SQLite: updating column from another table - sqlite

I have a old table and a new table. what i need is to copy the uuId of the old table to the new Table.
im following some answers from other references but i can`t get the ideal answer.
the closest answer i found is this:
update table1
set table1.uuid =
(select table2.uuid from table2 where table1.itemDescription = table2.itemDescription)
when i execute this query, it only saves the 1st found uuid of the old table to all the entry in the new Table.
Sample Table2 (old table):
Sample Table1 (new Table):
Desired Output:
what happens:

In SQLite, you must not use the table name in the SET clause:
update table1
set uuid =
(select table2.uuid from table2 where table1.itemDescription = table2.itemDescription);

Try like this :
UPDATE table1
SET table1.uuid = table2.uuid
FROM table2 WHERE table1.itemDescription = table2.itemDescription
No need for subquery, otherwise you need to link item description in outer query also


Remove duplicate records from mysql table

I am trying to delete some duplicate records from mysql table but it was not working.
I am taking help of https://www.javatpoint.com/mysql-delete-duplicate-records
If I will try with example database which is given example it was working fine.
But in my table it was not working.
DELETE S1 FROM employee_attendance AS S1 INNER JOIN employee_attendance AS S2 WHERE S1.DbKey < S2.DbKey AND S1.DivisionDbKey = S2.DivisionDbKey AND S1.Date = S2.Date AND S1.Month = S2.Month AND S1.FinancialYearDbKey = S2.FinancialYearDbKey AND S1.EmployeeDbKey = S2.EmployeeDbKey AND S1.Attendance = S2.Attendance AND S1.InTime = S2.InTime AND S1.OutTime = S2.OutTime AND S1.EmployeeDbKey = 6798 AND S1.Month = '05' AND S1.FinancialYearDbKey = 5;
I am getting error
#1205 - Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
I have tried with another example https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/sql-query-to-delete-duplicate-rows/
DELETE FROM employee_attendance WHERE DbKey NOT IN (SELECT MAX(DbKey) FROM employee_attendance WHERE EmployeeDbKey = 6798 AND Month = '05' AND FinancialYearDbKey = '5' GROUP BY DivisionDbKey,Date,Month,FinancialYearDbKey,EmployeeDbKey,Attendance,InTime,OutTime)
I am getting same error.
#1205 - Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
Any suggestion will be appriciated. Thank you.
I personally think this is a bad practice. You should instead make a (empty) duplicate of the table employee_attendance then define a UNIQUE KEY on that new table that will prevent duplicate entries.
Consider these steps:
Create a duplicate table:
CREATE TABLE employee_attendance_new LIKE employee_attendance;
Add UNIQUE INDEX - now, this is just a simple example. You can add or reduce columns to the unique index but make sure that you drop the existing unique index first then only you re-create:
ALTER TABLE employee_attendance_new
ADD UNIQUE INDEX unq_idx(EmployeeDbKey, date, InTime, OutTime);
Insert the data into the new table using INSERT IGNORE..:
INSERT IGNORE INTO employee_attendance_new
SELECT * FROM employee_attendance;
Check and compare both table. If you're satisfied with the result, rename those tables:
RENAME TABLE employee_attendance TO employee_attendance_old;
RENAME TABLE employee_attendance_new TO employee_attendance;
Now you have the new table with no duplicates and the old table for reference or in case there are some data you need from it.
Fiddle example

How can I UPDATE table using condition WHERE from another table in SQLite

I'm working with SQLite and I have two tables:
table1 table2
------------- --------------
id id
value condition
Column "id" contains the same data. And I need to:
UPDATE table1
SET table1.value = 'Some value'
WHERE table2.condition = 'Some condition"
I tried to use JOIN and FROM for linking tables with "id" column, but this isn`t working in SQLite. Please help with syntax.
You need a correlated subquery in the update, something like this:
UPDATE table1
SET value = 'Some value'
WHERE t2.id = table1.id AND
t2.condition = 'Some condition');
Method 1 : Considering the two tables you have are "Table1" and "Table2", Updating Table1 can be done using a nested Select statement in which you will be selecting the data you need to update from Table2. For example:
SET StudentID =
FROM Table2 t
WHERE StudentID = RegNo
You can have a look on this link which solves a similar question : https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/206317/update-values-in-one-table-from-data-in-another
Method 2 : You can use a table join. Refer the same link given above.

Update row with value from next row sqlite

I have the following columns in a SQLite DB.
1,2016-10-18 20:20:54.733,SourceA,Dow,1.09812,1.0982,
2,2016-10-18 20:20:55.093,SourceB,Oil,7010.5,7011.5,
3,2016-10-18 20:20:55.149,SourceA,Dow,18159.0,18161.0,
How can I populate the 'next timestamp' column (nextts) with the next timestamp for the same product (ts), from the same source? I've been trying the following, but I can't seem to put a subquery in an UPDATE statement.
UPDATE TEST a SET nextts = (select ts
from TEST b
where b.id> a.id and a.origin = b.origin and a.product = b.product
order by id asc limit 1);
If I call this, I can display it, but I haven't found a way of updating the value yet.
select a.*,
(select ts
from TEST b
where b.id> a.id and a.origin = b.origin and a.product = b.product
order by id asc limit 1) as nextts
from TEST a
order by origin, a.id;
The problem is that you're using table alias for table in UPDATE statement, which is not allowed. You can skip alias from there and use unaliased (but table-name prefixed) reference to its columns (while keeping aliased references for the SELECT), like this:
SET nextts = (
WHERE b.id > TEST.id AND
TEST.origin = b.origin AND
TEST.product = b.product
Prefixing unaliased column references with the table name is necessary for SQLite to identify that you're referencing to unaliased table. Otherwise the id column whould be understood as the id from the closest[*] possible data source, in which case it's the aliased table (as b alias), while we're interested in the unaliased table, therefore we need to explicitly tell SQLite that.
[*] Closest data source is the one listed in the same query, or parent query, or parent's parent query, etc. SQLite is looking for the first data source (going from inner part to the outside) in the query hierarchy that defines this column.

Update statement for a list of strings

I'm using sqlite3 and my table has a text field that actually has a list of strings.
So a sample select (select * from table where id=1) would return for example
1|foo#bar.com|21-03-2015|["foo", "bar", "foobar"]
I couldn't figure out how the sqlite statement for updating the list is though. I tried
update table set list="["foo", "bar"] where id=1;
update table set list=["foo", "bar"] where id=1;
update table set list="\["foo", "bar"\]" where id=1;
update table set list=(value) where id=1 VALUES (["foo", "bar"])
This is the statement you need:
UPDATE table SET list = '[\"foo\", \"bar\"]' WHERE id = 1

SQL update based on column in other table

Using SQLite, I am trying to update three columns based on another table (two columns)
The three columns are (Table1):
The other table (Table2) consists of 'AgentID' and 'Designation'.
If the ID in one of the three columns matches the 'AgentID' in the second table, I want the 'Designation' value to populate. This table is a list of ALL unique IDs and the corresponding designation. Each row of data has a Creator, Owner, and Sender. I need to see what designation that person is from.
In Access, this would look something like this for the first value. I would also need to add the other two values.
LEFT JOIN Table2 ON Table1.AgentCreatedID = Table2.AgentID
SET raw.AgentCreatedID = [ Table2 ]![ Designation];
I am not sure what that ! command is or how it could be used in SQLite.
SQLite does not suport joins in an UPDATE statement.
You have to look up the new value with correlated subqueries:
SET AgentCreatedID = (SELECT Designation
FROM Table2
WHERE AgentID = AgentCreatedID),
AgentOwnedID = (SELECT Designation
FROM Table2
WHERE AgentID = AgentOwnedID),
AgentSentID = (SELECT Designation
FROM Table2
WHERE AgentID = AgentSentID)
The exclamation mark is used to separate the worksheet name from the reference in that worksheet. Here is Microsoft's explanation of cell references.
Now that you know what [ Table2 ]![Designatio] means, you can simplify it to use only the column name.
