nginx rewrite version assets - nginx

Help me please. I use nginx and my problem with rewrite.
I have in html code this link
123 - it`s version of assets
How i can rewrite this path? to
I try rule but not work
location ~ /assets/(.*)$ {
rewrite "/[0-9]{3}" /assets/$1 break;

You need to capture both parts of the URI, before and after the sequence you wish to delete.
rewrite "^(.*/assets/)[0-9]{3}/(.*)$" $1$2 last;
It is not necessary to place it inside a regular expression location block.


nginx rewrite subfolder and file extension from the url

This is my scenario
should be rewritten to
i.e I want to remove a URL part (remove in this case) and the file extension .html
so far I've come with this
location /remove {
rewrite ^/remove(/.*)$ $1 last;
but it's not working
got remove part solved by
rewrite ^/remove/(.*)$$1 last;
now just need the file extension removal only
Your regular expression is capturing everything after the /remove part. You need to take the suffix out of the capture.
rewrite ^/remove(/.*)\.html$ $1 permanent;
See this document for details. Also, note use of the appropriate flag.

Nginx rewrite rule: Add subfolder to URI if not there

Hello I'm trying to write a Nginx rewrite rule that adds a subdirectory to my URL if it's missing. For example, I need to be re-written (and redirected) to Can't seem to find the proper example to do this.
You can use a rewrite directive, but an exact match location block is most efficient:
location = / {
return 301 /legacy-app;
See this document for more.
We ended up using this:
rewrite ^/$ /legacy-app/ last;

Rewrite a URL in nginx without redirecting

I'm trying to create a rewrite with nginx that will change the displayed URL without actually redirecting to it. EG: would become I've been working with different variations of this code with in my nginx.conf:
location ~ /example {
rewrite ^/example/(.*) /folder/$1 last;
but that doesn't seem to be doing the trick. Any ideas where I'm going wrong here? I'll admit I'm still pretty new to server-side rewrites in general.
Try this:
location ~ /example {
rewrite ^/example/(.*) /folder/$1 break;
use break.
Try this. It isn't necessary to place it under the location block, and don't forget to reload nginx.
rewrite ^/example/(.+)$ /folder/$1 last;

proxy_pass in nginx to publish webapp under a different directory

I have this location element:
location ~* ^/publicapp {
proxy_pass https://myserver.domain.local;
The server myserver.domain.local hosts a web application located under /myapp.
I want to make it publicly available via How do I tell nginx to translate /myapp to /publicapp?
Please keep in mind that I use ~* to allow case-insensitivity. Thus, I cannot use a URI with proxy_pass.
Kind regards,
Try this:
location ~* /publicapp/ {
rewrite ^/publicapp/(.*)$ /myapp/$1 break;
proxy_pass https://myserver.domain.local;
This will rewrite your path and use new one at the .local server.
It works using
rewrite ^/publicapp/(.*) /myapp/$1 break;
At least it does with my very simple application.
Now I have to figure out how to do proper link translation (sorry for using ISA Server/TMG terms, don't know if it's the same in nginx).
Thanks to pythagor :-)
Works only if I keep a trailing slash after the url in the browser (
another edit:
To make sure URLs end with a slash:
rewrite ^([^.]*[^/])$ $1/ permanent;
Taken from: here (first answer)

nginx rewrite rule to prepend something to a url

I want to rewrite all my JPG file URLs using mobify CDN. For that, all I have to do is prepend the URL to my existing URL. So for example, if I have the URL then the user has to be redirected to
I wrote the following code in my nginx config. I tested the regexs at regexlib and they seem to be fine.Still do not understand what is wrong with my config. Please help.
location ~ \.jpg$
rewrite ^http://(.*).jpg$$uri last;
Try this ...
location ~ \.jpg$ {
return 301$request_uri;
