What is the right way to customize Alfresco 4.2.2 Enterprise? - alfresco

Some times ago, I used Alfresco 5.2 CE. When I needed to develop some kind of customization, I used the Alfresco Maven SDK with three different Maven archetypes, it was:
Alfresco Repository AMP;
Alfresco Share AMP;
Alfresco all-in-one (AIO).
By using this SDK I developed AMP files that overlaid on either the alfresco.war or share.war by using the module management tool (MMT):
java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar install amps/some-customization-share.amp tomcat/webapps/share.war -force
java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar install amps/some-customization-repo.amp tomcat/webapps/alfresco.war -force
Now I am using Alfresco 4.2.2 Enterprise and looking for the right way to do the same things that I did with Alfresco 5.2 CE.
Let's say, I want to develop a two tier Spring Surf customization that can remotely connect to different repositories. Or, for example, I need to develop a new Spring Surf page for a site, or just make some little changes in some FTL-template.
What is the right way? Is there a similar SDK for Alfresco 4.2.2 Enterprise?
I would be very grateful for the information. Thanks to all.

The Maven-based Alfresco 3.0 SDK is compatible with Alfresco 4.2, both Enterprise and Community Edition.


How to deploy a BPMN created in Eclipse as an Activiti project in Alfresco Community v5.1.0

I have Alfresco Community v5.1 installed on my machine locally and have created a BPMN model in Eclipse using the Activiti project plugin, I have the BPMN and other xml files, but I do not know how to deploy the same in Alfresco Community V5.1.0.
Files that I have created:
The BPMN file
Where do I paste or update these files in the Alfresco Community installed locally and what are the clear steps to deploy the newly created workflow into the Alfresco Community.
I have followed this tutorial by Jeff Pots:
but, was not able to deploy, please help me find this.
Alfresco Version:
Alfresco Share v5.1.f (r125711-b6, Aikau 1.0.63, Spring Surf 5.1.f, Spring WebScripts 6.5, Freemarker 2.3.20-alfresco-patched, Rhino 1.7R4-alfresco-patched, Yui 2.9.0-alfresco-20141223)
Alfresco Community v5.1.0 (r127059-b7) schema 10001
Thank you all!
Deploy in Alfresco goes throu AMPs or JARs packages. Try to run first tutorial from jpotts https://ecmarchitect.com/alfresco-developer-series-tutorials/maven-sdk/tutorial/tutorial.html.
You need run Alfresco SDK, create changes, build packages and then deploy them on server (locally or remote). Its not so simple as replacing some files... If you working with old Alfresco 5.1, use old SDK 3.0 and old version of tutorial. If you started with sixth tutorial in Alfresco, it is normal to get lost.

Creating an MSI installer for a C# SCD Deployment (Visual Studio 2019)

I have a .Net Core 3.1 application that I'd like to deploy as a Self Contained (SCD) Deployment using an MSI Installer in Visual Studio 2019...
I have published the project as an SCD Deployment and I can run this on the target machine just fine
However, I've been asked by IT support to provide an MSI installer for the application as .MSI files work well with some of the admin/control applications they have.
So I created a setup project in my solution and selected 'Publish Items' as the Project Output of the setup project and rebuilt it...
The installer seems to run just fine on the target machine but when we try to run the installed application it says that .Net Core is required ...It's as if the installer has ignored the Self Contained aspect and just installed as a regular Framework Dependent Deployment
Is there a way to create an installer that installs an SCD deployment? Have I made a mistake in my thinking?
Many Thanks in advance,
The VS Setup Project template is quite old. Most likely it was not updated to be "aware" of the SCD support so it resorts to extracting the classic output binaries from your project.
There are other free tools that you can use to create an MSI from VS, which give you more options to customize and correctly configure the package.
If you have time and want to learn a new skill, try WiX Toolset. It is very powerful but you will need some time to get started.
If you wanted to get it done quickly and avoid the hassle, use the free VS Extension from Advanced Installer. Its GUI allows you to easily create your setup package and it has native support for .NET Core packaging too. If you follow the steps from the linked tutorial it should create a working package for your application.
Disclaimer: I work on the team building Advanced Installer.

How to use Spring 5.0 in NetBeans 8.2?

When I create a Java Web project in NetBeans and select a Framework, in this case Spring Web MVC, only two options appear:
Version 4.0.1
Version 3.2.7
You can do this in Netbeans:
Download the Spring Framework you need from here
Extract the contents of the archive and copy the contents of the lib directory to your netbeans location e.g /home/stanley/netbeans-8.2/java/modules/ext/spring-(version) e.g 5.1.4
On your netbeans go to Tools > Libraries > New Library
Name your Library as Spring Framework (version) e.g 5.1.4 and add all the jars from the location in 2 above.
Restart your netbeans application.
You should have the new Framework as shown in the diagram below:
The easiest way to create a new spring project is using Spring Initializr. All you need to do is fill in the form, download the project, unzip it and open in NetBeans.
Regardless of a language and IDE, it is usually good idea to create a new project based on a standard build-tool for the language's ecosystem and avoid creating an IDE-specific project. That makes it easier to share the project with people who use a different IDE and switch your IDE in the middle of the project.
There are several build-tools for Java ecosystem but I'd suggest to pay attention to two of them: Maven and Gradle. Those are most widespread and supported by IDEs.
NetBeans supports Maven out of box. It supports Gradle too but in 8.2 you are supposed to install a support plugin for Gradle (from Tools -> Plugins menu).
You can generate a new Maven or Gradle project using NetBeans. Select corresponding menu item when selecting the type of the project.
Then you will have to add the dependencies of the project to its descriptor (pom.xml for Maven or build.gradle for Gradle). See the documentation for the build-tool of your choice to understand how exactly to do that.
Spring provides Spring Initializr service to generate a new project based on spring's libraries. It is the easiest way for a quick start.
Since you are using Netbeans and it supports Maven out of the box, you can get an existing Maven archetype to setup a basic Spring application for you to start from.
Although there isn't any official archetype, there are a lot of really nice 3rd party ones like https://github.com/kolorobot/spring-mvc-quickstart-archetype
The steps to start a new project are quite fast and straight forward (Netbeans 11)
File -> New Project -> Java with Maven -> Project from archetype
In the search filter enter spring-mvc-quickstart-archetype, enter your project details and click Finish

Is Alfresco 4.2.x compatible with Alfresco SDK 3.0.0-beta-4?

I am trying to build a module for Alfresco Share 4.2.2.
According to compatibility matrix Alfresco 4.2.x is only compatible with Maven SDK 1.1.x. However, when I create an amp executing
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=https://artifacts.alfresco.com/nexus/content/groups/public/archetype-catalog.xml -Dfilter=org.alfresco.maven.archetype:
which is indicated here, without asking the SDK version, the amp is built with the version 3.0.0-beta-4.
What is happening? Is there any problem building an amp with 3.0.0-beta-4 for Alfresco 4.2.2? If not, how can I find sdk 1.1.x?
If you're looking for Alfresco Maven SDK 1.1.0 you can find it here
As you can see in this Alfresco Developer Blog post, looking at What's new section, it seems that since Alfresco SDK 3 beta 1 there is
Support for 4.2 (currently Share module requires you to add two
dependencies by hand)
You can also get way more info looking at Alfresco's alfresco-sdk project on Github.
It's possible to create a project for alfresco 4.2 with the SDK 3.
The documentation is in the alfresco 5.2 ducumentation, in the paragraph of the SDK:
Alfresco SDK 3.0 | Alfresco Documentation
and more precisely here:
Switch to using Alfresco version 4.2.x | Alfresco Documentation

Flash Builder 4.5 , J2EE plugin

I need to install the J2EE plugin for my flash builder 4.5 as I am using the blazeDS for my development work. I installed stand alone flash builder 4.5 and java plugin but not able to find any information to install J2EE plugin or Dynamic Web project developement plugin.
Ref: http://blogs.adobe.com/jasonsj/2010/06/java_development_in_flash_builder_4_standalone.html
Please help me if possible.
I recommend you to install Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers and then install Flash Builder plug-in there according to instructions. In reality, it won't create new files in Eclipse folder but creates a link to the Flash Builder installation.
