Implementing custom primitive types in Julia - julia

The Julia documentation says:
A primitive type is a concrete type whose data consists of plain old
bits. Classic examples of primitive types are integers and
floating-point values. Unlike most languages, Julia lets you declare
your own primitive types, rather than providing only a fixed set of
built-in ones. In fact, the standard primitive types are all defined
in the language itself:
I'm unable to find an example of how to do this, though, either in the docs or in the source code or anywhere else. What I'm looking for is an example of how to declare a primitive type, and how to subsequently implement a function or method on that type that works by manipulating those bits.
Is anyone able to point me towards an example? Thanks.
Edit: It's clear how to declare a primitive type, as there are examples immediately below the above quote in the doc. I'm hoping for information about how to subsequently manipulate them. For example, say I wanted to (pointlessly) implement my own primitive type MyInt8. I could declare that with primitive type MyInt8 <: Signed 8 end. But how would I subsequently implement a function myplus that manipulated the bits within Myint8?
PS in case it helps, the reason I'm asking is not because I need to do anything specific in Julia; I'm designing my own language for fun, and am researching how other languages implement various things.

# Declare the new type.
primitive type MyInt8 <: Signed 8 end
# A constructor to create values of the type MyInt8.
MyInt8(x :: Int8) = reinterpret(MyInt8, x)
# A constructor to convert back.
Int8(x :: MyInt8) = reinterpret(Int8, x)
# This allows the REPL to show values of type MyInt8. :: IO, x :: MyInt8) = print(io, Int8(x))
# Declare an operator for the new type.
import Base: +
+ (a :: MyInt8, b :: MyInt8) = MyInt8(Int8(a) + Int8(b))
The key function here is reinterpret. It allows the bit representation of an Int8 to be treated as the new type.
To store a value with a custom bit layout, inside the MyInt8 constructor, you could perform any of the standard bit manipulation functions on the Int8 before 'reinterpreting' them as a MyInt8.


Variant like in C++ for Julia

How can I use use something like variant (which is in C++) in Julia?
In C++, I can do something like this
variant<int, float> value;
How can I do the same thing in Julia for a parameter of a function?
function func(??)
# something
Sorry if it does not convey what I want to do.
You can use union types to do the same.
function func(x::Union{Int, AbstractFloat})
x + 1
Note that C++ std::variant is a tagged union, so you can always ask "which" variant it is, whereas a Julia union is a proper set union. Pragmatically, that means that in std::variant<int, int>, you can distinguish between a "left int" and a "right int", but a Union{Int, Int} really is just an Int. There's no way to tell which "side" it came from. To emulate the exact tagged union behavior, you'll need to make some custom structs to represent each case.
struct LeftInt
value :: Int
struct RightInt
value :: Int
function func(x::Union{LeftInt, RightInt})
# ... Check whether x is a LeftInt or not ...
but, in Julia, you often don't need this, and if you do then it's generally smarter to work with generic functions to do your dispatching anyway.
In Julia, you can just write
function func(value)
# something
and the compiler will then automatically compile for you separate type-specific method of this untyped function whenever you call it with another type.
In Julia, unlike in C++, you usually don't provide a parameter type at all, and you instead let the compiler figure out the types for you. Any parameter types that you provide are just assertions, or help to dispatch to the right method in case you want to provide different implementations for different types yourself.

What is Abstract and Composite Types and how can I use them efficiently? (Julia Language)

Julia programming language has a very strong structure and usage for datatypes. I have read the original documentation of Julia but I didn't understand the 'defining a datatype' part. How can I use the datatype which is defined by me? For example
abstract type newType
datatype(a::newType) = return a
results in
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching datatype(::Int64)
Closest candidates are:
datatype(::newType) at REPL[5]:1```
You're basic problem is that you can not instantiate an abstract type in Julia, only a concrete subtype. For example, you can not make a Number, but instead can make an Int or a Float (which are types of Numbers).

What does the `where {t :< Integer}` mean in the context of a function declaration in Julia?

I have seen the following in other people's code, but I've never written it in my own since I didn't understand what was happening.
As an example:
function add(x::T, y::T) where {T :< Integer}
I am guessing that T is being cast as an Integer and then used to explicitly type x and y. But why not just do x::Int64? Does where {T :< Integer} allow for any Int type like Int32 and Int64?
To expand a little on Oscar's answer:
Using function add(x::T, y::T) where {T :< Integer} allows you to add a parametric method to the function add(x, y). You can read up on this in more detail in the Julia documentation under Parametric Methods.
This comes with two big advantages:
It allows you to define reasonably general methods (since in many cases the exact type of integer would not really affect the function definition). Simultaneously it allows you to restrict the call to x, y pairs of the same type, which can improve type stability and lead to more efficient compiled code.
function add(x::T, y::T) where {T :< Integer} means that the function can be called on any 2 variables who's type is the same subtype of Integer. This includes things like 2 bigInts, but not 1 Int64 and 1 Int32. This is called Diagonal Dispatch, and is a very useful pattern.

Julia: write a union of types using "abstract type"

I am trying to write the following union of types:
FloatVector = Union{Array{Float64,1}, DataArray{Float64,1}, Array{Union{Float64, Missings.Missing},1}};
using the abstract types syntax. Ideally, I would like to do something similar to this link. I tried the below, but unfortunately it does not work:
abstract type FloatVector end
type Array{Float64,1} <: FloatVector end
type DataArray{Float64,1} <: FloatVector end
type Array{Union{Float64, Missings.Missing},1} <: FloatVector end
I am not confident with abstract types and I couldn't find a good reference on a similar problem. I would be glad if you could explain me how to proceed and the advantages over the Union.
It is not possible to do what you want using abstract types in Julia. Union is a way to represent your requirement.
Now to understand why observe that in Julia type system you have three restrictions:
Only abstract types can have subtypes.
A type can have only one supertype.
You have to specify a supertype of a type when defining it.
In this way we know that types create a tree like structure, where the root is Any (with the exception of Union{} which has no values and is subtype of all other types, but you will probably not need this in practice).
Your definition would violate rule #2 and rule #3. Observe that all those types are already defined (either in Base or in a package) - so you cannot redefine them (rule #3). Also they already have a supertype so you cannot add another (rule #2). See for example the result of this call:
julia> supertype(Array{Float64, 1})
And you see that Array{Float64, 1} is already defined and has a supertype.
Having said that maybe another more general definition will be just enough for you:
const FloatOrMissingVector = AbstractVector{<:Union{Float64, Missing}}
This definition has two differences:
It allows other than dense vectors (which I guess is what you would want anyway as typically you do not care if a vector is dense or sparse)
It would allow e.g. Vector{Missing} as a subtype (so a structure containing only missing values) - if you would want to rule this out you would have to specify union as you have proposed above.

How to check if a variable is scalar in julia

I would like to check if a variable is scalar in julia, such as Integer, String, Number, but not AstractArray, Tuple, type, struct, etc. Is there a simple method to do this (i.e. isscalar(x))
The notion of what is, or is not a scalar is under-defined without more context.
Mathematically, a scalar is defined; (Wikipedia)
A scalar is an element of a field which is used to define a vector space.
That is to say, you need to define a vector space, based on a field, before you can determine if something is, or is not a scalar (relative to that vector space.).
For the right vector space, tuples could be a scalar.
Of-course we are not looking for a mathematically rigorous definition.
Just a pragmatic one.
Base it off what Broadcasting considers to be scalar
I suggest that the only meaningful way in which a scalar can be defined in julia, is of the behavior of broadcast.
As of Julia 1:
using Base.Broadcast
isscalar(x::T) where T = isscalar(T)
isscalar(::Type{T}) where T = BroadcastStyle(T) isa Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{0}
See the docs for Broadcast.
In julia 0.7, Scalar is the default. So it is basically anything that doesn't have specific broadcasting behavior, i.e. it knocks out things like array and tuples etc.:
using Base.Broadcast
isscalar(x::T) where T = isscalar(T)
isscalar(::Type{T}) where T = BroadcastStyle(T) isa Broadcast.Scalar
In julia 0.6 this is a bit more messy, but similar:
isscalar(x::T) where T = isscalar(T)
isscalar(::Type{T}) where T = Base.Broadcast._containertype(T)===Any
The advantage of using the methods for Broadcast to determine if something is scalar, over using your own methods, is that anyone making a new type that is going to act in a scalar way must make sure it works with those methods correctly
(or actually nonscalar since scalar is the default.)
Structs are not not scalar
That is to say: sometimes structs are scalar and sometimes they are not and it depends on the struct.
Note however that these methods do not consider struct to be non-scalar.
I think you are mistaken in your desire to.
Julia structs are not (necessarily or usually) a collection type.
Consider that: BigInteger, BigFloat, Complex128 etc etc
are all defined using structs
I was tempted to say that having a start method makes a type nonscalar, but that would be incorrect as start(::Number) is defined.
(This has been debated a few times)
For completeness, I am copying Tasos Papastylianou's answer from the comments to here. If all you want to do is distinguish scalars from arrays you can use:
isa(x, Number)
This will output true if x is a Number (like a float or an int), and output false if x is an Array (vector, matrix, etc.)
I found myself needing to capture the notion of if something was scalar or not recently in MultiResolutionIterators.jl.
I found the boardcasting based rules from the other answer,
did not meet my needs.
In particular I wanted to consider strings as nonscalar.
I defined a trait,
bases on method_exists(start, (T,)),
with some exceptions as mentioned e.g. for Number.
abstract type Scalarness end
struct Scalar <: Scalarness end
struct NotScalar <: Scalarness end
isscalar(::Type{Any}) = NotScalar() # if we don't know the type we can't really know if scalar or not
isscalar(::Type{<:AbstractString}) = NotScalar() # We consider strings to be nonscalar
isscalar(::Type{<:Number}) = Scalar() # We consider Numbers to be scalar
isscalar(::Type{Char}) = Scalar() # We consider Sharacter to be scalar
isscalar(::Type{T}) where T = method_exists(start, (T,)) ? NotScalar() : Scalar()
Something similar is also done by AbstractTrees.jl
isscalar(x) == applicable(start, x) && !isa(x, Integer) && !isa(x, Char) && !isa(x, Task)
