Comparing AIC for different types of models (beta and normal) - r

I have responses which are proportions mainly centered around 0.6-0.7, and not many of them are close to 0 or 1. I have tried fitting both normal and beta models, and the normal models yield lower AIC than the beta models. I use the lm package for fitting the normal model, and betareg for the beta model.
But I wonder it if it really possible to compare AIC values for different model types like that? I do of course use the same response variables and the same data for both regressions.
Note: I tried to read about Kullback-Leibler divergence here: (name: The AIC Criterion and Symmetrizing the Kullback–Leibler Divergence), but got confused by this sentence on page two: "It is also assumed as in [12] that the search is carried out in a parametric family of distribution including the true model.", where [12] refers to Akaikes article from 1974. Does this imply that I cannot compare the AIC from a beta and a normal model, as the true model cannot be both beta and normal?
Note 2: I tried to logit-transform the responses and then fit a normal model, but that just made the residual plots look worse.


Justifying need for zero-inflated model in GLMMs

I am using GLMMs in R to examine the influence of continuous predictor variables (x) on biological counts variable (y). My response variables (n=5) each have a high number of zeros (data distribution), so I have tested the fit of various distributions (genpois, poisson, nbinom1, nbinom2, zip, zinb1, zinb2) and selected the best fit one according to the lowest AIC/LogLik value.
According to this selection criteria, three of my response variables with the highest number of zeros are best fit to the zero inflated negative binomial (zinb2) distribution. Compared to the regular NB distribution (non-zero inflated), the delta AIC is between 30-150.
My question is: must I use the ZI models for these variables considering the dAIC? I have received advice from a statistician that if dAIC is small enough between the ZI and non-ZI model, use the non-ZI model even if it is marginally worse fit since ZI models involve much more complicated modelling & interpretation. The distribution matters in this case because ZINB / NB models select a different combination of top candidate models when testing my predictors.
Thank you for any clarification!

Converting scaled and centered estimates to unstandardized estimates in R

I am using the glmmTMB package in R to run a logistic regression glm model with fixed and random effects (random intercepts and slopes). For some background, I have 5 fixed covariates, one of which includes a quadratic (so really 6 fixed effects) and I am including random slopes for each of those 6 covariates. Prior to running my model, I have scaled and centered each covariate (using the scale function) and checked for correlation between covariates (other than the quadratic, correlation < 0.6). I would like to convert the estimates from the model (which are standardized) to unstandardized estimates because I need to create a predictive map in ArcGIS, which have unstandardized rasters. For obtaining unstandardized estimates for use in ArcGIS, I have tried running my model with the raw data (i.e. skipping the scale and center code) but I believe I am running into convergence issues because even though it runs without warnings, the estimates have large standard errors (10-100x larger than the estimate) and the relationship of the estimate (+ or -) flips between the standardized and unstandardized runs. I have found similar posts such as this, this, and this but I don't think they are exactly my issue, or I am not understanding the math in the solutions. Advice would be very much appreciated.

R vs. SPSS mixed model repeated measures code [from Cross Validated]

NOTE: This question was originally posted on Cross Validated, where it was suggested that it should be asked in StackOverflow instead.
I am trying to model a 3-way repeated measures experiment, FixedFactorA * FixedFactorB * Time[days]. There are no missing observations, but my groups (FactorA * FactorB) are unequal (close, but not completely balanced). From reading online, the best way to model a repeated measures experiment in which observation order matters (due to the response mean and variance changing in a time-dependent way) and for unequal groups is to use a mixed model and specify an appropriate covariance structure. However, I am new to the idea of mixed models and I am confused as to whether I am using the correct syntax to model what I am trying to model.
I would like to do a full factorial analysis, such that I could detect significant time * factor interactions. For example, for subjects with FactorA = 1, their responses over time might have a different slope and/or intercept than subjects with FactorA =2. I also want to be able to check whether certain combinations of FactorA and FactorB have significantly different responses over time (hence the full three-way interaction term).
From reading online, it seems like AR1 is a reasonable covariance structure for longitudinal-like data, so I decided to try that. Also, I saw that one is supposed to use ML if one plans to compare two different models, so I chose that approach in anticipation of needing to fine-tune the model. It is also my understanding that the goal is to minimize the AIC during model selection.
This is the code in the log for what I tried in SPSS (for long-form data), which yielded an AIC of 2471:
/FIXED=FactorA FactorB Day FactorA*FactorB FactorA*Day FactorB*Day FactorA*FactorB*Day | SSTYPE(3)
This is what I tried in R, which yielded an AIC of 2156:
#output error fix:
ctrl <- lmeControl(opt='optim') #I used this b/c otherwise I get the iteration limit reached error
fit1 <- lme(RESPONSE ~ Day*FactorA*FactorB, random = ~ Day|Subject_ID, control=ctrl,
correlation=corAR1(form=~Day), data, method="ML")
These are my questions:
The SPSS code above yielded a model with AIC = 2471, while the R code yielded a model with AIC = 2156. What is it about the codes that makes the models different?
From what I described above, are either of these models appropriate for what I am trying to test? If not, what would be a better way, and how would I do it in both programs to get the same results?
Another thing to note is that I didn't dummy-code my factors. I don't know if this is a problem for either software, or if the built-in coding is different in SPSS vs R. I also don't know if this will be a problem for my three-way interaction term.
Also, when I say "factor", I mean an unchanging group or characteristic (like "sex").
Start with an unconditional model, one with an identity variance-covariance structure at level-1 and one with an AR(1) var-covar structure at level 1:
unconditional.identity<-lme(RESPONSE~Day, random=~Day|Subject_ID, data=data, method='ML')
unconditional.ar1<-lme(RESPONSE~Day, random=~Day|Subject_ID, correlation=corAR1(form=~Day), data=data, method='ML')
Find the intra-class correlation coefficient of this unconditional model, which is the level-2 error divided by the sum of level-1 and level-2 errors. This is probably easier in a spreadsheet program, but in R:
It depends on your field, but in educational research, an ICC below 0.2, definitely below 0.1, is considered not ready for hierarchical linear models. That is to say, multiple regression would be better because the assumption of independence is confirmed. If your ICC is below a cutoff for your field, then do not use a hierarchical longitudinal model.
If your ICC is acceptable for hierarchical linear models, then add in your control grouping variable with identity and AR(1) var-covar matrix:
conditional1.identity<-lme(RESPONSE~Day+Group, random=~Day+Group|Subject_ID, data=data, method='ML')
conditional1.ar1<-lme(RESPONSE~Day+Group, random=~Day+Group|Subject_ID, correlation=corAR1(form=~Day), data=data, method='ML')
If your factors are time-invariant (which you said on Cross Validated), then your model gets bigger because time and group are nested in these fixed effects:
conditional2.identity<-lme(RESPONSE~Day+Group+FactorA+FactorB+FactorA*Day+FactorB*Day+FactorA*Group+FactorB*Group+FactorB, random=~Day+Group|Subject_ID, data=data, method='ML')
conditional2.ar1<-lme(Day+Group+FactorA+FactorB+FactorA*Day+FactorB*Day+FactorA*Group+FactorB*Group+FactorB, random=~Day+Group|Subject_ID, correlation=corAR1(form=~Day), data=data, method='ML')
You can get confidence intervals on the coefficients with intervals() or p-values with summary(). Remember, lme reports error terms in standard deviation format.
I do not know your area of study, so I can't say if your three-way interaction effect makes theoretical sense. But your model is getting quite dense at this point. The more parameters you estimate, the more degrees of freedom the model has when you compare them, so the statistical significance will be biased. If you are really interested in a three-way interaction effect, I suggest you consider the theoretical meaning of such an interaction and what it would mean if such an interaction did occur. Nonetheless, you can estimate it by adding it to the code above:
conditional3.identity<-lme(RESPONSE~Day+Group+FactorA+FactorB+FactorA*Day+FactorB*Day+FactorA*Group+FactorB*Group+FactorB+Day*FactorA*FactorB, random=~Day+Group|Subject_ID, data=data, method='ML')
conditional3.ar1<-lme(Day+Group+FactorA+FactorB+FactorA*Day+FactorB*Day+FactorA*Group+FactorB*Group+FactorB+Day*FactorA*FactorB, random=~Day+Group|Subject_ID, correlation=corAR1(form=~Day), data=data, method='ML')
Finally, compare the nested models:
Like I said, the more parameters you estimate, the more biased your statistical significance will be: i.e., more parameters = more degrees of freedom = less chance of a statistically significant model.
HOWEVER, the best part about multi-level models is comparing effect sizes, so then you don't have to worry about p-values at all. Effect sizes are in the form of a "proportional reduction in variance explained."
This is comparing models. For example, to comapre the proportional reduction in variance explained in level 1 from the unconditional model to the conditional1 model:
(intervals(unconditional.identity)$sigma[2]^2 - intervals(conditional1.identity)$sigma[2]^2) / intervals(unconditional.identity)$sigma[2]^2
Hopefully you can "plug and play" the same code for the number of level-2 error terms you have (which is more than one in some of your cases). Make sure to compare only nested models in this way.

Can I test autocorrelation from the generalized least squares model?

I am trying to use a generalized least square model (gls in R) on my panel data to deal with autocorrelation problem.
I do not want to have any lags for any variables.
I am trying to use Durbin-Watson test (dwtest in R) to check the autocorrelation problem from my generalized least square model (gls).
However, I find that the dwtest is not applicable over gls function while it is applicable to other functions such as lm.
Is there a way to check the autocorrelation problem from my gls model?
Durbin-Watson test is designed to check for presence of autocorrelation in standard least-squares models (such as one fitted by lm). If autocorrelation is detected, one can then capture it explicitly in the model using, for example, generalized least squares (gls in R). My understanding is that Durbin-Watson is not appropriate to then test for "goodness of fit" in the resulting models, as gls residuals may no longer follow the same distribution as residuals from the standard lm model. (Somebody with deeper knowledge of statistics should correct me, if I'm wrong).
With that said, function durbinWatsonTest from the car package will accept arbitrary residuals and return the associated test statistic. You can therefore do something like this:
v <- gls( ... )$residuals
attr(v,"std") <- NULL # get rid of the additional attribute
car::durbinWatsonTest( v )
Note that durbinWatsonTest will compute p-values only for lm models (likely due to the considerations described above), but you can estimate them empirically by permuting your data / residuals.

How to report overall results of an nlme mixed effects model

I want to report the results of an one factorial lme from the nlme package. I want to know the overall effect of A on y. To do so I would compare the model with a Null model:
m1 <- lme(y~A,random=~1|B/C,data=data,weights=varIdent(form = ~1|A),method="ML")
m0 <- lme(y~1,random=~1|B/C,data=data,weights=varIdent(form = ~1|A),method="ML")
I am using maximum likelihood because I am comparing models with different main effects.
stats::anova(m0,m1) gives me a significant p value, meaning that there is a significant effect of A on y. However, in contrast to lmer models made with lme4, no Chi2 values are given. First: Is this approach valid? And second: What is the best way to report the result?
Thanks for your answers
An anova with lme should give you the same information as with lmer. Both use what's called a deviance test or likelihood ratio test. The L.ratio part in the table returned by anova is simply the difference in the loglikelihood of the two models multiplied by -2. A deviance test tests this value against a Chi2 distribution with the difference in model parameters (in your case 1) degrees of freedom. So the value reported under L.ratio for lme models is the same as the Chi2 value reported for lmer models (assuming the models are the same of course, and lmer rounds the value to a decimal).
The approach is valid and you could report the value under L.ratio along with the degrees of freedom and p-value, but I would add more information in your report such as the fixed and random coefficients of both models and other parameters that you've added (such as the difference in variance for levels of A specified under weights). If you're only interested in the fixed effect of A than a Wald test should also be appropriate though REML estimates are recommended in cases with a small number of groups (Snijders & Bosker, 2012). The test statistic is the t-value and associated p-value in the model summary output summary(m1). Chapter 6 in Snijders & Bosker (2012) gives a great explanation on tests for fixed and random parameters. Along with reporting examples.
