value during deployment, you can tokenize your parameters and replace them during deployment. You can use this marketplace task for that. Managing Config for .NET Core Web App Deployments with Tokenizer and ReplaceTokens Tasks describes how to use these tasks.

You should be able to accomplish this by creating the deployment via ARM template and creating different parameters files for each environment. Using the template the relevant app settings can be replaced, which will inject them into the Azure portal Application Settings. These settings will override what is checked into your config file in the repo.


How to have environment-specific configurations on Azure app service

We are migrating some of our on-site hosted web API to Azure app services. However, we aren't sure how to handle environment-specific configuration files on the Azure hosted apps.
What we do right now, in .NET Core, is include a directory of different JSON configuration files, each with the naming scheme:
Then, in the app startup, we load the appropriate file based on the machine that is running the app. This lets the app load an environment-appropriate configuration only knowing what machine it is running on.
Config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
.AddJsonFile(#"Configurations\myappname." +
Environment.MachineName +
".json", false)
However, we're not sure how to accomplish something like this in the Azure app services world, where we do not know the machine name that the app will be running on. What is the best practice method of loading an environment-specific configuration at runtime with an Azure hosted app service?
Thanks for any help!
Edited to add .NET framework info.
Set the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT app setting to CustomConfig to the value matching appsettings.CustomConfig.json. Or, use a custom solution with a custom app setting. Either way, an app setting in the Azure Web App may be a good solution.

Dot net core how do I utilise appsettings.[envname].json when deploying via azure devops?

I'm using dot net core 3.0.1, for some reason I'm finding it really hard to work out how to utilize my appsettings.production.json when deploying using azure devops pipelines. My pipeline is as follows;
Restore > Build > Package > Publish Artefact > Azure App Service Deploy
The application is hosted fine but I cant see where/how I tell it to use/apply the production transform.
Dot net core how do I utilise appsettings.[envname].json when deploying via azure devops?
There is difference between Web Deploy/Visual Studio and Deploy Azure App Service in Azure devops publish task.
In order to use/apply the production transform during the Azure devops release, you will need to add variables to the release task and pass into the task the json file in question for variable substitution.
When in "Deploy Azure App Service" release task you should see a "File Transforms and Variable Substitution" section. In here you will supply the path to the json file you want to swap variable values:
Then you can add the json property you want to modify as a variable. In my case the connection string. Which will look like the following:
Check the document File transforms and variable substitution reference for some more details.
Hope this helps.

Deploying ASP.NET Core solution with class library to Azure

I'm working in VS2015 and have a ASP.NET Core solution with two projects - an API Web Project and a Class Library that holds all the data entities, context and Entity Framework migrations. The API project references the class library and all works well on my local machine.
I now want to deploy the solution to Azure and this is where I'm hitting the problem. If I right click on the API project and go through the Azure App Service publish wizard, on the Settings tab I expand Databases and the message is "No databases found for this project" - which I'm guessing is because it can't find a context as it's not in this project.
If I do the same on the CL project though, there is no Azure App Service deployment option, the only option is File System and clearly there's no option to create the database there either.
So, in summary, my question is how I can deploy this type of solution to Azure and have the database created and migrations applied?
I think you need to create the DB first in the azure and then try to publish your application through the wizard. The database is on your local machine and the application will work just fine on your local environment. But on the cloud you have to first create the database on Azure SQL. Then you need to get the SQL connection string from the portal and update your config file accordingly. Once this is done you can then publish your application from Visual Studio. Please note that the wizard will still not show you the databases, but the application, when configured properly will run fine.

How can I change a setting in appsettings.json after auto-deploy?

I have an ASP.NET Core application going on an have setup Github auto-deploy on it. But since it's an open repo I obviously don't want to upload my correct configuration file.
What I'd like to do is to replace some strings in the appsettings.json after a github auto deploy.
"AppSettings": {
"Token": "my super duper secret token"
How can I change my super duper secret token to my real token after a github deploy on Azure?
As I know we can config token in App Settings on the Azure port.
I do a test on this, it works successfully, the following is my detail steps.
Create an core Application.
Add [AppSettings] section in the appsetting.json file (Token vaule: mysecretkey).
Add a public class AppSettings.cs under the created project.
Add the code services.Configure<AppSettings>(Configuration.GetSection("AppSettings")) in the function ConfigureService function in the Startup.cs file (For .net Core 1.0).
Note:The syntax for model binding has changed from RC1 to RC2. Using services.Configure<AppSettings>(Configuration.GetSection("AppSettings")), is no longer availableIn order to bind a settings class to your configuration you need to configure this in the ConfigureServices method of Startup.cs:
services.Configure<AppSettings>(options => Configuration.GetSection("AppSettings").Bind(options));
5. Add code to the HomeController.cs file.
Publish the WebApp to the Azure Portal.
Add [AppSettings: Token] in the Azure Portal.
Browse the WebApp and select the about tab to see the token value is that the value set in the portal.
Assuming the web site already exists as a resource in Azure, you can simply set the App Settings/Connection strings in the portal. These will override the ones in the appsettings.json file at runtime. Ie. your app will first look at the azure app settings/connection strings before looking for them in the local file. This is part of core's "cloud first" approach to configuration management. These settings wont get overwritten when you deploy code to the app/slot.
Found a blog post here which describes it in a bit more detail, using the .AddEnvironmentVariables() call to add azure slot settings to the configuration.
There is a code editing functionality in developer tools settings (Settings -> Development Tools -> App Service Editor (Preview)). You can go there and change any file you like in there. But you probably will need to restart the web application (by editing web.config or some other way).. You can also use Kudu (Advanced Tools) for that, but it's not as pleasant UI as Visual Studio Code in the first option.
Though the more advanced and correct way of dealing with application secrets is the special secret manager. You can read more about it on documentation here.
Generally it's a way to load the secrets from a protected data storage and override them with environmental variables in production (can be set in azure web app).
If you are using Azure DevOps Release to deploy, you can easily specify properties for each environment/stage.
You can use the task File Transform and indicate the path to appsettings.json:
Or if you are deploying directly to Azure:
So you just need to create the variables to override the data in the settings:

Deploy to an Azure WebRole without Visual Studio

Is there a way I can deploy my entire website/webapp to an Azure WebRole without the need of Visual Studio?
Context: We have a test environment where there's an IIS hosted web app where our testers test (of course). The thing is, we want to grab that exact tested web app folder and deploy it "as is" to a WebRole.
Please avoid commenting on our procedure, we have been looking at it and we will eventually change it if we have to, I just need a 'simple' yes(how)/no answer.
IIS Web Deploy can be used to package/migrate/restore IIS applications. It can be enabled while deploying a web role as described in this article and allows to update the web role with the application as deployed in your test environment.
Be aware that only single instance cloud services are supported and that in case of a maintenance operation by the fabric controller, your service will be rolled back to the state created by the initial azure package deployment. (There once was a tool for syncing between multi-instance web deployments but sadly that did not work out too well and is no longer supported. Do not attempt to use or rebuild it.)
Installing and Configuring Web Deploy shows the steps to get web deploy for your local testing IIS while articles on using web deploy like this one show examples for calling the tool.
Another option to evaluate are azure websites and git deployment. This could provide you with a documented and reproducible form of deployment that is not prone to unwanted rollbacks while allowing the service to scale to multiple instances. This option might not work out if the application it too tied to the web roles infrastructure or contains code not suitable for the more restricted web sites environment.
A third option to look at is using CSPack as presented in this article. You basically create a service definition and package up the webapp manually without building it in Visual Studio or TFS.
Yes - make sure you have enabled Remote Access on your webrole. Then copy your web app from your local IIS folder to F:\sitesroot\0 (NOTE - may be E:\sitesroot\0 on same web roles).
Yes, you can write a programmatic interface against Web Deploy from your C# code. If you're deploying to Azure Web Sites, you could also use the Windows Azure Management Libraries to spin up new web sites or clouand deploy them.
